Disney Sets Release for Ridley Scott's 'Last Duel,' Pushes 'King's Man' Back 7 Months
NOVEMBER 15, 2019 4:31PM by Aaron Couch

Ridley Scott | Karwai Tang/WireImage

Matthew Vaughn's prequel will now open Sept. 18, 2020, while five mystery Marvel Studios films are now on the calendar.
Disney on Friday unveiled a slew of calendar additions and changes, which include a date for Ridley Scott's The Last Duel, five untitled Marvel Studios projects and a delay for The King's Man.

The Last Duel, from Fox, is set for a limited release on Dec. 25, 2020, and will get a wide release on Jan. 8, 2021. Matt Damon, Adam Driver and Jodie Comer have leading roles in the film, with Ben Affleck on board in a supporting capacity. Last Duel recounts the real-life revenge drama surrounding the last legally sanctioned duel in France and is based on Eric Jager's book.

Disney also revealed Fox's The King's Man will be hitting theaters later than expected and will now bow Sept. 18, 2020, seven months later than its previous date of Feb. 14. Mathew Vaughn is directing the Ralph Fiennes-led film, which is a prequel to his two Kingsman movies and looks at the origins of the world's first independent intelligence agency. The pic follows a collection of history's worst tyrants and criminal masterminds as they gather to plot a war to wipe out millions.

Meanwhile, Fox's Deep Water, starring Ben Affleck and based on the Patricia Highsmith novel, is set to open Nov. 13, 2020.

Disney also has set dates for five untitled Marvel movies, which are slated for Oct. 7, 2022; Feb. 17, 2023; May 5, 2023; July 28, 2023; and Nov. 3, 2023. If nothing changes, that means there will be four Marvel Studios films released in 2022 and four released in 2023, as the studio previously set May 6, 2022, for Black Panther 2 and has reserved Feb. 18, 2022, and July 29, 2022, for untitled Marvel projects.

Marvel already has an expansive slate of films and Disney+ series set from 2020 to 2022, and there are a number of projects known to be in development that do not yet have release dates that could be slotted into these mystery spots. James Gunn's Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 and Peyton Reed's Ant-Man 3 are among those projects, and Marvel Studios boss Kevin Feige has also confirmed the studio is planning to introduce The Fantastic Four and the X-Men into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Meanwhile, Ryan Reynolds, star of the Deadpool franchise, met with the studio last month, while Marvel has tapped Mahershala Ali to play Blade in some capacity, though it's unclear if he will be getting a solo film.

Other changes Disney made to its calendar include moving the Fox animated movie Ron's Gone Wrong back three months to Feb. 26, 2021, and pushing the Fox animated graphic novel adaptation Nimona back 1o months to Jan. 14, 2022.
Shoot. Our new WINTER 2020 issue just hit newsstands with the old King's Man premiere date. Now you see why I've moved the bulk of media coverage here to the web. It's hard to cover with a quarterly.