yes but in the same way as the WSL lineage has many variants so does every lineage.
Like I said before, WSL had many visitors and not many proper students. The people that went to HK and trained with him a few times will not have had sufficient training but went onto open there own schools.

to make sure that they are correct every time or as close as possible when under pressure. What shapes? all of them.
So you mean like when you throw a tan sau its in the right place??? Impossible. People throw punches and kicks from many angles and levels so to warrant throwing a shape at a specific height etc is nonsense!
knowing the start point and end point for a technique doesn't mean you have the correct path. I've seen plenty of people doing tan sau like wax on wax off and looking like a swimmer when doing bong sau.
You're losing me. SLT is very one dimensional. The actions are for position and reference not application in SLT. Once CK is added there are crossing lines btween man sau and wu sau. This is not the case in SLT up until the last three actions and then the punches.

fixed elbow distance for one to avoid over shooting or having to make micro adjustments.
In fighting we are always making micro adjustments. Knowing the limits in which we can move so that the theory doesn't break down is important.
The opening section of SNT is amongst other things there to introduce and train centreline.
How can you train a line??? Understanding the centerline is everywhere. The opening movements mean more than that. Fundamentally to do with the elbow and x'ing lines.
Bringing the elbow in trains the ability to do so and yes if required in a fight I have no issue with forwarding my elbow along the centre line, always?
For what reason? SLT is an exercise. No fighting. Why would you want to forward your elbow up the center like in SLT in a real fight???

When punching we don't stop but tan sau has a defined stopping point because the angle, shape and distance from the body are what make it work as a defensive structure.
That's absolute BS and you're starting to sound like Clive "number one son" potter. WSL's best student