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09-28-2007, 11:56 AM
I have done clinch work in boxing and MT, and in wrestling and I have done push hands in Chen taiji.

There are more differences than similarities, but if you choose to focus on the similarities then, yes, the listening/reading is there.

Michael Udel
09-28-2007, 11:56 AM
Dude, you came on here with your ramblings. He is pointing out that the last time you did this, events that later happened showed you have no idea what you are talking about.

Not only did you say Omar was gonna destroy Kat, you were riding JFS' nuts as well. Then after he was handed his ass, you further embarrassed yourself by trying to spin the fight as a JFS' victory.

And you are record saying The Duck is gonna beat Anthony too, aren't you? Not only is he not going to beat Anthony, I bet he doesn't even fight him in the first place. But you will still find a way to spin it as a decisive victory for The Duck.
Wrong on all counts.

09-28-2007, 12:02 PM
Wrong on all counts.

The denial continues.

Yao Sing
09-28-2007, 12:04 PM
as much as I like bullshido.net it was he who really "opened my eyes".

How come so many people have to have their "eyes opened"? Are there really that many clueless fighters out there?

Seriously, I thought peeps were just talking sheet when they rail against these 'clueless fighters' like Don Quixote tilting at windmills. It's beginning to look like it's serious.

Guess I keep forgetting there are guys that grew up without ever having to fight. Must have been some really nice childhoods but I can't really see how that's possible.

It's just like the people that are surprised at the violence of some criminals. What do they think happens during an assault or a murder. Do they think they're clean and tidy no mess killers?

Man, we are way too shielded from reality in modern society.

09-28-2007, 12:09 PM
Scroll to the bottom for the tombstone.

There's nothing gonna be friendly about this at all. Rudy lost any chance of that when he threatened my life.

I really think it was just a joke in bad taste.

Matt W.
09-28-2007, 12:11 PM
How come so many people have to have their "eyes opened"?

In my case it was because I had very little "real fight" experience as a kid (just a few shoving matches) and then trained MA at a place where they taught that the techniques we were learning were too deadly to spar with. Mind you, they were just kicks and punches. I'm not even talking about eye gouges and whatnot!

Must have been some really nice childhoods but I can't really see how that's possible.

Welcome to middle class suburbia in the States.

Although even violent, high crime inner city areas have their share of bullshido. Reference the growing interest in that nonsense they call "52 handblocks".

Yao Sing
09-28-2007, 12:18 PM
Welcome to middle class suburbia in the States.

Although even violent, high crime inner city areas have their share of bullshido. Reference the growing interest in that nonsense they call "52 handblocks".

I just thought everyone grew up fighting (with few exception). I remember years ago at work there was a 20 yo kid from NYC that told me he never had a fight in his life and that to me was unbelievable. But I thought he was in the minority.

Anyhow, 52 Blocks/JHR/Comstock Shuffle is just prison fighting. Don't thinks it's a cohesive fighting style.

09-28-2007, 12:26 PM
I just thought everyone grew up fighting (with few exception). I remember years ago at work there was a 20 yo kid from NYC that told me he never had a fight in his life and that to me was unbelievable. But I thought he was in the minority.

Anyhow, 52 Blocks/JHR/Comstock Shuffle is just prison fighting. Don't thinks it's a cohesive fighting style.

The vast majority of people in MA have never gotten into a fight in their lives.
Even in sport combat systems, the percentage of people that have gotten into fights outside their chosen sport is pretty low.

09-28-2007, 12:29 PM
Anyhow, 52 Blocks/JHR/Comstock Shuffle is just prison fighting. Don't thinks it's a cohesive fighting style.Yes, but there are people who believe it is just as organized as BJJ.

09-28-2007, 12:36 PM
That being said, it's not clear from reading the entire post you're referring to that Omar meant that someone "hacked" Jack Rusher's account, or that "edited" meant that Jack's post was quoted and re-interpreted. I think the latter, but you'd have to ask Omar.

That would be a definition of editing I have never heard of before (1 (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/edited),2 (http://www.bartleby.com/61/8/E0040800.html),3 (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/edit),4 (http://www.askoxford.com/concise_oed/edit?view=uk),5 (http://wordnet.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=edit)); and since members of that site (and this forum) regularly accuse Bullshido admins of secretly editing posts, I'll have to go with the former. If you could show me a dictionary definition of editing that means 'quoted and re-interpreted' it would be nice.

Considering that Jack later posted in the same threads after his initial recounting of events, I seriously doubt anyone is suggesting that his post was hacked because Jack probably would have noticed and said something.

Omar would be crazy to even think that. srsly.

Yao Sing
09-28-2007, 12:41 PM
The vast majority of people in MA have never gotten into a fight in their lives.
Even in sport combat systems, the percentage of people that have gotten into fights outside their chosen sport is pretty low.

I put up a poll about that and at first it looked like you're right but now it's gone more to the "yes I have fought" side but based on the comments they may be stretching it a bit.

What I meant was reals fight with injuries and people trying to hurt you as much as possible. I think they're counting grade school scraps.

Yes, but there are people who believe it is just as organized as BJJ.

And I bet it's the same people claiming there are complete, organized African arts with absolutely zero links and nothing at all to do with any asian arts.

That one's been shot down but it doesn't stop the MASTERS from selling their wares and I'll bet there are plenty that want to believe.

09-28-2007, 12:44 PM
What I meant was reals fight with injuries and people trying to hurt you as much as possible. I think they're counting grade school scraps.

Some people have an interesting definition of fight.
Anything under 16 was probably a scrap.
I may have had 2 or 3 fights before I started bouncing ( outside sport competition) and I stopped counting after I had my 10th fight as a bouncer and the second month wasn't even over yet.

09-28-2007, 12:45 PM
What? You mean 52blocks ain't real?


09-28-2007, 12:49 PM
There are more differences than similarities, but if you choose to focus on the similarities then, yes, the listening/reading is there.

I think the bottom line is that the listening/reading that you are both talking about is kinesthetic awareness or proprioception.

While I have no opinion on push hands, I can tell you that a boxing clinch, freestyle tie-up and judo grip all have a very strong element of kinesthetic awareness while also accomplishing other very different goals depending upon the style. I also believe the awareness to be much more important in some styles (judo) than others (boxing). I can also say that the kinesthetc awareness is in and of itself very different among those styles, thus I would expect it to be very different in push hands/Tai Chi than in wrestling, for example. Thus, I understand and agree with Ronin's point.

Kinesthetic awareness can, IMO, make or break a fighter. It's an extremely important attribute that is often overlooked. It can overcome other significant weaknesses. This is readily apparent if you ever have the opportunity to train with an accomplished blind judoka, as their awareness tends to be very acute.

I find it interesting and agree that it is a skill which can not be videotaped or even articulated very well. It really needs to be felt. As for the potential of training and developing it, while I do feel it improves with training (a wrestler never totally loses it), I am not sure how much of it is trained and how much is simply genetic...sort of like knock-out power.

09-28-2007, 12:53 PM
I think the bottom line is that the listening/reading that you are both talking about is kinesthetic awareness or proprioception.

While I have no opinion on push hands, I can tell you that a boxing clinch, freestyle tie-up and judo grip all have a very strong element of kinesthetic awareness while also accomplishing other very different goals depending upon the style. I also believe the awareness to be much more important in some styles (judo) than others (boxing). I can also say that the kinesthetc awareness is in and of itself very different among those styles, thus I would expect it to be very different in push hands/Tai Chi than in wrestling, for example. Thus, I understand and agree with Ronin's point.

Kinesthetic awareness can, IMO, make or break a fighter. It's an extremely important attribute that is often overlooked. It can overcome other significant weaknesses. This is readily apparent if you ever have the opportunity to train with an accomplished blind judoka, as their awareness tends to be very acute.

I find it interesting and agree that it is a skill which can not be videotaped or even articulated very well. It really needs to be felt. As for the potential of training and developing it, while I do feel it improves with training (a wrestler never totally loses it), I am not sure how much of it is trained and how much is simply genetic...sort of like knock-out power.

Great post, how dare you bring quality posts into this thread !

Grappling ( gi or no-gi) is so dependant on feel, on dynamic awareness or your "kinesthic awareness" if you prefer, that one truly can't understand the principles of grappling unless one grapples.
Striking is a "split second" art and as such, perceptual awareness is more "important" than the awareness that comes from contact.

09-28-2007, 12:55 PM
why is my opinion about this old news so important? I'm one of many who watched the video? Do you value my opinion or you just want to see if you can catch me saying something?

I'm holding a mirror up to you. You make blanket statements that Bullshido people deal in nothing but baseless theories, accusations and insults, yet I sense cognitive dissonance when these come from a friend of yours.

09-28-2007, 01:01 PM
Great post, how dare you bring quality posts into this thread !

As my reward, and in an attempt to get this thread back on track, I humbly request more photos that might strengthen my yang.:D

09-28-2007, 01:04 PM
Ask and thou shall receive:

09-28-2007, 01:23 PM
Just what needed. The chi is strong with that one!:D

Yao Sing
09-28-2007, 01:34 PM
What? You mean 52blocks ain't real?


Looks like he's about 50 short, I only saw 2 blocks. :D

Plus I thought it was supposed to be CQC toe-to-toe back against the wall fighting. Saw a little of that at the end of the clip. It's supposed to be for confined spaces.

Yao Sing
09-28-2007, 01:44 PM
Great bunch of guys over there. I jumped into a thread that I wanted to comment on but didn't wade through every page and I got this response -

"Please explain why the **** I should read, contemplate, and/or reply to your posts if you don't take the time to read the threads."

Feel free to use that logic here or on the even more long-winded Shaolin Do thread when someone wants to join the discussion.

Att: new posters cannot not join the conversation and/or express their views unless they have completely read every word in this thread.

Now everyone go back and start from the beginning unless you were here when it started.

09-28-2007, 02:31 PM
Great bunch of guys over there. I jumped into a thread that I wanted to comment on but didn't wade through every page and I got this response -

"Please explain why the **** I should read, contemplate, and/or reply to your posts if you don't take the time to read the threads."

Feel free to use that logic here or on the even more long-winded Shaolin Do thread when someone wants to join the discussion.

Att: new posters cannot not join the conversation and/or express their views unless they have completely read every word in this thread.

Now everyone go back and start from the beginning unless you were here when it started.
:rolleyes:What post are you talking about??

09-28-2007, 02:40 PM
1bad, you are confused about something. I'm a spectator just like anyone else for what may or may not happen Oct. 1. I have no influence on Rudy or Anthony, but if I did, well, I don't so it doesn't matter.

Why are you still stuck on the height and weight issue? It's been talked to death. Omar claimed 5' 9". Maybe he is, maybe he isn't. At this point who cares? Are you familiar with optical illusion? In real life, there are three spatial dimensions, commonly known as heighth, length, and width. On video, only two of these dimensions are perceivable, which can create the optical illusion that one thing or person is larger than another when it really is approximately the same size. For example, some of the footage from The Lord of the Rings where Frodo and other hobbits or dwarves were filmed was made to make look like Elijah Wood (Frodo) was much smaller than Ian McKellann (Gandalf), but IRL, they're not so far apart in height as it appeared they are on screen.

What you saw on the video from July 14 may give the impression that Omar is not 5' 9", but it's inconclusive. It is such a dead horse to be beating on now.

You guys just love to try and move the blame around. What happened on July 14 is the best evidence of why stupid name calling on the Internet can get out of hand. I am not responsible for JFS, so if I criticize Bullshido for something and you say, "But JFS did it," I will respond, "So what?"

Are we having a discussion, or are we just throwing insults at each other? I'm trying to have a discussion and I think when Bullshido members respond to my posts with name calling, it gets in the way. You guys do it a lot, so maybe it's just your thing, but I don't care for it so maybe it's a kind of cultural difference.

On the other hand, character assassination and damaging people's professional reputations without basis is something else entirely.

So your contention is that rather then Omar lying about his height and weight, he had industrial light and magic shrink him on his own video?

That's just stupid, Mike. Have you heard of Occam's Razor?

09-28-2007, 02:45 PM
Michael Udel is the Oliver Stone of martial arts.

09-28-2007, 02:46 PM
Michael Udel is the Oliver Stone of martial arts.

Or the guy who cusses out ambassadors at a peace conference.

09-28-2007, 03:08 PM
Great bunch of guys over there. I jumped into a thread that I wanted to comment on but didn't wade through every page and I got this response -

"Please explain why the **** I should read, contemplate, and/or reply to your posts if you don't take the time to read the threads."

Feel free to use that logic here or on the even more long-winded Shaolin Do thread when someone wants to join the discussion.

Att: new posters cannot not join the conversation and/or express their views unless they have completely read every word in this thread.

Now everyone go back and start from the beginning unless you were here when it started.

You need to know where to post, otherwise you will be accused of being someone you are not.

Yao Sing
09-28-2007, 03:10 PM
What post are you talking about??

The "Hidden in forms" thread on the CMA forum at Bullshido.

Well that lasted about a day and already I've had enough of the place. I don't mind some restrictions but that's ridiculous. The mod said they were a$$holes, I mean anal, about stuff there but telling someone they have to read an entire thread before posting is just idiotic.

I started reading it but then skimmed over a bunch then jumped to the end and posted. It was on-topic and didn't insult for bash anyone.

So I prefaced my comment with "I haven't read through the whole thread but" and they took offense at that. Maybe they're just looking for a fight, I don't know.

Or maybe that's the Bullshido way of saying "Welcome aboard. We look forward to your comments and views on the martial arts".

Matt W.
09-28-2007, 03:22 PM
I read it, and in their defense, your post did kind of come off as "I didn't read the thread, and don't really have any expertise in this, but here's a post anyway!" Now, I know that's not exactly what you meant, but that kind of thing actually happens a lot. So they tend to get cranky about it.

Just ignore it (it allready got culled from the thread and trollshido'd, with your original on topic comments left in the thread anyway). Go ahead and post your thoughts about whatever, and if they're any good, you'll get a good response.

Such is the bullshido way.

09-28-2007, 03:24 PM
I started reading it but then skimmed over a bunch then jumped to the end and posted.

Yeah, let's jump into the middle of a thread without reading it to get any context or history about what is going on. That sounds exactly like the kind of dumb@ss thing you would do. Kind of like your views of MA and fighting... half a$$3d and ill informed.

09-28-2007, 03:32 PM
Or maybe that's the Bullshido way of saying "Welcome aboard. We look forward to your comments and views on the martial arts".

Actually, it is. You get ribbed to see how thick your skin is. 90% of the people don't read all of the threads. You got crap for admitting you only skimmed.

Yao Sing
09-28-2007, 03:53 PM
I read it, and in their defense, your post did kind of come off as "I didn't read the thread, and don't really have any expertise in this, but here's a post anyway!" Now, I know that's not exactly what you meant, but that kind of thing actually happens a lot. So they tend to get cranky about it.

And you can show me where I said I had no expertise in it? Yet I somehow had a personal experience to offer? I think you need some reading lessons.

Guess I should have come on like I'm the be-all end-all of everything a talked a bunch of BS. Sounds like honesty is not tolerated around there.

Yeah, let's jump into the middle of a thread without reading it to get any context or history about what is going on. That sounds exactly like the kind of dumb@ss thing you would do. Kind of like your views of MA and fighting... half a$$3d and ill informed.

Yeah let's just make a comment saying I didn't read any of the thread to get some context even though I said I did. But that's you, don't let facts get in the way if they don't fit into your view of the world.

Now you're going to point to all those threads with my ill informed views of MA and fighting. Should we put a time limit on that so I don't die of old age while waiting?

Yao Sing
09-28-2007, 03:59 PM
Just ignore it (it allready got culled from the thread and trollshido'd, with your original on topic comments left in the thread anyway).

Actually it wasn't culled. The comments from and to the idiot who *****ed about me commenting on an ancient thread from, let's see, about 3 weeks ago is what got culled.

09-28-2007, 04:01 PM
Actually, it is. You get ribbed to see how thick your skin is. 90% of the people don't read all of the threads. You got crap for admitting you only skimmed.

It's true. The first time I ever posted a question in there (outside of Newbietown), I got flamed for seemingly no reason. It turned out that the person who did this (a member of Bullshido staff) was just trying to see my reaction to it. I actually ended up meeting him (and some BS'ers) in person at a throwdown, and they were all really cool. I was shocked! After the initial flaming, he expained that he was just messin' with me.

09-28-2007, 04:04 PM
Yeah let's ust make a comment saying I didn't read any of the thread to get some context even though I said I did.

Read your own words:

I started reading it but then skimmed over a bunch then jumped to the end and posted.

Since when is skimming and then jumping to the end reading?

09-28-2007, 04:04 PM
Now you're going to point to all those threads with my ill informed views of MA and fighting. Should we put a time limit on that so I don't die of old age while waiting?

What are your views on honor and honesty? I would like to know them BEFORE the ducking on Oct 1st happens. :D

Yao Sing
09-28-2007, 04:06 PM
Well, I wasn't very nice in return so I guess I'm good. But then I don't see that as a place I want to spend much time.

I can barely tolerate the reality challenged idiots here, like Knifefighter.

Yao Sing
09-28-2007, 04:12 PM
What are your views on honor and honesty? I would like to know them BEFORE the ducking on Oct 1st happens. :D

My view is honesty doesn't always make life easier but dis-honesty will always make it worse.

Since when is skimming and then jumping to the end reading?

Since I used my eyes to recognize the letters as words (that's called r e a d i n g) when I skimmed through the comments that I didn't actually read all the way through.

Did you think I digested them or absorbed then through my skin? You are such an idiot.

Since when is reading half a book reading? Are you related to Pres. Bush? Sure sounds like it.

09-28-2007, 04:14 PM
Well, I wasn't very nice in return so I guess I'm good. But then I don't see that as a place I want to spend much time.

I can barely tolerate the reality challenged idiots here, like Knifefighter.

Then definitely stay away from bullshido. The CMA forum is relatively....is kinder......is safer.........

nevermind. It isn't as harsh as the normal areas but can be almost as bad.

Yao Sing
09-28-2007, 04:16 PM
Ok, so somebody tell me - what's the problem with someone commenting on a statement in a post without reading all the BS and side topics etc. preceeding it?

What's the problem with someone answering the above question without reading this whole thread?

Yao Sing
09-28-2007, 04:17 PM
What are your views on honor and honesty? I would like to know them BEFORE the ducking on Oct 1st happens. :D

So now that I've made a negative comment about Bullshido I'm suddenly suspect in my honesty?

09-28-2007, 04:22 PM
I can barely tolerate the reality challenged idiots here, like Knifefighter.

Knifefighter's views are going to be proven correct on Oct 1st.

My view is honesty doesn't always make life easier but dis-honesty will always make it worse.

Gotta give you that one. It fits The Duck pretty well, except his physical well being will be worse if he does actually fight Anthony.

09-28-2007, 04:24 PM
So now that I've made a negative comment about Bullshido I'm suddenly suspect in my honesty?

I was referring to The Duck's lack of honesty and honor. Saying he is going to fight and then ducking out is dishonest and dishonorable.

09-28-2007, 04:24 PM
Ok, so somebody tell me - what's the problem with someone commenting on a statement in a post without reading all the BS and side topics etc. preceeding it?

What's the problem with someone answering the above question without reading this whole thread?

Nothing IMO.

I also know that people including staff members end up getting flamed or dumped into trollshido for what you did.

You are supposed to laugh it off or quit posting.

Yao Sing
09-28-2007, 04:31 PM
Knifefighter's views are going to be proven correct on Oct 1st.

That might be true but he still ignores reality and comments based on what he wants to believe rather than the truth.

Nothing IMO.

I also know that people including staff members end up getting flamed or dumped into trollshido for what you did.

You are supposed to laugh it off or quit posting.

And what exactly did I do? Not reading the whole thread or admitting that I didn't?

BTW, I'm not real big on following rules so even if I knew the appropriate response I'd probably do the same.

Michael Udel
09-28-2007, 04:38 PM
I'm holding a mirror up to you. You make blanket statements that Bullshido people deal in nothing but baseless theories, accusations and insults, yet I sense cognitive dissonance when these come from a friend of yours.
I think you're exaggerating what I said. I put a few qualifiers in there about my limited experience with Bullshido on two or three topics.

Michael Udel
09-28-2007, 04:40 PM
So your contention is that rather then Omar lying about his height and weight, he had industrial light and magic shrink him on his own video?

That's just stupid, Mike. Have you heard of Occam's Razor?
Not at all. Where in the world did you get that?? Because video is 2 dimensional, it lacks depth perception, which is how you can judge things like height. It's that simple.

09-28-2007, 04:43 PM
Not at all. Where in the world did you get that?? Because video is 2 dimensional, it lacks depth perception, which is how you can judge things like height. It's that simple.

Mike, you're making things worse. Let your reputation suffer for the good of the whole.

09-28-2007, 04:43 PM
Not at all. Where in the world did you get that?? Because video is 2 dimensional, it lacks depth perception, which is how you can judge things like height. It's that simple.

Just stop. You are embarrassing yourself.

09-28-2007, 04:48 PM
Mike, you're making things worse. Let your reputation suffer for the good of the whole.

The hilarious thing about that is EVERYONE sees it EXCEPT him. :D

Michael Udel
09-28-2007, 04:51 PM
You are the one asking about height and I am giving you spot on responses to a dead topic. You refuse to acknowledge that it is difficult to judge height from the video, but you offer absolutely nothing to support that except your continued blubbering.

09-28-2007, 04:54 PM
The hilarious thing about that is EVERYONE sees it EXCEPT him. :D

actually you are not seeing what NJM is trying to say,SUFFER FOR THE GOOD.:D

Michael Udel
09-28-2007, 04:54 PM
Mike, you're making things worse. Let your reputation suffer for the good of the whole.
Yeah, right. Johnnycache completely misreads my post and I'm making things worse? :rolleyes:

09-28-2007, 04:55 PM
You are the one asking about height and I am giving you spot on responses to a dead topic. You refuse to acknowledge that it is difficult to judge height from the video, but you offer absolutely nothing to support that except your continued blubbering.

Please let it die. For your own sake, bro.

09-28-2007, 04:57 PM
Ok, so somebody tell me - what's the problem with someone commenting on a statement in a post without reading all the BS and side topics etc. preceeding it?

What's the problem with someone answering the above question without reading this whole thread?

Because they have no idea if it is separate or integral to the thread.

Matt W.
09-28-2007, 04:58 PM
what's the problem with someone commenting on a statement in a post without reading all the BS and side topics etc. preceeding it?

Officially? Nothing.

But, OTOH, if you haven't read the thread, and therefor aren't able to take into account the fact that what you are about to post may have already been said, answered, reiterated and answered again, then what are you contributing? Nothing.

Now, no one says you have to contribute anything, of course! But why would you post in the first place? One would assume it is not simply to see yourself typing. One would assume it is because you want others to read what you wrote and possibly respond and engage you in discussion. The truth is, no one is going to be bothered to do that if you are posting from a completely uninformed point of view (i.e. you didn't even bother to read the thread).

So by all means, continue to throw out whatever thoughts you may have without taking into account the discussion that has preceded you. But be prepared to be ignored at best, and ridiculed at worst.

09-28-2007, 04:58 PM
Ok, so somebody tell me - what's the problem with someone commenting on a statement in a post without reading all the BS and side topics etc. preceeding it?

What's the problem with someone answering the above question without reading this whole thread?

Because they have no idea if it is separate or integral to the thread. But I wouldn't expect you to understand that... you were probably the guy who didn't pay attention in class and then had to copy the other students' work.

09-28-2007, 04:58 PM
which means quit feeding the trolls...lol

09-28-2007, 05:00 PM
That might be true but he still ignores reality and comments based on what he wants to believe rather than the truth.

LOL... this coming from the forms dancing LARPer.

09-28-2007, 05:06 PM
Hello Mrs Fox. The ducking is only 3 days away!

09-28-2007, 05:11 PM
Hello to you as well..I know the date and time. Has Anthony talked to the lawyer, if so I give props to BOTH for showing, but i am batty and I am tom and and an old man, so what do i know..lol...

09-28-2007, 05:23 PM
I forgot to mention the threesome with springer his gf and I , that I was claimed..lol

09-28-2007, 08:47 PM
Emboesso had this to say on The Duck's forum:

I tried the kung fu forum but the tardation there was astronomical.

1bad65 is delusional. He calls other people "nutriders" when he himself is suckered onto Tony's scrotum like a remora hitching a ride on a shark's underbelly. In this case, a whale shark.

They're hyperventilating like their entire lives is riding on this fight. The best thing you can do for them is to whack out Tony and maybe give them all some incentive to go and carve a life out for themselves.

You're gonna get an extra helping of crow on Oct 1st. Bring your appetite, moron. :D

09-28-2007, 08:48 PM
I tried the kung fu forum but they don't ban anyone who disagrees with me like Rudy does.

Fixed that for ya.

09-28-2007, 08:58 PM
Chung Do Kwan TKD; 23 years

So, today he tried the Kung Fu forum. It was retarded based on his 23 years of TKD experience?

Oh wait he also has Karatedo experience my bad.

RD'S Alias - 1A
09-28-2007, 09:05 PM
Well, one cool thing, I now have at least 3 people quoting me in thier sigs! :D

Michael Udel
09-28-2007, 09:32 PM
Well, one cool thing, I now have at least 3 people quoting me in thier sigs! :D
It's good to look on the bright side of things. ;)

09-28-2007, 11:40 PM
You are the one asking about height and I am giving you spot on responses to a dead topic. You refuse to acknowledge that it is difficult to judge height from the video, but you offer absolutely nothing to support that except your continued blubbering.

It CAN be difficult to judge height from video but we aren't talking Rocky 4 or Xena here where one character is on a box in the foreground

Omar was supposed to be 185 at 5'9 or 5'10." This is what was bandied about by Rudy and co. for weeks as making the fight an impossible hill for Kat. Someone who is 185 at 5'9" is pretty diesel unless they're fat. That's a middleweight in MMA. Matt hughes is about 5'9" and does not weigh 185. Look at matt hughes. (http://w-and-l.com/IMAGES/dynamique/V137_Matt%20Hughes.jpg). He's neckless, a borderline body-builder. Keep in mind he's 15 pounds lighter in that picture then the weight Omar claimed at the same height. Compare his build to Omar in the video. Use your reason.

Kat's 5'10" and 150 per her official physicals for kickboxing.

Omar and Kat are arm's length apart in the video. Omar's shorter. Omar's lighter. Omar lied.

This makes FAR more sense then an neutral, amateur videographer somehow either accidentally or deliberately ONLY keeping Kat in the foreground during these unscripted events so she looks larger then Omar. Use your reason.

I have very little doubt that when John Springer saw Omar's real build and skill level he realized he couldn't let the fight happen and acted to disrupt it. Use your reason.

How far and how long will you reach to defend your worthless e-pals? How long will you make statements that fly in the face of sense and reason and try to act like you're 'neutral?'


Use your reason.

Michael Udel
09-29-2007, 01:48 AM
Never claimed neutrality. I just argue that the height and weight issue 1) is largely irrelevant because both parties showed up; 2) is completely irrelevant at this point in time; 3) there are difficulties in guessing height and weight from a video, which we agree upon.

Considering they both showed up and didn't fight, it seems like a very unimportant detail to continue to harp on two and a half months after they didn't fight. If Anna wanted a weigh in, she could have asked for it. She never showed any concern about this before the fight, so why should you now? Let this one go, it is beyond beating a dead horse.

09-29-2007, 02:34 AM
See what I mean? Cognitive dissonance. It's easier for you to believe forced perspective made Omar look small than that he misled us about his height and weight. It's easier for you to believe Omar didn't claim jackrusher's posts were edited and you use definitions that don't appear on any major dictionary.

Michael Udel
09-29-2007, 02:37 AM
Try to learn how to read. I never stated I believe one way or the other. I don't care either way because I don't see how it could possibly be an issue now. I am simply offering one possible explanation to counter the accusation of lying.

09-29-2007, 02:39 AM
No, you need to learn how to read. I never said you believed. I said "it's easier for you to believe". I am not stating your beliefs for you.

See? I can play this game too.

09-29-2007, 02:41 AM
What a lying sack o' **** this Urdel or whatever the **** his name is, has proven himself to be.

Michael Udel
09-29-2007, 03:45 AM
No, you need to learn how to read. I never said you believed. I said "it's easier for you to believe". I am not stating your beliefs for you.

See? I can play this game too.
Depends on how you look at it if you want to call it a game. A discussion can be about positing theories and exploring them honestly. It's easy to think the other guy is not being honest when you are prejudiced about his motives...just sayin'.

09-29-2007, 04:14 AM
Never claimed neutrality. I just argue that the height and weight issue 1) is largely irrelevant because both parties showed up; 2) is completely irrelevant at this point in time; 3) there are difficulties in guessing height and weight from a video, which we agree upon.

Considering they both showed up and didn't fight, it seems like a very unimportant detail to continue to harp on two and a half months after they didn't fight. If Anna wanted a weigh in, she could have asked for it. She never showed any concern about this before the fight, so why should you now? Let this one go, it is beyond beating a dead horse.

The point, what makes it worth harping on after the fact is that your e-pals, Omar and co, lied. They lied in a bad attempt to intimidate a girl. So what won't they lie about?

Michael Udel
09-29-2007, 04:37 AM
Yeah, you're so right. I finally see the light. Let's call the FBI right away! :D

09-29-2007, 07:19 AM
The point, what makes it worth harping on after the fact is that your e-pals, Omar and co, lied. They lied in a bad attempt to intimidate a girl. So what won't they lie about?

EXACTLY. And I also feel it's relevant right now because on Oct 1st we will see The Duck has LIED also. Despite his words to the contrary, he knows he has no plans to fight Anthony.

09-29-2007, 07:20 AM
Just 2 more days to go!

09-29-2007, 08:04 AM
Omar was supposed to be 185 at 5'9 or 5'10." .

I think that Osiris the CMA Slayer showed that size discrepencies don't matter that much.

09-29-2007, 08:09 AM
The point, what makes it worth harping on after the fact is that your e-pals, Omar and co, lied. They lied in a bad attempt to intimidate a girl. So what won't they lie about?

WOW. just like your so called e-pals lied about me. You even said Tom was fixiated on coda, when 1bad brought his name up to begin within.

Besides the fact MJS has dup accounts. I thought that was bannable?

09-29-2007, 03:12 PM
WOW. just like your so called e-pals lied about me. You even said Tom was fixiated on coda, when 1bad brought his name up to begin within.

Besides the fact MJS has dup accounts. I thought that was bannable?

I really don't want to take an eastward foray into batty wife land, but I really don't care about you or tom and I said nothing of the sort. No one lied about your height and weight, as far as I can tell you're somebody's buddinsky spouse and you barely know what you're talking about, ever.

I'm glad someone brought coda's deceptions to light. I don't really care about the your issues - nay, subscriptions -beyond that.

09-29-2007, 03:22 PM
I really don't want to take an eastward foray into batty wife land, but I really don't care about you or tom and I said nothing of the sort. No one lied about your height and weight, as far as I can tell you're somebody's buddinsky spouse and you barely know what you're talking about, ever.

I'm glad someone brought coda's deceptions to light. I don't really care about the your issues - nay, subscriptions -beyond that.

If we are so dense over here. quit posting.
Your pals lied about me being springers gf and also me being Tom..I could care less about you as well, you mean nothing to me. I am not as batty as you might think..a b.i.t.c.h I will agree at times to that

09-29-2007, 03:47 PM
Your pals lied about me being springers gf and also me being Tom..I could care less about you as well, you mean nothing to me. I am not as batty as you might think..a b.i.t.c.h I will agree at times to that

It may well have been a joke about you being his gf. Let's be honest though; when you defend a racist who attacked a woman, you just might take some flak over it.

09-29-2007, 03:48 PM
I notice The Duck is still MIA. I hope he did not have a last-minute injury or a family emergency or something. :rolleyes:

KC Elbows
09-29-2007, 04:06 PM
Fine. Yet, if someone doesn't know this basic understanding they should be able to ask for a clarification right?

I'm not sure what you mean. Are you saying from a teacher/coach? Of course, though I don't think anyone is saying otherwise, so I suspect I'm not following your question.

09-29-2007, 04:20 PM
It may well have been a joke about you being his gf. Let's be honest though; when you defend a racist who attacked a woman, you just might take some flak over it.

That racist comment or should I say comments, did not bother Os,so why should it bother anyone else? I took flak, yes, but then I am of mixed blood, so why should I have taken flac, because I talk to Springers gf?

09-29-2007, 04:41 PM
That racist comment or should I say comments, did not bother Os,so why should it bother anyone else? I took flak, yes, but then I am of mixed blood, so why should I have taken flac, because I talk to Springers gf?

As far as I can tell, all you do is yammer and instigate. If, in the course of your drama-whoring, someone gets you confused with someone else, because you and your husband share computers and you and springer's GF are sound-alike gibberish fountains, that's not the same as "lying."

Your only function in all of this seems to be to keep bringing yourself and your husband up for some reason when your involvement has pretty clearly passed.

09-30-2007, 08:30 AM
Tomorrow is the big day! :D

09-30-2007, 09:51 AM
Finally nothing will happen!

Shaolin Wookie
09-30-2007, 10:52 AM
This is easily the most exciting fight since John Smith vs. Robert Jones.

Yao Sing
09-30-2007, 11:00 AM
Ah, Smith vs Jones. I don't remember that fight well. Those weren't the good old days.

09-30-2007, 04:19 PM
So has there been any word from The Duck?

09-30-2007, 04:21 PM
So has there been any word from The Duck?

I talked to him via PM, he's still set to go.

09-30-2007, 04:44 PM
I talked to him via PM, he's still set to go.

We shall see.

He still has over 24 hours to get an excuse ready. His ducking is top-notch, he won't disappoint.

09-30-2007, 05:17 PM
8:15pm EST and still no fight?

The Springer Factor is in full effect!

- jo

09-30-2007, 05:53 PM
Jo, the ducking is scheduled for Monday Oct 1st at 7PM.

It's easy to get confused, The Duck did change the date twice in less than hour. :rolleyes:

09-30-2007, 06:44 PM
Jo, the ducking is scheduled for Monday Oct 1st at 7PM.

It's easy to get confused, The Duck did change the date twice in less than hour. :rolleyes:

I'll be checking here every 30 minutes for the You Tube link!

BTW...who gets to fight the winner?

09-30-2007, 06:55 PM
I would bet that Bullshido will also be updated pretty quickly.

09-30-2007, 07:34 PM
As far as I can tell, all you do is yammer and instigate. If, in the course of your drama-whoring, someone gets you confused with someone else, because you and your husband share computers and you and springer's GF are sound-alike gibberish fountains, that's not the same as "lying."

Your only function in all of this seems to be to keep bringing yourself and your husband up for some reason when your involvement has pretty clearly passed.

And what actually is your function? To put down ronin who actually tells the truth.
I actually tell crissy how and what I think was wrong with whole mess. She does not judge me for saying it was wrong,unlike some of you. You do not know me and yet you judge me, I just might be more intelligent then you think. Looks like I am not the only instigator around.

10-01-2007, 04:47 AM
The Day of the Great Ducking has arrived! Will there be a sudden injury or sickness? Will there be car trouble on the way to the venue? Will there be a sudden family emergency in California? Will there suddenly be an issue with the venue or the waiver? Only The Duck knows, but today is certain to bring some excitement, but sadly it will not bring the promised fight.

golden arhat
10-01-2007, 04:53 AM

wo what why when where

anybody care to tell e whats been going on these first 240 pages

sum it up for me ?

main characters etc


10-01-2007, 05:53 AM
Good Morning!

I am at 100%, and feeling great! I'm off to get a nice carb heavy breakfast.

Looking forward to this afternoon. Been waiting for this for a very long time, circa 2003/2004.

Let the best man win! :)

10-01-2007, 06:20 AM
The Day of the Great Ducking has arrived! Will there be a sudden injury or sickness?

I'll stand in if he can't make it.

Somebody fax me a waiver!

10-01-2007, 06:27 AM
Good luck to both fighters.

10-01-2007, 07:34 AM
wow, the day is here! Have fun Anthony, if it doesnt happen, well at least you had a good breakfast!

10-01-2007, 07:50 AM

wo what why when where

anybody care to tell e whats been going on these first 240 pages

sum it up for me ?

main characters etc


Fight in a ring October 1st.

10-01-2007, 08:36 AM
And what actually is your function? To put down ronin who actually tells the truth.
I actually tell crissy how and what I think was wrong with whole mess. She does not judge me for saying it was wrong,unlike some of you. You do not know me and yet you judge me, I just might be more intelligent then you think. Looks like I am not the only instigator around.

Ronin and I are in a fine place right now, thank you very much. He and I had some specifics to iron out, which we've done. They weren't your business, they were our private business. You're not involved with Ronin and my's (former) issue, you're just yammering to yourself, latching onto gossip like a remora.

10-01-2007, 09:11 AM

or not?...

10-01-2007, 09:58 AM
Ronin and I are in a fine place right now, thank you very much. He and I had some specifics to iron out, which we've done. They weren't your business, they were our private business. You're not involved with Ronin and my's (former) issue, you're just yammering to yourself, latching onto gossip like a remora.

This is correct.

As for the fight today, good luck to both of you Anthony and Rudy, here is hoping that the mutual exchange of fisticuffs allows you two iron out your differences and become non-hostile to each other.
Regardless of what happens in the ring.

Yao Sing
10-01-2007, 10:03 AM
UIF #1 Basic Instinct - Fight or Flight.
(Ultimate Internet Fighter)

Matt W.
10-01-2007, 10:37 AM
This would be UIF #2, Fight or Flight. UIF #1, Change of Venue featured Osiris/JFS.

Yao Sing
10-01-2007, 10:53 AM
I stand corrected, #2 it is.

Matt W.
10-01-2007, 10:57 AM
No "lol" for Change of Venue??? It works on so many levels...

10-01-2007, 12:25 PM
Ronin and I are in a fine place right now, thank you very much. He and I had some specifics to iron out, which we've done. They weren't your business, they were our private business. You're not involved with Ronin and my's (former) issue, you're just yammering to yourself, latching onto gossip like a remora.

If that is truley the case, I am glad to hear it. Best of luck to both of you.
Best of luck to both fighters as well!

10-01-2007, 01:00 PM
Fight well you guys, good luck to the both of you.

10-01-2007, 02:08 PM
what time is this suppose to take place, florida time?

Shaolin Wookie
10-01-2007, 02:15 PM
No "lol" for Change of Venue??? It works on so many levels...

What's a venue???:confused:

I think that's why it didn't work. You cain't be usin' dese million doller words 'round heere, boye.

Matt W.
10-01-2007, 02:22 PM
****. 7 years of college down the drain...

10-01-2007, 02:34 PM
I'm pumped, I'm even having some friends over to watch when the video premiers.

10-01-2007, 02:50 PM
Anthony is at the venue now. The Duck is there. Anthony is not impressed. :D

10-01-2007, 02:52 PM
Hey Bad does that mean you have to change your sig now?

10-01-2007, 02:54 PM
There is still an hour for him to punk out.

And I won that bet already, but it's ok. The bet was the 29th, remember?

10-01-2007, 02:55 PM
Should he fight, I'll eat the crow and give The Duck his props.

10-01-2007, 03:04 PM
If the duck wins you should go out in traffic and wave your ***** around. I'll send you a wavier.

10-01-2007, 03:05 PM
Anthony is not impressed. :D

What's that supposed to mean?

10-01-2007, 03:08 PM
If he wins, he wins. In a fight like this someone wins and someone loses. It's life.

I did this all this because I wanted The Duck to finally fight instead of this challenging and ducking **** he has immersed himself in the last 4 years.

10-01-2007, 03:09 PM
If he wins, he wins. In a fight like this someone wins and someone loses. It's life.

I did this all this because I wanted The Duck to finally fight instead of this challenging and ducking **** he has immersed himself in the last 4 years.

Is SJM allowed in this fight?

Mr Punch
10-01-2007, 03:22 PM
Anthony is at the venue now. The Duck is there. Anthony is not impressed. :DSince he's there at the venue, isn't it about time you shut the **** up with the smart comments, and did what everybody else round here is doing - wishing the fighters luck and sitting tight?

If the duck wins you should go out in traffic and wave your ***** around. I'll send you a wavier.+1 Youtube of course! :D But no close-ups please! :eek:

10-01-2007, 03:33 PM
As I've said before, if he shows I man up and admit my prediction was wrong. He will still be a jerk, a loudmouth and someone who called me a drug dealer and LKFMDC a child molester. He will basically be an ******* who showed up once and fought.

I still maintain he won't fight Anthony.

10-01-2007, 03:40 PM
I think if he wins, you should fight him next.

10-01-2007, 03:43 PM
Up to him.

Honest, if he fights he will probably come out a better person. If he wins he will feel vindicated and won't need to be such a **** on the 'net anymore. Should he lose, he will realize that sometimes you actually have to put up and the results can suck.

Matt W.
10-01-2007, 03:45 PM
You know, I gotta say... This is pretty exciting stuff. Good luck to both guys, but I hope Anthony wins decisively. Kick his ass, Antonillo!

10-01-2007, 03:48 PM
As I've said before, if he shows I man up and admit my prediction was wrong. He will still be a jerk, a loudmouth and someone who called me a drug dealer and LKFMDC a child molester. He will basically be an ******* who showed up once and fought.

I still maintain he won't fight Anthony.

Well, as you've already said he's there, so he showed. You said he would never show along with others here, I said he would. I still think this entire thread is stupid and silly, but I hope it dies a slow painful death now!:rolleyes:

As far as not impressed goes many weren't impressed with Ali or Tyson either when they first met them:rolleyes:


10-01-2007, 03:50 PM
As far as not impressed goes many weren't impressed with Ali or Tyson either when they first met them:rolleyes:


So now you're comparing him to Ali and Tyson? Just how much is he paying you?

10-01-2007, 03:52 PM
Up to him.

Honest, if he fights he will probably come out a better person. If he wins he will feel vindicated and won't need to be such a **** on the 'net anymore. Should he lose, he will realize that sometimes you actually have to put up and the results can suck.

Maybe it's me, but that makes no sense to me:confused:

He proved himself to who?

A bunch of nobodys!?!?:confused:

I can see that on his resume now I once fought an internet paper tiger match:rolleyes:


10-01-2007, 03:52 PM
I said he would not FIGHT. I also said Omar would not fight. Even if The Duck fights, I'm still a .500 hitter.

10-01-2007, 03:55 PM
So now you're comparing him to Ali and Tyson? Just how much is he paying you?

I just used names that people know I never said he was as good or anything else. I simply stated no one was impressed when they met them either. I'm not impressed with what i've seen of Anthony, so what does that mean to the worlds problems SH!T!!


10-01-2007, 03:57 PM
Well, as you've already said he's there, so he showed. You said he would never show along with others here, I said he would.

Actually, I think most of us said he wouldn't fight. I still don't think he will.

10-01-2007, 03:59 PM
Actually, I think most of us said he wouldn't fight. I still don't think he will.

SO why waste the money flying down and showing at the venue, if you're not going to fight?

Many said he would not fight, but many also said he wouldn't show.


10-01-2007, 04:01 PM
This really is a no win situation in his case. If he losses he has to hear crap, if he wins i'm sure he's still going to hear crap. If he wins he beat a nobody, if he losses he lost to a nobody:rolleyes:

Doesn't mean sh!t many better skilled fighters have lost to lesser skilled fighters, but that won't be brought up here if he lost.


10-01-2007, 04:03 PM
This really is a no win situation in his case. If he losses he has to hear crap, if he wins i'm sure he's still going to hear crap. If he wins he beat a nobody, if he losses he lost to a nobody:rolleyes:

I see who is covering their bases.

10-01-2007, 04:05 PM
I think by playing, the Bengals will win tonight. I think by taking the field, the Patriots win tonight.

10-01-2007, 04:05 PM
This really is a no win situation in his case. If he losses he has to hear crap, if he wins i'm sure he's still going to hear crap. If he wins he beat a nobody, if he losses he lost to a nobody:rolleyes:

I still don't think he will fight... and if he does, I think he is going to get smashed.

However, if he fights AND wins, he gets huge props from one of his long-time detractors.

10-01-2007, 04:06 PM
I see who is covering their bases.

What bases do I have to cover?

I gain nothing either way...I ststed if he didn't show it wouldn't change my thoughts of him.


10-01-2007, 04:08 PM
This really is a no win situation in his case. If he losses he has to hear crap, if he wins i'm sure he's still going to hear crap. If he wins he beat a nobody, if he losses he lost to a nobody:rolleyes:

Wouldn't he have to be a 'somebody' to take that out? I mean, does he have a pro or even amateur fight record that his good name is staked on or something? If you are claiming that they are both nobodies then fine, but a nobody losing to a nobody can't write it off as 'just losing to a nobody.' That's who nobodies have to beat at first on the road to becoming somebodies. We'll see if anybody fights, and if they do then one nobody will have beaten another nobody, if you do in fact consider them both nobodies. Either way somebody has to win and somebody has to lose unless somebody decides last minute not to fight for some reason.

10-01-2007, 04:09 PM
Doesn't mean sh!t many better skilled fighters have lost to lesser skilled fighters, but that won't be brought up here if he lost.

Depends on how one loses... if you lose but hang and show skills, that is one thing. If you get Springerized that is quite another.

10-01-2007, 04:10 PM
I still don't think he will fight... and if he does, I think he is going to get smashed.

However, if he fights AND wins, he gets huge props from one of his long-time detractors.

Before it was if he shows with most of you, now it's if he wins. That's exactly what i'm talking about. Many said he would not show he's a coward, now he has to not only fight but win to get any props.:rolleyes:


10-01-2007, 04:11 PM
BTW, it's 7:08 Eastern time. Either the ducking is in full swing or the duck is out on the canvas by now.

10-01-2007, 04:11 PM
Before it was if he shows with most of you, now it's if he wins. That's exactly what i'm talking about. Many said he would not show he's a coward, now he has to not only fight but win to get any props.:rolleyes:


I've said from day one, for all the boasting he does (and that you have also done about him), he needs to show some mad skillz.

10-01-2007, 04:13 PM
Depends on how one loses... if you lose but hang and show skills, that is one thing. If you get Springerized that is quite another.

Buster Douglas ~vs~ Mike Tyson? :confused:

Would you say Douglas was better skilled?


10-01-2007, 04:18 PM
Come on, Jeff, you are backpedalling faster than Michael Jackson's Moonwalk.

You and Rudy both tried to build him as an unbeatable fighter. According to him, you were a huge monster that was crazy and mean. According to you, you couldn't even come close to hanging with him. All this to build up the "legend of Sifu Abel".

You'd better believe he needs to show some skillz.

10-01-2007, 04:21 PM
Come on, Jeff, you are backpedalling faster than Michael Jackson's Moonwalk.

You and Rudy both tried to build him as an unbeatable fighter. According to him, you were a huge monster that was crazy and mean. According to you, you couldn't even come close to hanging with him. All this to build up the "legend of Sifu Abel".

You'd better believe he needs to show some skillz.

I'm sure you're choosing to miss the point i'm trying to make. I wouldn't expect anything else from one of his "detractors" It does nothing to me whether he wins or losses. It sure as hell doesn't mean Anthony can now beat me also if he does win.


San Soo Sifu
10-01-2007, 04:22 PM
Is there a video clip posted on YouTube, yet?

10-01-2007, 04:27 PM
Anthony by KO 1:26 round 1! Rudy tapped out. Video in about an hour.

10-01-2007, 04:27 PM
Congrats to Rudy, he stepped up. I was wrong.

10-01-2007, 04:30 PM
Yup, he definately gets credit for stepping up at last. Credit where credit is due.

10-01-2007, 04:32 PM
Rudy tapped from strikes on the ground.

San Soo Sifu
10-01-2007, 04:32 PM
Video in about an hour.

You know this is probably going to crash the server over at YouTube?:eek::D;):p

10-01-2007, 04:33 PM
Well, I said he wouldn't go through with it and I was wrong.

but, um, maybe he needs to take that 'tombstone' for Anthony off his website now.

10-01-2007, 04:34 PM
Alright, who gets to fight Anthony next?

10-01-2007, 04:36 PM
When I get an address/link to the vid, I'll post it here.

10-01-2007, 04:42 PM
Just got off the phone with Anthony. He said Rudy actually hits pretty **** hard.

Footage will be uploaded to www.youtube.com/BullshidoThrowdown as soon as it's available.

Matt W.
10-01-2007, 04:42 PM
I'll say this once and once only (since he doesn't deserve it any more than once after all the sh*t he talked)... Props to Rudy for stepping up.





10-01-2007, 04:48 PM
Small props for stepping up... anyone with half a ball does that, especially after talking himself up the way he has over the years.

As far as the skill part, I'll reserve judgement until I watch it....

But so far it looks like another BJJ bluebelt CMA Killer strikes again.

Anthony and Osiris... striking fear into the hearts of CMA forms dancers everywhere.

10-01-2007, 04:48 PM
Go tell the Monkeys, passerby;
That here, by Monkey Law, he lies.

Props to Rudy for stepping up, I find it inspirational that he was willing to make such a sacrifice for us.

10-01-2007, 04:50 PM
So by my scorecard its Bulls (Bullshido) 2 and Monkeys (Rudy's board) 0.

At least he finally stepped up but more training less **** talking to pple who just proved they can and will beat your ass.

10-01-2007, 04:51 PM
well i think this ended about the way a lot of us expected.

i expected rudy to fight, due to the fact that there was enough pressure from 1bad that if he didnt fight.....well, we can all see where that would have gone.

anyhow, cant wait to see the vid and check out these awsome fighting machines in action.

props to both of you guys, rudy for showing and fighting, anthony for winning

now can we PLEASE, lock this ****ing thread

10-01-2007, 04:53 PM
Go tell the Monkeys, passerby;
That here, by Monkey Law, he lies.

Props to Rudy for stepping up, I find it inspirational that he was willing to make such a sacrifice for us.

"sacrifice for us":rolleyes:

No appreciation for those who actually went out and did.

10-01-2007, 04:55 PM
now can we PLEASE, lock this ****ing thread

Should just keep it open for the next time one of these comes up.

10-01-2007, 04:57 PM
"sacrifice for us":rolleyes:

No appreciation for those who actually went out and did.

Oh, and congradulations to Anthony for winning.

10-01-2007, 05:11 PM
But so far it looks like another BJJ bluebelt CMA Killer strikes again.

Anthony and Osiris... striking fear into the hearts of CMA forms dancers everywhere.

Ha Ha Ha Ha looks like you stated exactly what I said most of you will.

This really is a no win situation in his case. If he losses he has to hear crap, if he wins i'm sure he's still going to hear crap. If he wins he beat a nobody, if he losses he lost to a nobody

That's pretty much what most of you are alluding to when you mention BJJ blue belt so much.

Well, you said he wouldn't fight I said he would. Stop with the one ball crap and give the man props for going thru with it.


10-01-2007, 05:11 PM
And congratulations to bad for pressing the issue and making sure this happened.

10-01-2007, 05:15 PM
By the way isn't asia a TCMA guy?

I see you guys proping him up a lot, I don't follow bullshido, so what's the story with him? Or is he a TCMA guy that does BJJ also?


10-01-2007, 05:17 PM
By the way isn't asia a TCMA guy?

I see you guys proping him up a lot, I don't follow bullshido, so what's the story with him? Or is he a TCMA guy that does BJJ also?


Asia is the product of secret experiments that blended the DNA of the greatest martial artists in history into one man.

10-01-2007, 05:19 PM
That's pretty much what most of you are alluding to when you mention BJJ blue belt so much.

Exactly... BJJ bluebelt > CMA master.

10-01-2007, 05:19 PM
Asia is the product of secret experiments that blended the DNA of the greatest martial artists in history into one man.

Ha Ha lol:D

But he still does TMA right?;)


10-01-2007, 05:20 PM
By the way isn't asia a TCMA guy?

I see you guys proping him up a lot, I don't follow bullshido, so what's the story with him? Or is he a TCMA guy that does BJJ also?


I'm a Multi MArtist which includes TCMA and BJJ among others.

10-01-2007, 05:25 PM
I'm a Multi MArtist which includes TCMA and BJJ among others.

Well, then you're no longer a TCMA stylist by their accounts. So everything you've ever learned of any value must have come from the BJJ or other grappling arts you've done...

Because we know you could not learn any fighting within CMA, right knifefighter?


10-01-2007, 05:29 PM
Actually I don't think Anthony has gotten a Blue Belt yet.

10-01-2007, 05:34 PM
Because we know you could not learn any fighting within CMA, right knifefighter?

Nope... not at all... only if you spend most of your time jumping around like a dying bug or trying to imitate monkeys.

10-01-2007, 05:37 PM
Actually I don't think Anthony has gotten a Blue Belt yet.

I guess the BJJ blue belt is an urban myth then. It should be BJJ white belt > CMA master.

10-01-2007, 05:42 PM
now, now, lets be fair.

BJJ Blue belt > Rudy Abel

I am sure that somewhere out there amongst the hundreds of thousands of CMA practitioners, at least one could take a BJJ blue belt. Or at least I would most certainly hope so.


good idea phrost

10-01-2007, 05:42 PM
I guess the BJJ blue belt is an urban myth then. It should be BJJ white belt > CMA master.

rofl !!!!!!!!

10-01-2007, 05:43 PM
Does mr rudy know how to wrestle?

10-01-2007, 05:45 PM
I guess the BJJ blue belt is an urban myth then. It should be BJJ white belt > CMA master.

I'm sure that's the way it's going to be plastered across the net. That Anthony beat a master...

You gotta love the internet:rolleyes:


10-01-2007, 05:45 PM
Does mr rudy know how to wrestle?

if he doesnt, i bet he wishes he did.

10-01-2007, 05:53 PM
I'm sure that's the way it's going to be plastered across the net. That Anthony beat a master...

You gotta love the internet:rolleyes:

Didn't he? Didn't SIFU ABEL (with some help from you) build himself up as a master with his 25 + years of CMA training?

10-01-2007, 06:06 PM
Didn't he? Didn't SIFU ABEL (with some help from you) build himself up as a master with his 25 + years of CMA training?

His screen name says sifuAbel It never said master or GrandmasterAbel. If you know anything about CMA you know that 25yrs does not make one a master. There is a lot more to learn in CMA than most arts. We have weapons, lion dance, etc..etc...

If he spent that 25yrs training only to fight, then that would be different. I have over 20+ yrs and i'm no master not even a sifu. But my current training is geared soley towards fighting. That's what most of you seem to forget or have selective memory on CMA has a lot more than just fighting.


10-01-2007, 06:07 PM
The delusion is great with some people, *cough*Jeff*cough* I think a white belt beating a Sifu is saying something about the respective arts involved. Especially in such a short amount of time.

What is the difference between a Sifu and a Master?

10-01-2007, 06:08 PM
If he spent that 25yrs training only to fight, then that would be different.

I think that's our point. :D

10-01-2007, 06:09 PM
I wonder how much money is being offered about now to not post the video clip.

10-01-2007, 06:10 PM
His screen name says sifuAbel It never said master or GrandmasterAbel. If you know anything about CMA you know that 25yrs does not make one a master. There is a lot more to learn in CMA than most arts. We have weapons, lion dance, etc..etc...

If he spent that 25yrs training only to fight, then that would be different. I have over 20+ yrs and i'm no master not even a sifu. But my current training is geared soley towards fighting. That's what most of you seem to forget or have selective memory on CMA has a lot more than just fighting.


According to him, he did spend most of his time training to fight.

10-01-2007, 06:11 PM
The delusion is great with some people, *cough*Jeff*cough* I think a white belt beating a Sifu is saying something about the respective arts involved. Especially in such a short amount of time.

What is the difference between a Sifu and a Master?

Sifu is an instructor, you can have a 1st degree and be an instructor. Master level is usually 5th and above.

10-01-2007, 06:11 PM
The video is being uploaded now.

10-01-2007, 06:13 PM
Thanks Mrs Fox. Rudy has done KF for 25 years, what is the average degree with that amount of time?

10-01-2007, 06:15 PM
Thanks Mrs Fox. Rudy has done KF for 25 years, what is the average degree with that amount of time?

If I remember correctly, he stated it was more like 30 years.

10-01-2007, 06:16 PM
The delusion is great with some people, *cough*Jeff*cough* I think a white belt beating a Sifu is saying something about the respective arts involved. Especially in such a short amount of time.

What is the difference between a Sifu and a Master?

No the delusion is you people place too much blame on the arts and not the people involved.

What's the difference between a black belt and Heilo Gracie?


10-01-2007, 06:20 PM
I'm one of the few who thinks that it's the art/training that matters more than the person. The person matters some, yes, but IMO the art/training is more of a factor. Look at Royce and then look at Dan Severn and Ken Shamrock. It was the art of BJJ that won those fights more than the person.

10-01-2007, 06:23 PM
Thanks Mrs Fox. Rudy has done KF for 25 years, what is the average degree with that amount of time?
I asked Tom and he said it depends, if he had stayed in KFSS he would have bee 9th by now. He has been in Ma's for over 34 years and is going for his 6th.

10-01-2007, 06:26 PM
No the delusion is you people place too much blame on the arts and not the people involved.

What's the difference between a black belt and Heilo Gracie?


The belt does not make the fighter, the fighter makes the belt.

10-01-2007, 06:28 PM
His screen name says sifuAbel It never said master or GrandmasterAbel. If you know anything about CMA you know that 25yrs does not make one a master. There is a lot more to learn in CMA than most arts. We have weapons, lion dance, etc..etc...


Uh NO!

The problem is pple thinking that CMA is more than what it really is. CMA is about fighting, period. Lion Dancing is cultural trappings added on with the practice. You do not need to Lion Dance to be a master at CMA.

10-01-2007, 06:34 PM
Uh NO!

The problem is pple thinking that CMA is more than what it really is. CMA is about fighting, period. Lion Dancing is cultural trappings added on with the practice. You do not need to Lion Dance to be a master at CMA.

No shït. It's "Martial" arts, not "Cultural" arts.

10-01-2007, 06:35 PM
I'm one of the few who thinks that it's the art/training that matters more than the person. The person matters some, yes, but IMO the art/training is more of a factor. Look at Royce and then look at Dan Severn and Ken Shamrock. It was the art of BJJ that won those fights more than the person.

IMO it's the training and the person doing the teaching, if someone is not a fighter how can they teach you to fight? Then comes the person doing the training, how hard do they really train, and how hard do they push themself.


RD'S Alias - 1A
10-01-2007, 06:36 PM
So, where is the link?

10-01-2007, 06:40 PM
Jeff, that's the thing about BJJ. If you are not progressing on the mat, you are not progressing in belt rank. The day I got my blue, one of my training partners got his purple(he was already a blue). Thing is, he started 8 months AFTER I did. The guy is better than me, on the mat and in belt rank.

10-01-2007, 06:40 PM
Just out of curiosity, what would have been the reaction from you Bullshido guys if Rudy HAD won?

Mr Punch
10-01-2007, 06:40 PM
No shït. It's "Martial" arts, not "Cultural" arts.How did you get the umlaut on the 'i'? And is it still called an umlaut if it's on an 'i'? And how would you pronounce it?

As you can see...
So, where is the link?I can't take the suspense. :rolleyes:


10-01-2007, 06:40 PM
The vid is uploading. Phrost provided the Youtube account it should be on a page or two back.

10-01-2007, 06:43 PM
Had Rudy won I would have gave him props for doing so. Though I considered him an underdog, anything can happen in a fight.

Kind of like the old football saying when there is a big upset, "It's why they play the game."

10-01-2007, 06:44 PM
Uh NO!

The problem is pple thinking that CMA is more than what it really is. CMA is about fighting, period. Lion Dancing is cultural trappings added on with the practice. You do not need to Lion Dance to be a master at CMA.

I AGREE but we know that's not the way it's taught here. It's taught with all the trappings and not many teaching can actually fight.


10-01-2007, 06:46 PM
Just out of curiosity, what would have been the reaction from you Bullshido guys if Rudy HAD won?
I would have been out $50 bucks. But I would still give Rudy his props. However NO ONE thought Rudy was going to win. There is a reason for that.

10-01-2007, 06:47 PM
I would have been out $50 bucks. But I would still give Rudy his props. However NO ONE thought Rudy was going to win. There is a reason for that.

I mean, would Bullshido's opinion of CMA have changed at all?

10-01-2007, 06:50 PM
I AGREE but we know that's not the way it's taught here. It's taught with all the trappings and not many teaching can actually fight.

Then it begs the question, if you know its broke why do so many cry when others point out that its broke? Its funny how pple seem to loathe Bullshido for pointing out that CMA is broken because other stuff is taught over actually learning to fight but its true.

10-01-2007, 06:51 PM
I mean, would Bullshido's opinion of CMA have changed at all?

Where do you get the idea that "Bullshido" (whoever that is supposed to be) has a single, unified opinion on anything?

The general consensus though, for the past 5 years, has been:

Individual > Training Method > Style

So all this Style vs. Style crap is stupid. Most of us respect people who spar and pressure test their skills regardless of what style they do. And those who don't pressure test their skills are laughed at for being LARPers.

It's pretty simple.

10-01-2007, 06:51 PM
Jeff, that's the thing about BJJ. If you are not progressing on the mat, you are not progressing in belt rank. The day I got my blue, one of my training partners got his purple(he was already a blue). Thing is, he started 8 months AFTER I did. The guy is better than me, on the mat and in belt rank.

That's the way it should be in CMA also, but it's not that way. I'm lucky I have a sifu that was a fighter and he learned from a fighter. We don't learn lion dance and all the other stuff, it's strickly fighting. But my sifu is well enough off that he teaches for free, he doesn't have to run a school, so it's hard core or nothing at all.


10-01-2007, 06:52 PM
Then it begs the question, if you know its broke why do so many cry when others point out that its broke? Its funny how pple seem to loathe Bullshido for pointing out that CMA is broken because other stuff is taught over actually learning to fight but its true.

Isn't it possible to enjoy those cultural aspects and still be a good fighter?

10-01-2007, 06:57 PM
I mean, would Bullshido's opinion of CMA have changed at all?
I wouldn't count on it.

Why? With all due respect Anthony is a novice with a few years of training under his belt off and on. Rudy has been doing it for a much long time under his sash. Him beating Anthony wouldn't be the same as him beating me, Omega, or anyone else with similar experience.

Anthony beating Rudy and Osiris beating JFS just supports what Bullshido has been saying all along about training against fully resisting opponents is the way to go. In both cases you have two guys with much less actual MA experience than their opponents but with better training methods and they out performed those with decades under their belt.

10-01-2007, 06:58 PM
Then it begs the question, if you know its broke why do so many cry when others point out that its broke? Its funny how pple seem to loathe Bullshido for pointing out that CMA is broken because other stuff is taught over actually learning to fight but its true.

Obviously it's not completely broken, you found a good sifu right? It's the bad sifu and half arsed sifu out there that are the problem. I hate all the internet posing that goes on at places like bullshido, it's not that they talk bad about CMA, so much.

I'm one that always points out CMA is lacking, but there are good CMA stylist out there. I hate when all CMA'ist are lumped together.


10-01-2007, 06:59 PM

10-01-2007, 07:00 PM
Isn't it possible to enjoy those cultural aspects and still be a good fighter?

Yes but thats not the point. The cultural aspects is a secondary to what the primary purpose of Martial Arts is, which is to simply dealing with an opponent in combat. It doesn't do **** for you to be the best Lion Dancer in the world but get your ass quickly and easily beat in a fight if you profess to be a CMA "master".

10-01-2007, 07:03 PM
Where do you get the idea that "Bullshido" (whoever that is supposed to be) has a single, unified opinion on anything?

The general consensus though, for the past 5 years, has been:

Individual > Training Method > Style

So all this Style vs. Style crap is stupid. Most of us respect people who spar and pressure test their skills regardless of what style they do. And those who don't pressure test their skills are laughed at for being LARPers.

It's pretty simple.

That's solid.

I wouldn't count on it.

Why? With all due respect Anthony is a novice with a few years of training under his belt off and on. Rudy has been doing it for a much long time under his sash. Him beating Anthony wouldn't be the same as him beating me, Omega, or anyone else with similar experience.

Anthony beating Rudy and Osiris beating JFS just supports what Bullshido has been saying all along about training against fully resisting opponents is the way to go. In both cases you have two guys with much less actual MA experience than their opponents but with better training methods and they out performed those with decades under their belt.

So if, hypothetically, I beat Osiris, it would help?

10-01-2007, 07:05 PM
Just out of curiosity, what would have been the reaction from you Bullshido guys if Rudy HAD won?

I'm not a Bullshido guy, but I would have given him mad props and apologized for doubting him. I would have also put "I am a believer in Sifu Rudy, stances, forms and all other things CMA" on my signature.

10-01-2007, 07:08 PM
Obviously it's not completely broken, you found a good sifu right? It's the bad sifu and half arsed sifu out there that are the problem. I hate all the internet posing that goes on at places like bullshido, it's not that they talk bad about CMA, so much.
I found a few in a sea of many bad ones. But also I would have to say that it was also due to my competitve nature. I wanted to be able to fight. If I am a noob beating your top students then I don't need to be there.

I'm one that always points out CMA is lacking, but there are good CMA stylist out there. I hate when all CMA'ist are lumped together.

Why are you surprised as this? What is more telling? The droves of bad CMA stylist or the few good ones?

Trust me I felt like you. I wondered why CMA was all lumped up but then I had to realize that its that way because the community allows it. You have ones that bust there ass to get good and you have those who don't but ride on the coat tails. It not really that way in MMA circles. Those who bust their ass are recognized but those who don't are chastised for acting like they do.

10-01-2007, 07:08 PM
Alright, who gets to fight Anthony next?

I'll go.

Send me airplane money and some waivers...

10-01-2007, 07:10 PM
I'm not a Bullshido guy, but I would have given him mad props and apologized for doubting him. I would have also put "I am a believer in Sifu Rudy, stances, forms and all other things CMA" on my signature.

I would have congratulated him personally.

But a quick note here: when posting video footage to demonstrate his fighting prowess, he didn't post his forms... he posted his bagwork.

How many CMA schools train bagwork? How many should?

Food for thought.

10-01-2007, 07:11 PM
So if, hypothetically, I beat Osiris, it would help?

It would signal your conversion to one of us.:D

You will understand the benefits of effective training and start seeing those who don't train like you but feel they can talk as you.

10-01-2007, 07:17 PM
Back home after the fight.

Sifu Rudy Abel hits like a ton of bricks, his stand up is pretty freaking good. I got tagged 5 or 6 times, and as you can tell, I fell back to my grappling backround. The whole idea was to get it to a GnP situation, which I've been working on for a good long time. Rudy took some shots, and I hit him with a knee before I noticed he tapped, for which I am sorry.

Thanks Sifu Rudy, for allowing me the oppurtunity to test myself, you are a fighter, and I dont' give a f*ck what anyone says, you are the man in the arena, and proved your mettle.

10-01-2007, 07:19 PM
I found a few in a sea of many bad ones. But also I would have to say that it was also due to my competitve nature. I wanted to be able to fight. If I am a noob beating your top students then I don't need to be there.

I agree and have been lucky to find my sifu totally by chance.

Why are you surprised as this? What is more telling? The droves of bad CMA stylist or the few good ones?

But I don't blame CMA totally for this, I blame old chop sockey movies and people wanting to mimick those movies. People sought out chinese people just to learn CMA most of those chinese people had at best basic skill or understanding. Supply and demand, give the people what they want! Made many pretty rich.

Trust me I felt like you. I wondered why CMA was all lumped up but then I had to realize that its that way because the community allows it. You have ones that bust there ass to get good and you have those who don't but ride on the coat tails. It not really that way in MMA circles. Those who bust their ass are recognized but those who don't are chastised for acting like they do.

Well, i'm sure you're familiar with the culture like myself, where do we start and where do we lay the blame? I'm sure you're aware that many that claim CMA don't actually know CMA themselves


10-01-2007, 07:20 PM
What's the difference between what Osiris and Anthony do what Abel and Springer do? Anthony and Osiris train to compete in SPORTS competitions. They train with and are trained by athletes and coaches who compete or have competed in sports competitions.

The former also have basic knowledge of what to do on the ground and have been trained in that aspect of fighting in real time with others who are skilled at that aspect of fighting. The latter just "have groundfighting in their styles."

10-01-2007, 07:22 PM
Just watched the clip.

Rudy looked like he might have actually won for a second, but only a second.

He was swinging like a person not used to being in an actual fight not much control. I was able to defend sloppy shots so he gets props for that but he was clueless on the ground and he was easy to clinch.

Anthony really needs to work on his stand up but looked good once he got the fight where he wanted it to go. Anthony looked smaller from when I last saw him.

Classy finish and good sportsmanship despite all the build up.

10-01-2007, 07:23 PM
What's the difference between what Osiris and Anthony do what Abel and Springer do? Anthony and Osiris train to compete in SPORTS competitions. They train with and are trained by athletes and coaches who compete or have competed in sports competitions.

The former also have basic knowledge of what to do on the ground and have been trained in that aspect of fighting in real time with others who are skilled at that aspect of fighting. The latter just "have groundfighting in their styles."

All athletic endeavors are derived from fighting anyway. Fighting is the ultimate sport.

10-01-2007, 07:24 PM
Video is live now.

10-01-2007, 07:28 PM
What's the difference between what Osiris and Anthony do what Abel and Springer do? Anthony and Osiris train to compete in SPORTS competitions. They train with and are trained by athletes and coaches who compete or have competed in sports competitions.

The former also have basic knowledge of what to do on the ground and have been trained in that aspect of fighting in real time with others who are skilled at that aspect of fighting. The latter just "have groundfighting in their styles."

Quoted for massive amounts of TRUTH!

RD'S Alias - 1A
10-01-2007, 07:29 PM
Back home after the fight.

Sifu Rudy Abel hits like a ton of bricks, his stand up is pretty freaking good. I got tagged 5 or 6 times, and as you can tell, I fell back to my grappling backround. The whole idea was to get it to a GnP situation, which I've been working on for a good long time. Rudy took some shots, and I hit him with a knee before I noticed he tapped, for which I am sorry.

Thanks Sifu Rudy, for allowing me the oppurtunity to test myself, you are a fighter, and I dont' give a f*ck what anyone says, you are the man in the arena, and proved your mettle.

Now that you and he respect each other, maybe you can help him work on his ground skills, in exchange for him helping you with your stand up?

10-01-2007, 07:32 PM
Back home after the fight.

Sifu Rudy Abel hits like a ton of bricks, his stand up is pretty freaking good. I got tagged 5 or 6 times, and as you can tell, I fell back to my grappling backround. The whole idea was to get it to a GnP situation, which I've been working on for a good long time. Rudy took some shots, and I hit him with a knee before I noticed he tapped, for which I am sorry.

Thanks Sifu Rudy, for allowing me the oppurtunity to test myself, you are a fighter, and I dont' give a f*ck what anyone says, you are the man in the arena, and proved your mettle.

Very classy, Anthony.

HOWEVER I will add this reminder. Anthony is a novice. Rudy would have gotten slaughtered but anyone with more comparible experience in the same skill set.

Learn form this and grow.

10-01-2007, 07:33 PM
I'll give Abel some props for at least putting up something that looked like a fight. He had no chance with those ground skills though. And yeh, an MMA guy with training equivalent to Rudy's would've annihilated him.

10-01-2007, 07:36 PM
Just watched the clip.

Rudy looked like he might have actually won for a second, but only a second.

He was swinging like a person not used to being in an actual fight not much control. I was able to defend sloppy shots so he gets props for that but he was clueless on the ground and he was easy to clinch.

Anthony really needs to work on his stand up but looked good once he got the fight where he wanted it to go. Anthony looked smaller from when I last saw him.

Classy finish and good sportsmanship despite all the build up.

at 0:50 anthony would have been toast if there were no rules. (who's larping?).

abel clearly needs to learn how to handle the clinch, and a "sifu" should know that.

biggest mistakes of the fight: at 1:01 able should have either guillotined, or thrown anthony, since he ain't got an answer for the bull rush (bullshido rush?) or clinch, he's screwed. at 1:07 rudy looks like he was almost in position for an arm bar, but alas...he don't know how.

anthony, you suck at fighting. keep training.

rudy, you suck worse at fighting. go away and shut up. unplug your computer once and for all.

10-01-2007, 07:37 PM
Back home after the fight.

Sifu Rudy Abel hits like a ton of bricks, his stand up is pretty freaking good. I got tagged 5 or 6 times, and as you can tell, I fell back to my grappling backround. The whole idea was to get it to a GnP situation, which I've been working on for a good long time. Rudy took some shots, and I hit him with a knee before I noticed he tapped, for which I am sorry.

Thanks Sifu Rudy, for allowing me the oppurtunity to test myself, you are a fighter, and I dont' give a f*ck what anyone says, you are the man in the arena, and proved your mettle.

Now that you and he respect each other, maybe you can help him work on his ground skills, in exchange for him helping you with your stand up?

Bro, there are other people better trained than me to help Rudy out. I'm a 3 year white belt in BJJ, and have lots more to learn.

My muay thai coach already slapped me and told me I had training for standup tomorrow. :)

10-01-2007, 07:46 PM
Was nice to see this come to a REASONABLE conclusion after the nutty buildup.

RD'S Alias - 1A
10-01-2007, 07:47 PM

It's good you guys respect each other now. Rudy had nothing bad, and everything good to say about you when I talked to him right after the fight.

It's good to see this happened in a respectable, and honorable way. This is definetly the way it should be done.

Good Job to both of you!

10-01-2007, 07:51 PM
this was a decent fight, good job and good luck in the future to both! i don't get it, why don't more kung fu people train grappling? dam

also, what happened to John f springer? his kung fu site removed every thing about him, even photos! :eek: i hope the hong men didn't hurt him or nothing :eek:

10-01-2007, 07:52 PM
at 0:50 anthony would have been toast if there were no rules. (who's larping?).

abel clearly needs to learn how to handle the clinch, and a "sifu" should know that.

biggest mistakes of the fight: at 1:01 able should have either guillotined, or thrown anthony, since he ain't got an answer for the bull rush (bullshido rush?) or clinch, he's screwed. at 1:07 rudy looks like he was almost in position for an arm bar, but alas...he don't know how.

anthony, you suck at fighting. keep training.

rudy, you suck worse at fighting. go away and shut up. unplug your computer once and for all.

Post up videos of you fighting MMA.

Do not cheapen what Rudy and I have done.

10-01-2007, 07:54 PM
Post up videos of you fighting MMA.

Do not cheapen what Rudy and I have done.

it was cheap from the start. stop being a drama queen. go back to bullshido and play hero.

10-01-2007, 07:55 PM
it was cheap from the start. stop being a drama queen. go back to bullshido and play hero.

Says you.

Where is your video of your fighting skills?

Don't talk ****, if you can't back it up.

10-01-2007, 07:59 PM
it was cheap from the start. stop being a drama queen. go back to bullshido and play hero.

Actually he is not playing hero on bullshido. He is giving props to Rudy there as well as here. Smack talk will not get you anywhere.

10-01-2007, 08:05 PM
Says you.

Where is your video of your fighting skills?

Don't talk ****, if you can't back it up.

larping drama queen:rolleyes:

10-01-2007, 08:06 PM
larping drama queen:rolleyes:

Video of you fighting...

Still waiting.

10-01-2007, 08:08 PM

You probaly mentioned this before, but what is your standup and wrestling background?

10-01-2007, 08:10 PM
BTW, Jeff...

I might have to give Rudy some props for not being Springerized.

He didn't do a bad job of punishing Anthony and keeping him off when Anthony worked for the takedowns.

10-01-2007, 08:12 PM
Specialed you do have a point there. Anthony looked like he might have been in trouble there.

Why was the fight stopped and restarted at that point?

I fell out the ring.

The fight was also stopped for Rudy when he was out of the ring later.

Just safety for the fighters, Action Fitness took care of all of us. I can't say more great things about them!

10-01-2007, 08:15 PM
I fell out the ring.

The fight was also stopped for Rudy when he was out of the ring later.

Just safety for the fighters, Action Fitness took care of all of us. I can't say more great things about them!

Was that a slip or did you feel you were in trouble there?