The 10th Annual Tiger Claw Elite Championship,
May 19-20, 2018, San Jose, California
The 10th Annual Tiger Claw Elite Championship will be held on May 19-20, 2019 in San Jose, California. This year marks crossing our decade-long milestone. This will be a landmark event that you won’t want to miss.
There are a lot of new improvements this year that we are very excited about so please, make note.
The 10th Annual Tiger Claw Elite Championship is under the umbrella of the Tiger Claw Elite Championships. On Saturday, it will be paired with the Tiger Claw Elite Taekwondo Championships and the External Divisions will compete. We have a NEW EXTERNAL DIVISION dedicated exclusively to Songshan Shaolin – the Kung Fu directly from Shaolin Temple. On Saturday evening, we will hold an Overall Grand Champion Finale where all ages of the Advanced Division Champions of Traditional Kung Fu, Songshan Shaolin and Modern Wushu compete on stage for the Grand Prize. On Sunday we will be holding our 7th Annual KUNG FU TAI CHI DAY alongside our Internal Divisions. What’s more, there will be three Showcase Championships on stage, the WildAid Tiger Claw Championship, the Year of the Dog – Top Dog Championship, and the Ku Yu-Cheung Bak Sil Lum Championship. All Showcase Champions receive unique prizes and special attention in our post Championship coverage. See the rules for the specifics on these Showcase Championships.
The 10th Annual Tiger Claw Elite Championship will be held once again in the spacious South Hall of San Jose’s McEnery Convention Center. Given the magnitude of this Championship, we are always looking for additional volunteers to help support our efforts. If you’d like to volunteer or know someone that might be interested, please contact us. 10th Annual Tiger Claw Elite Championship volunteers receive a special Thank You gift bag and those that volunteer for the entire day qualify for a complimentary lunch and subscription to Kung Fu Tai Chi!
As always, the 10th Annual Tiger Claw Elite Championship will receive ample coverage including in-depth reports in Kung Fu Tai Chi and and a limited-edition DVDs of the event. If you are interested in sponsorships, please contact us directly.
We look forward to seeing you at the 10th Annual Tiger Claw Elite Championship!