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08-11-2007, 09:31 PM
right, because that takes, oh I don't know, 3 or 4 weeks on average, right?:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Not to be confused with the time it takes to draft a waiver! :D We're up to 2 months now on that one :rolleyes:

08-11-2007, 09:52 PM
Not to be confused with the time it takes to draft a waiver! :D We're up to 2 months now on that one :rolleyes:

well, when it's being written out like this, I can understand it...


RD'S Alias - 1A
08-11-2007, 09:55 PM
I think this is going to either blow over and nothing is going to happen, or we will end up seeing a Thermo Nuclear event on a grander scale than the Springer thing.

I have said this before, and I will say it again, all you guys should just flat out drop this childish crap.

If you need to prove yourself, there are plenty of traditional, and MMA events in which to do so. You can then video and post the results of your various fights. With enough time, and consistent events where you all succeed, you may have to just admit each other's methods work.

To do what you are doing, and to continue this stupidity is an embarrassment to both traditional Kung Fu, AND MMA.

You guys are bringing shame on yourselves, and everyone surrounding you.

In other words GROW UP!!!

08-11-2007, 10:05 PM
I am part black as well. I am pretty sure everyone is of mixed race.

What the hell does that have to do with anything? :confused:

08-11-2007, 10:10 PM
Beat you to it unkokusai :)

08-11-2007, 10:16 PM
What the hell does that have to do with anything? :confused:
Being part black, I have sat in both sides of the fence, Being called a white cracker by some and the N word by others. In other words the racial issue means nothing to me.

08-11-2007, 10:33 PM
Ok, well... it may not mean much to you but I am pretty sure it means a lot to a lot of people. If it didn't mean as much then this would not be an issue now would it.

Being part black, I have sat in both sides of the fence, Being called a white cracker by some and the N word by others. In other words the racial issue means nothing to me.

For some reason I want to call BS on you but since I have no proof..

I have never met a person who is of mixed ethnicity not take offense to being called either of those words. Either you are uneducated about those words and their meanings, a saint, or honeslty talking out your butt. I am of mixed ethnicity and if one of my friends was to call someone else a Spic or expose ethnic-slurs about any race he/she would have to worry about my socking them in the mouth.

No matter how much you would like to negate the power of words and their connection to our true personality, you can not.

I would also like to add the N word has a diffrent meaning for those who have dark skin. Take two mixed people and put them in a given situation like Os was in and ten to one bet the name calling would have been diffrent.

If OS was white toned but of black and white origin I doubt Sprigner would have called him the N word. Os is black so he gets called the N word. I was wonderign, since I dont feel like watching the video again, but didnt Springer also make a few Gay/Lesbian remarks to Anna?

If he did, did anyone comment on that portion of racist/anti-sexual identity menatlity?

anyway back to your comment. You are interacting with a community and that community can and will affected by things that you deem as meaning nothing with you and I am pretty sure your ancestors would be turing in their graves.

Mr Punch
08-11-2007, 10:54 PM
So what's the Bohemian Grove? Does it smell of patchouli?

08-11-2007, 10:59 PM
Ok, well... it may not mean much to you but I am pretty sure it means a lot to a lot of people. If it didn't mean as much then this would not be an issue now would it.

For some reason I want to call BS on you but since I have no proof..

I have never met a person who is of mixed ethnicity not take offense to being called either of those words. Either you are uneducated about those words and their meanings, a saint, or honeslty talking out your butt. I am of mixed ethnicity and if one of my friends was to call someone else a Spic or expose ethnic-slurs about any race he/she would have to worry about my socking them in the mouth.

No matter how much you would like to negate the power of words and their connection to our true personality, you can not.

I would also like to add the N word has a diffrent meaning for those who have dark skin. Take two mixed people and put them in a given situation like Os was in and ten to one bet the name calling would have been diffrent.

If OS was white toned but of black and white origin I doubt Sprigner would have called him the N word. Os is black so he gets called the N word. I was wonderign, since I dont feel like watching the video again, but didnt Springer also make a few Gay/Lesbian remarks to Anna?

If he did, did anyone comment on that portion of racist/anti-sexual identity menatlity?

anyway back to your comment. You are interacting with a community and that community can and will affected by things that you deem as meaning nothing with you and I am pretty sure your ancestors would be turing in their graves.
You have no proof and I was born and raised on the streets in D.C. old sibley hospital. I have defended my sister who is dark skined. That is when I was called a N....r lover. You may call bs on me if you want. Thats your op

08-11-2007, 11:01 PM
N....r lover

A whole different scenario from being called the N word as I stated here. Being called a N lover is one thing but being called a Nig is another. You could pass as being non black ( if you are truly half black and not 1/15)

(Take two mixed people and put them in a given situation like Os was in and ten to one bet the name calling would have been diffrent. )

Ask your sister if she likes being called the N word?

Would you defend her if she was being verbally assaulted with the same N word?

Would you get mad if someone teased your sister by using the N word?

You have no proof and I was born and raised on the streets in D.C. old sibley hospital As I said I have no proof but I am verbalizing my doubts being that I grew up in a mixed neighborhood and being mixed myself. Ignoring that word has never been an option. Look at the current desire to stomp that word out in hip hop music or better yet look at the heat recieved by those who are considered outsiders. Hell, even the use of the change variation nigga by someone not acepted into the group dynamic invoked anger and outrage.

I have never known anyone who was even partially black not to take offense to that word and your "Meh it means nothing to me" "kind of sounds like "Hey being called "Chief or Sqaw" doesn't bother me even though I am 1/15 Mohawk becasue my Great great grandfather had his way with a Sqaw.

Also I will bet that the life your sister lived and experienced is completely diffrent then yours. I'll see if i can look up some case about life experiences of mixed children versus their siblings when they are diffrent skin tones.

oh and being born on the streets does not lend anymore authencity to your accounts. The way you experienced life will differ greatly comapred to your sister

08-11-2007, 11:07 PM
I was wonderign, since I dont feel like watching the video again, but didnt Springer also make a few Gay/Lesbian remarks to Anna?

If he did, did anyone comment on that portion of racist/anti-sexual identity menatlity?

Yes he did. Thanks for noticing that. He used the word 'Dyke' alot, in an insulting fashion.

Guess we can add ****phobe to his resume. He was already a woman assaulting racist.

08-11-2007, 11:10 PM
A whole different scenario from being called the N word....

Ask your sister if she likes being called the N word?

Would you defend her if she was being verbally assaulted with the same N word?

My sister can defend herself. She also would just walk away from the idiot that said it. It is not an issue with her as well.

08-11-2007, 11:14 PM
Yes he did. Thanks for noticing that. He used the word 'Dyke' alot, in an insulting fashion.

Guess we can add ****phobe to his resume. He was already a woman assaulting racist.
but did anna coment on it?

08-11-2007, 11:27 PM
but did anna coment on it?

Are you ****ting me? Does she have to comment on it to make it unacceptable?

You have a serious disconnect lady!

Hey it is ok to call someone a Jap, *****, dyke, queer, Wop, Spic or Kraut as long as they don't comment about it. Oh and it is even more ok if they take ownership of said actions and apologize so they don't look like a douche in the public's eye.

08-11-2007, 11:28 PM
My sister can defend herself. She also would just walk away from the idiot that said it. It is not an issue with her as well.

Sigh....yeah I believe you <-----------------------------------------------------< this much.
You are starting to remind me of the Family Guy episode where Peter found his great great great grand father was an African slave. Do you have a cool name like Muntombo O'maly?

08-11-2007, 11:48 PM
Sigh....yeah I believe you <-----------------------------------------------------< this much.
You are starting to remind me of the Family Guy episode where Peter found his great great great grand father was an African slave. Do you have a cool name like Muntombo O'maly?
sorry if you do not believe me. but my name is Sandra Fox, I got on here when my other sister Wendy Eshelman set up an account for me. She lives in Tx. My other sister lives in Tx as well. I would not step in unless I see her getting he Butt handed to her, which I doubt would happen. She has more experience then I do in Martial Arts. I am just a white belt. On the other hand she and has more common sence. Thats is why she would walk away from idiots

08-11-2007, 11:48 PM
Being part black, I have sat in both sides of the fence, Being called a white cracker by some and the N word by others. In other words the racial issue means nothing to me.

Highly suspect

08-11-2007, 11:55 PM
Highly suspect

I will show the staff member on bs that works out with my husband a pic of my sister if you like.

08-11-2007, 11:56 PM
sorry if you do not believe me. but my name is Sandra Fox, I got on here when my other sister Wendy Eshelman set up an account for me. She lives in Tx. My other sister lives in Tx as well. I would not step in unless I see her getting he Butt handed to her, which I doubt would happen. She has more experience then I do in Martial Arts. I am just a white belt. On the other hand she and has more common sence. Thats is why she would walk away from idiots

Fighting over the word is one thing, being offended by it is another, and tolerating it is a whole bag of worms on its own. The only way to prove your ethnicity and you sisters is to post a family photo but even then you could pull it off someones family reunion web site. Meh it really doesn't matter, if your are half black and see Springers action as ok just because he is apologetic.... yeah nothing nice to say as my mother taught me.......

continue to keep us entertained with your comments.

08-12-2007, 12:04 AM
Fighting over the word is one thing, being offended by it is another, and tolerating it is a whole bag of worms on its own. The only way to prove your ethnicity and you sisters is to post a family photo but even then you could pull it off someones family reunion web site. Meh it really doesn't matter, if your are half black and see Springers action as ok just because he is apologetic.... yeah nothing nice to say as my mother taught me.......

continue to keep us entertained with your comments.

Like I said I will show a pic of my sister to a bs member. 1bad can pm him and say weather or not it is real on here.

08-12-2007, 12:06 AM
While this is all fun and all, let's not drift too far :)

Rudy, how is that waiver and venue coming along? Did I miss the big announcement you promised us this week? :D

Only about 6 weeks to go!!!

08-12-2007, 12:13 AM
Seriously Bad, do you think he is actually going to do this?

The fight day is going to come and go, someone is going to make an excuse and then the other group will make a rebutal. This will go back and forth like usual. If you have his school's address and your boys are so interested in fighting him just show up to his school with camera in hand. If you are that determined, issue him a challenege in his den. That is the way it used to be done. Go old school Dojo/Kwoon battling. Go the whole nine yards, tear down his banners, poke his teacher in the eye and kick him in the crotch. Force him to come to you to avenge his teacher's honor and regain face for his clan.

08-12-2007, 12:14 AM
While this is all fun and all, let's not drift too far :)

Rudy, how is that waiver and venue coming along? Did I miss the big announcement you promised us this week? :D

Only about 6 weeks to go!!!

I will leave you alone since Tom has advised me, you two have come to an agreement:)

08-12-2007, 12:20 AM
Seriously Bad, do you think he is actually going to do this?

The fight day is going to come and go, someone is going to make an excuse and then the other group will make a rebutal. This will go back and forth like usual. If you have his school's address and your boys are so interested in fighting him just show up to his school with camera in hand. If you are that determined, issue him a challenege in his den. That is the way it used to be done. Go old school Dojo/Kwoon battling. Go the whole nine yards, tear down his banners, poke his teacher in the eye and kick him in the crotch. Force him to come to you to avenge his teacher's honor and regain face for his clan.

Old school ways were to kick the instructors butt, then you get his students as well.

08-12-2007, 12:25 AM
Actually old school ways was to challenge the school and you fought the top student before you were allowed to fight the teacher. If you won then you got the students by proxy because the loser would be ran out of town :)

Hey shouldn't OS have all of Springer students now?????

08-12-2007, 12:32 AM
Actually old school ways was to challenge the school and you fought the top student before you were allowed to fight the teacher. If you won then you got the students by proxy because the loser would be ran out of town :)

Hey shouldn't OS have all of Springer students now?????
Wrong on two points..you challenged the teacher, which is the head of the school and got his students and two Springer does not have a school.

Tom was taught old school ways and he is old school.

08-12-2007, 12:46 AM
Wrong on two points..you challenged the teacher, which is the head of the school and got his students

lol ok darling.......:rolleyes:

If you understood my comment you would understand that the typical inter kwoon battles joke I was making.

The whole idea of kwoon battles was based upon the old Shaw brother movies.
now I am assuming that Tom is under 100 years old but older than 50 if he is "old" school. If he is younger than 50 years old he is in the same boat as I am in, hearing about school versus school battles.

Ok back to the "getting the other person's students" if you were lucky enough to fight the teacher you got his students because you proved yourself to be the superior fighter with the superior technique. The other teacher lost face, was dead, and would no longer teach This also mainly occured between rival schools.

Also it is well known that you would often face the top student especially if the head teacher was advanced in age.

Now the Kwoon/Dojo battles in New York often had one school beating the hell out of each other, some may have closed, moved to a different location but few lost their students or had their students forced to train with the winner.

Honestly fung, your comments, claiming to know anything about martial arts while being a white belt ( even though belts don't matter, but does make a type of reference of knowledge ) and behavior shows that you barely have the vaugest idea about anything TCMA or martial at all. Plus, using Tom as a refenece point as proof to your ignorance does not enhance Tom reputation.

08-12-2007, 01:03 AM
lol ok darling.......:rolleyes:

If you understood my comment you would understand that the typical inter kwoon battles joke I was making.

The whole idea of kwoon battles was based upon the old Shaw brother movies.
now I am assuming that Tom is under 100 years old but older than 50 if he is "old" school. If he is younger than 50 years old he is in the same boat as I am in, hearing about school versus school battles.

Ok back to the "getting the other person's students" if you were lucky enough to fight the teacher you got his students because you proved yourself to be the superior fighter with the superior technique. The other teacher lost face, was dead, and would no longer teach This also mainly occured between rival schools.

Also it is well known that you would often face the top student especially if the head teacher was advanced in age.

Now the Kwoon/Dojo battles in New York often had one school beating the hell out of each other, some may have closed, moved to a different location but few lost their students or had their students forced to train with the winner.

Honestly fung, your comments, claiming to know anything about martial arts while being a white belt ( even though belts don't matter, but does make a type of reference of knowledge ) and behavior shows that you barely have the vaugest idea about anything TCMA or martial at all. Plus, using Tom as a refenece point as proof to your ignorance does not enhance Tom reputation.

I understand..Tom is 52, and now you can not do this sort of thing. I chose not to train under Tom, because I Hate Kata. I want to learn self defence, yes call me stupid, but he is a perfectionist when it comes to his teaching

08-12-2007, 05:10 AM
a few things stand out in my mind-
1-if Tome were a perfectionist-then he would emphasize that you can defend yourself, not simply teach kata. BTW-a good teacher should be a perfectionist. Transformation will not tolerate mediocrity. I wouldn't tolerate it in my students, nor would I want them to tolerate it within themselves. Why settle? You only have one life.
2-JFS might not actually be a racist. He may have been using Racial slurs to make Osirus mad enough to get out of the caR and fight. Of couRse, you can always argue that if that is what comes to mind under duress, then he is.

3-most real challenges never occurred in a school, but in private. In NYC-many happened in the catacombs. You watch too much TV.

08-12-2007, 06:11 AM
Ten Tiger

>.< Yes, I watched to much fox 5 in the afternoon......Shaw Brother movies...

I understand..Tom is 52, and now you can not do this sort of thing. I chose not to train under Tom, because I Hate Kata. I want to learn self defence, yes call me stupid, but he is a perfectionist when it comes to his teaching

You handled that well... no need for me to comment.

Well, I'll make a small comment. No need for forms and since Tom does Katas I am assuming he does a Japanese/Okinawan system?

08-12-2007, 07:19 AM
Seriously Bad, do you think he is actually going to do this?

The fight day is going to come and go, someone is going to make an excuse and then the other group will make a rebutal. This will go back and forth like usual. If you have his school's address and your boys are so interested in fighting him just show up to his school with camera in hand. If you are that determined, issue him a challenege in his den. That is the way it used to be done. Go old school Dojo/Kwoon battling. Go the whole nine yards, tear down his banners, poke his teacher in the eye and kick him in the crotch. Force him to come to you to avenge his teacher's honor and regain face for his clan.

There is no way he is gonna do this. He has ducked 3 fights already and 'declined' to fight Anthony before when Anthony was in Southern California. He has also made ZERO progress on the waiver and the venue, and he has had 2 months! There is only 6 weeks left until Sept 29th.

He has promised to come to my gym and fight me and Taylor. I have stated why I don't travel, but even if I did I would be a moron to travel to a guy with the track record Rudy has. Your right about the excuse part, that's his way of doing it. But like Unkokusai said, if for ANY reason it does not happen its on Rudy. If he is chomping at the bit to fight Anthony, why has the waiver and venue not gotten done in two months? :rolleyes:

RD'S Alias - 1A
08-12-2007, 09:05 AM
Are you stupid people STILL on this?

John Takeshi
08-12-2007, 10:20 AM
Personally, I prefer the moral uprightness demonstrated daily by JFS and Sifu Rudy Abel. They're nothing but courteous, kind, and racially tolerant people. They will put up on September 29th, and show you what it means to be traditional with a capital "T". What are you so afraid of?

Go on and sign the waiver, Rudy. I'll back you up. I'm also williing to put my slip on the line. I drive a 1990 Volkswagon Beetle, and although it's a tad dented and has leopardskin interior, it's still worth quite a bit on the street. Plus, I'll put up about 10,000 in cash, and roughly 400 in food stamps.

Boy are you guys in for a "rud-y" awakening....hahahaha......

I'm so clever.

Don't tell me you changed sides, Royal Dragon. You were the one egging it on when you posted this several weeks ago.

08-12-2007, 10:27 AM
Seriously Bad, do you think he is actually going to do this?

The fight day is going to come and go, someone is going to make an excuse and then the other group will make a rebutal. This will go back and forth like usual. If you have his school's address and your boys are so interested in fighting him just show up to his school with camera in hand. If you are that determined, issue him a challenege in his den. That is the way it used to be done. Go old school Dojo/Kwoon battling. Go the whole nine yards, tear down his banners, poke his teacher in the eye and kick him in the crotch. Force him to come to you to avenge his teacher's honor and regain face for his clan.

Now that's what I'm talkin' about...DOJOBUSTERS!!:D

08-12-2007, 11:01 AM
but when I horribly twisted, maligned, spun, and lied about RUDY's own words and actions, you guys get bent out of shape???

Me and you may well disagree, but I really am warning you that the more I follow rudy around like a love sick school girl, the more a total sycophantic douche I will look like when Sept 29th comes around.


08-12-2007, 11:10 AM
While this is all fun and all, let's not drift too far :)

Rudy, how is that waiver and venue coming along? Did I miss the big announcement you promised us this week? :D

Only about 6 weeks to go!!!

Click me (http://www.monkeysfly.net/kaistar/comedy/retard.gif)

08-12-2007, 11:53 AM
Ten Tiger

>.< Yes, I watched to much fox 5 in the afternoon......Shaw Brother movies...

You handled that well... no need for me to comment.

Well, I'll make a small comment. No need for forms and since Tom does Katas I am assuming he does a Japanese/Okinawan system?

Tom has studied Japanese & Okinawan systems in his travels while in the military. He likes to use katas for muscle memory training. His style is called American karate which is the mixture of the Martial Arts. His core art is Kung Fu San Soo which is a style that belives in crippling your attacker. He has a BBs in Tang Soo Do, American Karate and Kung Fu San Soo. He does not belive that the belt makes the fighter, it is the fighter that makes the belt.

08-12-2007, 12:17 PM
Still more name calling and more drivel, huh Rudy? And NO update on the venue or waiver I see :rolleyes: Your right, I'm gonna follow you all over, telling everyone how you e-challenge left-and-right and duck out until you either man up or stop being an idiot. Get used to seeing me around :D

I guess the 'big update' we were promised LAST WEEK was just another empty promise by you.

Notice how more and more people here are drawing the conclusion you have NO intention of fighting Anthony......

08-12-2007, 12:26 PM
Don't give Royal Dragon's posts too much weight. He actually helped Rudy 'duck by proxy' the ST00 e-challenge and has tried it again on this particular one.

Royal Dragoon, maybe you should ask Rudy about why the waiver and venue have taken over TWO MONTHS and still are at square one......

RD'S Alias - 1A
08-12-2007, 01:07 PM
This was not my post below.

Personally, I prefer the moral uprightness demonstrated daily by JFS and Sifu Rudy Abel. They're nothing but courteous, kind, and racially tolerant people. They will put up on September 29th, and show you what it means to be traditional with a capital "T". What are you so afraid of?

Go on and sign the waiver, Rudy. I'll back you up. I'm also williing to put my slip on the line. I drive a 1990 Volkswagon Beetle, and although it's a tad dented and has leopardskin interior, it's still worth quite a bit on the street. Plus, I'll put up about 10,000 in cash, and roughly 400 in food stamps.

Boy are you guys in for a "rud-y" awakening....hahahaha......

I'm so clever.
Don't tell me you changed sides, Royal Dragon. You were the one egging it on when you posted this several weeks ago.

RD'S Alias - 1A
08-12-2007, 01:08 PM
Don't give Royal Dragon's posts too much weight. He actually helped Rudy 'duck by proxy' the ST00 e-challenge and has tried it again on this particular one.

Royal Dragoon, maybe you should ask Rudy about why the waiver and venue have taken over TWO MONTHS and still are at square one......

I don't have a side in this. I really don't care if he fights or not. I just think everyone involved is being stupid.

08-12-2007, 01:24 PM
This is drag out knock down hilarious. All RD did was point out that I just had a knee surgery. Thats it. It wasn't a lie. How is that an issue? This was a match to be set in the FUTURE. A future that was never pursued. You continue this clap trap yet anybody with an ounce of interest can read the link and draw their own conclusion. My god, you will say that bush will judged by history as a genius.

Anybody just parroting you is fool.

I've already said it a couple of times alreday. Anybody that still has an itch for me can step up right now. I don't have medical issues.
And black is really white then get run over a zebra.

How many times can I state the obvious that I'm waiting for the venue confirmation. Waivers will be issued at that time. Soon, in fact.

You can continue "la la la fingers in your ears" if you want, Mr. Douche. You can twist and lie and ***** and moan like a yellow steaked ***** all day.

I'm going to stop answering you now. You are as important to this issue as naval lint. I can only bust your lies so many times before it gets boring.

08-12-2007, 01:37 PM
Anybody just parroting you is fool.

Fools who will be gloating on Sept 30th :D

How many times can I state the obvious that I'm waiting for the venue confirmation. Waivers will be issued at that time. Soon, in fact.

Well, you did PROMISE us a 'big update' LAST WEEK :rolleyes: Soon? It's been two months! You only have 6 weeks left!

I'm going to stop answering you now. You are as important to this issue as naval lint. I can only bust your lies so many times before it gets boring.

Show me ONE lie. Liars usually do clam up when someone gets on to their game. Whether you answer me or not, I'll be everywhere you go to spout your drivel, showing everyone what kind of blowhard you are :D

08-13-2007, 12:14 PM
A little bit more info on Rudy:

He initially offered to fight at Kung Fu Connection in Miami, his teacher's school. Once Anthony accepted, Rudy suddenly needed to find a new venue instead. :rolleyes: IMO, he is just fishing. He is hoping to find a venue that Anthony will not accept in order avoid the fight.

Anthony also offered to put up $1,000 if Rudy put up the same in a 'winner takes all' bet on the fight. Rudy declined. Sound familiar?

Also, on 6-28-07 Anthony predicted that Rudy might well use the waiver as an excuse. Considering it's been over 2 months since Rudy said 'The waiver is coming' and won't answer any questions about the waiver, Anthony may well have predicted the EXACT excuse!

08-13-2007, 03:44 PM
A little bit more info on Rudy:

He initially offered to fight at Kung Fu Connection in Miami, his teacher's school. Once Anthony accepted, Rudy suddenly needed to find a new venue instead. :rolleyes: IMO, he is just fishing. He is hoping to find a venue that Anthony will not accept in order avoid the fight.

Anthony also offered to put up $1,000 if Rudy put up the same in a 'winner takes all' bet on the fight. Rudy declined. Sound familiar?

Also, on 6-28-07 Anthony predicted that Rudy might well use the waiver as an excuse. Considering it's been over 2 months since Rudy said 'The waiver is coming' and won't answer any questions about the waiver, Anthony may well have predicted the EXACT excuse!

Is the waiver totally independent of the location? Just guessing, but the implication from Rudy's responses seems to be that he is waiting for the location to be confirmed. Perhaps the waiver is dependent on that?

Note that I'm not making excuses for anyone here. I'm just guessing from Rudy's responses.

Did he agree to the $1000 bet initially? If not, I don't call declining it ducking. I can't speak for past events that he may have ducked because I have no history with him. Just calling a spade a spade.

08-13-2007, 04:31 PM
The waiver is TOTALLY separate from the venue. He can send Anthony a waiver with the location left blank. Anthony can go over everything else and if there are disagreements there is still time to iron them out. And once everyone agrees on the rest and a venue is found either print up a new one with the exact same terms and add the location or just fill in the blank. I'm guessing Rudy is going to send a waiver, LAST MINUTE, that is totally ridiculous and then accuse Anthony of ducking. Remember Rudy HIMSELF stated 'The waiver is coming' over 2 months ago. :rolleyes:

As for the $1000 bet, read carefully. I did not use the word 'ducking', I used the word 'declined'.

08-13-2007, 07:47 PM
As for the $1000 bet, read carefully. I did not use the word 'ducking', I used the word 'declined'.

Yea, I read that correctly but come on, saying "Rudy declined. Sound familiar?" in the same tirade about him ducking fights implies that it somehow reflects badly on him (not that Rudy needs any help ruining his reputation at the moment). In other words, I don't see the significance of it, unless "sound familiar" is supposed to mean that it supports your accusations of him ducking.

Ah, why do I care? This whole thing is silly.

08-13-2007, 11:17 PM
I would decline a 1,000 dollar bet myself. But I'm not a gambling man.

08-14-2007, 06:13 AM
Boshea, I see how you could have gotten confused. When I asked if it sounded familiar, I was refering to the week of May 12, '07. Anthony had offered to fight Rudy in Southern California at that time and Rudy 'declined'.

Rudy has been unusually quiet lately. Wonder why? :D

08-14-2007, 06:25 AM
Boshea, I see how you could have gotten confused. When I asked if it sounded familiar, I was refering to the week of May 12, '07. Anthony had offered to fight Rudy in Southern California at that time and Rudy 'declined'.

Rudy has been unusually quiet lately. Wonder why? :D

If I recall Anthony wanted a fight on Mother's day ( silly to begin with) and Rudy suggested a different date to which Anthony said no because he had his first MMA match the next day.

08-14-2007, 06:55 AM
If I recall Anthony wanted a fight on Mother's day ( silly to begin with) and Rudy suggested a different date to which Anthony said no because he had his first MMA match the next day.

You are mistaken. Here are Rudy's own words in declining the fight. Notice there is NO mention of Mothers Day:

"Nah, I'll catch the video. I'm not stupid. You are quite a bit larger than me. Anthying less than something really nasty won't stop you. That I'll give you. Then again, thats something you may want."

But we're all to believe he is gonna fight Anthony on Sept 29th? :rolleyes:

08-14-2007, 06:58 AM
You are mistaken. Here are Rudy's own words in declining the fight. Notice there is NO mention of Mothers Day:

"Nah, I'll catch the video. I'm not stupid. You are quite a bit larger than me. Anthying less than something really nasty won't stop you. That I'll give you. Then again, thats something you may want."

But we're all to believe he is gonna fight Anthony on Sept 29th? :rolleyes:

Where and when did Rudy say that ??

08-14-2007, 07:15 AM
Where and when did Rudy say that ??

Right here:


08-14-2007, 07:19 AM
Right here:


No offense dude, but with BS's tendency to re-write peoples posts, that doesn't hold much weight.
Maybe he said that and maybe he didn't, BS is a bias site and as such must be treated accordingly.

08-14-2007, 07:21 AM
Right here:


On Rudy's board, Anthony came on with a different story. I would also like to know what happened the proposal, that they bann Anthony and let Rudy Mod in his place?

08-14-2007, 07:33 AM
No offense dude, but with BS's tendency to re-write peoples posts, that doesn't hold much weight.
Maybe he said that and maybe he didn't, BS is a bias site and as such must be treated accordingly.

Oh come on. How's the Kool-Aid taste? Did they rewrite his posts HERE when he ducked ST00 and Knifefighter? Keep in mind Rudy accused BS of rewriting JFS' posts too. When Rudy was asked to show examples, he 'declined'. :rolleyes:

Do you honestly think he is gonna fight Anthony on Sept 29th?

On Rudy's board, Anthony came on with a different story. I would also like to know what happened the proposal, that they bann Anthony and let Rudy Mod in his place?

Anthony does not own BS, Phrost does. Anthony cannot bet what is not his. Yes, his offer was 'declined'. Would it have been better if they accepted it and talked smack for months and then rescinded the offer right before Sept 29th? :D

Mr Fox, do you think Rudy will fight Anthony on Sept 29th?

08-14-2007, 07:38 AM
Oh come on. How's the Kool-Aid taste? Did they rewrite his posts HERE when he ducked ST00 and Knifefighter? Keep in mind Rudy accused BS of rewriting JFS' posts too. When Rudy was asked to show examples, he 'declined'. :rolleyes:

Do you honestly think he is gonna fight Anthony on Sept 29th?

Anthony does not own BS, Phrost does. Anthony cannot bet what is not his. Yes, his offer was 'declined'. Would it have been better if they accepted it and talked smack for months and then rescinded the offer right before Sept 29th? :D

Mr Fox, do you think Rudy will fight Anthony on Sept 29th?

Actually some people gave props to Rudy for pussing Anthony's buttons, It is Phrost's site. I believe all mods would get a vote in what would happen in that instant.

When it comes to the fight, I will not convict one way or the other,except I hope he does fight him.

08-14-2007, 08:56 AM
Actually some people gave props to Rudy for pussing Anthony's buttons, It is Phrost's site. I believe all mods would get a vote in what would happen in that instant.

When it comes to the fight, I will not convict one way or the other,except I hope he does fight him.

I hope you don't, as a professional Martial Artist, think it's ok to challenge another Martial Artist to a fight knowing you have NO intentions of actually fighting, just to push his buttons. Also, did he threaten to report me as a drug dealer to APD just to push my buttons? Rudy is a punk, a liar, and a coward, plain and simple.

About Bullshido. Say you own a chain of restaurants. Should every manager of each restaurant be able to vote in policies that you, the sole owner, are against?

Well I'm obviously on record saying Rudy is not going to fight Anthony on Sept 29th. The only question is how he is gonna duck out. Two months and no waiver or venue. It's got to be obvious he is not gonna fight Anthony.

08-14-2007, 09:01 AM
Oh come on. How's the Kool-Aid taste? Did they rewrite his posts HERE when he ducked ST00 and Knifefighter? Keep in mind Rudy accused BS of rewriting JFS' posts too. When Rudy was asked to show examples, he 'declined'.

Do you honestly think he is gonna fight Anthony on Sept 29th?

Dude, you do know WHO you are talking to in regards to Bullshdio right?
I KNOW what they did.

As for Rudy fighting Anthony, as I have said before, if BOTH REALLY wanted it, it would have happned a long time ago.
Will it happen now?

08-14-2007, 09:28 AM
Dude, you do know WHO you are talking to in regards to Bullshdio right?
I KNOW what they did.

As for Rudy fighting Anthony, as I have said before, if BOTH REALLY wanted it, it would have happned a long time ago.
Will it happen now?

So you have PROOF they did? I sure hope so, because Rudy's word is worth nothing.

Anthony has travelled to Southern California, he has offered his own school as a venue(as it has a cage), and he is willing to travel for this fight. He ACCEPTED the venue in Miami, of course Rudy mysteriously had to change it once he accepted.

There is NO WAY it's gonna happen. Rudy is a coward who does this all the time. Keep in mind, Anthony has done EVERYTHING he is supposed to do regarding this fight, and Rudy had made all of ZERO progress on the only two things he AGREED to do: the waiver and the venue.

Please tell me you are not gonna grasp at straws for an excuse for Rudy's ducking on Sept 30th. I myself can't wait for Sept 30th :D

08-14-2007, 09:57 AM
And Sanjuro, you failed to answer my question of whether or not Rudy's posts here were altered. Remember, he ducked ST00 and Knifefighter on this site.

08-14-2007, 10:12 AM
And Sanjuro, you failed to answer my question of whether or not Rudy's posts here were altered. Remember, he ducked ST00 and Knifefighter on this site.

Do I know for sure they were altered?
Have the mods and admins done it before?
Yes, too many times for my liking.
As for THIS site, I have no comment.

This is how I view a challenge match, so you can take what I think of all this from that:
You challenge me, fine, your rules and venue? sure, no problem.
I I can travel I will go if not, sorry, come to me, if not, such is life.
Sport challenge, beat me, good for you, I beat you, good for me.
No sweat of my testicles.
Make it personal, well, its your life.

I have no issues in fighting anyone under any rules, why would I ?
My MA training is NOT specific to A, B or C.

I don't need to train for a fight, I don't need to prepare, my MA training is ongoing.

As per the above, what do you think I think of these silly matches?

08-14-2007, 10:15 AM
And Sanjuro, you failed to answer my question of whether or not Rudy's posts here were altered. Remember, he ducked ST00 and Knifefighter on this site.
You might be getting in over your head with this on. Ronin was on staff at BS, so I am pretty he knows what goes on behinds the scenes. If Rudy called the police dept. you would have already heard from them.
Please look at what has already happened to embesso's accout. Look under his name and tell me who wrote that little ditty under it? He is not a supporting member and he could not have done it.
If phrost was as biased as I believe he is then I would think he would have let it come to a vote, as to weather Rudy was a mod and Anthony gets banned. The whole thing is rather lame to begin with.
To many personel issues are out there, and hopefully someone does not get hurt over the situtation.

Sry Ronin, did not meant to step into your responce with 1bad.

08-14-2007, 10:20 AM
I don't need to train for a fight, I don't need to prepare, my MA training is ongoing.

Say wha? :confused:

RD'S Alias - 1A
08-14-2007, 10:24 AM
He just means his training is always on going, and training for a specific fight is no different than what he does during his daily routines.

This is really where we should all be at in our martial arts.

08-14-2007, 10:27 AM
He just means his training is always on going, and training for a specific fight is no different than what he does during his daily routines.

This is really where we should all be at in our martial arts.

When I competed I would be only 2 weeks out of "competition shape" IF I had to meet a weight, but usually I favored limited weight divisions or no weight divisions.

08-14-2007, 10:38 AM
Do I know for sure they were altered?
Have the mods and admins done it before?
Yes, too many times for my liking.
As for THIS site, I have no comment.

So no PROOF. Then why try and defend a LIAR like Rudy? This site too? So this is a global MA forum conspiracy to make Rudy APPEAR to e-challenge and duck? :eek: Are you on medication by chance?

No matter what you or I think of rules, venues, etc: Rudy agreed to take care of the venue and waiver! Him not doing so is a way of ducking. Period.

As per the above, what do you think I think of these silly matches?

I LOVED watching Springer get his. I was laughing like a hyena. I think that no matter how silly one might feel the fights are, it's way more silly to keep proposing/accepting them and then ducking out.

You will be one of those looking real stupid on Sept 30th, mark my words.

08-14-2007, 10:44 AM
You might be getting in over your head with this on. Ronin was on staff at BS, so I am pretty she he knows what goes on behinds the scenes. If Rudy called the police dept. you would have already heard from them.
Please look at what has already happened to embesso's accout. Look under his name and tell me who wrote that littl ditty under it? He is not a supporting member and he could not have done it.
If phrost was as biased as I believe he is then I would think he would have let it come to a vote, as to weather Rudy was a mod and Anthony gets banned. The whole thing is rather lame to begin with.
To many personel issues are out there, and hopefully someone does not get hurt over the situtation.

So Ronin was a mod there! Great. Her showing PROOF should be simple. Any takers that she won't? :)

Embesso is a complete tool. He NEARLY talks more **** than Rudy, although from the safety of Rudy's board now. He may well commit suicide on Sept 30th. His world is gonna be shattered when Rudy ducks, AGAIN.

As for getting hurt, honestly, I hope Rudy does. He is nearly as big an ******* as Springer. If he gets hurt, I'll laugh harder than when Springer got OWNED!

08-14-2007, 10:47 AM
So Ronin was a mod there! Great. Her showing PROOF should be simple. Any takers that she won't? :)

Embesso is a complete tool. He NEARLY talks more **** than Rudy, although from the safety of Rudy's board now. He may well commit suicide on Sept 30th. His world is gonna be shattered when Rudy ducks, AGAIN.

As for getting hurt, honestly, I hope Rudy does. He is nearly as big an ******* as Springer. If he gets hurt, I'll laugh harder than when Springer got OWNED!

I was an admin, not a mod and you want proof?
Ask about Ronin69 over there.
And its HE not her, Oscar.

08-14-2007, 10:54 AM
So Ronin was a mod there! Great. Her showing PROOF should be simple. Any takers that she won't? :)

Embesso is a complete tool. He NEARLY talks more **** than Rudy, although from the safety of Rudy's board now. He may well commit suicide on Sept 30th. His world is gonna be shattered when Rudy ducks, AGAIN.

As for getting hurt, honestly, I hope Rudy does. He is nearly as big an ******* as Springer. If he gets hurt, I'll laugh harder than when Springer got OWNED!

Actually it was my way of showing proof about your accounts being hacked. If you do not like a certain forum you do not have to post,which is why I Personally do not post there anymore.
I prefer CMA forum, just for the fact my core art is Kunf Fu.

08-14-2007, 11:10 AM
I was an admin, not a mod and you want proof?
Ask about Ronin69 over there.
And its HE not her, Oscar.

I want proof of posts being changed.

I apologize for the gender error. It was an honest mistake, not an insult. Sorry.

08-14-2007, 11:12 AM
I want proof of posts being changed.

I apologize for the gender error. It was an honest mistake, not an insult. Sorry.

And what proof would satisfy you?

I am not saying that any were changed, just as I stated before, I am saying that IF they were, it wouldn't be an uncommon or isolated event.

08-14-2007, 11:16 AM
Actually it was my way of showing proof about your accounts being hacked. If you do not like a certain forum you do not have to post,which is why I Personally do not post there anymore.
I prefer CMA forum, just for the fact my core art is Kunf Fu.

Writing something under an avatar or them putting the famous 'I have over 3,500 posts and am not a supporting member', are different than changing posts. I want PROOF of them altering the actual posts.

Notice how the guy who is the mod on the CMA area is someone who was an active poster on RUDY's board at the time they offered him the slot. You may not like them, but they are not as biased as some people think.

Another quuestion for you Mr Fox: If Rudy does indeed duck out of the Sept 29th fight, will your opinion of him change? And if so, will you yourself confront him as to why he e-challenges people and then ducks them?

08-14-2007, 11:21 AM
And what proof would satisfy you?

I am not saying that any were changed, just as I stated before, I am saying that IF they were, it wouldn't be an uncommon or isolated event.

You made the accusation that is was possible. If it's not 'an uncommon or isolated event', then actual proof should be easy for an ex-admin to show us.

Here is an analagy, I AM MAKING NO ACCUSATIONS:

Say I hate a certain man. So I say he COULD BE a rapist. When asked for proof I say, 'well rape is a common occurence and he is a man after all'.

Making an accusation WITH NO PROOF is bs, and you should know it. Get ready for Sept 30th. Deep down you know Rudy is gonna duck. No amount of distractions, accusations, etc is gonna change it either.

08-14-2007, 11:23 AM
Writing something under an avatar or them putting the famous 'I have over 3,500 posts and am not a supporting member', are different than changing posts. I want PROOF of them altering the actual posts.

Notice how the guy who is the mod on the CMA area is someone who was an active poster on RUDY's board at the time they offered him the slot. You may not like them, but they are not as biased as some people think.

Another quuestion for you Mr Fox: If Rudy does indeed duck out of the Sept 29th fight, will your opinion of him change? And if so, will you yourself confront him as to why he e-challenges people and then ducks them?

No my opinion will not change either way, Why are you so decicated to rip someones reputation apart? Do you a Skeletons in your closet, is so then I would be adding more fuel to the fire.
The CMA mods over there are not my concern, I just do not like the way they do things. Its to double standered for me.

08-14-2007, 11:24 AM
What proof will satisfy you?

08-14-2007, 11:28 AM
we really need to get a pool going on this.

we got a rudy will show camp and a rudy will not show camp.

this could be big.

i want to make some money but i dont know who to bet on....

this is worse than TV

08-14-2007, 11:34 AM
No my opinion will not change either way, Why are you so decicated to rip someones reputation apart? Do you a Skeletons in your closet, is so then I would be adding more fuel to the fire.
The CMA mods over there are not my concern, I just do not like the way they do things. Its to double standered for me.

Rudy's reputaion is of his own making. I'm just putting it out there. I have stated on here that I indeed will follow Rudy around and expose him for what he is. I admit it. Want me to stop? It's easy, once Rudy stops doing this OR he starts actually fighting people he e-challenges, I'll stop. Simple as that.

Speaking of stopping, I have also posted ON HERE, that I will indeed STFU until Sept 29th once Rudy gets the waiver and venue done and Anthony confirms it. I wonder why Rudy won't do that :rolleyes:

08-14-2007, 11:35 AM
What proof will satisfy you?

At least show SOMETHING. We can go from there. Remember, I'm looking for POST CONTENT being altered/changed.

08-14-2007, 11:36 AM
i want to make some money but i dont know who to bet on....

Then you are a very bad gambler :)

08-14-2007, 11:48 AM
At least show SOMETHING. We can go from there. Remember, I'm looking for POST CONTENT being altered/changed.

I don't see how I can show you something that was one way before it was altered as an example.
I saw it done, maliciously.
Am I accusing some of the people there of doing that?
Yes, 100% and they know who they are too.:D
Its one thing to foll around and put words in peoples mouths as a joke, its another when you try to destroy their livelyhoods.
But that is something I don't care to address and has nothing to do with Rudy.

I find it very hard to believe that Rudy would have said what was posted on BS, outside being sarcastic and I say that simple because it is not in his internet character to do so.
It doesn't mesh.

I have said many times that, unless this was a sport match was established rules, it will probably never happen and if it does, won't matter much either way.

08-14-2007, 11:56 AM
At least show SOMETHING. We can go from there. Remember, I'm looking for POST CONTENT being altered/changed.

Considering that the content of a forum is controlled entirely by its admins, and the proof can only exist in that content, there is no way to prove it. But if you could find a third party that you trusted that had cached copies of the page, such as cached results from Google searches, you might be able to make a good case. But those caches expire frequently, so anything very old would likely not still be the cache (and if it were, your proof would not last very long).

Long live the subjunctive mood.

08-14-2007, 11:59 AM
I find it very hard to believe that Rudy would have said what was posted on BS, outside being sarcastic and I say that simple because it is not in his internet character to do so.
It doesn't mesh.

I have said many times that, unless this was a sport match was established rules, it will probably never happen and if it does, won't matter much either way.

Since you have no evidence of it, common sense would dictate that you don't throw accusations around.

'Not in his internet character to do so' Are you stuck on stupid? Dude, he ducks out ALL THE TIME!!!! He did it TWICE IN ONE THREAD on this very site. Since it's 'Not in his internet character to do so', can you show us PROOF of ONE e-challenge he actually fought in?

I agree it won't happen. And it's because Rudy is a coward and a liar who has a long history of ducking out 100% of the time. Remember, ST00 proposed a sport match and Rudy ducked that one too. :D

08-14-2007, 12:08 PM
Since you have no evidence of it, common sense would dictate that you don't throw accusations around.

'Not in his internet character to do so' Are you stuck on stupid? Dude, he ducks out ALL THE TIME!!!! He did it TWICE IN ONE THREAD on this very site. Since it's 'Not in his internet character to do so', can you show us PROOF of ONE e-challenge he actually fought in?

I agree it won't happen. And it's because Rudy is a coward and a liar who has a long history of ducking out 100% of the time. Remember, ST00 proposed a sport match and Rudy ducked that one too. :D

I can make any accusation about that site that I want, I earned that right.

If Rudy is such a coward, why hasn't anyone gone over there and fixed his little red wagon?

You say he ducks challenges and you may be right, couldn't care less really, BUT if anyone had issues with him, and there are a bunch of BS guys close to him, why hasn't this been "taken care of" already?

And watch your mouth, no one has insulted you.

08-14-2007, 12:32 PM
I think YOU should fight Rudy.

you're the only one i see caring about what rudy does or doesnt do.

why dont you just fight him?

i know you probably dont want to, or he didnt challenge you or what ever.

who cares. man up, step up, and fight rudy.

unless your scared of course :p

08-14-2007, 12:35 PM
I can make any accusation about that site that I want, I earned that right.

It's a free country. They do have lawyers on staff though.....

If Rudy is such a coward, why hasn't anyone gone over there and fixed his little red wagon?

Rudy ACCEPTED a pro MMA fight with ST00 in SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. He ducked. He said Knifefighter was next. He ducked. He is supposed to come TO MY GYM and fight me and Taylor. Whatever. Considering he won't send waivers, going to his gym and fighting him sounds like a good way to end up in prison.

You say he ducks challenges and you may be right, couldn't care less really, BUT if anyone had issues with him, and there are a bunch of BS guys close to him, why hasn't this been "taken care of" already?

And watch your mouth, no one has insulted you.

No, I've PROVED he ducks challenges. Again, he won't send waivers, so going to his gym is a dumb idea. Rudy knows his gym is a safe haven for him.

I'll say what I please. Maybe Rudy can come down and shut it for me. Seriously, what are you upset about?

Remember how you have tried to defend Rudy when Sept 29th rolls around.

08-14-2007, 12:36 PM
I think YOU should fight Rudy.

Are you refering to me?

08-14-2007, 12:38 PM
Are you refering to me?

yeah, you should go over to his house and ask him to fight you.

thats what I would do if i wanted to see someone get beat up. I wouldnt wait for someone else to fight them, i would go over to their homes and call them out.

but thats just my style i guess.

08-14-2007, 12:39 PM
well unless you think he would sue you of course...

08-14-2007, 12:43 PM
It's a free country. They do have lawyers on staff though.....

Rudy ACCEPTED a pro MMA fight with ST00 in SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. He ducked. He said Knifefighter was next. He ducked. He is supposed to come TO MY GYM and fight me and Taylor. Whatever. Considering he won't send waivers, going to his gym and fighting him sounds like a good way to end up in prison.

No, I've PROVED he ducks challenges. Again, he won't send waivers, so going to his gym is a dumb idea. Rudy knows his gym is a safe haven for him.

I'll say what I please. Maybe Rudy can come down and shut it for me. Seriously, what are you upset about?

Remember how you have tried to defend Rudy when Sept 29th rolls around.

BS lawyers...mofu please, don't go there.
I am not defending Rudy, heck I will be one of the first to rag on him if he doesn't show up, I mean he has made a HUGE deal about it on his site, even a countdown to destruction and a Tombstone !
I will also say " its about ****ing time" if the fight goes through, no matter the result.
And if Rudy "wins" I will also say " about ****ing time you did something".

Why am I upset about you saying "Are you stuck on stupid?"
Kid, what do YOU think ? :rolleyes:

08-14-2007, 12:44 PM
im gonna laugh my every loving ass off if he doesnt show....

08-14-2007, 12:45 PM
well unless you think he would sue you of course...

He would either call the cops or shoot me are my guesses. He **** sure won't fight me.

He is supposed to be coming to my gym to fight me, remember?

08-14-2007, 12:46 PM
im gonna laugh my every loving ass off if he doesnt show....

You know he won't. He NEVER has.

08-14-2007, 12:50 PM

my guess is to get a waiver done up fast.

get one done up, post it here so we can all see it, then Rudy can respond accordingly in front of us all.

just get that waiver posted up pronto or this aint going down !

08-14-2007, 12:52 PM
I will also say " its about ****ing time" if the fight goes through, no matter the result.
And if Rudy "wins" I will also say " about ****ing time you did something".

I'll hold ya to that. If you do, that's cool. I have stated I will come on here and eat crow if he shows, win or lose. Again, I'm sure I will be gloating like crazy on Sept 30th.

Why am I upset about you saying "Are you stuck on stupid?"
Kid, what do YOU think ? :rolleyes:

Dude, saying making excuses is not in Rudy's character is not an intelligent thing to say. I may have been harsh, but come on. I'll not say it again to ya, but don't make it hard on me to keep that promise :)

08-14-2007, 12:54 PM
Dude, saying making excuses is not in Rudy's character is not an intelligent thing to say. I may have been harsh, but come on. I'll not say it again to ya, but don't make it hard on me to keep that promise

Look again, I said that POST in which he says Anthony is too big or whatever, is not in Rudy's internet character, more like him would be to say :
" Anthony is to fat and I am afraid he will swallow my with his flab and I will suffocate, nothing is worth a death like that".


08-14-2007, 12:55 PM

my guess is to get a waiver done up fast.

get one done up, post it here so we can all see it, then Rudy can respond accordingly in front of us all.

just get that waiver posted up pronto or this aint going down !

My point EXACTLY. He is either not going to do it and say Anthony is a wuss for wanting one(despite the FACT Rudy agreed to write one out and sent it to him). OR, he is going to send a ridiculous one AT THE LAST MINUTE, knowing full well all the disagreements won't be hashed out in time for Sept 29th. It's been two months now, and ZERO progress. :rolleyes: Keep in mind too, the first venue Rudy proposed was agreed to by Anthony, and then suddenly Rudy had to find another venue. :rolleyes:

08-14-2007, 12:57 PM
Considering that the content of a forum is controlled entirely by its admins, and the proof can only exist in that content, there is no way to prove it. But if you could find a third party that you trusted that had cached copies of the page, such as cached results from Google searches, you might be able to make a good case. But those caches expire frequently, so anything very old would likely not still be the cache (and if it were, your proof would not last very long).

I.e., search for: "02-12-2007 SifuAbel site:bullshido.net"

In this case, when I searched for this the cached copy in Google's search results is only as recent as June 30th.

This demonstrates that Rudy's post couldn't have been modified after June 30th. However, it was posted on February 12th, so it doesn't prove very much; it could have been modified any time between February 12th and June 30th. You can see his post copied in quoted text in replies from other people on the the same day though, so all posts containing this quoted text would have to also be modified in exactly the same way to fake Rudy's original post. On the other hand, you would think that Rudy would have protested in posts following any modifications of his original message.

I can provide image captures from my browser if you want to see this demonstrated. I tried to attach them but the images exceeded the 100kb limit, so I would have to find some other place to post them and link them from here.

08-14-2007, 12:59 PM
I.e., search for: "02-12-2007 SifuAbel site:bullshido.net"

In this case, when I searched for this the cached copy in Google's search results is only as recent as June 30th.

This demonstrates that Rudy's post couldn't have been modified after June 30th. However, it was posted on February 12th, so it doesn't prove very much; it could have been modified any time between February 12th and June 30th. You can see his post copied in quoted text in replies from other people on the the same day though, so all posts containing this quoted text would have to also be modified in exactly the same way to fake Rudy's original post. On the other hand, you would think that Rudy would have protested in posts following any modifications of his original message.

I can provide image captures from my browser if you want to see this demonstrated. I tried to attach them but the images exceeded the 100kb limit, so I would have to find some other place to post them and link them from here.

Heck dude, if you can somehow show that Rudy said that, I will apologise for insinuating that the BS staff MAy have altered it.
No hesitation.

08-14-2007, 01:10 PM
Heck dude, if you can somehow show that Rudy said that, I will apologise for insinuating that the BS staff MAy have altered it.
No hesitation.

That's as far as I could take it. I don't care to prove it one way or the other, I'm just trying to provide something more than one person's word over another's.

But Rudy might be able to comment on whether or not those posts were actually faked, and if so explain why he didn't protest their forgery after the fact (in postings in that thread following).

08-14-2007, 01:15 PM

I'm placing the first bet.

I'm gonna just go ahead and say Rudy WILL show.

because i feel like it. Rudy seems to be the underdog in this whole ordeal and I generally just go with the underdog when i cant choose a side.

The BET:

I am betting 100 points of my street cred to say Rudy's gonna show.

and ill bet another 50 points to say he wins.

pool ~ 150 points street cred for rudy to show and win.


08-14-2007, 01:16 PM
wait....i DO have some street cred right?

08-14-2007, 01:26 PM
wait....i DO have some street cred right?

I'm pretty low on street cred myself, guys. I'm going to have to fold.

08-14-2007, 01:28 PM
I bet all my street cred points that this thread isn't going to end anytime soon

08-14-2007, 01:29 PM
Heck dude, if you can somehow show that Rudy said that, I will apologise for insinuating that the BS staff MAy have altered it.
No hesitation.

It's no proof, but does the underlined part sound ALOT like Rudy:

"Nah, I'll catch the video. I'm not stupid. You are quite a bit larger than me. Anthying less than something really nasty won't stop you. That I'll give you. Then again, thats something you may want."

You know how Rudy and JFS have a thing for constantly bringing up gay man-sex. :eek:

RD'S Alias - 1A
08-14-2007, 02:50 PM
None of that line sounds anything like Rudy at all. That line sounds like someone who is giving Anthony at least *some* credit. Rudy wouldn't do that.

08-14-2007, 03:20 PM
None of that line sounds anything like Rudy at all. That line sounds like someone who is giving Anthony at least *some* credit. Rudy wouldn't do that.

As Boshea said, Rudy NEVER protested them and he was VERY active over there at the time.

Again, you helped Rudy with his 'ducking by proxy' when he was looking to duck ST00. Since you seem to like the cowardy liar, can you ask for a reasonable explanation why he changed the venue once Anthony accepted it and why no progress has been made on the waiver?

All this bickering aside, ALOT is gonna be settled on Sept 29th. :D

08-14-2007, 04:22 PM
In addition to taking posts from today and inserting them 20 pages ago, and taking posts from 20 pages ago and inserting them into today's posts, you can also take any random section of text from any post from any point in this thread, and post it anywhere else, and it MAKES PERFECT CONTEXTUAL SENSE.

It's almost as if the same things are being said over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.

But since clearly only idiots would post the same thing over and over again in such a manner, as if trapped in the Twilight Zone with Rod Serling chuckling quietly to himself in the background over a stogie, I can't imagine that's the case.

I've just been awarded a government grant to study how this factors into the faceted-nature-of-time and quantum physics theories, as well as the expanding earth theory. I'm sure the unified field theory is within my grasp.

08-14-2007, 04:25 PM
you might want to look into how this is affecting our planets magnetic poles....

08-14-2007, 04:57 PM
DPL, you could call your thesis 'The Theory and Practice of Ducking'.

Just site Rudy as a source, you don't want to run into trouble over plagarism.

RD'S Alias - 1A
08-14-2007, 05:17 PM
All this bickering aside, ALOT is gonna be settled on Sept 29th

Nothing is going to be settled on Sept 29th. If the fight happens, one guy will win, and one will lose. There will probably be an injury, and the one who got injured will be a victim of the one who did it, and both will look bad (one for doing it, and one for being a victim about it)

In addition, this thread will continue on arguing and bickering and name calling untill a NEW stupid moronic challenge will be made for You Tube.

It is a never ending cycle of idiocy that is an embarrassment for ALL martial arts..

08-14-2007, 05:35 PM
I find it ironic and expected that in a thread about "Internet Challange Stupidity" we are seeing such prime examples from those involved on both sides.

08-14-2007, 06:01 PM
I think on Sept 29th it will be proven AGAIN that Rudy is a fight ducker.

If there is somehow a fight, he is gonna get whipped worse than Springer did. Keep in mind Springer got OWNED by a guy with less BJJ experience than Anthony, a guy who has no mma experience, and about 80lbs lighter. Rudy is smaller than JFS and Anthony has more BJJ training than Osiris, he has mma experience and he is bigger than Rudy. Of course Rudy knows these facts and has no plans to fight him.

Again: If Rudy can't wait to destroy Anthony, why has no progress been done on the waiver or venue? And notice how when he got pinned down and told to just to answer a direct question about their status, Rudy said he is done answering me. :rolleyes:

RD'S Alias - 1A
08-14-2007, 06:24 PM
Who cares?

08-14-2007, 06:36 PM
I think on Sept 29th it will be proven AGAIN that Rudy is a fight ducker.

If there is somehow a fight, he is gonna get whipped worse than Springer did. Keep in mind Springer got OWNED by a guy with less BJJ experience than Anthony, a guy who has no mma experience, and about 80lbs lighter. Rudy is smaller than JFS and Anthony has more BJJ training than Osiris, he has mma experience and he is bigger than Rudy. Of course Rudy knows these facts and has no plans to fight him.

Again: If Rudy can't wait to destroy Anthony, why has no progress been done on the waiver or venue? And notice how when he got pinned down and told to just to answer a direct question about their status, Rudy said he is done answering me. :rolleyes:

You're like the gossip girl at work that keeps talking even when people are telling her they don't care.

08-14-2007, 07:08 PM
You two do, you're still here.

You think it's bad now, just wait until Sept 30th!

08-14-2007, 07:21 PM
Lets all just let him talk to himself, no one answer. He might get the idea.

08-14-2007, 08:14 PM
Lets all ust let him talk to himself, no one answer. He might get the idea.

NO, NO, NO!!!!

That would screw up my study and I'm inching closer to the unified field theory!

We must egg them both on to continue as they have been, saying exactly the same things over and over again like an old married couple repeating the same old sex routine out of habit after 30 years.

08-18-2007, 04:30 PM
Well it Saturday evening, another week gone by. And still no waiver or venue. :rolleyes:

Rudy said on August 1st he would 'know more next week'. 3 weeks later and still NOTHING.

On May 28th he said 'the waiver is coming'. We're up to 2.5 months now and NOTHING on the waiver either.

If I didn't know any better, I would swear he is going to duck Anthony. :D

John Takeshi
08-19-2007, 05:56 AM
All this bickering aside, ALOT is gonna be settled on Sept 29th

Nothing is going to be settled on Sept 29th. If the fight happens, one guy will win, and one will lose. There will probably be an injury, and the one who got injured will be a victim of the one who did it, and both will look bad (one for doing it, and one for being a victim about it)

In addition, this thread will continue on arguing and bickering and name calling untill a NEW stupid moronic challenge will be made for You Tube.

It is a never ending cycle of idiocy that is an embarrassment for ALL martial arts..

There will be a fight and settlement on September 29th, you cynical debbie downer. If Lokhopkuen ever mans up and accepts my challenge at our September kumite, that is. If he doesn't, then fine, it's settled that he'll duck out of ninja throwdowns. If he does, he'll lose, because he's stepping into my world.

I don't think you have any idea what in the hell you're talking about, mate.

RD'S Alias - 1A
08-19-2007, 08:25 AM
you cynical debbie downer

Hey, I am Not a Debbie Downer! That girl STILL goes Goo Goo for me to this very day! :D

Although I must say she is the reason, and start of all my Woman's threads...and I don't think I have ever fully recovered my sanity from being with her.

08-21-2007, 11:21 AM
How is the waiver and venue coming along Rudy?

Dude, just admit you have no balls and duck now. It's not like you've never done it before :D

I heard you also were offered the chance to 'Cross hands' with Djimbe's instructor and 'declined' around March of 2006!!!!! And you had been running your mouth AGAIN about how he was infirm!

08-21-2007, 12:56 PM
Looks like we'll have to consider this fight already ducked...:(

08-21-2007, 05:08 PM
Don't be too sure, he still has his little clock and tombstone thing up on his site. :D
The 2-3 people over there are not gonna know what to do with themselves when Sept 29th gets here!

All that smack talking and he can't even duck out like a 'man'. Sadly, it's still a safe bet the SAME THING will happen again. I sure hope the few here who believed in him will not be fooled the next time.

08-24-2007, 05:34 AM
There will be a fight and settlement on September 29th, you cynical debbie downer. If Lokhopkuen ever mans up and accepts my challenge at our September kumite, that is. If he doesn't, then fine, it's settled that he'll duck out of ninja throwdowns. If he does, he'll lose, because he's stepping into my world.

I don't think you have any idea what in the hell you're talking about, mate.

Hi ya Grand Master I am a close personal friend of Master Lok and he basically said you are just some internet poseur talking crap while you spank it to the tune of your own counter-self or something like that.

I begged him to reconsider 'cause I really want to see him stomp this idiot.

I spoke to him and he said :

"John Takeshi is a moron and should be made to eat his own nuts so that the genetic pool is not further contaminated."

I am adventurous and itching to apply some of my recent learnings to the Beating the absolute D*OG S*HIT out of John Pink Ninja TaKeshi or anyone claiming to be him until he spits out Judo Master Andy's D*ick benefit calamity spectacle Project (RED).

All proceeds earned will go to the Best Little W*hore House in Lubbock, Texas "The Tiger's Vagina" Restoration Project. We are proud to get behind this as this is the historic site of Master Takeshi's Birth as well as his Mom's day care and preschool. It has also been declared ground zero by the CDC as related to Judo Master Andy's viscous infection and subsequent jump off point for the associated pandemic.

08-24-2007, 06:18 AM

I swear.. you guys are making Yoga look pretty good.. if this thread is any indication of the state of Martial Arts, it's no wonder people take up jazzercise, Yoga and firearms training..

Be well..

08-24-2007, 06:20 AM
Don't forget tae-Bo and pilates !

08-24-2007, 08:46 AM
if this thread is any indication of the state of Martial Arts

It should be an indication that Rudy Abel is a liar, a punk, a coward, and a fight ducker. He's done it before, and you know he's probably going to do it again.

RD'S Alias - 1A
08-24-2007, 09:19 AM
Who even cares anymore......:rolleyes:

08-24-2007, 11:24 AM
It should be an indication that Rudy Abel is a liar, a punk, a coward, and a fight ducker. He's done it before, and you know he's probably going to do it again.

So when did you guys break up? Did you try counseling? All this anger...

08-24-2007, 11:57 AM
So when did you guys break up? Did you try counseling? All this anger...

I'm no queer, but if I was I would hope I could do better than Rudy.

Plus, if I made a date with him, he would probably stand me up anyway! :D

08-24-2007, 04:52 PM
I'm no queer, but if I was I would hope I could do better than Rudy.

Plus, if I made a date with him, he would probably stand me up anyway! :D

Plzzzzzzzzzz..make a date with me..meet me halfway, I will show :p

08-24-2007, 05:02 PM
Plzzzzzzzzzz..make a date with me..meet me halfway, I will show :p

What's your problem now?

08-24-2007, 05:17 PM
What's your problem now?

You can't take a joke ? I have no problems yet,why you want to give me some? :D

08-24-2007, 05:25 PM
You can't take a joke ? I have no problems yet,why you want to give me some? :D

If it's a joke, my bad.

Again, I have nothing personal against you or your wife, although I have no idea why you two try and defend a lying punk like Rudy Abel. Especially when you guys called out Coda Scott for being the same thing(which I agree with btw).

08-24-2007, 05:32 PM
If it's a joke, my bad.

Again, I have nothing personal against you or your wife, although I have no idea why you two try and defend a lying punk like Rudy Abel. Especially when you guys called out Coda Scott for being the same thing(which I agree with btw).

There is a BIG difference..Rudy could take Coda out. I choose who I associate with just like you. I am no fair weather friend. Oh well I do not have to prove anything to you or anyone else. I have a school and I can handle myself, plus I am older and wiser. No need to worry about internet challenges, I am not hard to find either. :cool:

08-24-2007, 06:10 PM

There is a BIG difference..Rudy could take Coda out. I choose who I associate with just like you. I am no fair weather friend. Oh well I do not have to prove anything to you or anyone else. I have a school and I can handle myself, plus I am older and wiser. No need to worry about internet challenges, I am not hard to find either. :cool:

I've heard that you are legit in your rankings, which is good. And I'm glad you have a school because you seem like an ok guy. It's one reason why I'm totally baffled about your stance on Rudy.

He MIGHT be able to take Coda, although Coda did do some sparring with guys who were somewhat hostile to him. He may not have done well, but he showed up. :) Also it seems like your saying it's ok for Rudy to be a liar, but not Coda, because you feel Rudy is tougher. To me that just defies comprehension.

08-24-2007, 07:20 PM
I've heard that you are legit in your rankings, which is good. And I'm glad you have a school because you seem like an ok guy. It's one reason why I'm totally baffled about your stance on Rudy.

He MIGHT be able to take Coda, although Coda did do some sparring with guys who were somewhat hostile to him. He may not have done well, but he showed up. :) Also it seems like your saying it's ok for Rudy to be a liar, but not Coda, because you feel Rudy is tougher. To me that just defies comprehension.

My ranks are legit. One guy that sparred Coda had an issue with him. That guy also had a bad knee and Coda knew it. No sweeps were allowed and Coda threw one at the guy with the bad knee. We went to Coda,not him to us. My wife could take Coda.

08-24-2007, 10:07 PM
My ranks are legit. One guy that sparred Coda had an issue with him. That guy also had a bad knee and Coda knew it. No sweeps were allowed and Coda threw one at the guy with the bad knee. We went to Coda,not him to us. My wife could take Coda.

Coda still showed up knowing he was gonna have to spar. He kept his word. Thats more than Rudy will ever do. As to going to him, don't forget Mr Fox that Anthony has allowed Rudy to choose the venue and compose the waiver. Rudy initially chose his instructor's school for the fight and Anthony AGREED to it. Then Rudy had to suddenly choose another venue. :rolleyes: And don't even get me started on the waiver the coward still has not sent. :D

While I think Coda is a liar and a punk just like Rudy, Coda has more courage than Rudy can even dream of.

08-24-2007, 11:28 PM
Its time for you to STFU now.

A fool's mouth is his destruction' -Proverbs 18:7

Very fitting. :rolleyes:

08-24-2007, 11:43 PM
And just about time for you to put up, champ.

Were you ever so inclined...

08-25-2007, 05:18 AM
Coda still showed up knowing he was gonna have to spar. He kept his word. Thats more than Rudy will ever do. As to going to him, don't forget Mr Fox that Anthony has allowed Rudy to choose the venue and compose the waiver. Rudy initially chose his instructor's school for the fight and Anthony AGREED to it. Then Rudy had to suddenly choose another venue. :rolleyes: And don't even get me started on the waiver the coward still has not sent. :D

While I think Coda is a liar and a punk just like Rudy, Coda has more courage than Rudy can even dream of.
Then you would be wrong about Coda.My wife called him out and so did I, did he put up? NO he chickened out. This is a seperate incident,I went to him. I went to his School several times,without notice. I am old School, I will dog him every chance I get. I also have more info on him, buy I will not post it till later aftr my Tournement today or tomorrow. Heck with the waivers,Coda is not getting one. I doubt Rudy would teach his student the art of getting hurt or killed. BIG difference between the two IMO.:) Coda had no choice, but to show. His partners would have bailed on him if he did not.

08-25-2007, 05:26 AM
This thread has gone WAY off topic. I believe those not involved should just stay out of it. sorry for the Coda rant. Whole dofferent subject all together, and should not have been brought up.

RD'S Alias - 1A
08-25-2007, 06:03 AM
No, please go on, lets see how much more of a travesty and an embarrassment we can make of our selfs.

How much shame can we all bring to the martial arts as a whole?

Its not like you guys aren't proving that you are all trailer trash or anything. :rolleyes:

The best thing for EVERYONE here would be to just drop this whole thing, and just go fight in local tournaments. Post your results if you like, but please God, stop all the childish smack talking already. The whole group of you, both sides have just become one major embarrassment to yourselves and martial arts in general.

This topic has become like Herpes....it just won't go away.....

RD'S Alias - 1A
08-25-2007, 06:05 AM
I will dog him every chance I get. I also have more info on him, buy I will not post it till later aftr my Tournement today or tomorrow


08-25-2007, 08:09 AM
The best thing for EVERYONE here would be to just drop this whole thing,

Dude, we know you always try and help Rudy duck out. You did when he ducked ST00 and you are now. The best thing would be for Rudy to actually follow through, JUST ONCE, with his threats, promises, and ****-talking.

If you don't like the thread, then don't read it. Also, I have promised to STFU once Rudy sends the waiver and a venue is chosen. Wonder why Rudy won't get those 2 tasks done...:rolleyes:

08-25-2007, 08:17 AM
Its time for you to STFU now.

A fool's mouth is his destruction' -Proverbs 18:7

Very fitting. :rolleyes:

Why, hello Rudy! You get that waiver sent and the venue chosen yet? :D I will indeed STFU when you do those 2 things.

Just admit it, you're gonna duck out, AGAIN. It's been like OVER 3 WEEKS since you promised your big announcement on the venue. And it's been 2 MONTHS since you said "The waiver is coming'. What's the holdup? :rolleyes:

08-25-2007, 12:52 PM
Why are you guys so set on making this crap happen?

Why, hello Rudy! You get that waiver sent and the venue chosen yet? I will indeed STFU when you do those 2 things.

Just admit it, you're gonna duck out, AGAIN. It's been like OVER 3 WEEKS since you promised your big announcement on the venue. And it's been 2 MONTHS since you said "The waiver is coming'. What's the holdup?

What do any of you stand to gain from it? 1bad65 are you some inspiring fight promoter or something?:confused:

If he ducks does that win you some forfiet money or something?

This really is the kinda crap that make "ALL" martial artist look bad, not just those involved. This is also the type of internet posing that have lead to people being killed or seriously hurt behind paper tigers posing on forums. Why don't one of the Mod's or Gene close this tired ass thread already!!:rolleyes:


Shaolin Wookie
08-25-2007, 01:01 PM
I disagree. I think some **** like this makes me look pretty good. Probably makes you look pretty good, too.

Then again, I always look goooood.:cool:

08-25-2007, 01:09 PM
You're missing the real point here. The real goal is to discourage BS internet challenge nonsense by shaming those who shoot their mouths off endlessly but one way or another never really live up to all their threats, and to shame those who actually go so far as to travel all over hell and gone to fight some dope who for all intents and purposes has no connection to them but commited the egregious offense of annoying them on an internet forum, and end up looking absolutely ridiculous for the effort. Rudy is a classic and tiresome example of the first (so far) and JFS has become the laughing stock poster child for the second.

08-25-2007, 04:10 PM
You're missing the real point here. The real goal is to discourage BS internet challenge nonsense by shaming those who shoot their mouths off endlessly but one way or another never really live up to all their threats, and to shame those who actually go so far as to travel all over hell and gone to fight some dope who for all intents and purposes has no connection to them but commited the egregious offense of annoying them on an internet forum, and end up looking absolutely ridiculous for the effort. Rudy is a classic and tiresome example of the first (so far) and JFS has become the laughing stock poster child for the second.

While I see your point here, technically the second goal wasn't really met in the case of the JFS/Osiris fight. Neither JFS nor Osiris had to travel far, and while you could certainly make the case that JFS was shamed, I don't think that Osiris came out of it feeling shamed. He actually has a tag on Bullshido recognizing him as "Open weight gong sau champion 2007".

If anyone fulfills the purpose of the second goal, I think it would either be Omar, who traveled from China and didn't fight at all (when it was supposed to be his fight in the first place) or AnnaTrocity, who traveled from Atlanta (I think) with a car full of guns and drugs, did a whole lot of smack talking, and still didn't end up fighting either. Depending on which side of the whole sordid debate you are on, of course.

Given that the JFS/Osiris fight really stole the show though, I think it's hard to say that the others came out of it really feeling shamed.

08-25-2007, 04:57 PM
what I find curious is all this talk about this sort of behavior "shaming" martial arts and all that stuff - how exactly is that happening? I mean, it's got nothing to do with MA, it's about human nature: people act this way whether they are MA'ists or not, and it's just this whole "wu de" cr@pola that some people harp on and on about as if it's realistic; bottom line: you don't need religion or some hokey MA code to be a good person or bad person; we are who we are for a very complex set of reasons, and each person does what they do out of their own particular set of individual circumstances; if anyone has a problem, I'd say it's the people who lecture about what sort of behavior others ought to display; if you really can't stomach this sort of "discussion" DON'T READ THIS THREAD - if you don't know by now what's going on here, you're a newb or an idiot; so for the "moral majority" - take a hike, stop clutering up the thread and let the rest of us voyeurs enjoy this forum's equivalent of "The Jerry Springer Show" in peace...

08-25-2007, 06:31 PM
what I find curious is all this talk about this sort of behavior "shaming" martial arts and all that stuff - how exactly is that happening? I mean, it's got nothing to do with MA, it's about human nature: people act this way whether they are MA'ists or not, and it's just this whole "wu de" cr@pola that some people harp on and on about as if it's realistic; bottom line: you don't need religion or some hokey MA code to be a good person or bad person; we are who we are for a very complex set of reasons, and each person does what they do out of their own particular set of individual circumstances; if anyone has a problem, I'd say it's the people who lecture about what sort of behavior others ought to display; if you really can't stomach this sort of "discussion" DON'T READ THIS THREAD - if you don't know by now what's going on here, you're a newb or an idiot; so for the "moral majority" - take a hike, stop clutering up the thread and let the rest of us voyeurs enjoy this forum's equivalent of "The Jerry Springer Show" in peace...
You hit the nail right on the head, as for me being a stalker.LOL I know this Coda Master personally and he calls himself a Master at the ripe old age of 21. :D

08-25-2007, 06:53 PM
what I find curious is all this talk about this sort of behavior "shaming" martial arts and all that stuff - how exactly is that happening? I mean, it's got nothing to do with MA, it's about human nature: people act this way whether they are MA'ists or not, and it's just this whole "wu de" cr@pola that some people harp on and on about as if it's realistic; bottom line: you don't need religion or some hokey MA code to be a good person or bad person; we are who we are for a very complex set of reasons, and each person does what they do out of their own particular set of individual circumstances; if anyone has a problem, I'd say it's the people who lecture about what sort of behavior others ought to display; if you really can't stomach this sort of "discussion" DON'T READ THIS THREAD - if you don't know by now what's going on here, you're a newb or an idiot; so for the "moral majority" - take a hike, stop clutering up the thread and let the rest of us voyeurs enjoy this forum's equivalent of "The Jerry Springer Show" in peace...

Don't you mean "The John Springer Show"? :p

08-25-2007, 06:59 PM
Given that the JFS/Osiris fight really stole the show though...

Which is much like saying that a snail crawling by stole the show from the paint drying.

08-25-2007, 07:30 PM
Don't you mean "The John Springer Show"? :p

it is perfect irony, isn't it?

08-25-2007, 07:46 PM
While I see your point here, technically the second goal wasn't really met in the case of the JFS/Osiris fight. Neither JFS nor Osiris had to travel far, and while you could certainly make the case that JFS was shamed, I don't think that Osiris came out of it feeling shamed. He actually has a tag on Bullshido recognizing him as "Open weight gong sau champion 2007".

If anyone fulfills the purpose of the second goal, I think it would either be Omar, who traveled from China and didn't fight at all (when it was supposed to be his fight in the first place) or AnnaTrocity, who traveled from Atlanta (I think) with a car full of guns and drugs, did a whole lot of smack talking, and still didn't end up fighting either. Depending on which side of the whole sordid debate you are on, of course.

Given that the JFS/Osiris fight really stole the show though, I think it's hard to say that the others came out of it really feeling shamed.

Anyone with an ounce of sense could see that every single person who participated in that cluster **** ended up covered in stupid-grease. Sure, the big-mouthed racist old fool came off looking worse than anyone (except maybe Omar who had the twin distinctions of actually mouthing off about and initiating a fight against a girl and then hiding behind someone else when she arrived), but every one of them came off looking stupid just for being there and most rational people can see that clearly.

Hopefully, folks will see that no one comes out of this internet challenge bull**** looking anything but stupid. There are degrees of stupid involved, but its all stupid.

Sooooooo, if big-mouth empty-threat *******s like Rudy would stop barking when they have no intention of biting, and racist mental defectives like JFS would stop their desperate pursuit of nihilistic self-destruction, then we wouldn't have to suffer through all this drama time and time again.

And THAT is the real point of this thread.

John Takeshi
08-26-2007, 01:47 AM
Wrong, you subject ducking neo-postmodern critic.

The point is this, and it has always been this:

Guys like Lokhopkuen try their best to bully us around with threatening PM's, tell us how hot their asian wives are, how successful their studios are, and what fantastic movies they've starred in. Why, just the other day I was watching Only the STrong, and admired how Lokhopkuen played the Iron Chef host's nemesis. He did a great job. But his martial skill was not readily apparent, especially in his particular art of expertise.

This is a thread about Lokhopkuen and my championship bout at my September kumite on Sept. 29th. There is no other point. There is no other issue.

Quit pushing that issue into a dark corner. Either he will face me, or he will face me (if you noticed, I didn't provide any alternative. I think this demonstrates how tenacious I can be). So stop letting Lokhopkuen hide behind your proverbial skirts, coward.

September 29th approaches. And still he hides, like some skittish roaches.:mad:

08-26-2007, 02:19 AM
Eh, you're trying hard but your material is just so-so.

John Takeshi
08-26-2007, 02:44 AM
Was it the rhyme? I'm trying to sound earnest, because I'm earnest. When you're setting up matches, Unko, how do you go about it? I'm not a promoter.

BTW, how have you been lately? I haven't seen you on the boards. How was that thing in Tokyo? Was she hot?

08-26-2007, 06:31 AM
Unkokusai said it best. As I keep saying, I'll stay on Rudy's case every time he drops another e-challenge whether it's here or on other sites. Once he stops being a blowhard or he actually shows up as he promises, I'll leave him alone.

Also, look at JFS and Omar too. JFS said he was done with the 'net about a week before his humiliation by Osiris. So far he has kept his word. Omar also has stopped posting crap and actually took down his anti-Bullshido videos he had on Youtube. It seems like those two actually learned their lesson and grew up. Now if only Rudy would :rolleyes:

08-29-2007, 07:06 AM
Today is August 29th.

Just one more month to go!!!

08-29-2007, 03:56 PM
Well? No new info from Daffy, I mean Rudy?

08-30-2007, 06:10 AM
LMAO at Daffy. It sure fits.

Actually he has been strangely quiet. There is still no venue chosen or waivers mailed, but hey there is still nearly a month left. :rolleyes:

08-30-2007, 06:54 AM
Ashida Kim said you are now on the S-hit list for the unforgivable crime of revealing the sacred practice of Shaolin Pink Ninja Grab Ass techniques to a non-initiate. He told Lok not to bother to respond to your invitation because by September 23 your head and pink ninja headband will hang on a hook in his trophy room back on Mt. Kim Chi. Your days are numbered pimky. LOL!!!

Wrong, you subject ducking neo-postmodern critic.

The point is this, and it has always been this:

Guys like Lokhopkuen try their best to bully us around with threatening PM's, tell us how hot their asian wives are, how successful their studios are, and what fantastic movies they've starred in. Why, just the other day I was watching Only the STrong, and admired how Lokhopkuen played the Iron Chef host's nemesis. He did a great job. But his martial skill was not readily apparent, especially in his particular art of expertise.

This is a thread about Lokhopkuen and my championship bout at my September kumite on Sept. 29th. There is no other point. There is no other issue.

Quit pushing that issue into a dark corner. Either he will face me, or he will face me (if you noticed, I didn't provide any alternative. I think this demonstrates how tenacious I can be). So stop letting Lokhopkuen hide behind your proverbial skirts, coward.

September 29th approaches. And still he hides, like some skittish roaches.:mad:

08-30-2007, 07:03 AM
Now you know there is no crenshaw yoga/ ninja school man at least not out in the real wotld. Ashida Kim said and I quote you are now on the S-hit list for the unforgivable crime of revealing the sacred practice of Shaolin Pink Ninja Grab Ass techniques to a non-initiate. He told Lok not to bother to respond to your invitation because by September 23 your head and pink ninja headband will hang on a hook in his trophy room back on Mt. Kim Chi. Your days are numbered pinky. LOL!!! BTW Lok's wife is Bothan not Asian and we all know many Bothans died to bring us the plans for the deathstar. The real bottom line is you are a jealous little b i t c h Aaron and you should get a life moron and you should be made to eat your own nuts so that the genetic pool is not further contaminated. Really man, really really.

Swordchucks up your cullo puto ROTFLOL!!!!

Wrong, you subject ducking neo-postmodern critic.

The point is this, and it has always been this:

Guys like Lokhopkuen try their best to bully us around with threatening PM's, tell us how hot their asian wives are, how successful their studios are, and what fantastic movies they've starred in. Why, just the other day I was watching Only the STrong, and admired how Lokhopkuen played the Iron Chef host's nemesis. He did a great job. But his martial skill was not readily apparent, especially in his particular art of expertise.

This is a thread about Lokhopkuen and my championship bout at my September kumite on Sept. 29th. There is no other point. There is no other issue.

Quit pushing that issue into a dark corner. Either he will face me, or he will face me (if you noticed, I didn't provide any alternative. I think this demonstrates how tenacious I can be). So stop letting Lokhopkuen hide behind your proverbial skirts, coward.

September 29th approaches. And still he hides, like some skittish roaches.:mad:

RD'S Alias - 1A
08-30-2007, 08:07 AM
Okl, that was really weird. :confused:

08-31-2007, 05:52 AM
Okl, that was really weird. :confused:

It is very nice to be appreciated:D

08-31-2007, 07:25 AM
September is just around the corner!

Any news yet Rudy? :D

09-01-2007, 05:49 PM
The month of September has arrived! Unlike the waiver or venue!!!

09-02-2007, 07:27 PM
Video is invitation only. Man. That sucks. I wanted to see.

09-02-2007, 08:59 PM
Simon what video are you referring to?

09-02-2007, 09:54 PM
Simon what video are you referring to?

He probably means the original JFS/Osiris fight. The video moved a few times, probably because whoever originally posted it tried to prevent it from being linked from every forum on the planet. I think a few copies of it still exist on youtube. Just search for "JFS Osiris".

Simon, this thread has already "evolved" into a new internet challenge match.

09-03-2007, 07:06 AM
Here is part 1:

Here is part 2:

Omar initially posted it, but he removed his. Several people copied it and re-posted it.

No matter how many challenges are made on this thread, as long as they are made by Rudy 'The Duck' Abel, there will never be any fights. 'The Duck' has a long history of challenging people and then ALWAYS ducking out.

09-03-2007, 08:42 AM
Well... that's 20 minutes of my life I'll never get back. Yeah for videotaping half an hour of trash-talking.

09-03-2007, 11:00 AM
Well... that's 20 minutes of my life I'll never get back. Yeah for videotaping half an hour of trash-talking.

Ask and you shall receive. Or lose, in this case.

09-03-2007, 11:18 AM
You gotta admit seeing a complete ******* like John Springer get tooled was hilarious.

09-03-2007, 11:22 AM
You gotta admit seeing a complete ******* like John Springer get tooled was hilarious.

Yea, much as I hate to admit it, there was a tiny bit of guilty pleasure in watching that. I'm glad nobody got seriously injured in the whole ordeal though. I hope I can say the same after September 29th.

09-03-2007, 11:26 AM
Oh, its pretty likely no one will be hurt on the 29th unless Rudy throws his back out while crouching behind the sofa.

09-03-2007, 12:00 PM
Quite some time ago- SifuAbel posted that he was not replying to the posts and he seems to have kept his word.
Why continue with this thread ? About 3-4 persons are just repeating themselves.

09-03-2007, 12:12 PM
Quite some time ago- SifuAbel posted that he was not replying to the posts and he seems to have kept his word.
Why continue with this thread ? About 3-4 persons are just repeating themselves.

Well, I for one am not just repeating myself. I am swinging back and forth between disgust and grim curiosity. Right now, the pendulum is swinging towards grim curiosity.

It's worth note that Sifu Abel has posted some news on one of his forums.

09-03-2007, 12:40 PM
Quite some time ago- SifuAbel posted that he was not replying to the posts and he seems to have kept his word.

On Aug 12th he said he was not gonna answer me anymore. Considering I was only asking for info about the waiver and venue, I understand why he did not want to answer me. :D On Aug 25th he replied to me. So he lied about that TOO.

Boshea, you seem pretty intelligent. Do you really think 'The Duck' is gonna fight Anthony as he said he would? Remember the old saying: "If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, you can be reasonably sure it is Rudy ducking another challenge." :D

09-03-2007, 12:56 PM
On Aug 12th he said he was not gonna answer me anymore. Considering I was only asking for info about the waiver and venue, I understand why he did not want to answer me. :D On Aug 25th he replied to me. So he lied about that TOO.

Boshea, you seem pretty intelligent. Do you really think 'The Duck' is gonna fight Anthony as he said he would? Remember the old saying: "If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, you can be reasonably sure it is Rudy ducking another challenge." :D

I am not especially inteleejunt, and I am no expert on waterfowl. As for how this plays out, we shall see soon enough.

09-03-2007, 01:12 PM
Maybe we should start a poll on what excuse he's going to use.

09-03-2007, 01:30 PM
Maybe we should start a poll on what excuse he's going to use.

As of now it looks to be a 'promoter' issue. :rolleyes:

From 'The Ducks' forum:

"I provided the promoter with anthony's email. So its only a matter of time until he gets a basic waiver. He has been traveling to Brazil and other places so he will get to it soon. There's still a month to go, more than enough time. I've never seen somebody in such a hurry to get his ass kicked.

Frankly, I don't know why it matters so much to get a waiver so many months before the meeting since it isn't a sanctioned bout. It will not be a multi-page document. And it certainly won't be the cluster **** that was the contract given to me by them."

Somehow 'the promoter' is gonna not be back from Brazil in time, or he won't match them, or his license expired, or he died in a plane crash, etc. Then he can blame 'the promoter' on BOTH the venue AND the waiver! A true master at work :rolleyes:

Whats the name of the promoter Rudy? In what states is he a licensed promoter? What is his license number in the state you are gonna fight Anthony in?

09-03-2007, 01:55 PM
The future of martial arts....:rolleyes:

Even the women on that site have an overflow of testosterone.

09-03-2007, 02:03 PM
As of now it looks to be a 'promoter' issue. :rolleyes:

From 'The Ducks' forum:

"I provided the promoter with anthony's email. So its only a matter of time until he gets a basic waiver. He has been traveling to Brazil and other places so he will get to it soon. There's still a month to go, more than enough time. I've never seen somebody in such a hurry to get his ass kicked.

Frankly, I don't know why it matters so much to get a waiver so many months before the meeting since it isn't a sanctioned bout. It will not be a multi-page document. And it certainly won't be the cluster **** that was the contract given to me by them."

Somehow 'the promoter' is gonna not be back from Brazil in time, or he won't match them, or his license expired, or he died in a plane crash, etc. Then he can blame 'the promoter' on BOTH the venue AND the waiver! A true master at work :rolleyes:

Whats the name of the promoter Rudy? In what states is he a licensed promoter? What is his license number in the state you are gonna fight Anthony in?

You do not have to have a license to promote a fight, We just had a MMA tourney last week. We did not have to have a license.

09-03-2007, 02:04 PM
I think 'sudden injury' is still a strong contender, but 'we have to fight in an elementary school parking lot at noontime' is likely to win.

09-03-2007, 02:10 PM
The future of martial arts....:rolleyes:

Even the women on that site have an overflow of testosterone.

What women would you be speaking of, may I ask?

09-03-2007, 02:16 PM
You do not have to have a license to promote a fight, We just had a MMA tourney last week. We did not have to have a license.

My point exactly Mr. Fox! I did not post that info because I was hoping Rudy would answer and trip up. You are 100% correct, you DO NOT need a promoter, and thus his license, to have non-sanctioned fights.

I do want to know his name, license number, and what states he is licensed in however. That would PROVE that Rudy is indeed talking to an actual promoter. You know he is not going to answer. :rolleyes:

Rudy posted the promoter stuff so it could be the promoter's fault the fight won't happen. But as you said, he DOES NOT NEED a promoter in the first place!

09-03-2007, 02:21 PM
My point exactly Mr. Fox! I did not post that info because I was hoping Rudy would answer and trip up. You are 100&#37; correct, you DO NOT need a promoter, and thus his license, to have non-sanctioned fights.

I do want to know his name, license number, and what states he is licensed in however. That would PROVE that Rudy is indeed talking to an actual promoter. You know he is not going to answer. :rolleyes:

Rudy posted the promoter stuff so it could be the promoter's fault the fight won't happen. But as you said, he DOES NOT NEED a promoter in the first place!

I and another instructor promoted our fighter. We did not have a license nor do you need one.
Rudy is not as stupid as you might think, he knows what he is doing.

09-03-2007, 02:35 PM
I and another instructor promoted our fighter. We did not have a license nor do you need one.
Rudy is not as stupid as you might think, he knows what he is doing.

Mr. Fox, I was saying that Rudy DOES NOT NEED the promoter. You are correct.

I admit Rudy is not that stupid, he is VERY good at ducking fights. He may not be stupid, but he is a lying coward.

09-03-2007, 02:40 PM
Mr. Fox, I was saying that Rudy DOES NOT NEED the promoter. You are correct.

I admit Rudy is not that stupid, he is VERY good at ducking fights. He may not be stupid, but he is a lying coward.

I understood what you said, I was just saying to be a promoter, you do not have to have a license. Understand ?

09-03-2007, 02:59 PM
I understood what you said, I was just saying to be a promoter, you do not have to have a license. Understand ?

You do in Texas. You have to be bonded, etc too. I'm surprised any state would not require that.

But about Rudy, 'the promoter' is just another excuse for Rudy to use. There is no promoter, trust me. Why in the world would any promoter be discussing his travel plans with a guy who is 0-0 and obviously has never fought for him? :rolleyes:

09-03-2007, 03:03 PM
You do in Texas. You have to be bonded, etc too. I'm surprised any state would not require that.

But about Rudy, 'the promoter' is just another excuse for Rudy to use. There is no promoter, trust me. Why in the world would any promoter be discussing his travel plans with a guy who is 0-0 and obviously has never fought for him? :rolleyes:

Maybe in Texas, but I do not have one and neither does my other Instructor. Then again we were on Indian land, might make a difference.

09-03-2007, 03:08 PM
Maybe in Texas, but I do not have one and neither does my other Instructor. Then again we were on Indian land, might make a difference.

It sure does! In Louisiana you don't have to carry INSURANCE if the fights are on a reservation!

Trust me, I've dealt with a few promoters. Rudy is full of ****. ;)

09-03-2007, 03:16 PM
It sure does! In Louisiana you don't have to carry INSURANCE if the fights are on a reservation!

Trust me, I've dealt with a few promoters. Rudy is full of ****. ;)

It was BoxingBear and I from BS. Hope to get a new thread about Scott soon. Between what we found out at the tourney and My wife confronting him Sat. night , it just might be a bit much. Still working on getting it typed out, to make sure all the facts are straight. Boxingbear is Pawnee,so we did it where he teaches.

09-03-2007, 06:03 PM
It looks like Rudy's story is changing AGAIN.

On 06-27-07 Rudy posted:

"Update: I bought my tickets , YAY! I'll be out there between the 22nd and the 6th. Tentative date and time, Sat Sept the 29th 3 pm. Other details are being ironed out with the school's lawyer. There will be a lawyer present. You will be required to sign a waiver of personal liability and medical coverage to hold harmless me, the school and all of its officers from any and all misfortune that may befall you from our match. It will be notarized. Have a nice day."

On 9-1-07 Rudy posted:

"I provided the promoter with anthony's email. So its only a matter of time until he gets a basic waiver. He has been traveling to Brazil and other places so he will get to it soon. There's still a month to go, more than enough time."

So who is drawing the waiver, the school's lawyer or the promoter?

Yao Sing
09-03-2007, 06:05 PM
You know, at least for me, there comes a point where losing a fight is more honorable than not fighting at all . Know what I mean?

Yao Sing
09-03-2007, 06:27 PM
So the peeps in the video are some of the losers over at Bullshido or where? I scanned through it and thought i heard emptyflower mentioned. I've never bothered with either forum. Guess I made a good choice.:D

09-03-2007, 06:39 PM
So the peeps in the video are some of the losers over at Bullshido or where? I scanned through it and thought i heard emptyflower mentioned. I've never bothered with either forum. Guess I made a good choice.:D

Anna and Osiris were from Bullshido. John Springer was the only 'loser' on that video. Omar was the guy trailing behind Springer.

09-03-2007, 09:50 PM
What women would you be speaking of, may I ask?

I shouldn't say women...I should say woman. Gosh, haven't you guys already been talking about her?

09-03-2007, 11:12 PM
I shouldn't say women...I should say woman. Gosh, haven't you guys already been talking about her?

Not I, I have not talked about anyone on that forum that is a regular member. I have not posted on there in awhile,so thats why I asked who you are talking about.

09-04-2007, 03:23 PM
Rudy seems to be talking alot of smack lately over on his forum. Notice he won't come over here and answer the simple questions about the waiver and venue. He knows he is gonna duck and that he can't ban people here like he can on his forum.

Rudy, you do realize the 2 or 3 people who actually believe your chest-thumping are gonna be crushed on Sept 29th don't you?

09-04-2007, 03:44 PM
John Springer was the only 'loser' on that video.

LOL - Pretty much everyone on that video with the barely possible exception of Osiris came off as a loser, and his light dominance (most definitely NOT a beatdown) was marred by hiding in the car and not finishing the job when Springer started taunting him.

That whole thing was something I would expect to see out of a bunch of third-graders, only third-graders nowadays would've probably had better video production quality.

Which is what makes this whole thread so interesting, and a goldmine of government funding once I get my grant to study the psychology behind this thread.

It's like watching kids pretend to be adults, but the kids are adults and they're acting like kids, who are pretending to be adults, even though they're already adults who are childlike in their efforts to be adults....

Ah, free government money... :D:D:D

RD'S Alias - 1A
09-04-2007, 04:27 PM
Rudy seems to be talking alot of smack lately over on his forum. Notice he won't come over here and answer the simple questions about the waiver and venue. He knows he is gonna duck and that he can't ban people here like he can on his forum.

You got a link?

09-04-2007, 09:30 PM
You got a link?

Here it is. He mentions me and Unkokusai too!


09-04-2007, 11:49 PM
Here it is. He mentions me and Unkokusai too!


Ooooh! I feel so special!

He's gonna feel real special come the 30th as well...

09-04-2007, 11:56 PM
LOL! I like how that one 'Pain in the Donkey' guy starts going into Hulkamania mode! Too funny! He's even got the "if only I weren't injured!" Rudyism going. A true follower of the church of the Duck.

09-05-2007, 12:15 AM
LOL! I like how that one 'Pain in the Donkey' guy starts going into Hulkamania mode! Too funny! He's even got the "if only I weren't injured!" Rudyism going. A true follower of the church of the Duck.

Oh, no! You don't know who that 'Pain in the Donkey' person is do you? :D

That is actually......get ready......here it comes.....Springer's girlfriend!!!!!

09-05-2007, 01:00 AM
Oh, no! You don't know who that 'Pain in the Donkey' person is do you? :D

That is actually......get ready......here it comes.....Springer's girlfriend!!!!!

Woa...that is just too surreal.

RD'S Alias - 1A
09-05-2007, 07:45 AM
I am speachless....

On pain in the Donkey...I can't even make intelligible sense out of her long post...not even if I imaging Hulk Hogan doing it from center ring with the dropdown mic in his hand.

09-05-2007, 07:56 AM
Holy mackerel.............a match made in heaven....

09-05-2007, 08:17 AM
You see now only his personal friends belive him. Even that Emboesso tool has stopped posting over there. Why he won't just duck now and get it over with is beyond me. He is just scrambling desperately now to find a way to not fight and blame ANYONE for it, be it Anthony, his health, the venue, his 'promoter', the school's lawyer, George Bush, the Tooth Fairy, etc.

Royal Dragon, I know I got on you for kinda supporting Rudy, but even you now look like you know he is gonna duck on Sept 29th and honestly he NEVER had any intention to fight in the first place. I really do hope that the people he initially fooled will remember this when he does this again, as we all know he is gonna do.

RD'S Alias - 1A
09-05-2007, 08:31 AM
Royal Dragon, I know I got on you for kinda supporting Rudy, but even you now look like you know he is gonna duck on Sept 29th and honestly he NEVER had any intention to fight in the first place. I really do hope that the people he initially fooled will remember this when he does this again, as we all know he is gonna do

I have no idea what is going to happen here. More importantly, I don't care. I have no emotional investment in this dribble.

Rudy is a freind of mine, and we do the same style (Different branches of it though), which is how we know each other.

If you want my view, I think both of you are just too hostile towards each other, and I think there is a certain bloodlust that has emerged with this whole thing.

In all honesty, if Rudy walked away from it i would have more respect for him. The only way I suggest he goes through with it would be if he had the fight in the ring, infront of the crowd with third parties officiating. Anything less has too much potential to turn into another Springer debackle.

09-05-2007, 08:53 AM
On pain in the Donkey...I can't even make intelligible sense out of her long post...not even if I imaging Hulk Hogan doing it from center ring with the dropdown mic in his hand.

That rant sounded alot more like an Ultimate Warrior promo. :D

RD'S Alias - 1A
09-05-2007, 08:54 AM
Hmm, maybe that was my problem..I am picturing the wrong WWF!!

09-05-2007, 12:31 PM
In all honesty, if Rudy walked away from it i would have more respect for him. The only way I suggest he goes through with it would be if he had the fight in the ring, in front of the crowd with third parties officiating. Anything less has too much potential to turn into another Springer debacle.

That is exactly what I am shooting for. Even people in Anthony's own camp have been clamoring for a ring fight. So I am actually trying to make this as much on the up an up as possible. But make no mistake. If we can't get the ring I will take it wherever I can get it.

Everyone is quoting the debacle as the blueprint for reality. These two situations
couldn't be any more different. For one, if we meet and he tries to talk his way out of it like Anna did, I'm just going to film it and leave. John's only mistake was to let himself get cajoled into a situation he didn't have control of.

As for coming here to go tit for tat with Anthony's ass licker, .5bad69 and unknowncomic, I have better things to do then to repeat myself endlessly against the same lies and spins. Especially from someone that has just ducked a fight on this very thread. :rolleyes: At this point he's doled out enough to hang himself from the golden gate bridge. Its a little psychotic, really, its a little too much fervor. Its a bit too much cheerleader. Kinda sick.

This guy is like a die hard Bear's superfan that stops everything to rant about the team during his children's baptism. Or an over emotional jilted lover. Take your pick.

BTW, anthony would not give me out his fax number so the guy has to go scan his waiver and send it to the generic bullshido email.

that is all.....

RD'S Alias - 1A
09-05-2007, 12:49 PM
BTW, anthony would not give me out his fax number so the guy has to go scan his waiver and send it to the generic bullshido email.

Really? How hokey is that? You know, after seeing his training clip


I am almost willing to bet he's not going to show for this.

Unless this footage is 5 years old, this guy is at best a beginning student. He does not even have basic foundational footwork, let alone what he needs to hold his own with someone with 25 years experience. he's not anywhere near ready to be competing, let alone fighting a challenge match.

My skills are pretty substandard, and I have students that would smoke him.

Having to send the waiver to a "General" forum account pretty much shows Anthony has no intention to fight. My suggestion would be to line up an alternate fighter, maybe one of your senior class mates (to guarentee an opponenet).

If you set this up as a ring event, and he does not show that will be bad for the promoter, and all involved. If you have an alternate fighter, at least you will still have a fight for the crowd.

09-05-2007, 12:49 PM
John's only mistake was to let himself get cajoled into a situation he didn't have control of.

And he also showed the world at the same time he is a racist who attacks women.

BTW, anthony would not give me out his fax number so the guy has to go scan his waiver and send it to the generic bullshido email.

So this scan of the waiver was e-mailed to Anthony today? :cool:

I can't believe you are still saying this will happen.

RD'S Alias - 1A
09-05-2007, 01:03 PM
For one, if we meet and he tries to talk his way out of it like Anna did, I'm just going to film it and leave

Yeah, good idea.

Although, if he does not show, or backs out, and you have a backup fighter to replace him in that event, you can film and post that fight instead. At least then you can show your skills. Under that scenario, win or loose, you would come out looking really good.

RD'S Alias - 1A
09-05-2007, 01:07 PM
I can't believe you are still saying this will happen.

This fight is not going to happen at all. Anthony is putting up blockers. If he was serious, he would have offered his fax number, and the issue would be settled. Instead he just tried a flimsy deflect.

If I were Rudy, I would have a back up fighter. Otherwise he's going to get everyone out on a limb here, and there will be no fight.

09-05-2007, 01:20 PM
now, if we could only find a way to mix in Shaolin Do and Fu Pow into this thread, then it would be super kewl

RD'S Alias - 1A
09-05-2007, 01:32 PM
don't forget *Cloud Forest Chin woo*, and Temple Kung Fu.....

09-05-2007, 01:45 PM
Oh, no! You don't know who that 'Pain in the Donkey' person is do you? :D
That is actually......get ready......here it comes.....Springer's girlfriend!!!!!

Well, that seems fitting. She talks pretty much the same lame B.S talk that he was talking. You'd think she would have learned her lesson about sh!t talking after Springer got pwn3d.

09-05-2007, 01:54 PM
[This fight is not going to happen at all. Anthony is putting up blockers. If he was serious, he would have offered his fax number, and the issue would be settled. Instead he just tried a flimsy deflect.

You can't be serious! Dude Rudy has had TWO AND A HALF MONTHS to get the waiver and venue done. Now when there is only around 3 weeks left he miraculously gets it done and is having issues getting it to Anthony. :rolleyes: This is EXACTLY what me and Unkokusai said would happen, Rudy would do his stuff last minute and then blame Anthony when time ran out.

So Rudy, why did you need to choose a different venue when Anthony agreed that the Kung-Fu Connection in Miami was a suitable venue? :rolleyes: Why did you say the school's lawyer was working on the waiver(for over 2 months!) and now this 'promoter' did the waiver instead? :rolleyes:

Remember, on 6-27-07 Rudy said 'The waiver is on the way'. He NEVER said a word about needing a fax number!

09-05-2007, 01:57 PM
Well, that seems fitting. She talks pretty much the same lame B.S talk that he was talking. You'd think she would have learned her lesson about sh!t talking after Springer got pwn3d.

One would think. :rolleyes: She is just using the tried-and-true Rudy 'The Duck' Abel method; talk loads of smack, threaten everyone and anyone, but never actually show up to a fight. Remember, you can't get pwn3d if you don't ever show up!

RD'S Alias - 1A
09-05-2007, 02:21 PM
You can't be serious! Dude Rudy has had TWO AND A HALF MONTHS to get the waiver and venue done. Now when there is only around 3 weeks left he miraculously gets it done and is having issues getting it to Anthony. This is EXACTLY what me and Unkokusai said would happen, Rudy would do his stuff last minute and then blame Anthony when time ran out.

If Anthony really wanted to fight, he'd be making himself easily accessible, and he would not be putting up blockers.

09-05-2007, 02:26 PM
If Anthony really wanted to fight, he'd be making himself easily accessible, and not putting up blockers.

You can't be falling for this. No way.

Again: Rudy said on 6-27-07 'The waiver is on the way'. Wouldn't common sense dictate that if he did not have Anthony's fax number, that he would have brought this up TWO MONTHS AGO!

RD'S Alias - 1A
09-05-2007, 04:54 PM
If Antony really wanted to fight, he would have provided his fax number when asked, or *IF* an e-mail was more continent for him (maybe he lives in a cave and has no fax number?), he would have provided *HIS* E-mail.

Instead he wants it sent to a *General* in box on an internet forum? Come on, how naive do you expect everyone to be here?

The fact that you are boasting to the high heavens that the fight won't happen, and Rudy will blame Anthony makes me think you have inside info from Anthony's side that he's [Anthony] planning to wuss out and Duck the fight and never intended to fight him in the first place.

You are preemptively spinning this now, so when it is all said and done, you can boast that you called it in the first place, and act like it's Rudy's fault. That is why I think Rudy should line up a back up fight, and film that. Then when Anthony backs down, Rudy has indisputable proof that he was there to fight, and no one can say he wasn't...because a Fight actually did occur.

09-05-2007, 05:50 PM
If Antony really wanted to fight, he would have provided his fax number when asked, or *IF* an e-mail was more continent for him (maybe he lives in a cave and has no fax number?), he would have provided *HIS* E-mail.

On 6-27-07 The Duck posted this: "The waiver is on the way"

On 8-12-07 The Duck posted this: "How many times can I state the obvious that I'm waiting for the venue confirmation. Waivers will be issued at that time. Soon, in fact."

So where is the venue? :D Notice also that The Duck did not say one word about needing a fax number, an e-mail, etc. So now it's 3 weeks to go and there is all this scrambling for numbers that were not mentioned two and a half months ago? :rolleyes:

Instead he wants it sent to a *General* in box on an internet forum? Come on, how naive do you expect everyone to be here?

The fact that you are boasting to the high heavens that the fight won't happen, and Rudy will blame Anthony makes me think you have inside info from Anthony's side that he's [Anthony] planning to wuss out and Duck the fight and never intended to fight him in the first place.

You are preemptively spinning this now, so when it is all said and done, you can boast that you called it in the first place, and act like it's Rudy's fault. That is why I think Rudy should line up a back up fight, and film that. Then when Anthony backs down, Rudy has indisputable proof that he was there to fight, and no one can say he wasn't...because a Fight actually did occur.

Naive?! Dude, The Duck has NEVER shown for any other challenge! And I know of 3 ON THIS FORUM ALONE! So you actually think that Anthony has the balls to step into a cage and fight a trained fighter, but is scared of a fat, fight ducking Kung-Fu guy? There is a bridge for sale here in Austin, you wanna buy it from me? :D

Preemptively spinning now? Read my sig buddy.

RD'S Alias - 1A
09-05-2007, 06:16 PM
Hee, hee, Hee! Ur silly!!! :p

RD'S Alias - 1A
09-05-2007, 06:21 PM
Naive?! Dude, The Duck has NEVER shown for any other challenge! And I know of 3 ON THIS FORUM ALONE!

What about all the times people wanted to fight him, and he just told them were his school was? No one ever showed, not even ONE.

Personally, I think you are making a huge, childish, big deal out of all this.

Why are you so wrapped up in this thing anyway? Did your Daddy embarrass you by Ducking a fight with some other Kid's Dad when you were 8?

Your obsession with this is like some sort of neurosis showing through. What is the underlying reason with your OCD on this issue?

RD'S Alias - 1A
09-05-2007, 06:23 PM
Your signature is wrong...I predict it is Anthony that will be the reason for the fight not happening. If I had to bet, I'd bet Rudy fights whether Anthony shows or not...it's just a matter of who.

09-05-2007, 07:08 PM
What about all the times people wanted to fight him, and he just told them were his school was? No one ever showed, not even ONE.

Why are you so wrapped up in this thing anyway? Did your Daddy embarrass you by Ducking a fight with some other Kid's Dad when you were 8?

Don't forget, Anthony offered to fight Rudy in Southern California and Rudy declined. :D

The Duck also said he was gonna fight ST00 at a pro-mma show, he also said he was gonna fight Knifefighter twice, and he is supposed to come to my gym too. He offered to travel on all 4 of those instances, so drop it with the 'everyone needs to come to Rudy' crap.

I've said before why I'm on Rudy's case, and why I plan on never letting him up. Well until he stops acting a fool or actually fights an e-challenge he himself gets himself into. I was actually that kid in school who fought all the time, I won some and I lost some, but I never told the other kid to meet me after school and then did not show. ;) Nope, I never saw dad back down either, although he has a cooler head than I do.

Your signature is wrong...I predict it is Anthony that will be the reason for the fight not happening. If I had to bet, I'd bet Rudy fights whether Anthony shows or not...it's just a matter of who

I'll take that bet.

09-05-2007, 07:20 PM
I have received permission to post this. It's a PM from Anthony:

"Feel free to repost this PM. He said Fax or Email address. I don't want to give the ****er my office fax number, so my Anthony @ bullshido email which uses Gmail is more than enough.

He's putting up excuses. Trust me, I will **** his day up."

Originally Posted by SifuAbel
"The time has come. Give me your fax number and email.

I just talked with my promoter freind. If he can't get us into the hard rock he's got a 20' ring we can get too. Neutral, no shenanigans.

Either way, he's either going to fax or email his paperwork to you.

Have a nice day."

Notice the keyword 'or', the bold is MY emphasis. Quit making excuses Rudy.

RD'S Alias - 1A
09-05-2007, 07:45 PM
Where do you see excuses? Looks like he's been looking for a good venue, after some setbacks he continued searching until he found a venue, and just needs to iron out the final details now.

Again, why are you making such a big deal out of nothing?

09-05-2007, 08:09 PM
Where do you see excuses? Looks like he's found a venue, and just needs to iron out the final details.

Again, why are you making such a big deal out of nothing?

He posted here that he needed a fax number to send the waiver to Anthony. Yet on HIS OWN PM to Anthony he said an e-mail OR fax number was ok. Once Anthony gave Rudy a valid e-mail address, Rudy suddenly needed a fax number. :rolleyes: Kind of like when Rudy suggested the Kung-Fu Connection in Miami as a suitable venue, yet once Anthony accepted that venue Rudy suddenly needed a different venue. See a pattern here?

And notice how Rudy never says that the Hard Rock venue is certain to be ok. Notice Rudy never comes out and says 'this date, this time, this place, and these rules.' It's always 'well maybe here, Im waiting on the waiver, no not that place now, I'm waiting on confirmation, etc' You don't have to be a rocket scientist to see that Rudy is talking in circles and refusing to set ANYTHING in stone. Wonder why? :rolleyes:

Posts 530 and 832 on this thread are where I explain my reasons.

You wanna make that bet you proposed?

RD'S Alias - 1A
09-05-2007, 08:28 PM
What's the bet?

RD'S Alias - 1A
09-05-2007, 08:31 PM
He posted here that he needed a fax number to send the waiver to Anthony. Yet on HIS OWN PM to Anthony he said an e-mail OR fax number was ok. Once Anthony gave Rudy a valid e-mail address, Rudy suddenly needed a fax number.

LOL!! Are you dumb as a rock? That was ME making an issue about that!! LOL!!!!

Kind of like when Rudy suggested the Kung-Fu Connection in Miami as a suitable venue, yet once Anthony accepted that venue Rudy suddenly needed a different venue. See a pattern here?

He decided he wanted a more public fight, so, big deal. Why are you blowing this into such a girly, emotional, dramatic issue?

RD'S Alias - 1A
09-05-2007, 08:34 PM
I still think Anthony isn't going to show for this.

I mean, if *MY* footwork was as lumbering, and bad as this


and my hands were as slow and cumbersome, I'd find a way out of it.

RD'S Alias - 1A
09-05-2007, 08:46 PM
Here is Rudy doing the same basic drills, only on a double end bag.


Anthony doesn't even have a 10th of the hand coordination, or ANY of the footwork Rudy does. As you cna clearly see in this (Same link as Anthony's above) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onEP8t76ewg

This is a case where the beginner is challenging the teacher....and you think Anthony is actually going to show up to a guaranteed loss?

With you cheering for him, and launching this attack of pure obsession in his honor, I think you know darn well Anthony isn't going to show. It's going to be the skilled Kung Fu guy VS the looser MMA wannabe for once, instead of the other way around, if he does.

09-05-2007, 09:29 PM
He posted here that he needed a fax number to send the waiver to Anthony. Yet on HIS OWN PM to Anthony he said an e-mail OR fax number was ok. Once Anthony gave Rudy a valid e-mail address, Rudy suddenly needed a fax number. :rolleyes:

LOL!! Are you dumb as a rock? That was ME making an issue about that!! LOL!!!!

In fairness, actually Rudy did make an issue about the fax number / e-mail address:


BTW, anthony would not give me out his fax number so the guy has to go scan his waiver and send it to the generic bullshido email.

The "generic bullshido email" is apparently Anthony's personal e-mail address at Bullshido.net, at least according to the PM that 1bad65 quoted.

Rudy, awesome job getting the waiver and venue sorted out. Can the waiver be e-mailed? Let's just do this thing and get it over with so we can put it behind us.

Peace everyone.

RD'S Alias - 1A
09-05-2007, 09:31 PM
In fairness, actually Rudy did make an issue about the fax number / e-mail address:

Really? where? just that one line? If so, I hardly call that making an issue. I am the one who was going on about all that.

09-05-2007, 09:46 PM
In fairness, actually Rudy did make an issue about the fax number / e-mail address:

Really? where? just that one line? If so, I hardly call that making an issue. I am the one who was going on about all that.

Yea, that one line. That is sufficient in my mind to be called "making an issue of it," since it was the stated reason for why the waiver hasn't been sent. But let's not argue over semantics. Rudy's got the waiver completed and the venue sorted out. That's fantastic. Now all that has to happen is for the promoter to send it to Anthony, which is in the works, according to a posting on Rudy's forums:

Posted: Sep 1 2007, 03:03 AM

I provided the promoter with anthony's email. So its only a matter of time until he gets a basic waiver. He has been traveling to Brazil and other places so he will get to it soon. There's still a month to go, more than enough time. I've never seen somebody in such a hurry to get his ass kicked.

09-05-2007, 09:59 PM
What's the bet?

I bet that Rudy ducks Anthony, plain and simple.
How about a 'sig bet'? One month ok? I send you my proposed sig, you send me yours(via PM). If we agree, its a bet. We need an INDEPENDANT judge, as odds are you will say Anthony ducked and I'll say Rudy did. If they fight, I lose automatically. I will accept Boshea as a judge, he seems fair. Sound ok?

09-05-2007, 10:08 PM
Back on topic, I still say Rudy is setting up to duck. My view is that the venue is NOT sorted out. As per The Duck himself "If he can't get us into the hard rock he's got a 20' ring we can get too."

I'm curious, what city is this supposed to happen in? If I get that info I can quickly confirm if there is indeed an MMA event at a Hard Rock Cafe in that city on Sept 29th.

Like I said earlier, Rudy will not ever say something to the effect of 'this date, this time, this place, and these rules.'

But hey, we shall see won't we? ;)

09-05-2007, 10:12 PM
I bet that Rudy ducks Anthony, plain and simple.
How about a 'sig bet'? One month ok? I send you my proposed sig, you send me yours(via PM). If we agree, its a bet. We need an INDEPENDANT judge, as odds are you will say Anthony ducked and I'll say Rudy did. If they fight, I lose automatically. I will accept Boshea as a judge, he seems fair. Sound ok?

Ok -- these are the conditions of me accepting such a position:

1. It must be a legally sanctioned event. I'm not getting involved in any "Masonic Temple parking lot 57r337 f1gh7."

And these are my rules:

1. Both sides must present convincing evidence. Unfortunately, since I can not be physically present, that means it will have to be filmed by both parties and video posted in a public forum (like YouTube). Both video clips must show enough of the same footage to confirm that both Rudy and Anthony were present at the same time, on time, and ready to fight.

2. If Rudy doesn't show, 1bad65 wins. If Anthony doesn't show, RD wins. If neither party shows, or no video is presented, both parties lose.
2a. If both parties show, the winner of the match decides the outcome of the bet. If Rudy wins the match, RD wins the bet. If Anthony wins the match, 1bad65 wins the bet.

3. The loser(s) (one or both parties, depending on the outcome) must "wear" the other's given sig for one month, starting September 30th, 2007 and ending on October 31st.
3a. The loser(s) must make at least one post in this thread with that sig during the month of October, 2007.

4. Both parties must submit sigs to me by PM for independent arbitration.

5. Rudy has said that he has completed the waiver. The waiver must arrive by 11:59 PM PDT on Friday, September 21st 2007, or RD wears the sig of shame.

6. Both parties must agree on the venue in this thread by 11:59 PM PDT on Friday, September 14th, or the bet is off. Since Rudy is chosing the venue, if he fails to suggest one by that time, RD loses.

RD'S Alias - 1A
09-05-2007, 10:15 PM
A sig bet?

Like what would you have my sig say, and for how long?

RD'S Alias - 1A
09-05-2007, 10:18 PM
What if both Show and fight?

What if Rudy shows, Anthony backs down and Rudy fights an alternate?