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Thread: Tai chi competitions and sparring

  1. #16
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Columbus, OH
    Well, we both saw the same thing, it's just that you have added in extra-scene reasons to explain the naffness of it.... which is really, amusingly, a kind of admittance by you that you know it looks naff.... very funny
    I never said it didn't look like crap, lol. You have one guy doing ineffectual playground level chest shoves, moving himself more than his opponent, and the other doing absolutely nothing in return. It's probably one of the most boring push hands clips I've ever scene Based on my observations of the video I think there's more going on than a straight forward test of push hand's skill. I simply said it looked like CXW was allowing him to try and push him over. Why did I think that? For one thing, I've never seen anyone do any kind of competitive pushing hands without even attempting any kind of attack or counter. Second, the attacks against CXW didn't look like they needed defending against anyway. He was pretty solid, and like I said, the attacker is knocking himself off balance more than CXW, lol. Maybe they were both too drunk to do decent push hands, or just flat out sucked on that day... I really don't know. It was just a guess, and I never said yours, or anyone else's interpretations, weren't valid.

    I don't have to guess, because I can see.
    No you CAN'T see the entire situation. You can't see that he's angry, you can't see how much they've drunk, you're making a guess, you CAN'T see or hear what lead to this or what they agreed on. No one said it's your fault it looks like crap, just that there may be more reason's behind it due to everything YOU can't see.

    Now, by all means find some way to make it my fault that it looks naff - good luck with that!
    Stop being so paranoid Making guesses on stuff not visible doesn't equal making excuses or trying to make your possibly poor observation skills at fault. Your opinion isn't any more or less valid than anyone else's. No one said your guess on what was going on wasn't valid, or tried to make you look stupid. You're being more defensive than anyone here

  2. #17
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Columbus, OH
    Lol.. What I get form that is a sense of people all sat having a meal and one guy says "I do martial arts..." and it just escalates in to that, lol.... and wishing he'd never mentioned it...
    Lol, yeah, pretty much

  3. #18

    CXW in the clip

    He wasnt pushing--- he was even pointing to his own chest several times
    invitinga push or a strike... and he adusted and absorbed each time.

    There are good folks who can adjust and there wont be any real power left in the push or strike.

    joy chaudhuri

  4. #19
    The difference between clips is clear:
    - The first clip is what happens when two guys are both trying at 100%.
    - The second clip is “messing around” with one guy not providing the energy the other guy needs to work his techniques.
    - The third clip is of one guy only providing the energy, but not attempting any attacks or counters.

    The first two clips are non-compliant, with the first one being closest to the reality of a live encounter. The third clip is what things look like when one partner is compliant.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Orlando, Florida

    The third clip reminds me of the "Sensei Syndrome" rather than a compliance issue.. i think the "compliant" gentleman wishes he could do something, but.. reverence for the senior and the effect of good technique defeats his wishes quickly.. WHen i think of "compliance" issues i think of so many Aikido clips i have seen..

    Be well..
    TaiChiBob.. "the teacher that is not also a student is neither"

  6. #21
    Actually if you know about the conversation prior to the CXW LB demonstration it sheds more light. CXW asked him to go ahead and try to "fajin" on him, allowing him to attack from a bridging position. To me it looks like LB doesn't know any push hands and his structure is often open or broken. Perhaps yes he can do his fajin from some of these angles, but he has so many vulnerabilities in structure that CXW could have easily taken advantage of - if that were in fact the purpose. On the other hand CXW maintains good structure, distance and peng. If a push lands on his chest, does not admit defeat IMO, because he effectively deflects him each time without breaking his structure or giving much ground.

    Over all there's not much to really see here, but if you know what to look for you can see CXW amazing root being demonstrated.

  7. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Ma Long View Post
    Over all there's not much to really see here, but if you know what to look for you can see CXW amazing root being demonstrated.
    Thing is, we all know what to look for. If it was awesome, my Dad would be impressed, my kid would, my neighbour would.

    Ok.... let me have another look. By the by, I'd like to know how anyone knows what the conversation was, lol - not saying he didn't say "fa jing me" - and believe me, I;ve heard plenty hair raising stories about CXW... anyway... let me see again...
    It's not worth a penny!

  8. #23
    Well, on a second look, CXW is clearly inviting the man to push him, that's true. I think, everyone, really, wanted that to be better - I did as well.

    I just believe in honest assesment is all. CXW wants to honestly assess the other guy's level - that's why he's inviting him to push. In turn, we want to assess CXW's level. Can't do that from one tiny clip, that's true - but right at the end, the guy comes right through and pushes him no sweat - CXW doesn't block it or anything. So, rather than say "he let him" I'd rather focus on what I can see - the solidity of CXW - he doesn't fall over - but neither does he leave the guy pushing air. So I assess that as maybe taiji can give a person a solid foundation, but isn't always able to allow someone to quickly move out of the way or block an unexpected shove.

    It's not worth a penny!

  9. #24
    The fact is you can't tell anything about two guys shoving, at least in terms of actaul fighting. And since there is no documented evidence that either one of these guys ever has fought for real, no one will ever know whether or not either knows anything of fighting.

  10. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Knifefighter View Post
    The fact is you can't tell anything about two guys shoving, at least in terms of actaul fighting. And since there is no documented evidence that either one of these guys ever has fought for real, no one will ever know whether or not either knows anything of fighting.
    Only Knifefighter fights for real or knows what real fighting is. Because he's had so much experience in the ghettos of Huntington Beach.

  11. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by neilhytholt View Post
    Only Knifefighter fights for real or knows what real fighting is. Because he's had so much experience in the ghettos of Huntington Beach.
    When you come down here to show me your devastating standing locks, we'll see who has real fighting experience, won't we, fukkwad.

  12. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Knifefighter View Post
    When you come down here to show me your devastating standing locks, we'll see who has real fighting experience, won't we, fukkwad.

    Look, you want to make $$$ you're totally taking the wrong approach here.

    Instead of putting down CMA on a CMA forum, you should be teaching MMA fitness for weight loss. You could make a total killing, like $120 per hour or more.

  13. #28
    LOL!! He's BAAAAAAAaaaaaack!!!!!

  14. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Scott R. Brown View Post
    LOL!! He's BAAAAAAAaaaaaack!!!!!
    I'm thinking of starting a reality series with angry old martial artists who put years into training but can't compete with the local USSD or ultra-diluted TKD for business.

    They've got 'Ultimate Fighter', and the 'Biggest Loser'. We can call it the 'Ultimate Loser'.

    We can set some old Wing Chun guys against Knifefighter and the Dog Brothers and they can win a contract teaching old fat people how to lose weight.

    No, seriously, what happened when the top taiji masters on the planet fought?

    They came and drank tea, and left. Everybody went, "What happened, didn't they fight?" The senior disciple said, "Didn't you know? Two taiji masters could never fight, because taiji is only for self defense! With no attack, there is no fight."
    Last edited by neilhytholt; 03-16-2007 at 01:57 AM.

  15. #30
    LOL!! The board just isn't the same without you neil!

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