I think your tea and crumpets have polluted your brain- that or too much Royal information overload.

Churchil had balls- Nevil- the Brit leader for most of WWII was a supreme wussbag- almost worse than DeGaul. Churchil- a man named Donaldson "Intrepid" (Canadian/Brit), and Admiral Halsey (American) saved Britain even with Nevil in charge- with very strong support from a man named Roosevelt (American). We were funding and supporting the Brits from the start- I mean other than rocks and a little wheat grass- what's there to eat on that rock of an isle you call home? Where's your iron deposits? Where did the bullets and bombs come from? There's some old time life books called the Secret War and another book called A Man Called Intrepid that you should really read... Anyway...

It doesn't matter what you or the rest of the board pretend to think. When something bad happens in the world, what's the universal outcry? It's always "Why or When's America going to help?" It's "What's America going to do?" or "When's America going to get involved?" You don't hear that about Japan, Russia, China, the Netherlands, Canada, Mexico, France, Germany, South Africa, Britain, Ireland, Lichtenstein, Switzerland, Monico, Belgium, Croatia, Liberia, Chile, Brazil, Australia... I mean honestly- do I have to go on? NO, you don't hear it because your a bunch of self centered egotistical wussbags. You don't do crap to help anybody, you whine, you complain, and you're the first to beg- beg America to help. and you don't do a **** thing to help yourselves, you basically all suck and you know it. I don't hear- let's sneak into Hungary- the land of opportunity- or let's go to Portugal- you know the streets there are made of gold- lets go to... no those places suck- no freedom- nothing- our people give more- our people care more- our people are more tolerant- our people are more friendly- our people try to make a difference. You can all go to heck.

We'll do what we want in Iran- because we'll have to. With the exception of Israel, you all don't have the balls to do what needs to be done. Now go back to your tabloids and do nothing but complain about America - you're all really good at doing that.

Wusses- Darn I'm glad I'm an American.