Quote Originally Posted by Emeraldphoenix View Post
Thanks Jake, I see he has 18 lou hans. Do you know if this is the 18 respiratory attainments that are Practiced within the mantis styles. Some say this is guarded info, but i'm beginning to think that it's a lost tech. within the mantis systems. I've heard it's no longer practical for today. It's too long and or boring. Or it was so seceritive that is has been lost. Drawings are available. But I'm not good enough to figure out actual movements let alone the breathing that goes along with the exercises. Does anyone actualy practise within their schools. That ? is for anyone. THANKS Jake.


The Lor Hon Gung is still practiced and taught.

I have had the opportunity to have studied it as passed down through two different Mantis lines. Both were taught differently. In my opinion, it is very practical especially if one is interested and has the discipline for training the Internal.

Choose the teacher wisely.

Unfortunately there are many self proclaimed Mantis teachers out there that started to teach when they only knew two or three forms at the time. Due to their lack of knowledge many of these teachers supplemented their limited curriculum with material from other styles, books, vids, etc…. Some how along the way they managed to exchange information, ideas and forms with other teachers and practitioners and as a result have been able to muster several handfuls of sets and multiple, yet eclectic, theories which have become the basis of the curriculum that is in use in their current schools. But then, the curriculum often assumes the nature of being a morass due to the inconclusive foundation on which this added material has been piled upon.

Using a book or video for research can be a very useful tool in one’s personal studies.

Teaching from a book or video is a completely different scenario and one that often becomes a tragic experience for some of the students of these charlatans. All too often these so called teachers will prop themselves up in the forums on the Internet as being very knowledgeable teachers or even masters. I am often amused as I watch some of these self proclaimed teachers try to accumulate a high number of posts on forums in the vain hope of increasing their status. Their vanity provides some of us with much entertainment and laughter.

Once again, choose your teacher wisely and then stay with them. Hard work and sincere respect could eventually provide you with opportunities that are not offered to many others.

Best wishes.