Thanks for this... but I can't get the video to work. Is it up at your end? (I might just need to spoof my location)

Quote Originally Posted by Jimbo View Post
Hi, rett2.

Nice posts. Yes, Whisper of the Heart is a good one. As you're probably aware, the follow-up to it, The Cat Returns, is also good, but more comedic.

A bit of trivia:
The female co-main character in Makoto Shinkai's earlier work, The Garden of Words, Yukari Yukino, also makes a brief appearance in Your Name as Mitsuha's teacher. I like the fact that Shinkai is incorporating some crossover in his movie universe.

I normally don't like current pop music, but somehow I like this opening theme to Your Name, and even Radwimps' three other vocal tracks in the movie; they fit into and enhance the movie so well.

Yumetourou/Dream Lantern