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Thread: Hendriks books!

  1. #16
    The picture shows
    East, west, ancient, and modern is one. That is the theme
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  2. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by bawang View Post
    all his information are literally from chinese wikipedia and random chinese kung fu blogs.
    quoted for truth

  3. #18

    Who i this Henrik Santos anywya

    For those who lookyoi the past can see the future of this character:

    From Wayne Yung Sifu already say about straight truth about Henrik:…

    09-23-2014, 08:37 PM #481 ccwayne ccwayne is offline
    Registered User Join Date Dec 2011 Posts 62

    1. There was no Yik Kam Wng Chun in the last century until he visited Singapore in 2000.

    2. I said similar only in my paper, Master Lee Kong also said similar as well. I don't know how GM Fu say. But he twisted the word 'Similar' to conclue. Hahaha... More, Master Lee also sent me message to explain just a casual lunch in Fairwood fast food, but the day he brought the picutre with sergio, Lee and Sunny out, and happy enough to tell his makeup story. Really poor guy!!! Lee also explained Sergio is not his student, but Sunny. Today, GM Fu still has not come out to make a press conference to say WCK comes from emei. or YKWC comes from emei. Just a signature on a picture, he made his story again. I have a lot of signatures from a lot of football stars, movie stars,.... etc, all they owned me thousands dollars money. Bu!lsh!t. !!!

    3. YKWC sure is the product from Hendrik, emei like. How come Cho' family not own the original Yik Kam WCk, because Hendrik creates it. We can imagine he came to America in what age ? How many years he stayed with his sifu ? How much he can learn ? More, will his sifu pass all he had to Hendrik, not to his siHingDais. Why he need to learn more from discussions in the last 30 years ? Taking other lineages skill because he stayed short period with his sifu. As what I said, he cannot show the full set of his ykwc before, but today, he finally show all. Why ? hahaha.....

    4. NO matter his ykwc from emei or not, sure other not. Cho's, Yik's, Leung Jan's, Law's families wcks, all were not related to emei. NO ancestors, even in the old kuen kuit, never saying any relationship with emei. We just followed what our ancestors way to practice, really works. Why we need to change. Like SCWC and most southern arts history, we know all are covered history, because all sourced from Southern Shaolin, Abbot Chi Sin. I also studied this part in detail. However, did I change any of my history in my website, also to my student. I just use it as a supplement to tell my students only. Why ? because I cannot prove it even what I found is truth. Understand, Fuxking fake buddhist Hendrik.

    5. It is really tired, anywhere in Hong Kong, in Taiwan, in China, in SEA where I go, I see Hendrik using different names to talk to himself in different forum to convince people to believe his emei story. Daily to daily, Yearly to yearly. All his stuff are repeated and repeated. If he really like to promote his created YKWC with his emei, he need to train more people, not all the time talking about the same group people, Robert Chu, Jim Roselando, Sergio, Navin Kungfufighter, Mike and a lot of wckers. He mentioned a lot of wckners, how many ? Can he list them out ? Why only 5 people he can list out ? He had more Richard, Jack Chang. Haha... YOu know how they talked to me about your Jin. You had asked Richard a lot how my hands are, softer than you or not. Why they like to stay with me because SCWC can be tested under pressure, and it is really for fighting in the past. MOre, the internal arts are still being kept, but not as you said, after splittng, no more kung parts. YOu can see the kung parts are still on the 3 forms. YOu tried to make your created yKWC advanced and related to emei to more superior, and trying to make poor on SCWC by making your quitting public announcment and saying to public, after splitting to 3 forms set no more kung parts. Then going to Sergio because he as a good channel to help you to promote. As Robert said making use of Sergio, helping to promote. Hendrik is doing in this way, Wayne, why you don't make use of Sergio, you will be famous, a good chance. hahaha... . All bu!l****!!! this small group of people has their own agenda to make changes to the wck world, for what ? of course $$$$$. Now, is small, as it grows, another Bill Gates coming out. hahah...

    I wouldn't like to contribute any to what Hendrik said. However, your fuxking Jim Roselando, and his director Hendrik Santos bringing a part of what other said without any proofing here to make your stories about me again. Fuxking both you.

    You like to twist words on me and making yours. Let see.

  4. #19

    From this forum

    Lee Moy Shan and Moy Yat both disgusted by Robert Chu. Robert Chu did not learn much from them kung fu otherwise due to Robert’s severe character issues. Issue such as being Qishimiezu.
    Today, what he does with others dealing with the SCWC document betraying SCWC. Too bad... Are they both Qishimiezu (欺師滅祖) ?
    My father taught me in kung fu culture we must respect what is earn must be earn the right way and understand the way of the old generation culture plus traditions. Sifu Yung is definitely taken advantage of by Robert and hendrik and those two connect with airhead celebrity Sergio to change history of Wing Chun with flakey “research”. I learn very young that if I do not understand the culture I will become very irresponsible and incapable to handle kung fu knowledge - not even can teach right. This is the way to do things right avoid road to Qishimiezu.

    How Robert Students then become victim of Qishimiezu culture would be very unfortunate but hopefully not the case. I see lots in this generation cannot demonstrate responsible ethic with knowledge just cheat and stealing from the Sifu and bully him while betray lineage ancestors is what Qishimiezu means 欺師滅祖

    It is common info that Robert training of Kulo Wing Chun was by a chef and not done well he RELY on notes to remember 40 points. How so called researcher and sifu level person cannot remember just 40 points? Can’t do that not qualified to retain a whole VT system in his mouse brain. Sifu level person do not need notes to remember how to do things certain ways shows he do not have such knowledge in his head. “take, borrow, copy, paste, edit, save stuff becoming theirs” and he always having excuse why.

    This always have been and is how he do things from then up to now still. Regarding that WCI #16 issue, Ho Kam Ming is my Sigung and we know that Hawkin Cheung only learn by few months with Yip Man before hawkin move to Australia for some time learning karate. Hawkin’s WC end up incomplete having request to learn Bat Jam Doa from HKM. Hawkin Cheung WC is incomplete. Robert’s WC never complete from beginning to end under any single Sifu only “take, borrow, copy, paste, edit, save stuff becoming theirs” like a mouse in community. Is that what is his research method it is more like scavenger bottom feeding method.
    Wayne, your ruthlessness knows no bounds, and your insecurities show. Your mental and physical health have deteriorated. Holding on to hatred shows your character. You think you're being the protector or punishing traitors? Your actions have undone your standing. scwc had a great legacy, but your actions bring shame and disgrace to your system, and implying you are gatekeeper is disgraceful. I am sure inHK people know you for the Fat Rat that you are. A Hung Mun wannabe thug and bully.
    Lots of people know Robert well known to be crap talker about lots of people in public for 30+yrs bragging to be some expert on each persons business such giant ego and low class always cut down everyone. How is he consider to be decent only by same types of people like him. Decent? Hahaha what a big joke. Fake researcher = mouse scavenging for crumbs. Sifu Yung prove that Robert Chu never change never learn only copy paste repeat, and Yung is his latest victim but karma come around like a mouse trap on him.

    Yik Kam future generation almost become victim of Hendrik's polluting of Yik Kam Cho Gar with Emei nonsense. Look at the bigger picture for all these weeks and months and years, now HS + RC + SI = change Wing Chun future by burning down Ip Man and Leung Bik legacy with fake "research" try to laugh all the way to bank. these mice are not decent not even to be admired. HS WC = incomplete. RC WC = incomplete. SI WC = incomplete. All fakes.

  5. #20
    Both Chu and Santo are using SifuSergio to become famous, meanwhile Sergio caanot decide who is real wing chun. First he tell all that Hoffman Gee Shin is the mother of wing chun, then Hoffman turn out to be liar. Next Sergio say Black FLag is mother of all Wing Chun, then Kenn Lin found out to be liar by his own sifu. Now again he is promoting Santos as mother of all wing chun

    SifuSergio is like a 3 years old saying anone who gives him candy is his father. Wrong again.

  6. #21
    Hendrik, Can I please ask why you are no longer associated with Sergio???

    Did he take your Wing Chun and claim it as his own?

    Ron Goninan
    China Fuzhou Zhenlan Crane Boxing Australia
    White Crane Research Institute Inc
    A seeker of the way

  7. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Eric_H View Post
    Probably useful if you want a cure for insomnia or desperate need of kindling.
    Useful to open minded people that like to learn.

  8. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by guy b. View Post
    Why not comment, I thought you hated him?

    88 dollars is a lot of money for a book. I predict 20-30 sold and no second print run. In future years it will be a fantastic 'gold standard' text that nobody has but every blowhard, scam artist and con man wants.

    Amazing really, Chu and Hendrick didn't like wing chun as it is- not enough BS I guess - and so made up wing chun as they wish it was; totally convoluted, non-understandable, attractive to people seeking a guru figure with all of the answers. Sad really.
    You are still trolling and hating? That is the most sad point. Maybe time to grow up.

  9. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by JHONDA View Post

    Lee Moy Shan and Moy Yat both disgusted by Robert Chu. Robert Chu did not learn much from them kung fu otherwise due to Robert’s severe character issues. Issue such as being Qishimiezu.
    Today, what he does with others dealing with the SCWC document betraying SCWC. Too bad... Are they both Qishimiezu (欺師滅祖) ?
    My father taught me in kung fu culture we must respect what is earn must be earn the right way and understand the way of the old generation culture plus traditions. Sifu Yung is definitely taken advantage of by Robert and hendrik and those two connect with airhead celebrity Sergio to change history of Wing Chun with flakey “research”. I learn very young that if I do not understand the culture I will become very irresponsible and incapable to handle kung fu knowledge - not even can teach right. This is the way to do things right avoid road to Qishimiezu.

    How Robert Students then become victim of Qishimiezu culture would be very unfortunate but hopefully not the case. I see lots in this generation cannot demonstrate responsible ethic with knowledge just cheat and stealing from the Sifu and bully him while betray lineage ancestors is what Qishimiezu means 欺師滅祖

    It is common info that Robert training of Kulo Wing Chun was by a chef and not done well he RELY on notes to remember 40 points. How so called researcher and sifu level person cannot remember just 40 points? Can’t do that not qualified to retain a whole VT system in his mouse brain. Sifu level person do not need notes to remember how to do things certain ways shows he do not have such knowledge in his head. “take, borrow, copy, paste, edit, save stuff becoming theirs” and he always having excuse why.

    This always have been and is how he do things from then up to now still. Regarding that WCI #16 issue, Ho Kam Ming is my Sigung and we know that Hawkin Cheung only learn by few months with Yip Man before hawkin move to Australia for some time learning karate. Hawkin’s WC end up incomplete having request to learn Bat Jam Doa from HKM. Hawkin Cheung WC is incomplete. Robert’s WC never complete from beginning to end under any single Sifu only “take, borrow, copy, paste, edit, save stuff becoming theirs” like a mouse in community. Is that what is his research method it is more like scavenger bottom feeding method.
    Wayne, your ruthlessness knows no bounds, and your insecurities show. Your mental and physical health have deteriorated. Holding on to hatred shows your character. You think you're being the protector or punishing traitors? Your actions have undone your standing. scwc had a great legacy, but your actions bring shame and disgrace to your system, and implying you are gatekeeper is disgraceful. I am sure inHK people know you for the Fat Rat that you are. A Hung Mun wannabe thug and bully.
    Lots of people know Robert well known to be crap talker about lots of people in public for 30+yrs bragging to be some expert on each persons business such giant ego and low class always cut down everyone. How is he consider to be decent only by same types of people like him. Decent? Hahaha what a big joke. Fake researcher = mouse scavenging for crumbs. Sifu Yung prove that Robert Chu never change never learn only copy paste repeat, and Yung is his latest victim but karma come around like a mouse trap on him.

    Yik Kam future generation almost become victim of Hendrik's polluting of Yik Kam Cho Gar with Emei nonsense. Look at the bigger picture for all these weeks and months and years, now HS + RC + SI = change Wing Chun future by burning down Ip Man and Leung Bik legacy with fake "research" try to laugh all the way to bank. these mice are not decent not even to be admired. HS WC = incomplete. RC WC = incomplete. SI WC = incomplete. All fakes.
    Are you stupid or just simple minded? Why is it always the same. People hide names online and talk BS without any understand at all.

  10. #25
    Hendrik has done so much to research and share in many areas of Wing Chun. If you are interested then enjoy. If you think you know everything and don't need to know anything else then good luck. But please do not waste others time trolling BS on what you do not know anything about. It is very childish and of no value.

  11. #26

  12. #27
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by JHONDA View Post
    Fuxking fake buddhist Hendrik.
    Wayne this have your finger prints all over it, so i will address you directly.

    Quote Originally Posted by JHONDA View Post
    It is really tired, anywhere in Hong Kong, in Taiwan, in China, in SEA where I go, I see Hendrik using different names to talk to himself in different forum to convince people to believe his emei story. Daily to daily, Yearly to yearly. All his stuff are repeated and repeated.
    Wayne who is the one using different names here mr. JHONDA lmfao , when did you became Japanese?

    Quote Originally Posted by JHONDA View Post
    This small group of people has their own agenda to make changes to the wck world, for what ? of course $$$$$. Now, is small, as it grows, another Bill Gates coming out. hahah...
    Wayne what you accuse Hendrik of is exactly what you are doing. First you lied to the martial arts community announcing that SCWC grandmaster Law Chiu Wing 羅昭榮 has retired from teaching leaving you as the new grandmaster/gatekeeper, when in fact it's all BS because SCWC grandmaster Law Chiu Wing 羅昭榮 is still actively teaching in Hong Kong. You are a disgrace to your own SCWC grandmaster Law Chiu Wing 羅昭榮 and a traitor. Secondly, you opened up several schools across the globe to promote this lie, taking advantage of naive people. So who is really cashing in?

  13. #28
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    firstly hes a full blooded jungle asian with a european last name. thats just shady and weird. secondly he was caught red handed before in the forum about copy pasting chinese google many times. for example pasting directly from shaolin 72 arts pdf, yiquan blog, emei kung fu blog, wing chun blog. thirdly he looks like an aids patient, how the hell can he teach anyone anything. if u have watched video of hendrik and still support him then you are guilty by association, revealing that your own physical and mental state is similar to his. the fact that hendrik is taken seriously by so many chunners is why amercan wing chun, the ultimate classical mess that broke bruce lees spirit, will die out in this generation.
    Last edited by bawang; 02-19-2016 at 08:22 AM.

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  14. #29
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    If you like theory then Hendrick is the guy to go to.
    I have never seen anyone make long ass videos about a MA or a MA principle and NOT demonstrate it at all !
    Hendrick has, IIRC, always stated that fighting is not what WC is about so, if you are the kind of person that values practical application and expression of MA and WC in particular then Hendrick may not be the guy for you.
    Psalms 144:1
    Praise be my Lord my Rock,
    He trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle !

  15. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Minghequan View Post
    Hendrik, Can I please ask why you are no longer associated with Sergio???

    Did he take your Wing Chun and claim it as his own?

    No comment.

    Read the book and do a book review here if you like

    Make sure you follow every observation experiment in the book. Chapter by chapter to get the best return from it. Since you pay for it so might as well as learn something useful you can use here on

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