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Thread: MTV2's FINAL FU

  1. #106
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    the Temple
    Hello Gene,
    What no article or even a review of the show Girl Fight man that show was a trillion times better than Final Fu
    It seems Master Toddy from Vegas now once a well respected Muy Tai fighter trained female fighters here in the U.S. then took them back to Thailand to fight some female tai fighters and won so now he is on the outs in Thailand. So the show has him now selecting among 7 candidates 3 more women to take back to Thailand to fight again. It was a good show won't spoil the outcome for you though gotta watch it yourself.
    Tony Jacobs

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  2. #107
    Join Date
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Girl Fight didn't contact us

    I'm still open to doing something with them, but for any show like this, anything concerning media publicity, they usually contact us. Haven't heard a peep from Girl Fight. Too bad really, because it does seem a lot more interesting.

    And you should see the list of stuff we turn down. Yikes!!!
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  3. #108
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Hobart Tasmania - Australia

    MTV - Final Fu

    I may be slow off the mark here but has anyone seen this tv show on MTV ?

    I saw it for the first time on the weekend and could not beleive how bad it was

    Things take a while to filter through to Australia....

  4. #109
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Looking for the Iron Monkey
    Yes, there's been a pretty long discussion about it. I'd say pretty much everyone agrees with you. However, it is adictive. It's pretty entertaining.

    The best part for me was when that dude Matt got punched in the throat. Pretty funny.
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  5. #110
    Join Date
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    Hobart Tasmania - Australia
    I just could not get past the terrible kicks, I saw one person only kick with their right leg for the entire length of a fight

    The show said some of the participants were 3rd degree taekwondont guys - man what a worry!

    I loved the Hung Gar guy who got kicked out for excessive force

    Who is the host though?
    Last edited by Blacktiger; 09-03-2006 at 05:53 PM. Reason: forgot something

  6. #111
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    thats ernie reyes jr. former ninja turtle and star of great films such as surf ninjas. he is a tkd guy. but as i have said in the other threads about the show he is the most entertaining part of the show. watch him during the fights. hes like a little philipino leprachaun.

  7. #112
    Join Date
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    Central Florida
    Quote Originally Posted by Blacktiger View Post
    I just could not get past the terrible kicks, I saw one person only kick with their right leg for the entire length of a fight
    Two words - Bill Wallace

  8. #113
    cjurakpt Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Yao Sing View Post
    Two words - Bill Wallace
    the only reason Wallace kicks with one leg is that he blew out his knee and can't bear weight on that side...

  9. #114
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Central Florida
    Quote Originally Posted by cjurakpt View Post
    the only reason Wallace kicks with one leg is that he blew out his knee and can't bear weight on that side...
    And the fighter on Final Fu?

    For all we know that person has a disability in one leg too.

  10. #115
    cjurakpt Guest
    so what's your point? you brought up Wallace seemingly in response to the Blacktiger's negtive comment about someone who kicks with only one leg, implying that, if Wallace was doing it, it was a strategically sound approach; however, now that it gets pointed out that the only reason Wallace does it is because of a physical limitation, you try to flip it around and suggest the Final Fu guy was doing it because he was injured as well? c'mon; nice try through...

    the bottom line is that if you go to a "point style" tournament, there is a large percentage of competitors who do the exact same thing: use that lead leg "flickey" kicking style, because it's what's the most effective thing to do in that type of competition, which is pretty much what they did in FF (except no head contact at all, which was totally lame, because even in point style, in the BB divisions there's contact allowed to the head)

  11. #116
    Join Date
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    Central Florida
    You sound like you're itching for an argument.

    I'm well aware of Wallace's bad leg. I brought it up because you can't fault someone for lack of skill (yes the comment was a response to Blacktiger's negative comment) without knowing the reasons. One leg worked just fine for Wallace so why is it such a bad thing.

    I've seen a guy with one arm do some bad a$$ kung fu. Does having only one arm mean he can't be any good? Get real.

    So that's my point. I'm not flipping anything around. You seem to be trying to make a problem where there is none.

    Using two legs doesn't necessarily make you any better. Wallace beat guys that used two legs.

  12. #117
    cjurakpt Guest
    the fact is, Wallace has an injury and he trained specifically to overcome it; so, true, he is an excelent example of how a "limitation" does not necessarilly decrease one's ability to fight well; he is, no argument, a great fighter and certainly dispatched many "two legged" opponents; similarly, your one-armed friend is apparantly another example of someone who overcame a deficit and fights sucessfully; but the point was never about how someone with a disability can't be better than someone without one...

    let just say that I suspect Mister FF does not have any such an injury - I think he does it on purpose because in the type of point-style fighting he seems to do, that's an effective strategy; that's why I don't think using Wallace as an example to justify his one-leged style is appropriate; and as far as skill, Wallace fought full-contact and won; this guy was competing in one of the most pansied types of "fighting" I have ever seen, where guys would do ridiculous things and still win, things which if they did in a street fight or MMA comp or San Da ring would get them killed

    BTW, I'm sorry if you feel that disagreeing with you means I'm "itching" for an argument and that I'm trying to create a problem; I just see Wallace as operating in a very different context, hence my disagreement with using him as a comparative example; it also seemed to me you switched gears mid-argument when an extra piece of info was presented; if I was wrong, then I'm wrong, no biggie

  13. #118
    Join Date
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    South Jersey.
    Every guy who landed a solid hit got kicked off. I watched the one where the guy got punched in the throat with a training buddy, and we were both laughing hysterically by the end of the show.

    "He really should learn how to control himself. Martial Arts isn't about killing your opponent. He should have more skill then that." -Paraphased.

    That one really got us going. What about having enough skill not to leave your neck wide the heck open and just shoving hands at your opponent to see who can tag each other more? The sparring I did as a 5th grade yellow belt stripe in Shotokan was more skillfull and brutal then this.

    And don't even get me started on the commentary from the guys before and after. Oi.
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  14. #119
    Join Date
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    Hobart Tasmania - Australia
    I was crying and laughing all at the same time

    Did anyone see the guy who broke into Drunken then Monkey style ?

  15. #120
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

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