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Thread: Karate

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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Originally posted by sweaty_dog

    I don't think longevity is any guarantee of effectiveness. There are people in the jungle who've been killing each other with spears for hundreds of years, that doesn't make a spear better than a gun. I respect the shidokan and kyukoshin guys because they step up and fight, they risk their reputations even if it is in a "padded ring" (I love the way people think getting in the ring with a professional fighter for 12 rounds is somehow a soft option). I'm prepared to believe that there might be some great traditional karate styles out there but really, everyone thinks their own style is the best, it'll take more than one post to convince anyone. For what it's worth, BJJ and wrestling still dominate MMA competition... that's where they are. Maybe they are losing out there on the glass covered streets to gangs of rogue traditional karateka, but in competition they seem to do OK.
    When you are old and crippled from MMAs training how you gonna oprotect yourself from that carjacker at the red light? Longevity is EVERYTHING. I'll kick a world class wrestlers ass when he's 70 and I'm 70, 'cause I'll be healthy and he'll be broke up.

    No they aren't losing on glass covered streets, but try that BS on concrete and get broke down or a major case of road rash. Real Karate is for fighting only. Kumite is a new invention. Sparring is for folks that are sporty. Sport is not life no matter what the media and western culture tells you. I'm sure GJJ guys and Boxers and the like can take care of themselves in the street, but if you're suffering from the effects of a concussion or torn ACL how you gonna protect you and yours for Joe Mugger? That is the intent of real MAs. No frills, flash and dash or fireworks. No ref whatsoever except for your conscience or lack thereof.

    Unless you train in MMAs standup and ground, 6 hours everyday, you'll never be good enough to win those cherished competitions. Most cats are average, and without natural ability, speed and strength, couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag (sorry for the cliche). This is regardless of whether or not they do Shaolin Do or Muay Thai. Just 'cause you practice your jumpshot everyday from the time you are 20 years old 'til you are 50 doesn't mean you'll be a Steve Kerr caliber outside shooter. Are you getting my gist? None of you will EVER be Gracie caliber. And even they get beat...

    Shidokan is cool, but K1 really sucks. Bad. I have no respect for a fighting game that showcases (almost exclusively) 200+ lb. beefy boys. Karate is for the meek and weak. Those guys don't need any MAs they just need a little practice in kicking and punching, and some steroids. After all that is what karate is about!

    Changing programmed minds is impossible. Take the Jews and Muslims for example. How can one ever "feel" the other, unless they learn empathy? In order to have empathy you'd have to have been there and done that. Try getting a Hindi to eat a juicy steak. See what I'm saying? It's what you know, not what you don't know that dictates your reality. I know both sides of the fence.

    I sponsored a Caique JJ seminar in Texas a couple of years back (check the KFO archives for verification if you don't believe me). I know Ryron and Renner personally (homies) and have trained privates at Gracie Torrance. Those guys aren't anyone on here. Not even 7* and Merryprankster could hold a candle to them in the grappling arena. They respect who I am and what I do, and they do think there are good styles of karate out there. They have told me so after meeting me and "feeling" me.

    So I won't change your mind and you can't change mine fo' sheez'. I know things a lot of cats don't. I can tell by their responses on KFO, the Unda'ground and ebudo--- Nathan--- just bandwagoneers (like those who jock the Lakers without looking at the fact that they are a 2 man team). Without one clue. What some people know might hurt you. Please believe that.

    Oh yeah... Go Spurs, Go!!!
    Last edited by 'MegaPoint; 06-23-2003 at 09:33 PM.
    The morrow beckons...

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