Quote Originally Posted by lkfmdc View Post
Before this gets any hotter... I honestly think you should all take it down a notch. Revere has a lot of training with military guys in China. Interesting stuff, stuff you don't see too often around here. For Hau and Revere, Knifefighter is no keyboard warrior. He's a legit BJJ black belt and a dog brother. He knows weapons, particularly blades. KF comes off harsh at times, but he's probably cute and cuddly in person (ok, maybe not)

KF, care to comment on the comment about different police in different cultures having to train differently
It's great that he's a BJJ guy. His art style isn't of any consequence to me whatsoever. Also, I wasn't "challenging him to a fight to the death", obviously... If he's skilled then I'm even MORE eager to roll with him and see what he knows.

My point is that with 3000 posts (many of them inflammatory), it's an easy thing to sit back and be a ***** without knowing the first thing about the person you're being a ***** to. It's not like Dennis is some unknown or that his "lineage" or even his course material is questionable. It's a standard case of "I'm on the Internet and can say whatever I want with no fear of consequence and very little chance of ever having to back up what I say". Regardless of his real life skill, that STILL makes him a keyboard warrior

My offer still stands... If you're in Cowtown in the future I'm definitely up for crossing hands. At the worst, I get to see how it's "really done", right? So what's to lose?