A HUGE percentage of the incarcerated are in for drug offenses. Why pay their room and board ? If we legalize all drugs, it takes the big profit out of manufacturing and distributing them, addicts won't need to commit crime to pay the high prices. The "war on drugs" can quit and save billions. The thrill of forbidden fruit will be gone for kids who will then see it as a lame sickness. It is corrupt government that makes money from illegal drugs. All those fields of opium poppies in Afghanistan keeping money flowing to the Taliban, why don't we napalm those fields ? The government flooded the ghettos with cheap heroin in the sixties to control the civil rights protests like they gave blankets loaded with small pox to the indians a hundred years before that. People at the top are making obscene money on illegal drugs. Legalize them and we throw a wrench in the system and drug use shrinks to a fraction of what is is today. Prison population goes down and those people can return to being productive. Many law enforcement folks take this view.