Quote Originally Posted by Hardwork108 View Post
Again, sorry to burst your knucklehead MA bubble but when you harden your body, you do it not to be able to stand and take punishment for half an hour, until your assailant is tired out, after which you push him down with your little finger....LOL.

Valid Iron Skills will enable you to stand heavy blows on various parts of your body. However, you don't just stand there.....LOL. Having most of your body fortified you need less areas to protect. You can actually "walk into" a strike and unbalance or even hurt your attacker and follow through by delivering a telling blow.
Here is a video of yours truly being hit by two kung fu brothers who are instructors in our system of Baguazhang.


I do not stand around, but I move as well as I would be hitting back in a real situation.

Now HW, you talk about this but can you demo it like I can?

You seem to talk more than ever show anything.