Originally posted by SevenStar
I've been meaning to go check out some classes, but the only people that teach it here are with the sca, and I kinda question what the quality would be... I can't pass judgement till I go check them out though, I suppose.
There's a lot of quality fencers in the SCA, but the period fencing isn't as entrenched in the organization as the stick combat is, so it's not as obvious who the best people are. It's certainly possible that there'll be very good instruction, though.

Originally posted by Oso
Seven, I'd be worried about more then authenticity with the SCA folks. If you think TCMA folks think their shiat don't stink don't get to talking to a SCA guy that thinks his mock combat IS combat.

Regional peculiarities aside, there are *******s in the SCA just like there are in TCMA and MMA.

SCA rec combat isn't /real/ weapon fighting, but it's likely as close as one can come without strapping on an actual claidhmore - and there's a lot of crossover with 'real' stickfighting.

Originally posted by apoweyn

Just bear in mind that the footwork in competitive fencing also runs contrary to the advice that you'd receive from most boxing coaches and the like. In fencing, you can't really move from side to side very much. You advance and retreat on a single line.

But you get very good at it.
That is one advantage of learning SCA-style period fencing rather than competitive fencing, for someone who is also doing other martial arts - period style allows lateral movement, which means you're not picking up conflicting habits as much.