Like you, for example, in your constant bashing of boxing, wrestling, and jiu jitsu, all of which you clearly know very little or nothing about.
says the out of shape pimple faced smart@ss who doesn't do anything but maybe drink too much, smoke to much, take to many drugs and the only thing they've thrown out is a bowling ball. lol

dude, my juvenile boxing record is 32-2-4

I wrestled for Both high schools I attended.

I totally like jujitsu and look forward to learning more about it.

You see, you and your ilk just talk out your @sses. All you are doing is trolling I know. Because you are a troll. Well, that is just fine with me, I am comfy in the martial arts I do. Are you comfortable in knowing that you aren't doing enough of anything to qualify as much more than a troll?

fatherdog, perhaps you do father dogs

lol, that is basically what we refer to someone who is in all actuality a "do- nothing" in the parts I come from.

Anyway, come on up for the meet in may if ya gotr the guts, we'll give ya a taste of boxing wrestling and even a little kungfu. I extend the invitation to anyone here.

Good clean fun, three days of exchanges and martial arts. Toronto at the beaches, may 22, 23,24 kew gardens, rain or shine. I hope to see some of you there.