Originally Posted by Sang Feng Fan
Personally I can't stand the washed out color look of the film, it didn't work in "Saving Private Ryan," why hasn't it been put back on the shelf?
it's called bleach bypass and considering saving private ryan was a block buster it did work. as for the process it's used to enhance the silver tones in the film, and give your film a gritty look tony scott use's it alot and its always used for like action shoot'em ups cause it makes the EXT. look a buit depressing. the reason filmmakers keep using it is cause people like. your opinion of it is in the minorioty sorry to disapoint. but many a filmmaker use it and will continue to use it. also they didn't use it for sin city cause it makes you picture look really dark and had they used it you would not have been able to see the film. anyway just giving my two bits as a filmmaker. as for the movie it was a bit propagandirish for me. and yeah design your right i didn't lkike the bad black guy versus the good white guy thing either. but as for just an action movie it was good, not the best but good. get ready for a sequal, cause remember one of them servived and if we know hollywood (and we do) there gonna make a sequal with him as the lead, and proabably with the kings son all grown up. oh and on another note it did remind me of sam peckinpahs film the wild bunch. anybody else get that or was it just me, maybe it was all th slow motion.