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Thread: Democrat judge dismisses all charges against Blackwater guards

  1. #61
    Join Date
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    Augusta, GA
    Quote Originally Posted by Hardwork108 View Post
    Are you denying the fact that many young men and women in low income families join the military to come out of their squalor? And that these people are targeted by military recruiters because not many people in their right minds will want to join the military so as to learn killing skills in order to go and kill innocent people in some fantasy war in the Middle East!

    I was under the impression that you did not get scholarships if your aptitude did not match up.

    Yes more LIES and attempts at character assassination. Tell whoeever that is training you that in order for such things to work you need to be more subtle.

    As much as being under debt has become part of the culture in the US (thanks to the banks and their "government" puppets or is it puppet governments?), there are many people who see it for what it is and avoid them like the plague.

    According to a documentary that I saw some years ago in England, the US military were targetting poor rural areas in the US, targeting young men (some of them not so bright) from low income families, offering them a "way out" and other "opportunities". The camera were following the recruitment officers as they went about their business. Are you implying that these were just actors and not real military officials?

    Yes, I am called upon to by a man who laces his every paragraph with official lies and unofficial attempts at character assassination using lies, distractions and deceit in order to digress from very important points made by me.

    By the way, what do you find so controversial? The fact that the Iraq war had nothing to do with WOMDs? That the war on Afghanistan had nothing to do with Bin Ladin and 9-11 or the heroin trade, which is by the way flourishing since the US forces have been there? That 9-11 and 7/7 were inside jobs to con the Western populations into accepting unjust wars and infringments on their god given rights as human beings?

    Tell me soldier.......

    1.Yes, I am saying that those in the lowest income bracket are usually ineligible to enlist. In fact, 75% of Americans are ineligible to enlist. So yes, I am calling your WRONG. Deal with it.

    2. "under the impression" Yes, that would sum up your knowledge pool. You seem to under the impression of a lot of erroneous things. And you are wrong. There are many MANY scholarships available for those simply based on their ethnicity, chosen path of education, and even where they live.

    3. Most transactions would be impossible without credit. Auto sales, home sales, Ivy League educations, all impossible without credit. Credit, when used responsibly, is one of the greatest enablers of modern commerce. However, you are unable to differentiate between good and bad credit, a SOLID indicator of your ignorance in this matter. But if you can shell out hundreds of thousands of dollars for a home, car and education, more power to you. The rest of the world uses credit and loans. It actually makes the economy healthier, but you can't figure that out without being educated.

    4. It says volumes that you base the American military system off a documentary you saw in the UK. It's wrong, by the way. Why target people who can't join anyway? Huge logical mistake, there, and indicative of someone who knows very VERY little about America.

    You say I publish official lies, when all you do is regurgitate conspiracy theories and paranoia in order to scare people into fearing their government. A government which allows us to bear arms, question our officials, impeach presidents, and if it comes to real tyranny, not fabricated conspiracy theories, overthrow the government. I've busted you out, and all you can do is whine and use phrases like "I was under the impression" or "I saw it on TEEVEE", revealing your complete ignorance in the matter. You think YOU thought up the "9/11 conspiracy"? No, you didn't. You heard about it, it was "controversial", so you latched on to it without even questioning it.

    There's no revolution here, because people know you and the sickos who feed you the information, are sad liars who want to provoke the public with garbage. They aren't buying it, so you can go back to practicing your parry and thrust with the rest of your Roman legion.

    Or you can continue screaming nonsense at the top of your lungs, and deal with everyone here mocking you and your insanity.
    The weakest of all weak things is a virtue that has not been tested in the fire.
    ~ Mark Twain

    Everyone has a plan until they’ve been hit.
    ~ Joe Lewis

    A warrior may choose pacifism; others are condemned to it.
    ~ Author unknown

    "You don't feel lonely.Because you have a lively monkey"

    "Ninja can HURT the Spartan, but the Spartan can KILL the Ninja"

  2. #62
    Join Date
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    Augusta, GA
    Quote Originally Posted by Hardwork108 View Post
    I hear that the percentage of Hispanic and Blacks are higher but I do not have concrete evidence. Maybe Drake can enlighten us?
    In my unit, we are split right down the middle. We have Asian, Caucasian, African Americans, and people from countries I didn't even know existed. It is still primarily white. It is a very VERY balanced society. It always throws me off when I hear civilians make racial statements, because the Army is one of the most diverse and nonracist organizations out there. Looking for Army-wide stats right now.
    The weakest of all weak things is a virtue that has not been tested in the fire.
    ~ Mark Twain

    Everyone has a plan until they’ve been hit.
    ~ Joe Lewis

    A warrior may choose pacifism; others are condemned to it.
    ~ Author unknown

    "You don't feel lonely.Because you have a lively monkey"

    "Ninja can HURT the Spartan, but the Spartan can KILL the Ninja"

  3. #63
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    Austin, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by BoulderDawg View Post
    I'm wondering what branch of military service did the Bush girls sign up for!
    Probably the same one that Carter's kids, Clinton's kid, and John Kerry's kids signed up for. And I'll bet 5:1 that neither of Obama's kids serve as well.
    When given the choice between big business and big government, choose big business. Big business never threw millions of people into gas chambers, but big government did.

    "It does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men" -Samuel Adams

  4. #64
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    Austin, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by Hardwork108 View Post
    I hear that the percentage of Hispanic and Blacks are higher but I do not have concrete evidence.
    That's never stopped you before from running your mouth.
    When given the choice between big business and big government, choose big business. Big business never threw millions of people into gas chambers, but big government did.

    "It does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men" -Samuel Adams

  5. #65
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    Augusta, GA
    3rd party research from

    "We found that recruits tend to come from mid*dle-class areas, with disproportionately fewer from low-income areas. Overall, the income dis*tribution of military enlistees is more similar to than different from the income distribution of the general population."

    "We find that, on average, recruits tend to be much more highly educated than the general pub*lic and that this education disparity increased after the war on terrorism began. Comparable detailed education data from the Census classify the educa*tion level of individuals into one of seven categories (from less than high school up to graduate/profes*sional degree). We generated a binary variable that assigns a 1 for individuals with a high school diploma or higher and a 0 for less than a high school diploma."

    Funny how this agrees with exactly what I said, and runs directly counter to Hardwork's LIES.

    "We found that whites are one of the most pro*portionally represented groups making up 77.4 percent of the population and 75.8 percent of all recruits whereas other racial categories are often represented in noticeably higher and lower propor*tions than the general population."

    And to put the final nail in the coffin...

    "Put simply, the current makeup of the all-vol*untary military looks like America. Where they are different, the data show that the average sol*dier is slightly better educated and comes from a slightly wealthier, more rural area. We found that the military (and Army specifically) included a higher proportion of blacks and lower propor*tions of other minorities but a proportionate num*ber of whites. More important, we found that recruiting was not drawing disproportionately from racially concentrated areas."

    here's the link.

    But I already knew all of this, so reading it was no surprise. And it should please 1Bad that I see a LOT of soldiers from Texas. Can't count how many times a TX license plate truck cut me off here, though.

    So, hardwork... what do you have in response? Sources? Empirical evidence? Or just a bunch of unsubstantiated lies and anti-government propaganda?
    The weakest of all weak things is a virtue that has not been tested in the fire.
    ~ Mark Twain

    Everyone has a plan until they’ve been hit.
    ~ Joe Lewis

    A warrior may choose pacifism; others are condemned to it.
    ~ Author unknown

    "You don't feel lonely.Because you have a lively monkey"

    "Ninja can HURT the Spartan, but the Spartan can KILL the Ninja"

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1bad65 View Post
    That's never stopped you before from running your mouth.
    Good thing we DO at least provide some sort of source for our statements. HW and BD just blabber mindlessly, never even bothering to verify what they say.
    The weakest of all weak things is a virtue that has not been tested in the fire.
    ~ Mark Twain

    Everyone has a plan until they’ve been hit.
    ~ Joe Lewis

    A warrior may choose pacifism; others are condemned to it.
    ~ Author unknown

    "You don't feel lonely.Because you have a lively monkey"

    "Ninja can HURT the Spartan, but the Spartan can KILL the Ninja"

  7. #67
    Join Date
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    Austin, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by Drake View Post
    You say I publish official lies, when all you do is regurgitate conspiracy theories and paranoia in order to scare people into fearing their government. A government which allows us to bear arms, question our officials, impeach presidents, and if it comes to real tyranny, not fabricated conspiracy theories, overthrow the government. I've busted you out, and all you can do is whine and use phrases like "I was under the impression" or "I saw it on TEEVEE", revealing your complete ignorance in the matter. You think YOU thought up the "9/11 conspiracy"? No, you didn't. You heard about it, it was "controversial", so you latched on to it without even questioning it.

    There's no revolution here, because people know you and the sickos who feed you the information, are sad liars who want to provoke the public with garbage. They aren't buying it, so you can go back to practicing your parry and thrust with the rest of your Roman legion.
    Once again, very well said.

    Notice he quotes some documentary made in the UK. A country that does not have the right to bear arms and who has a royal family supported by the taxpayers. Our system is by no means perfect, but it's alot better than theirs.
    When given the choice between big business and big government, choose big business. Big business never threw millions of people into gas chambers, but big government did.

    "It does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men" -Samuel Adams

  8. #68
    Join Date
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    Austin, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by Drake View Post
    Good thing we DO at least provide some sort of source for our statements. HW and BD just blabber mindlessly, never even bothering to verify what they say.
    Once again we agree.
    When given the choice between big business and big government, choose big business. Big business never threw millions of people into gas chambers, but big government did.

    "It does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men" -Samuel Adams

  9. #69
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    Augusta, GA
    Quote Originally Posted by 1bad65 View Post
    Once again, very well said.

    Notice he quotes some documentary made in the UK. A country that does not have the right to bear arms and who has a royal family supported by the taxpayers. Our system is by no means perfect, but it's alot better than theirs.
    Well, our forefathers did leave for a reason.
    The weakest of all weak things is a virtue that has not been tested in the fire.
    ~ Mark Twain

    Everyone has a plan until they’ve been hit.
    ~ Joe Lewis

    A warrior may choose pacifism; others are condemned to it.
    ~ Author unknown

    "You don't feel lonely.Because you have a lively monkey"

    "Ninja can HURT the Spartan, but the Spartan can KILL the Ninja"

  10. #70
    Join Date
    May 2007
    The state that resembles a middle finger.
    sorry mr. carpetbagger didn't know i was up for a spelling B/grammar award on this thread. I'll be sure to spell check for grammar next time, maybe.

    anywhoo, oh yeah we all know we are in a contest here with Mr. HW8 so everyone be sure to CARE. lol... HW8 is trying to win the interwebsss, give him a high 5. "your such a douchbag award" will be given to you upon completion. you've already recieved 10 of them i don't know why you would want more?
    Originally posted by Bawang
    i had an old taichi lady talk smack behind my back. i mean comon man, come on. if it was 200 years ago,, mebbe i wouldve smacked her and took all her monehs.
    Originally posted by Bawang
    i am manly and strong. do not insult me cracker.

  11. #71
    Join Date
    May 2007
    The state that resembles a middle finger.
    Originally Posted by Drake
    You say I publish official lies, when all you do is regurgitate conspiracy theories and paranoia in order to scare people into fearing their government. A government which allows us to bear arms, question our officials, impeach presidents, and if it comes to real tyranny, not fabricated conspiracy theories, overthrow the government. I've busted you out, and all you can do is whine and use phrases like "I was under the impression" or "I saw it on TEEVEE", revealing your complete ignorance in the matter. You think YOU thought up the "9/11 conspiracy"? No, you didn't. You heard about it, it was "controversial", so you latched on to it without even questioning it.

    There's no revolution here, because people know you and the sickos who feed you the information, are sad liars who want to provoke the public with garbage. They aren't buying it, so you can go back to practicing your parry and thrust with the rest of your Roman legion.
    Amen.... great post.

    first off Hw8 is not even in this country (us) i don't even know why he sites politics from here when he lives in columbia or somewhere like that.

    He's just a crack pot that probably lives in a shed in the middle of the amazon jungle or some such place with a plate, table, computer, and picture of dave ross on his wall. He probably believes that the world is going to end in 2012 because he "heard" about it or saw it on the history channel. You know the 10th planet conspiracy and the council of nibiru crap, he's probably the head of the order. he's a waste of time.
    Last edited by Dragonzbane76; 01-05-2010 at 02:32 PM.
    Originally posted by Bawang
    i had an old taichi lady talk smack behind my back. i mean comon man, come on. if it was 200 years ago,, mebbe i wouldve smacked her and took all her monehs.
    Originally posted by Bawang
    i am manly and strong. do not insult me cracker.

  12. #72
    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonzbane76 View Post
    sorry mr. carpetbagger
    Not to worry as this is just an internet forum and you are allowed to be weird.....LOL

    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonzbane76
    didn't know i was up for a spelling B/grammar award on this thread. I'll be sure to spell check for grammar next time, maybe.anywhoo, oh yeah we all know we are in a contest here with Mr. HW8 so everyone be sure to CARE. lol... HW8 is trying to win the interwebsss,
    No you aren't and I don't usually sight such errors but I thought it was ironic in the light of your comments about me lacking communications skills...LOL

    And what is with the "anywhoo"? Is this a new knucklehead slang? LOL

    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonzbane76
    give him a high 5. "your such a douchbag award" will be given to you upon completion. you've already recieved 10 of them i don't know why you would want more?
    I want more because I am tired of the high 5s I have been getting and I want to get a high 10 douchbag award, just like you do all the time, but I somehow just can't gt your high scores. So I guess you beat me in the douchbad department. I take off my hat to you.

  13. #73
    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonzbane76 View Post
    OH PLEASE...don't go Christian on me...PLEASE!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonzbane76
    great post.
    OH PLEASE...don' t go nuts on me either.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonzbane76
    first off Hw8 is not even in this country (us)
    What do you mean by "us"? Oh I see, you mean the U.S.....LOL

    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonzbane76
    i don't even know why he sites politics from here when he lives in columbia or somewhere like that.
    You surely mean Colombia?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonzbane76
    He's just a crack pot that probably lives in a shed in the middle of the amazon jungle or some such place with a plate, table,
    And you find it surprising that people use plates and tables? LOL

    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonzbane76
    Wow you have deducted that I have a computer. Wow, that is great. How does it feel to have revelations like that? LOL

    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonzbane76
    and picture of dave ross on his wall.
    That is not me but I have a couple of monkeys who live on a tree near my shed and they have a picture of him on their tree house wall, next to a painting of George W. Bush.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonzbane76
    He probably believes that the world is going to end in 2012 because he "heard" about it or saw it on the history channel. You know the 10th planet conspiracy and the council of nibiru crap, he's probably the head of the order. he's a waste of time.
    Actually, I thought that 2012 was the year of the Olympics but do tell me more about the world ending on that date....LOL

  14. #74
    Quote Originally Posted by 1bad65 View Post
    That's never stopped you before from running your mouth.
    Do you actually think that the Iraq war was about freeing the Iraqi civilians from Saddam Hussein's tyranny? Or because of the Weapons of Mass Destruction? Are you that naive?

  15. #75
    Join Date
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    Augusta, GA
    Quote Originally Posted by Hardwork108 View Post
    Do you actually think that the Iraq war was about freeing the Iraqi civilians from Saddam Hussein's tyranny? Or because of the Weapons of Mass Destruction? Are you that naive?
    Are you going to back up those assumptions with facts, or simply more assumptions? It's easy to make up a story about evil evil Bush. A child can do that. Back it up, coward.
    The weakest of all weak things is a virtue that has not been tested in the fire.
    ~ Mark Twain

    Everyone has a plan until they’ve been hit.
    ~ Joe Lewis

    A warrior may choose pacifism; others are condemned to it.
    ~ Author unknown

    "You don't feel lonely.Because you have a lively monkey"

    "Ninja can HURT the Spartan, but the Spartan can KILL the Ninja"

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