Since, as you correctly pointed out that I advise on WC MATTERS, then my WC training is what is the relevant experience and not my other kung fu styles.

My experience in WC is no secret. The other kung fu systems that I study are my business and are kind of like aces up my sleave, so I don't wish to reveal that to anyone.
So who is your WC Shifu and how long have you trained with him?
"Aces up my sleeve"..Dude...seriously.

Those decades don't mean a thing if they have trained in McKwoons and you know that. They don't mean a thing if these "experts" come up with idiotic comments such as, "Siu Nim Tao is useless";"kung fu forms are useless"; "chi -kung training is useless"; "There are no internals in kung fu" and other immortally idiotic comments.
Context is everything.