Quote Originally Posted by MysticNinjaJay View Post
I would like to know Jason's credentials.

He stated that he was a master of 5 animals Kung Fu.

Most of his fights have been in Pancrase which I could hardly call MMA. It's not a good place to display Kung Fu, that's for sure.

A couple Karate and Tae Kwon Do guys got crushed in the old UFCs as well. Ironically one of Royce's toughest challenges was against Keith Hackney a Black Belt in White Tiger Kempo Karate, who made a good account of himself in the UFC.
Jason did the best he could, just don't think that most "real" kung fu guys viewed him as an example of "real kung fu".

Personally, he stepped out and took the challenge, which is alot more than can be said by 99% of the CMA population.

Then agian, I have seen the "real kung fu", so I don't think the people that know it would be welcome in the ring, so.