Frankly, I do not understand. There are enough people who learn and use one self defense system or the other who find what they do to be very effective for their self defense and dealing with dangerous situations- aside from considerations of health, knowledge and self devlopment.. Why do they need to use current media outlets for a viewing audience?

Does a top notch sniper test his skills with a general viewing audience.?
Did the original thuggees need to do their strangling for spectators?

For folks needing a win loss record or badges or awards or recognition- media events are understandable. Others do what they gotta do.If they are honest they will honeand adjust their training to keep it useful.

A good segment of spectators in televised boxing and other activities are just that- spectators
with limited knowledge of the details of the skills involved.

joy chaudhuri

PS I feel sorry for the turkeys today- lots of sacrifice of mass produced tasteless meat.