Quote Originally Posted by Green Cloud View Post
Actualy the Sash is very important, it works just like a weight belt that body builders used.

Since we do a lot of low stances in Kung Fu it is important to wear a sash so you don't bust a gut.

hernias are very comon and the sash helps prevent that. As far as colors are concerned that's ok to as long as that is not your main focus. Even in the military you have rank.

As long as rank is earned there's nothing wrong with it.
Mr/Sifu Green Cloud,

That's interesting take, since I've never heard of getting a hernia by doing low stance work in Kung Fu? Not saying its wrong, but I've always believed low stance work was putting most of the stress on your legs to build and strengthen them up? In a sense, I guess you are tightening up the abs and while doing so, keeping your back straight, but I just don't see how it could bust a gut?? Coming from a Chinese background, I was always told the belt was used to hold your pants up and as my mom puts it, to keep the poor starving chinese people from being hungry by "closing up the empty space."

I know, mom's old wives tales