Quote Originally Posted by BJJ-Blue View Post
It is, especially considering the community organizer could have just released it 2 years ago instead of spending millions to keep it hidden.
Except that he did release his birth certificate in 2008. People like you just refused to accept it. As for the "millions" canard:


Donald Trump claims Obama has spent $2 million in legal fees defending lawsuits about his birth certificate


When fact-checking, we think the onus is on the person making the claim to back up his statement. And the only backing we've seen in this case is that the Obama campaign's legal team spent more than $2 million on legal fees since the election ended. It's clear to us that the WND story has been twisted to wrongly assume that every dollar the Obama campaign spent on legal fees went to fight the release of Obama's birth certificate. The evidence shows that's simply not true. It's a huge, unsubstantiated leap to assume that all, or most, of that was related to lawsuits about Obama's citizenship. We rule Trump's claim False.