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  1. Bam !!! (27 replies)
  2. one good cop (0 replies)
  3. Republican Party Modus Operandi (506 replies)
  4. Question (2 replies)
  5. Your **** sux (7 replies)
  6. uki needs big strong wudely manly manly help here. :) (25 replies)
  7. Kingdom of Little People (5 replies)
  8. Would the U.S. benefit from having proportional representation? (0 replies)
  9. Health insurance companies and dropping customers/raising rates (104 replies)
  10. HBD: wiz cool c (1 replies)
  11. Sanjuro Ronin: Where do you find it all? (8 replies)
  12. Sanjuro Ronin (47 replies)
  13. awesome t-shirt (19 replies)
  14. uki (6 replies)
  15. David Jamieson (6 replies)
  16. Gene Ching (28 replies)
  17. Forum rules (55 replies)
  18. MasterKiller (36 replies)
  19. why are these threads getting closed? (15 replies)
  20. Been converted -- Love the ground (7 replies)
  21. Chile Earthquake, Axis shift (21 replies)
  22. The Global Warming SCAM! (0 replies)
  23. happy be born day gene!!! (21 replies)
  24. Health care debate! (27 replies)
  25. new nation discovered (13 replies)
  26. Ron Paul Wins Presidential Straw Poll at CPAC (55 replies)
  27. The Religious Right wants to take away your Rights! (3 replies)
  28. wtf? (88 replies)
  29. Happy BDay Simon (3 replies)
  30. 1/3 of Texans Stupid? (48 replies)
  31. tea party nutbag? (83 replies)
  32. Chinese in Canada (1 replies)
  33. HBD: Taichimantis (5 replies)
  34. New 9-11 developments! (82 replies)
  35. Bayh's Retirement (13 replies)
  36. Just A Little Info About The US Military (26 replies)
  37. What kind of bird is this? (19 replies)
  38. Running To Cure Blood Cancers (0 replies)
  39. In Darkness and Light, a new book (0 replies)
  40. Would LOve To Be In Vancouver This Week (37 replies)
  41. Awesome Ice Cream Cart!!! (0 replies)
  42. Thread gone "off topic" (7 replies)
  43. What Happens When Teabaggers Take Total Control (13 replies)
  44. Socialism Poll (4 replies)
  45. Out Of Touch (17 replies)
  46. I wonder what other posters thoughts are on this... (139 replies)
  47. Canadian Premier comes to the US for heart surgery (17 replies)
  48. Sadly I'm Not Surprised At All (6 replies)
  49. Let's drag out the dictionary (11 replies)
  50. Las Vegas (22 replies)
  51. Faith Healers Found Guilty of Neglegent Murder (20 replies)
  52. GOP looking to regain control of Senate (7 replies)
  53. Holy Crap!! (2 replies)
  54. how long was bill murry in ground hog day? (14 replies)
  55. OMG!!! Electric Violin Kicks A$$$$ (7 replies)
  56. Send Them Packing (15 replies)
  57. Peak Oil (3 replies)
  58. R.i.p.j.d. (10 replies)
  59. Death to all but metal (1 replies)
  60. Ford Motor Company posts 2009 profit (0 replies)
  61. Teabagger Convention (33 replies)
  62. Employment In The US (7 replies)
  63. HBD: Mr Punch (4 replies)
  64. For fans of Obama and "Democracy"!!! (9 replies)
  65. State of the Union Address (201 replies)
  66. Mary Landieu's Office Bugged (37 replies)
  67. Kung Fu Saloon (8 replies)
  68. Colts or Saints? (128 replies)
  69. Rice Burners? (16 replies)
  70. A riddle for Uki (15 replies)
  71. for all americans/people (14 replies)
  72. A laugh a day... (15 replies)
  73. Death Penalty - Brazilian Style! (13 replies)
  74. Unemployment continues to rise (66 replies)
  75. Clown Boy rides his unicycle and makes awesome martial baloon animals (18 replies)
  76. Conan vs. Leno (4 replies)
  77. Haiti (32 replies)
  78. If you want to shut down a thread... (0 replies)
  79. I got the job! (14 replies)
  80. Steroids In Sports (18 replies)
  81. Olympic Resistance Movement (29 replies)
  82. Warrior Dash (3 replies)
  83. Another Democrat Senator shown to be a racist (97 replies)
  84. a child is born (38 replies)
  85. Wtf? (13 replies)
  86. Top 10 KFM people you would like to hang out and drink a beer with (42 replies)
  87. Conspiracy Theories that were true (2 replies)
  88. This is how I imagine Sanjuro Ronin looks (16 replies)
  89. Newbie sayin hi! (3 replies)
  90. Bankruptcies up 32% (26 replies)
  91. Run For The Hills (0 replies)
  92. New years resolutions and goals for HW8 (27 replies)
  93. "Terrorists", "Terrorists", Everywhere???? (89 replies)
  94. Uki is not alone (0 replies)
  95. Democrat judge dismisses all charges against Blackwater guards (138 replies)
  96. HBD: Vash (4 replies)
  97. HBD: Goju (1 replies)
  98. racism in china... (6 replies)
  99. Hbd: Masterkiller (3 replies)
  100. Hello (4 replies)
  101. incorporating smuggling into your martial arts (15 replies)
  102. Merry Christmas to Gene Ching (11 replies)
  103. work blows! (36 replies)
  104. incorporating the dark side of the force into christmas (16 replies)
  105. Fortune Cookies (178 replies)
  106. KFM Secret Santa (1 replies)
  107. want some soup?? (9 replies)
  108. Instructors and School Owners Will Appreciate this... (1 replies)
  109. Think you had a bad day? (0 replies)
  110. go italy!!! (22 replies)
  111. Happy Chanukka!!!!!!! (11 replies)
  112. Free for all Vale Tudo !! (119 replies)
  113. Extreme flexibility (1 replies)
  114. Record low approval numbers for Obama (98 replies)
  115. Global Warming-Do you believe it is real? (66 replies)
  116. Go Longhorns! (1 replies)
  117. Looking for Kung Fu Gloves (Enter the Dragon) (1 replies)
  118. Cops Don't Need To Be Super Ninjas (21 replies)
  119. Let's Play a Political Game... (10 replies)
  120. Tiger Woods (83 replies)
  121. HBD bustr!!!!! (0 replies)
  122. Happy Turkey Day Mofus !! (6 replies)
  123. 2 questions (1 replies)
  124. California bans Flat-Screen TVs (1 replies)
  125. OBAMArtial arts! (5 replies)
  126. Communist China (126 replies)
  127. Sarah's Book Tour (40 replies)
  128. get ready... (1 replies)
  129. Motivation (63 replies)
  130. Over One Million Served (15 replies)
  131. musing the buddha... (43 replies)
  132. Fort Hood, TX (7 replies)
  133. Technical Issues (4 replies)
  134. Fort Hood (1 replies)
  135. let's talk islamo-fascist (222 replies)
  136. Animal Rights Protestors Shot! (9 replies)
  137. The Flan Thread (1 replies)
  138. Intro: Hi All (0 replies)
  139. Lindsey Lohan (9 replies)
  140. HBD: Ten Tigers (2 replies)
  141. Conservatives are Prudes (292 replies)
  142. Health Care Debate (173 replies)
  143. can't think of the name of a song...HELP! (17 replies)
  144. Stand Up and Applaud NFL Players! (47 replies)
  145. Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize (24 replies)
  146. Oakland Gang Task Force disbanded (3 replies)
  147. Looking for my older sister (2 replies)
  148. HBD Lucas!!!! (8 replies)
  149. happy birthday onitenchu!!! (5 replies)
  150. Webhosting recommendations? (5 replies)
  151. Bikini Baristas (13 replies)
  152. OT: Widow and child of Marine killed in Iraq to be deported (46 replies)
  153. How to kiss a woman, by Capt. Kirk (7 replies)
  154. "You Lie" (46 replies)
  155. Chinatown Mafia (Courtesy of Nat. Geo) (2 replies)
  156. Don't Eff with Granny (1 replies)
  157. Ali is Irish? (4 replies)
  158. Scientists Photograph A Single Molecule (3 replies)
  159. Hello All! (13 replies)
  160. Radio friendly song... (0 replies)
  161. Yeeeessss (0 replies)
  162. Beware Mike Bonin who makes supposed Custom Made Weapons (26 replies)
  163. Rip les paul (2 replies)
  164. Your country is nuts! (34 replies)
  165. New Chinatown Mafia Documentary on Nat. Geo Channel (0 replies)
  166. Taiwan has its worst flood in 50 years (11 replies)
  167. Pandas! (67 replies)
  168. HBD: Oso (1 replies)
  169. Pros and Schmoes (1 replies)
  170. what lengths some guys won't go for a little... (5 replies)
  171. Happy Birthday President Obama! (6 replies)
  172. Now That China Banned... (21 replies)
  173. Chuck Norris v Obama (6 replies)
  174. Chinese migrants to South America - 1800s - early 1900s (3 replies)
  175. what does the forum say about uki? (62 replies)
  176. WTF is this mandatory mass vaccination program??? (14 replies)
  177. Boy, I must be out of touch... (12 replies)
  178. Aliens (14 replies)
  179. Ace Ventura 3 (0 replies)
  180. 20,000 year old hearth - taitung (4 replies)
  181. Attention: PEACEFUL PROTEST ON CITY HALL STEPS (0 replies)
  182. FAT KIDS FALLING (and gettin owned) (1 replies)
  183. The Lion Whisperer (0 replies)
  184. OT: The CIA (12 replies)
  185. Philly Swim Club (1 replies)
  186. We're obsolete now guys (8 replies)
  187. Ward Chuchill fails to get his job back (2 replies)
  188. Chinese Government doing it wrong again (7 replies)
  189. 7/3/09 (1 replies)
  190. OT: Remember Woodstock 1969 (11 replies)
  191. Welcome to our new OT forum (12 replies)
  192. Facebooker gets jacked up during burglary!!! (6 replies)
  193. OT: Racially Biased Tests? (42 replies)
  194. OT: RIP Michael Jackson (130 replies)
  195. OT: RIP Farrah Fawcett (23 replies)
  196. OT: Oldest Musical Instrument Found (4 replies)
  197. OT: Like Father, Like Son... (13 replies)
  198. OT: Museum for Americans fighting in China (WWII) (13 replies)
  199. June 4th, 1989 (18 replies)
  200. OT: Thoughts on Confucius (9 replies)
  201. Love Land (19 replies)
  202. Real Life 'Superheroes' (101 replies)
  203. OT: Gates' defense plans (24 replies)
  204. OT: FOX News Mocks Canadian Military (66 replies)
  205. OT: OSO... is this what you were talking about the other day? (15 replies)
  206. OT: My government embarassed me again... (31 replies)
  207. Happy St. Patrick's Day (42 replies)
  208. OT: New school website (29 replies)
  209. OT: The Problem with prisons. (31 replies)
  210. OT: This is why I will always oppose the death penalty (93 replies)
  211. Happy Birthday (18 replies)
  212. OT: Uki PLEASE read this website (9 replies)
  213. Toxin Free Butt Plug (14 replies)
  214. Peanut Butter VS. Nacho Cheese (23 replies)
  215. OT: paying to withdrawl? (60 replies)
  216. OT: nationalization of american banks? (54 replies)
  217. I think marriage sucks (44 replies)
  218. Chris Brown and implications of his assault on kung fu society (89 replies)
  219. OT for Royal Dragon (10 replies)
  220. OT: JFK speech, a warning of 9-11? (269 replies)
  221. OT: unrest in china(world) (30 replies)
  222. OT: This is POWER !! (14 replies)
  223. OT: does obama bring change? (3640 replies)
  224. Happy Friday the 13th!! (13 replies)
  225. OT: NO Global Warming (39 replies)
  226. OT: Plastics turned to fuel (4 replies)
  227. hi i the make a poems call moon (5 replies)
  228. ot: german names for protector or baby (33 replies)
  229. ot: Happy Hanukkah (8 replies)
  230. OT: GDA's letter to Santa (5 replies)
  231. OT: Afghanistan: NATO Drops the ball (12 replies)
  232. ot: funniest thing i have ever seen. (2 replies)
  233. OT: Couldn't Happen To a Nicer Guy (2 replies)
  234. Liable online (74 replies)
  235. OT: Welcome to 1984 (3 replies)
  236. Mumbai terrorism 26/11 (138 replies)
  237. OT: The Culture of Corruption Will be the Death of China (59 replies)
  238. Off Topic: WTF? Is it just a culture thing? (17 replies)
  239. OT: I want my vote back (1559 replies)
  240. martial arts patio (38 replies)
  241. Cell Phone Safety: what do you use? (27 replies)
  242. OT: Regarding Charles Muses and the Lion Path (0 replies)
  243. OT: Jesus was a shark (9 replies)
  244. The Cultural Revolution (11 replies)
  245. OT: Sign the Petition to Ban Political Threads (30 replies)
  246. OT: RIP Richard Wright (7 replies)
  247. OT:patition for an OT board. (17 replies)
  248. AI and Artificial Life forms (33 replies)
  249. OT: Upgrading Alvin (0 replies)
  250. Obama/Biden vs. McCain/Palin (2907 replies)