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Thread: Beauty Pageants

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  1. #31

    The Donald, The Lie and the Beauties

    So with the former post in mind now regarding some anti-DJT posts here:

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    Quote Originally Posted by GeneChing View Post
    Way to win the Latino vote

    Now he'd going to sue. You'd think a tycoon of his magnitude would have better business sense.
    Univision Cuts Ties With Trump After Comments About Immigrants

    Trump said he plans to sue Univision for breach of contract. And today, he blamed Univision's actions on the Mexican government. He claimed Mexico was putting pressure on the network because of his opposition to trade deals with that country.
    "When do we beat Mexico at the border?" Trump said during his lengthy presidential announcement speech at Trump Tower in New York. "They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."
    Trump's main theme was that the country is in serious trouble.
    It's the way to win the Latino vote who are in America legally, because illegal immigration hurts them. He loses the Latino pro-illegal vote and the Latino racist vote but you can't win those anyway. One doesn't overcome evil by kowtowing to threats or oppressors. What Donald revealed is what the Globalists and the left have been keeping quiet that among other things outrageous crime including many rapes and murders and jails packed with illegal criminals are only one aspect of the enormous price of illegal immigration.

    Univision acted under the influence of the regressive left and Mexicali Interests which oppose American Interests/ It's to be expected, They defined themselves as enemies of American existence. You lose an enemy you don't lose anything, you just define the boundaries.
    Trump takes a loss in his bid to save America from extinction, it's a laudable sacrifice. But what does he really sacrifice? The illegal immigration problem is of such an nature that another year with "open borders" means the end of America. If he can save America , he can save his business. No America, no business. He knows what is going to happen to America as does the Dem. Administration and the Globalists - it's the public that didn't know . Hillary lectured to Wall Street: One face to the public, one face to the private.
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeneChing View Post
    Macys pulls out too. Nice move, Donald. Very presidential.
    "Trump's comments are just the type the Republican Party has been looking to avoid."
    That would be the Globalist elements of the Republican Party - now exposed for what they are in the course of the candidate selection and thoroughly reviled and discredited The RINO's, the ones who were getting a glad hand under the table and a sackful of money to keep quiet about illegal immigration.

    ""With one short speech about us," Orci said, "he tarred the entire Latino culture as being rapists and murderers and terrorists.""
    This comment is racism, this is the real racism. Using identity dysfunction he takes something about the part and applies it to the whole and incites racism in others. He probably doesn't believe even his own words, he doesn't have to , the purpose is to get political power by inciting racism and false outrage ain the Hispanics.

    So who wins with this identity manipulation of the masses?. Not American Hispanics, not the illegal immigrants Not America, only the profiteering Mega-corporations who use the illegals as cheap labor at the price of destroying America permanently.

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    Quote Originally Posted by GeneChing View Post
    Now where am I going to watch the pageant?

    Trump has been under fire since his June 16 presidential campaign announcement in which he made derogatory comments regarding Mexican immigrants while criticizing U.S. government efforts to secure the U.S.-Mexican border.

    “The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else’s problems,” Trump told supporters last week during his nearly 45-minute speech at Trump Tower. “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us.

    It's a small price to pay for having a country and having a genuine two-party system. If Trump can sacrifice, you can sacrifice. The alternative is to have no discussion about illegal immigration and a one party system.
    If Hillary pardons 30 million illegals , I say congratulations to the progressive left, you have won a country (or actually a hell hole which won't be 'yours' for long) and there will never be a two party system again. Thirty Million +++ voters tips the scale permanently and makes America a totalitarian State. It totally will destroy American infrastructure. All previous American elections have been won by only small margins by either side and won by discussions on about the issues and the best ones that convinced the most voters usually won. This change in demographics ends that system. After that , it's a power struggle between the Blacks, Whites, Muslims and Hispanics to carve up sections of a failed state. And come on! who is kidding who? Islam will win, no other groups are as tough, as cunning and as ruthless. They are wining in Europe. Sweden, Germany, London are in effect, gone.
    Look on your fate, that is you , soon to follow.

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    Quote Originally Posted by GeneChing View Post
    Macys pulls out too. Nice move, Donald. Very presidential.
    It's quite Presidential. .Presidential is not kowtowing to the the suicide of progressive leftism . Presidential is not the denial and hiding of a nation threatening problem just to appease the power elite so they can make lots of money. Or to appease the sensitivities of Kumbaya Hippie Culture It is the move of someone who has backbone and is advocating to protect Americans from Foreign Interests.

    To expose a a person's identity manipulation is to threaten their core. They don't respond to logic . As illogical as it is they are getting "happiness' of a kind from that dysfunction they will hang tight to that ball even if it is made of iron and drags them to their death.
    'Truth is threatening and evil'
    Free speech is hate speech"
    It's a difficult problem.
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    The problem at the core core is the manipulation of identity and identity image by the masters of manipulation in society - the MSM. Black racism has been incited and gotten many people killed , just for one purpose - to get votes for the democrats. The same with Latino racism, for votes and to get wealth and power for the Globalists.

    What is the worst, is that that no one dares point out the deception of the whole thing. even the Conservatives are too afraid to tell America and Latinos the truth. They can't handle the truth. The population hasn't been educated for truth, they have been socialized for manipulation.
    They are being used and manipulated to be racist, to be divisive, to engage in internecine destructive suicidal behavior.
    They they need to man up, woman up, step up and take responsibility for themselves and face up to the problem of illegal immigration because when America goes down the hole they will too and so will every other race, White Black Asian and Indifferent.
    Last edited by wolfen; 10-20-2016 at 03:27 AM.

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