Quote Originally Posted by Skip J. View Post
Hey Lucas;

I'm self-employed, so in a few hours I'll shut down, walk downstairs, have a nice dinner with the family, and then open presents.....

On the other hand, there is no wasting money around here! There's always something to do... I'm just doing something real slow right about now.....
you lucky duck you. i write fiction on the side, but with my work schedule its difficult to find real time to get into the zone and veg out on the computer screen with my words. hopefully some day ill have some of my work in finished formats and can maybe get something published. thats the goal anyway, about the only way i see myself working for myself. idk though, im having a hard time staying rooted. i really want do let the wind blow me somewhere, but im getting older and i know that i cant do that anymore or ill never have a foundation for my elder years to live on.