Quote Originally Posted by Sihing73 View Post
Where are yours???

It would seem that the empirical evidence does not support your claims.

Is this a clip of your training??
I do not see any "techniques" or 1:1 applications so I immediately thought of you


This video would seem to show that when one has faith in an unrealistic method it often fails.


Sorry, I am positing this in fun but hope it is understandable.

After all, according to you, the forms do not teach any applications.
In a fight you do not use any of the techniques from the form.
You ask others for videos but you don't show any of you doing anything.

I gotta admit that at first I thought we could actually get past differences and have a conversation.
Then more of the same non answers and obvious attitude of superiority.
Now I am just bored and laughing at how silly you sound.

Too bad there is no one training near where I live.
I would love to see this approach in person.
Would like to see how one fights without applications.
I somehow feel it would be like the first video.
Well hey, jackazz, the one not engaging in serious conversation here between the two of us is you.

I don't care about Frost's videos. I was mocking him, because none of the "evidence" he demands from others is forthcoming from himself.