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07-25-2007, 11:41 PM
So fat boy, could you explain to everyone what exactly is the deal with this waiver thing we keep hearing about and why you haven't sent it to Anthony if you really intend to fight him?

Or you could just say now that you don't intend to fight him and leave it at that. That would be the wisest choice for you anyway.

07-25-2007, 11:42 PM
As soon as you explain your anonymity..............

07-25-2007, 11:49 PM
No really, he apparently sent you some waiver to sign, had a lawyer draft it and the whole nine yards and you haven't returned it to him. Why, if you really do intend to fight him, are you refusing to take care of this? I mean, you say you are really, really gonna meet him this time so why fail to take care of such a minor detail? Can't you see how obvious it is that you are planning your ducking strategy already?

Or do you have some valid reason for not signing the document you agreed to sign?

07-25-2007, 11:50 PM
On second thought I'll answer that,.

"The waiver" is the latest battle cry of a pathetic loser who is suddenly faced with being humiliated not only on youtube but on a public stage if all follows through.

The moment I mentioned this, that fat ankled knee jerked so fast it caused a sonic boom. Suddenly he was "happy' to fight in private. Like its his decision.

So he'll have to wait for his waiver or whatever other paperwork.

We got two months to go, so if you don't have anything new it will be rather boring you repeating yourself like a mental patient.

07-25-2007, 11:52 PM
That doesn't explain why, if (lol) you really intend to fight that you wouldn't sign and return the document as you agreed to. What is your motivation for not doing so if its not just maintaining a convenient out?

07-25-2007, 11:53 PM
No really, he apparently sent you some waiver to sign, had a lawyer draft it and the whole nine yards and you haven't returned it to him. Why, if you really do intend to fight him, are you refusing to take care of this? I mean, you say you are really, really gonna meet him this time so why fail to take care of such a minor detail? Can't you see how obvious it is that you are planning your ducking strategy already?

Or do you have some valid reason for not signing the document you agreed to sign?

You are mixing it up, on purpose. You are wakinoinopi on bullshido and you know full well that was some swiss cheese contract to get me to sign my rights away so I can be flown to a mega TD.


This was the most pathetic excuse for a contract on the face of the earth next to your average Nigeria bank scam.

You're pathetic trying to mislead people with false events. For shame. Go eat your cheetos and stfu.

07-26-2007, 12:10 AM
You are mixing it up, on purpose. You are wakinoinopi on bullshido and you know full well that was some swiss cheese contract to get me to sign my rights away so I can be flown to a mega TD. .

I never looked at that contract. What specifically do you have problems with in it, and have you made your intention to not sign it clear to Anthony? In fact, in your last post here it sounded like you intended to sign it but only wanted to wait longer to do so. What is the deal? What 'rights' are you scared of signing away, and do you really, honestly intend to fight Anthony or is this just one more bull**** duck job?

07-26-2007, 12:12 AM
LORD!!! you are a stupid rock eater.

READ IT , FOOL!!!!!!!!!

07-26-2007, 12:12 AM
You know, finally showing up would erase some of your shame, but just coming out and saying you don't intend to get involved in this kind of silly **** would erase a lot more.

07-26-2007, 12:13 AM
LORD!!! you are a stupid rock eater.

READ IT , FOOL!!!!!!!!!

I haven't read it. Answer my questions or duck my questions like you intend to duck this fight.

07-26-2007, 12:37 AM
Well, I guess that's the answer...

07-26-2007, 01:38 AM
Well, I guess that's the answer...

Ahhhhhhhhh..you are a Bullshido Flag waver..admit it already.

07-26-2007, 06:17 AM
Who cares if me or unkokusai hang on Bullshido? The issue is the waiver. Why are you trying to change the topic? My theory is that Rudy is going to try and ammend the rules and return it to Anthony last minute, so there will be no fight. Really, Rudy why not sign it now and be done with it? hmmmmm Plus me and unkokusai would have to shut up about it. There must be a valid reason you can't sign a piece of paper and mail it. Just tell us. You know why you won't sign it, it's cause you have NO intention to fight the man.

What I look like has no bearing on the waiver issue.

Sept 29th approaches...

07-26-2007, 06:24 AM

Bah, bunch of pansies.

Real men don't need waivers, nor that soft and scented crap you call toilet paper !

Sand paper, that's the way to go !

RD'S Alias - 1A
07-26-2007, 06:30 AM
Rudy would have to be a complete moron to sign that waiver.

If it was me, I would have an attorney draw up something more reasonable and mail it to Antony.

07-26-2007, 07:17 AM

Bah, bunch of pansies.

So by your reasoning, anyone who boxes or does mma, both pro and amateur, are pansies? Signing a waiver is standard operating procedure. Plus, the waiver protects Rudy, if he were to injure Anthony in the fight.

Rudy would have to be a complete moron to sign that waiver.

If it was me, I would have an attorney draw up something more reasonable and mail it to Antony.

Well he has 2 months to work out the differences. That's my point. Do it now, while you have 2 months, so the fight will happen. Sending it back to Anthony, say around Sept 27-28, with like 20 points of contention is just a way to duck the fight. And I believe it was drawn up by an attorney in the first place.

Any idiot can see what Rudy is doing. Just remember, come Sept 30th, that me and unkokusai said from the beginning that Rudy won't fight Anthony. It's just a question of what Rudy's excuse will be.

Michael Udel
07-26-2007, 07:39 AM
And I believe it was drawn up by an attorney in the first place.

It was drawn up by Sam Browning, an attorney who seems to be the de facto mouthpiece for Bullshido and is a moderator on the forums.

Gee, I wonder why Rudy would be careful about signing a waiver drawn up by a Bullshido attorney?

07-26-2007, 07:50 AM
It was drawn up by Sam Browning, an attorney who seems to be the de facto mouthpiece for Bullshido and is a moderator on the forums.

Gee, I wonder why Rudy would be careful about signing a waiver drawn up by a Bullshido attorney?

And here we have the voice of reason..Smart Cookie.:D:D

07-26-2007, 07:55 AM
Are you all still at it?

Why, after all we've seen, don't one of you be the bigger more mature person and walk away?

I hope at some point in your life you (both/all) can look back and see how foolish you were.

Well adjusted people without 'daddy touches me in private places' issues can see how foolish you are now.

Michael Udel
07-26-2007, 08:07 AM
Are you all still at it?

Why, after all we've seen, don't one of you be the bigger more mature person and walk away?

I hope at some point in your life you (both/all) can look back and see how foolish you were.

He started it. :D

07-26-2007, 09:02 AM
It was drawn up by Sam Browning, an attorney who seems to be the de facto mouthpiece for Bullshido and is a moderator on the forums.

Gee, I wonder why Rudy would be careful about signing a waiver drawn up by a Bullshido attorney?

Then he needs to get on it NOW. Like I said earlier. Two months goes by fast. We all know; no waiver=no fight. And for some reason Rudy is dragging his feet and telling varying reasons why. It's not rocket science, Rudy is lining up any and all possible excuses. Is it not obvious yet what is going on?

He started it. :D

If by he, you mean Rudy, then you are correct. He has a LOOOONG history of this type of behavior.

Sept 29th approaches...

07-26-2007, 09:49 AM
D@mit, someones already working on the video for our script.:mad:

But it is with a cast of unknowns. (http://www.nothingtoxic.com/media/1185419257/Cops_Arrest_a_Disgustingly_Hilarious_Tranny)

07-26-2007, 10:01 AM
[QUOTE=rogue;782272]D@mit, someones already working on the video for our script.:mad:

But it is with a cast of unknowns. (http://www.nothingtoxic.com/media/1185419257/Cops_Arrest_a_Disgustingly_Hilarious_Tranny)[/

Thats what happens when you let Bullshido out of it's cage.

07-26-2007, 11:07 AM
The issue is the waiver.

LMAO!! You are abysmally stupid!!!!ROFL!!! What a hey seed!!!

That contract was for the last mega TD

WHEREAS Rudy has been invited and wishes to attend a martial arts gathering/training session (“Throwdown”) in, or within 30 miles of Atlanta, Georgia, on Saturday, May 26, 2007;

This is NOT a waiver Anthony sent me for the upcoming event.

LORDS!!, can you get any more stone headed? :eek:


07-26-2007, 11:12 AM
What I look like has no bearing on the waiver issue.

Sept 29th approaches...

No it doesn't . It has bearing on what kind of hey seed you look like.

Its also a sign of good faith. And its also the difference to most people here. Most people here have shared of themselves. A pic , a video, an Imartilal profile. a myspace page. SOMETHING. So far you and uncookingoil have the dubious pleasure of being YAAT.

07-26-2007, 11:18 AM
If by he, you mean Rudy, then you are correct. He has a LOOOONG history of this type of behavior.


I don't think I was the author of the ST00 thread. Can you please provide one link , besides the upcoming Anthony fight, were I started anything?

07-26-2007, 12:02 PM
Your really pathetic. Anthony sent you a waiver in regards to the Sept 29th fight. You STILL have not signed and returned it. Do need a stamp and/or a pen?

I can't believe you have the audacity to bring up the ST00 thread, considering you challenged TWO people on that one and of course had no fights resulting from it.

Again, what I look like, where vids/pics of me are or are not has NOTHING to do with your Sept 29th date with Anthony. Do you not get this?

Better get that waiver signed and returned to Anthony. :D

Sept 29th approaches...;)

07-26-2007, 12:07 PM
So by your reasoning, anyone who boxes or does mma, both pro and amateur, are pansies? Signing a waiver is standard operating procedure. Plus, the waiver protects Rudy, if he were to injure Anthony in the fight.

I see that your sense of humour has tapped out in this thread.

Have you actually READ that waiver?

07-26-2007, 12:35 PM
Anthony sent you a waiver in regards to the Sept 29th fight.

No, he didn't. You're not listening.

Stupid!!! Read the above carefully.

07-26-2007, 01:04 PM
Sorry Sanjuro. My bad, dealing with Rudy has me all messed up. :)

No, he didn't. You're not listening.

Stupid!!! Read the above carefully.

Better check Bullshido again, buddy. He has been asking about the waiver constantly. There was also a question on the venue. Did you get that resolved? :rolleyes:

Sept 29th approaches...

07-26-2007, 01:08 PM
Him asking for a waiver is NOT him issuing one. Get your story straight.


07-26-2007, 01:26 PM
I stand corrected aboout who is sending the waiver. But Rudy is still the one dragging his feet. Here are the quotes relevant to the waiver, from Bullshido:

On 06-27-07 Rudy posted:

"Update: I bought my tickets , YAY! I'll be out there between the 22nd and the 6th. Tentative date and time, Sat Sept the 29th 3 pm. Other details are being ironed out with the school's lawyer. There will be a lawyer present. You will be required to sign a waiver of personal liability and medical coverage to hold harmless me, the school and all of its officers from any and all misfortune that may befall you from our match. It will be notarized. Have a nice day.

My counter reads 3 months and one day."

Later, on 06-27-2007 Anthony posted:

"I take it you are referring to me. You have 3 months, it takes an hour to make a waiver, at most. Send a copy to me at anthony at bullshido dot com for my Legal Team to peruse.

Let's not make the waiver a point of contention, as I also want myself covered from any legal repurcussions."

Later again, on 6-27-07 Rudy replied:

"The waiver is coming, *******."

Where is the waiver Rudy????? It's been alomost a whole month! Only 2 more months to go :p

Sept 29th approaches...

07-26-2007, 01:27 PM
Sorry Sanjuro. My bad, dealing with Rudy has me all messed up. :)

Better check Bullshido again, buddy. He has been asking about the waiver constantly. There was also a question on the venue. Did you get that resolved? :rolleyes:

Sept 29th approaches...

Ok..Now it is time for you to take your toys and play in your own yard. Run home while you can

07-26-2007, 01:38 PM

Where is the waiver Rudy????? It's been alomost a whole month! Only 2 more months to go :p

Sept 29th approaches...

which waiver? the school waiver? The event waiver? the street waiver?(LOL @ street waivers) get it through your fool thick skull that it will take time.

07-26-2007, 01:41 PM
I stand corrected aboout who is sending the waiver.

Translation : i've been caught in a LIE i can't get out of. Thats TWO lies so far....

Its either a lie or you are just that stupid.

What do you look like?

07-26-2007, 01:59 PM
which waiver? the school waiver? The event waiver? the street waiver?(LOL @ street waivers) get it through your fool thick skull that it will take time.

Bull****! The DAY I joined the Vasquez Academy I signed a waiver. It's standard procedure for MA schools. You claimed the school has a lawyer. If it takes him over a month to draft a waiver, I suggest better counsel. How much time exactly? You did say A MONTH AGO 'The waiver is coming'. hmmmmm

Translation : i've been caught in a LIE i can't get out of. Thats TWO lies so far....

Its either a lie or you are just that stupid.

What do you look like?

Whatever. I was confused and owned up to it(try it one day), and corrected it. Again, what I look like has no bearing on the waiver or your Sept 29th date with Anthony.

Where is that waiver?

Sept 29th approaches...

07-26-2007, 02:01 PM
Ok..Now it is time for you to take your toys and play in your own yard. Run home while you can

I'll do as I please. It's about time Rudy follows through FOR ONCE. ;)

07-26-2007, 02:33 PM
this thread is getting long and hard to follow

so for those of you who just joined us, I'll summarize

"I know you are, but what am I" :p

maybe we should just lock this thread already

07-26-2007, 02:46 PM
Ahhhhhhhhh..you are a Bullshido Flag waver..admit it already.

I doubt you'd find many over there who think so.

07-26-2007, 02:49 PM
maybe we should just lock this thread already

I'd hope we don't. Rudy STILL has not answered when he is sending the waiver or if he has an appropriate venue, both of which he agreed to do. This thread is a perfect place for that.

Also, being a man of my word, this is a good place for me to admit I was wrong and eat my crow if by some miracle Rudy actually fights Anthony.

RD'S Alias - 1A
07-26-2007, 03:11 PM
maybe we should just lock this thread already

No, I say leave it open. We have not had a good battle royal since the old days of KFO in the late 90's

Besides, if we lock this thread, it's just going to spill over into everything else. Better to keep this one open, and contain it all here.

If we must moderate, I say we should merge this one, with the other one.

07-26-2007, 04:09 PM
this thread is getting long and hard to follow

so for those of you who just joined us, I'll summarize

"I know you are, but what am I" :p

maybe we should just lock this thread already

Why, so far it hasn't gotten redundant at all.;)

07-26-2007, 04:25 PM
Ill save everyone the time, Here is a run down so far of the last 40 pages

Yes Huh

Nuh Uh

Yes Huh

Nuh Uh

Yes Huh

Nuh Uh

Yes Huh

Nuh Uh

Yes Huh

Nuh Uh

Yes Huh

Nuh Uh

Yes Huh

Nuh Uh

Yes Huh

Nuh Uh

07-26-2007, 05:26 PM
Nuh uh .........

Shaolin Wookie
07-26-2007, 08:00 PM
Why, so far it hasn't gotten redundant at all.;)

Yeah, so far it hasn't gotten reduntdant at all.;)

I don't really know much about you two except that Abel's a monkey guy, and the other guy challenged him to a fight, but considering how these things turn out (internet challenge brawls), there's nothing really to be gained. One of you guys is going to lose, and the loss will be all over the net, and people are going to rip on you for a very long time (the internet is immortal).:D Both sides will come up with some excuse in the case of a loss, claiming this or that, that someone cheated, or it was a full moon, or the dog star sirius was exerting a strange psychic pull; or what's more likely, if you lose, other kung fu or bjj guys will tell you you didn't display properly the techniques of your art, or you fought like a newb.

If you guys want to make an impression and defend your reps, enroll in an amateur MMA tournament and see if you can make it to the finish to face each other (if the brackets work out that way). See, if you're good enough to beat everyone else in your general area, then you deserve to be filmed fighting a good challenge match. But if some schlubs out of local schools give you a whoopin' and you can't make it to the final rounds, what business do you have fighting? It isn't even respect or honor you guys are defending....although from Abels POV and the Bullshido vids on Youtube, I see how he's offended. But shouldn't you be able to just get over it? It could be worse......you could be the star wars kid or something.

If you put yourself out there on the net, some ******* is always going to rip on you. It's why you'll never see a vid of the wook, or most of us. It isn't fear. It's common sense.

RD'S Alias - 1A
07-26-2007, 08:29 PM
That is what I was telling Rudy a few days ago.

07-26-2007, 11:23 PM
You know, I've got a promoter that wants to put yall in the ring. Just get at me. Unaffiliated with any particular site and well out of your home towns.

RD'S Alias - 1A
07-27-2007, 06:53 AM
Are you speaking to me?

If so, I wouldn't waste my time. There are plenty of local venues for me to enter if i so desired. We have Letai fighting every year only a few hours drive from me, plus there is a few MMA clubs around where I could go to thier open mats and such as well. Why would I exert the energy for some goofy thing you and your promoter set up?

Black Jack II
07-27-2007, 07:54 AM
Why would I exert the energy for some goofy thing you and your promoter set up?

Because Kat will bring illegal firearms to share and bags of rave based drugs for you to pass the time while the porn producer takes pictures of you in your underwear.

RD'S Alias - 1A
07-27-2007, 07:56 AM

Black Jack II
07-27-2007, 08:02 AM
I can see the title now....

"Gong Sau Wangers" by Doctor Tushy Vol. 1

07-27-2007, 11:30 AM
What are you talking about RD? I meant the people on here wanting to fight. I can set that up LEGITIMATELY instead of this crap.

07-27-2007, 11:37 AM
What are you talking about RD? I meant the people on here wanting to fight. I can set that up LEGITIMATELY instead of this crap.

Please not Lane...

RD'S Alias - 1A
07-27-2007, 11:50 AM
What are you talking about RD? I meant the people on here wanting to fight. I can set that up LEGITIMATELY instead of this crap.

Sorry, it looked like you were talking to me.

As for setting up legit fights, I think most people here can do that. It just takes a bit of effort. Heck, there is one guy on here that can get a fight set up full no holds barred, no rules on Indian land.

Also, what makes you think any of these guys would fight in a sanctioned event? Rudy wants to fight on the school playground for God's sake...

07-27-2007, 11:59 AM
Also, what makes you think any of these guys would fight in a sanctioned event? Rudy wants to fight on the school playground for God's sake...

Rudy indeed backed out of the fight ST00 proposed to be done at a sanctioned event.

07-27-2007, 12:10 PM
Heck, there is one guy on here that can get a fight set up full no holds barred, no rules on Indian land.

I know on Indian reservations in Louisiana it's not required of promoters to insure the fighters! :eek:

07-27-2007, 12:19 PM
If you guys are going to fight, (and I think this goes for everyone on this board) do it at a sanctioned event with rules. That way its a public event, so less chance of shady stuff happening and there is a clear rule set and a 3rd party referee so there is less chance that someone is going to get seriously injured.

That way it becomes a test of skill, not a thug war.

Just my 2 cents.


07-27-2007, 12:22 PM
No, I don't mean Lane. I'm in Maryland. I didn't go anywhere at all for this mess.

07-27-2007, 12:22 PM
If you guys are going to fight, (and I think this goes for everyone on this board) do it at a sanctioned event with rules. That way its a public event, so less chance of shady stuff happening and there is a clear rule set and a 3rd party referee so there is less chance that someone is going to get seriously injured.

That way it becomes a test of skill, not a thug war.

Just my 2 cents.



meet in a darkened ally way or late night park setting with a lot of trees, maybe on some secluded national forest area. Bring swords, and dance the dance of razor edged death.

There can be only one.


07-27-2007, 12:26 PM

meet in a darkened ally way or late night park setting with a lot of trees, maybe on some secluded national forest area. Bring swords, and dance the dance of razor edged death.

There can be only one.


Unless there are sequels...:D

07-27-2007, 12:35 PM
Thats what other dimensions are for!

The Willow Sword
07-27-2007, 01:04 PM
it needs to be held indoors at a gym somewhere(maybe the school that Ibad goes to) with neutral parties there to witness and film. When i went to my challenge match i went to the school where the other guy was training at,and although i felt a little shakey going off to their turf without much representation on my part, i felt at ease that i wasnt walking in to an ambush trap, especially when i got there and all was kosher.

I dont know 1bad65 personally but would like to meet with him and just introduce myself and be one of the Neutrals witnessing. that is IF this thing ever actually happens.


07-27-2007, 01:53 PM
you guys can go to each others' school and issue the challenge. The guy who gets beat up more, loses.
and you guys can still be friends!
Problem solved.

07-27-2007, 01:57 PM
Rudy is not coming to my gym, let's be real here. Not only do I want him, Taylor does too.

And I say again; MARK MY WORDS, he is not gonna fight Anthony on Sept 29th.

07-27-2007, 02:25 PM
Rudy indeed backed out of the fight ST00 proposed to be done at a sanctioned event.

So..... :rolleyes:

07-27-2007, 02:26 PM
Not only do I want him, Taylor does too.

That sounds really ghey.

07-27-2007, 02:40 PM
That sounds really ghey.

Should be right up your alley then. That seems to be a favorite topic of you and JFS.

Get that waiver done yet?

Sept 29th approaches...

07-27-2007, 02:47 PM
How about this idea?
The two parties each pick a witness/second or two, go to a private place, close the door so nobody outside of the chosen witness' can view the fight, have the fight, and then not talk about it at all on the freakin internet. It's been done here before.

07-27-2007, 02:52 PM
Should be right up your alley then. That seems to be a favorite topic of you and JFS.

Get that waiver done yet?

Sept 29th approaches...

What do you look like?

07-27-2007, 03:00 PM
What do you look like?

For the 2,337th time, what I look like has NO bearing on your Sept 29th date with Anthony. Do you really not get this concept?

Please tell me that you are not gonna get online on Sept 30th and say you could not fight Anthony because you never saw a picture of 1BAD65. :rolleyes:

You get that waiver done yet?

Sept 29th approaches...

07-27-2007, 03:27 PM
What do you look like?

07-27-2007, 03:33 PM
What do you look like?

Do you mean A/S/L?

07-27-2007, 03:35 PM
I know he is 35. And sex, well, I don't think he gets enough, location is austin texas.

So all thats left is a picture.

That, and a funny fact that I can't find them on bjj.org

07-27-2007, 05:30 PM
That, and a funny fact that I can't find them on bjj.org

Any idiot knows bjj.org is not complete. Well, ALMOST every idiot. If this is about our belt ranks, I got my blue from Rolles Gracie(son of Rolls Gracie), and Taylor got his purple from William Vandry.

Again, I have NOTHING to do with your upcoming Sept 29th ducking of Anthony. What I look like, any video, how often I have sex, etc matters NOTHING AT ALL concerning your planned Sept 29th ducking.

Concerning another threat you made; have you informed the Austin Police Dept that I am a drug dealer?

Did you send Anthony that waiver yet?

Sept 29th approaches...

07-27-2007, 05:36 PM
Any idiot knows bjj.org is not complete. Well, ALMOST every idiot. If this is about our belt ranks, I got my blue from Rolles Gracie(son of Rolls Gracie), and Taylor got his purple from William Vandry.

Again, I have NOTHING to do with your upcoming Sept 29th ducking of Anthony. What I look like, any video, how often I have sex, etc matters NOTHING AT ALL concerning your planned Sept 29th ducking.

Concerning another threat you made; have you informed the Austin Police Dept that I am a drug dealer?

Did you send Anthony that waiver yet?

Sept 29th approaches...
Did they actually say it was him?

07-27-2007, 05:48 PM
What are you talking about RD? I meant the people on here wanting to fight. I can set that up LEGITIMATELY instead of this crap.

Come on now, you know Rudy doesn't want anything legitimate set up because that would make it harder for him to duck out of it.

07-27-2007, 06:15 PM
Did they actually say it was him?

No, I have not been questioned, arrested, or detained. Sorry for any confusion. I actually train with a few APD officers.

I asked the question AGAIN for three reasons:

1. To show that Rudy NEVER follows through on threats
2. To give Rudy a chance to address that threat
3. To show Rudy's character, or lack thereof

Even though I would love to get my hands on him, if Rudy was stupid enough to do that I would handle it using any and all legal means to make him pay.

07-27-2007, 06:46 PM
What do you look like? (http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d122/SifuAbel/Bullshido%20fun/WDYLL.jpg)

07-27-2007, 08:54 PM
I've been following this thread from when it was about two other people's fight, but it seems to have "evolved" into another fight between two different people. I don't know any of the parties involved in either fight, so sorry for my cluelessness.

Obviously there's some history here that I don't know about, some bad blood between Rudy and Anthony, maybe from another forum. Can someone clear up for me what that is? Why do some of the people here care so much about whether or not these two guys fight?


07-27-2007, 09:17 PM
I've been following this thread from when it was about two other people's fight, but it seems to have "evolved" into another fight between two different people. I don't know any of the parties involved in either fight, so sorry for my cluelessness.

Obviously there's some history here that I don't know about, some bad blood between Rudy and Anthony, maybe from another forum. Can someone clear up for me what that is? Why do some of the people here care so much about whether or not these two guys fight?


Because 1bad is a lunatic lap dog that is here solely for kewl points from his pimps at bullshido, otherwise its absolutely none of his business. The fact that he creeps along every web site I go to just to follow me around is creepy enough. Before this I wouldn't know, or care to know, him.

07-27-2007, 09:28 PM
Because 1bad is a lunatic lap dog that is here solely for kewl points from his pimps at bullshido, otherwise its absolutely none of his business. The fact that he creeps along every web site I go to just to follow me around is creepy enough. Before this I wouldn't know, or care to know, him.

No offense Rudy, can I get an explanation from somebody who doesn't have anything emotionally invested in this thing? Or is that a totally stupid question because I am basically the only person reading this thread who has nothing emotionally invested in it? :p

What started this craziness?

Peace everybody!

P.S. I mean that. Peace everybody!

07-27-2007, 09:40 PM
Speaking for MYSELF, I'm just sick and tired of seeing Rudy issue challenge after challenge and NEVER fight. So I posted on the Youtube video that Omar put up making fun of Osiris. I posted that it's odd they were making fun of Osiris for no-showing when Rudy had done it ALOT. I actually posted links to show where he had backed out of his e-challenges, including one thread here where he actually promised to fight TWO guys. Of course he actually fought neither. For some reason this got Rudy's goat. :D

So I told Rudy, every time I see him e-challenge someone I'll keep posting those links. He can either man up or stop acting like an idiot. I'm harping on the Sept 29 date because he has set that date to fight Anthony from Bullshido. I also keep asking about the waiver because Rudy said OVER A MONTH AGO that it was coming and because without it there will be no fight. All he has to do in order to shut me up about the waiver is to send it to Anthony, as Rudy promised to do. Draw your own conclusions as to why he has not sent Anthony the waiver....

Also Rudy has said he is coming down here to fight me and and a training partner named Taylor. We are not holdong our breath on that threat. ;)

And yes, he did say he was going to inform APD that I am a drug dealer. He also won't address that threat either....

And yes, I have said there is no way he will fight Anthony on Sept 29th. We shall see, wont we. ;)

07-27-2007, 09:44 PM
Speaking for MYSELF, I'm just sick and tired of seeing Rudy issue challenge after challenge and NEVER fight. So I posted on the Youtube video that Omar put up making fun of Osiris. I posted that it's odd they were making fun of Osiris for no-showing when Rudy had done it ALOT. I actually posted links to show where he had backed out of his e-challenges, including one thread here where he actually promised to fight TWO guys. Of course he actually fought neither. For some reason this got Rudy's goat. :D

So I told Rudy, every time I see him e-challenge someone I'll keep posting those links. He can either man up or stop acting like an idiot. I'm harping on the Sept 29 date because he has set that date to fight Anthony from Bullshido. I also keep asking about the waiver because Rudy said OVER A MONTH AGO that it was coming and because without it there will be no fight. All he has to do in order to shut me up about the waiver is to send it to Anthony, as Rudy promised to do. Draw your own conclusions as to why he has not sent Anthony the waiver....

Also Rudy has said he is coming down here to fight me and and a training partner named Taylor. We are not holdong our breath on that threat. ;)

And yes, he did say he was going to inform APD that I am a drug dealer. He also won't address that threat either....

And yes, I have said there is no way he will fight Anthony on Sept 29th. We shall see, wont we. ;)

Ok..enough already!! Would I am going to INVITE you to a cage match. Will you excepte or not?

07-27-2007, 10:03 PM
I am not on anyone's side here. I get tired of all this back and forth crap. It will be legit.

07-27-2007, 10:18 PM
So, are you guys on a lot of different martial arts forums? I get the feeling I'm just getting the narrow slice of the picture that ends up here on KFM. I see that Rudy has some links in his sig to a couple other sites (neither of which I'm on). And I have recently started reading a couple threads on the Bullshido site just out of sheer inability to avoid it, with all the links to it everywhere. What's this "TMA.org" forum that I keep hearing about? That doesn't seem to be the right web site.

Sorry for all of the newbie questions. I've had an account here for years, but only recently started reading the forums regularly and posting.


07-27-2007, 10:25 PM
So, are you guys on a lot of different martial arts forums? I get the feeling I'm just getting the narrow slice of the picture that ends up here on KFM. I see that Rudy has some links in his sig to a couple other sites (neither of which I'm on). And I have recently started reading a couple threads on the Bullshido site just out of sheer inability to avoid it, with all the links to it everywhere. What's this "TMA.org" forum that I keep hearing about? That doesn't seem to be the right web site.

Sorry for all of the newbie questions. I've had an account here for years, but only recently started reading the forums regularly and posting.

I am just recent to this forum.I have read some on BS and on rudy's as well.
I am just getting tired of all this talk and who can beat who. I do KFSS and have tried to stay in the middle of all this crapfest. Rudy is from here and 1bad65 is from Bullshido. Ronin is from here and is an administrator on TMA.org.

07-27-2007, 10:36 PM
What is TMA.org ? The URL http://www.tma.org/ is the web site for the Tobacco Industry Information Service. Somehow I don't think that's what you guys mean. Is "TMA.org" an abbreviation for another site? (Like a traditoinal martial arts web site, just guessing from "TMA" in the name.)


07-27-2007, 10:45 PM
What is TMA.org ? The URL http://www.tma.org/ is the web site for the Tobacco Industry Information Service. Somehow I don't think that's what you guys mean. Is "TMA.org" an abbreviation for another site? (Like a traditoinal martial arts web site, just guessing from "TMA" in the name.)


Truthmartialarts.org is the site that I believe Rudy is refering to. It seems like a pretty clean site. Ronin is on there as an administrator. I have been looking for a forum for awhile. I ran across this one from the video about the whole fiasco. I am closer to 1bad65 then Rudy,I live near Houston.

07-27-2007, 11:40 PM
Truthmartialarts.org is the site that I believe Rudy is refering to. It seems like a pretty clean site. Ronin is on there as an administrator. I have been looking for a forum for awhile. I ran across this one from the video about the whole fiasco. I am closer to 1bad65 then Rudy,I live near Houston.

Thanks FungFu2u2, that explains it. And thanks SifuAbel and 1bad65 for adding some context.


07-28-2007, 12:48 AM
Speaking for MYSELF, I'm just sick and tired of seeing Rudy issue challenge after challenge and NEVER fight. So I posted on the Youtube video that Omar put up making fun of Osiris. I posted that it's odd they were making fun of Osiris for no-showing when Rudy had done it ALOT. I actually posted links to show where he had backed out of his e-challenges, including one thread here where he actually promised to fight TWO guys. Of course he actually fought neither. For some reason this got Rudy's goat. :D

So I told Rudy, every time I see him e-challenge someone I'll keep posting those links. He can either man up or stop acting like an idiot. I'm harping on the Sept 29 date because he has set that date to fight Anthony from Bullshido. I also keep asking about the waiver because Rudy said OVER A MONTH AGO that it was coming and because without it there will be no fight. All he has to do in order to shut me up about the waiver is to send it to Anthony, as Rudy promised to do. Draw your own conclusions as to why he has not sent Anthony the waiver....

Also Rudy has said he is coming down here to fight me and and a training partner named Taylor. We are not holdong our breath on that threat. ;)

And yes, he did say he was going to inform APD that I am a drug dealer. He also won't address that threat either....

And yes, I have said there is no way he will fight Anthony on Sept 29th. We shall see, wont we. ;)

What do you look like?

07-28-2007, 12:56 AM
Speaking for MYSELF, I'm just sick and tired of seeing Rudy issue ....... I haven't issued any except for this last one. So thats one bad up yours.

Draw your own conclusions as to why he has not sent Anthony the waiver....
because its still in the works as to where. It seems you can't get that through your short bus head. So thats two up your one bad.

Also Rudy has said he is coming down here to fight me and and a training partner named Taylor.
Actually, this is more BS spin. One, you challenged me to find you. Not a very brave challenge. I've already outed you with cold hard text that you seem to be ignoring. Who are you , Bush?

Second Taylor came out your woodwork because you were getting verbally ass plugged and he decided to "come find me". Also this it seems isn't going to happen apparently by your last statement. So thats three up your one bad.

And yes, he did say he was going to inform APD that I am a drug dealer. He also won't address that threat either....

You protest too much. Maybe its true.......... :rolleyes: thats four up your one bad.

And yes, I have said there is no way he will fight Anthony on Sept 29th. We shall see, wont we. ;)Because he won't show. Thats five up your one bad.

And finally, What do you look like?

Shaolin Wookie
07-28-2007, 06:05 AM
Why don't you guys drive down here to the ATL. We'll take you both down to M-Street, take a dip down one of the side streets (Murder Street) at midnight, let you go at it in the hood near the train tracks, leave you both there, and see which guy makes it out of hte hood alive before daybreak. If you don't like hte venue, we could strand you guys in Little Five Points.

Then you'll have something to talk about.

07-28-2007, 08:09 AM
Here is Rudy talking tough, then ducking ST00:

"You got it. Get ready for the fight of(for) your life. Sep. or Oct. would be good for me."
"I'm all for it. I'm doing it because I'm tired of his yapping and grandstanding."

"Thats not good for me. It has to be after Oct."

Here he is talking tough about Knifefighter, who he also never fought:

"After him, then you."
"**** straight you will. And why. Because if left unchecked your mouth is a cornucopia of BS and disrespect. I didn't persue you before out of pure kindness."
"Don't be............ it won't be light hands w/ beginners this time."
"And the "kindness" was that I don't usually beat on shriveled up old men."

There is NO WAY it takes a lawyer over a month to draft a standard release form. Do you want me to call some promoters I've dealt with and get one for you? You can then cut out their info and put in yours and send it to Anthony.

Yes, we see you won't give Taylor a gym location. When will you be dropping by our gym?

I'm telling you now not to inform any law enforcement agency that I am a drug dealer. If you do, you suffer the consequences. I am not one, btw. The fact that you made that threat shows what a piece of garbage you are. Care to explain why you threatened to do that?

Anthony has shown for a professional MMA bout. You have never showed for anything. We shall see what happens Sept 29th. :)

Shaolin Wookie
07-28-2007, 08:11 AM
Why, because it approaches?

07-28-2007, 08:12 AM
1bad65,,,What about my INVITE?

07-28-2007, 08:17 AM
1bad65,,,What about my INVITE?

For a sanctoned bout?

07-28-2007, 08:19 AM
Why, because it approaches?

Smartass :)

Actually I'm 99.999% sure Rudy will weasel out. He has EVERY other time. For me, it can't get here fast enough!

07-28-2007, 08:19 AM
For a sanctoned bout?

cage match, it will be legit.

07-28-2007, 08:19 AM
No. For an arse whipping you stupid prat.

07-28-2007, 08:28 AM
cage match, it will be legit.

You planning on paying for an EEG and an EKG? In Texas you need them if you are over 35 to get licensed. I'm 35. The fighter is responsible for paying for his own tests. I know an EKG is about $1500, not sure on an EEG. I'm not paying for it considering I have no beef with you and I don't have a few grand laying around to blow on 'net bs anyway.

What is your beef with me exactly?

07-28-2007, 08:39 AM
Fight somewhere besides Texas. You don't need a license in many places. I know in GA you just make some calls and ask for a fight. They pay 150 a fight to amateurs or their gyms and there's little paperwork and no tests. Of course, they fail at MMA now, but thats beside the point.

07-28-2007, 08:41 AM
You planning on paying for an EEG and an EKG? In Texas you need them if you are over 35 to get licensed. I'm 35. The fighter is responsible for paying for his own tests. I know an EKG is about $1500, not sure on an EEG. I'm not paying for it considering I have no beef with you and I don't have a few grand laying around to blow on 'net bs anyway.

What is your beef with me exactly?

I just get tired of you yapping about the 29th approaches, and the fact I KNOW YOU will not get into a cage.

07-28-2007, 08:51 AM
I just get tired of you yapping about the 29th approaches, and the fact I KNOW YOU will not get into a cage.

Well I never said I would did I? I've only done BJJ tournments, which is nowhere near MMA. That's my beef with Rudy, he says how is going to fight all these people and he never does. I've never fought MMA and I have no plans to. Sparring with fighters is enough for me.

And there are TWO of us 'yapping', one who makes all these challenges and threats and then there is me. And I'm honest about my experiences.

And if you get ****ed about me constanly bringing up waivers and dates, I have promised to knock it off once Rudy sends Anthony that waiver. Maybe you need to get on him about that. Once that waiver is sent, and confirmed by Anthony, I'll completely shut up on this thread unless asked a question. Is that better? ;)

07-28-2007, 08:55 AM
Well I never said I would did I? I've only done BJJ tournments, which is nowhere near MMA. That's my beef with Rudy, he says how is going to fight all these people and he never does. I've never fought MMA and I have no plans to. Sparring with fighters is enough for me.

And there are TWO of us 'yapping', one who makes all these challenges and threats and then there is me. And I'm honest about my experiences.

And if you get ****ed about me constanly bringing up waivers and dates, I have promised to knock it off once Rudy sends Anthony that waiver. Maybe you need to get on him about that. Once that waiver is sent, and confirmed by Anthony, I'll completely shut up on this thread unless asked a question. Is that better? ;)
It will not be in TX. And it includes MMA . They do not fail at it either,some are pretty good BJJers. I have a friend thats going to one next month, I am sure I can get you in.

07-28-2007, 09:14 AM
I meant GA fails at MMA, not texas. I was referring to the new god awful rule set they use for amateurs.

07-28-2007, 10:50 AM
I meant GA fails at MMA, not texas. I was referring to the new god awful rule set they use for amateurs.

I understand what you are saying, I have tried to advise 1bad to stay out of it. You and I have nothing to do with Rudy or Anthony. I think he just needs to leave it alone,makes him look bad IMHO.

07-28-2007, 12:11 PM
290 pages? Can we get a Cliff's Notes?

07-28-2007, 12:32 PM
290 pages? Can we get a Cliff's Notes?

yes, for the last several pages the entire conversation has been, and I quote

"I know YOU are, but what am I?"

"ah huh"

"unt uh"

" neener neener neener"

07-28-2007, 05:56 PM
I understand what you are saying, I have tried to advise 1bad to stay out of it. You and I have nothing to do with Rudy or Anthony. I think he just needs to leave it alone,makes him look bad IMHO.

If I rubbed ya wrong, my bad. Rudy has threatened and challenged me. He did it first, I did not start the e-challenge crap. I just post ALOT, I admit, because FOR ONCE I want to see Rudy actually step up when he accepts/makes challenges.

I'll lay off some, ok. But I really want Rudy to explain why he threatened to tell APD that I was a drug dealer. IMO, that is going WAY BEYOND just jawing with someone on the 'net.

07-28-2007, 10:32 PM
Rudy has threatened and challenged me.
No, I didn't. I've already posted YOUR challenge. Stop trying to twist this to play the victim.

I'll lay off some, ok. But I really want Rudy to explain why he threatened to tell APD that I was a drug dealer. IMO, that is going WAY BEYOND just jawing with someone on the 'net.

Get a life. If you're so worried about it, stop selling dope. Innocent people wouldn't think twice about it.
And no, I haven't called anyone. Thats was in response to all the "don't call me teacher" bull**** on youtube.

You are a nutbar. Now STFU and mind your own business.

07-28-2007, 10:33 PM
yes, for the last several pages the entire conversation has been, and I quote

"I know YOU are, but what am I?"

"ah huh"

"unt uh"

" neener neener neener"

You forgot "repeat the same lame phrase over and over."

And repeat busted points in hopes people will forget they were busted.

07-29-2007, 08:23 AM
Get a life. If you're so worried about it, stop selling dope. Innocent people wouldn't think twice about it.

You worthless piece of ****. **** you. You dare say I sell drugs. I dare you, you come to my gym and fight me. After this post, and your threats I ****ing dare you. I'm so ****ed at your ****, I'll put it this way: if you have the balls to come fight me, don't bother buying a return ticket, you won't need it.

Get that waiver done, you ****ing coward.

The Willow Sword
07-29-2007, 09:37 AM
OKay lets ALL calm down. Sifu Abel? If you have definitive proof that 1bad65 is a drug dealer then go through the proper channels to do something about it if you are that self riteous.:rolleyes:

However i would also make a statement to 1bad65 here to not get so riled up and mad over much of the slanderous comments that are made on a regular basis throughout these forums. Take it with a grain of salt. Abel has certainly got your goat on this one. My question to you is "why allow it to get to you and why allow your emotions to have you here on the forum boards?"

Peace,and i mean that, PEACE,TWS

Lama Pai Sifu
07-29-2007, 09:44 AM
However i would also make a statement to 1bad65 here to not get so riled up and mad over much of the slanderous comments that are made on a regular basis throughout these forums. Take it with a grain of salt. Abel has certainly got your goat on this one. My question to you is "why allow it to get to you and why allow your emotions to have you here on the forum boards?"

Slander is spoken, Libel is written. Just ask J. Jonah Jameson in Spider Man (the first movie)


The Willow Sword
07-29-2007, 10:09 AM
well i feel that there are varying degress of what would be considered "Slander". to me most of it is just petty insults,HOWEVER, when you go so far as to call someone a drug dealer, i think that is a little excessive. dontyathink?


RD'S Alias - 1A
07-29-2007, 10:32 AM
Yeah, unless he had a prior conviction, i think there is ground for a law suite here.

Be careful what you say online kids!!

07-29-2007, 11:23 AM
You forgot "repeat the same lame phrase over and over."

Your hero Jacko was famous for that.

Did it ever bother you when he did it?

Of course not, you are hypocite.


John Takeshi
07-29-2007, 12:45 PM
Your hero Jacko was famous for that.

Did it ever bother you when he did it?

Of course not, you are hypocite.


Jacko, Michael Jackson, was cleared twice of those trumped up charges, and was found innocent by a court of his peers. They were cases of golddigging women who wanted his money, because they could not possess him in a carnal manner.

Jo. I do not like your insinuations, and feel you are casting out unjustified and unwarranted aspersions that are subject to prosecution. I'm going to speak with a lawyer friend of mine.

07-29-2007, 01:19 PM
I THINK by Jacko he means Springer. His first name was John or Jack.

And yeah, threatening to make FALSE statements to police that I am commiting a FELONY is way over the line. He did get my goat, I totally admit it. Lets see if he has the balls to come down to the South Austin Gym/Vasquez Academy and ask for Mike with the Blue Belt and say it to my face.

You don't see me threatening to call the poilice where he lives and say he is a child molester do you? And no, I am NOT saying or inferring he is, just making an analgy. That's bull**** to even threaten to do that. Of course it appears to be ANOTHER empty threat from Rudy, but I still take bull**** like that very seriously.

Also, notice how he won't address the waiver question either.....

Sept 29th is only 2 months away, better hurry up with that waiver. :D Boy is Sept 30th gonna be a day of gloating!

07-29-2007, 01:36 PM
I THINK Boy is Sept 30th gonna be a day of gloating!

....for me.

07-29-2007, 01:38 PM
Sept 29th is only 2 months away, better hurry up with that waiver. :D Boy is Sept 30th gonna be a day of gloating!

Whoo hooo, another day of people jumping up and down about a none issue. Wake me when it's over.:rolleyes:

Lama Pai Sifu
07-29-2007, 02:36 PM
By the way...where is our guest of honor who inspired all these fueds and rants as of late?? Where oh where is Jack Springer? Does anyone know? Is this guy in hiding...or is he just...waiting??

07-29-2007, 02:38 PM
He left the net a while ago, before this. Was supposed to stay on youtube to post his exploits, but needless to say, that won't be happening.

07-29-2007, 04:06 PM
He may be the smartest one after all. :D

07-29-2007, 09:42 PM
He may be the smartest one after all. :D

I think that's been ruled out already.

07-29-2007, 09:45 PM
You don't see me threatening to call the poilice where he lives and say he is a child molester do you?

Well of course not, that would be ridiculous. Any halfway competent child could obviously kick his fat monkey ass, so the very idea is preposterous.

07-30-2007, 01:07 AM
Well of course not, that would be ridiculous. Any halfway competent child could obviously kick his fat monkey ass, so the very idea is preposterous.

You as well need to stay out of this as well. I know 1bad65 is your friend and all, but he and I have already had a talk. BTW Rudy is NOT fat.:D

07-30-2007, 02:43 AM
You as well need to stay out of this as well. I know 1bad65 is your friend and all, but he and I have already had a talk. BTW Rudy is NOT fat.

I find it rather odd that you feel need to determine who is commenting or staying silent on a rather public/water cooler topic. It seems that 1bad65 has an invested intrest in Sifu Abel and his activities. even if unkokusai is bad's friend, his defense of said friend is no different than you stating "BTW Rudy is NOT fat."

Back on topic, I think Rudy should either fight someone already and be done with all these internet challenges or just leave it be. If you are going to honestly fight someone, give up the address, waiver, and all the extra info. Most people will not show up and fight and if he does put him down hard.

If you are not going to fight him then tell him so and make fun of him as he nerd rages on the other side of the net.

07-30-2007, 12:38 PM
I thought this was funny. The countdown continues!


07-30-2007, 01:12 PM
Someone needs to make a clock that counts UP, keeping track of the time since he told Anthony on 6-27-07 that "The waiver is coming, *******."

He also has not named a venue either.....

Less than 2 months to go!!!! :D

Jay's Camp
07-30-2007, 05:57 PM
Someone needs to make a clock that counts UP, keeping track of the time since he told Anthony on 6-27-07 that "The waiver is coming, *******."

He also has not named a venue either.....

Less than 2 months to go!!!! :D

In the same carpark with JFS as onlooker this time?:rolleyes:

08-01-2007, 10:01 PM
Been a while...

Well, I'm sure that all the details have been squared away by now and that all waivers and such have been agreed upon and signed and a reasonable (indoor) venue has been agreed upon as well. After all, if he were serious about this happening all that would have been done by now at least. Now, its just a matter of waiting for the inevitable battle that will not be delayed, postponed, avoided, or ducked out of for any reason.


08-06-2007, 07:32 AM
Can we get an update please? There are less than 7 weeks to go and it sure APPEARS that no venue has been chosen and the waiver has not been received. :rolleyes:Correct me if I am wrong....

As a side note, there are MMA bouts on Halloween (Oct 31) that a few guys from my gym are fighting on. They recieved their contracts/waivers last week. This is from a small promotion doing their FIRST show by the way.

08-08-2007, 01:35 PM
Rudy was on here yesterday. Can we get an update please? On his site, Rudy even says he has stuff 'in the works' and will know more THIS week. An update would be nice.

08-08-2007, 06:49 PM

08-08-2007, 08:39 PM
it was good for the first few pages, went the rest of the way purely on momentum...as in downhill...

08-09-2007, 07:01 AM

That's his optimum choice for ducking. Even his most staunch defenders have to be pretty certain he will not be fighting Anthony.

08-09-2007, 07:05 AM
I was bored yesterday and decided to read the first 20 or so pages of this thread just to see what all the fuss was about and discovered something amazing:

You can actually take any of the posts from the last few pages and plug them in 40 pages ago and THEY MAKE PERFECT CONTEXTUAL SENSE. :cool:

I don't know what it all means, but I'm going to see if I can get a grant to study it.

08-09-2007, 11:02 AM
That's his optimum choice for ducking. Even his most staunch defenders have to be pretty certain he will not be fighting Anthony.

Oh would you just STFU already!!! You're like that squawky geek in the back of the bus that doesn't stop yapping.

This is in the works.

You're gonna look like a total douche (http://z.about.com/d/politicalhumor/1/0/O/R/bush_loudmouth.jpg) when this goes down. Do your self a favor, shut up.

08-09-2007, 12:00 PM
I'm just going by your past history and playing the odds. If I'm wrong I'll be on here admitting it. But if I'm right...:D

That waiver has been 'in the works' for like 5 1/2 weeks now! Is it done yet?

Less than 2 months to go!!!!

08-09-2007, 12:31 PM
No, you'll just look like a douche. :rolleyes:

You already look like an attention *****.

Soon you'll be a douche attention *****.

08-09-2007, 12:35 PM
No, you'll just look like a douche. :rolleyes:

Better than looking like a coward.

I've noticed you are up to your normal name calling and aversions. Can we get an update?

I am gonna enjoy Sept 30th :D

08-09-2007, 12:37 PM
You already look like an attention *****.

I'm not the one going from forum to forum dropping challenges and working everyone up and then punking out.

08-09-2007, 01:04 PM
I'm not the one going from forum to forum dropping challenges and working everyone up and then punking out.

I INVITED you and you DUCKED, am I right?:p

08-09-2007, 01:16 PM
I INVITED you and you DUCKED, am I right?:p

Don't even go there. I did not challenge anyone or accept any challenge. That's the difference between people like me and Unkokusai and blowhards like Rudy.

I asked for an update, plain and simple. Rudy then called names AGAIN. Chill the **** out.

Be honest, you know he is gonna punk out, AGAIN. Over 5 1/2 weeks for a waiver? Get real.

08-09-2007, 01:26 PM
why do you guys even need a waiver?

to prevent a lawsuit? just write one up that says no one will take any legal, or medical actions based on the outcome of the fight. i'll go on microsoft word, type it up, and email it to both of you.

or you can just sign right before the fight.

you dont need 5 pages of lawer garb. just keep it simple. or go without a waiver.

only pu$$ies fight with waivers!

08-09-2007, 01:29 PM
Stunningly, you can also take posts from 40 pages ago and paste them into the posts currently being made on this thread, and THEY ALSO MAKE CONTEXTUAL SENSE.

I'm beginning to suspect some kind of secret, DaVinci-like code that will lead to the Bohemian Grove or the Giant Spaghetti Monster.

08-09-2007, 01:37 PM
why do you guys even need a waiver?

to prevent a lawsuit? just write one up that says no one will take any legal, or medical actions based on the outcome of the fight. i'll go on microsoft word, type it up, and email it to both of you.

or you can just sign right before the fight.

you dont need 5 pages of lawer garb. just keep it simple. or go without a waiver.

only pu$$ies fight with waivers!

I offered it too. I'm sure I could get one of the promoters I know to send me one. Then Rudy could just change the names and its done. The waivers are to protect against criminal charges if someone gets injured, or God forbid, killed. Also they protect both parties from civil lawsuits. They also state the rules, etc. It's a smart thing to do. There is no way it would take a lawyer over 5 weeks to draft one. Also, as you stated, you don't even need a lawyer to do it. As far as I'm concerned, it's just ANOTHER delaying/ducking tactic.

Guess we will see how Sept 29th plays out won't we....:D

08-09-2007, 02:04 PM
Hmmm....well maybe everyone should just drop it.

I mean who cares if he doesnt show. If he has a past of it, no one should be suprised.

No one NEEDS this fight anyway.

08-09-2007, 02:22 PM
Mr. Douche,

We are not waiting for the waiver. I am waiting to get confirmation of the venue.

Now, go tie your micro ***** to the space shuttle.

08-09-2007, 02:26 PM
Now, go tie your micro ***** to the space shuttle.


08-09-2007, 02:28 PM
Don't even go there. I did not challenge anyone

You challenged me to go find you. :rolleyes: I did, and then you shat yourself. All one has to do is read this thread to see where and when you did so. Then you were challenged by someone who ACTUALLY could easily reach you and you went limp. :p

08-09-2007, 02:41 PM
You challenged me to go find you. :rolleyes: I did, and then you shat yourself. All one has to do is read this thread to see where and when you did so. Then you were challenged by someone who ACTUALLY could easily reach you and you went limp. :p

We are not waiting for the waiver.

I shat myself? Whatever, you're still invited to drop in. Yeah, I'm terrified. The one who 'challenged' me is a female. Unlike your buddy Omar, I do not make dates to fight women. And unlike your other buddy John Springer, I don't assault women either. Sorry to disappoint you.

So the waiver has been mailed? I want to be sure I have all the facts straight. ;)

You and Springer seem to have a fascination with man-sex and *****es.... :eek:

08-09-2007, 02:45 PM
Don't even go there. I did not challenge anyone or accept any challenge. That's the difference between people like me and Unkokusai and blowhards like Rudy.

I asked for an update, plain and simple. Rudy then called names AGAIN. Chill the **** out.

Be honest, you know he is gonna punk out, AGAIN. Over 5 1/2 weeks for a waiver? Get real.

Wait just a minute bud..you told Rudy to come and say things to you face at your Gym..sounds like a challenge to me. You also told me you would be quiet right? I Invited you to a MMA match and you DUCKED, You siad you are not a fighter right?

08-09-2007, 02:45 PM
You and Springer seem to have a fascination with man-sex and *****es.... :eek:
Stop begging....:rolleyes:

08-09-2007, 02:48 PM
I shat myself? Whatever, you're still invited to drop in. Yeah, I'm terrified. The one who 'challenged' me is a female. Unlike your buddy Omar, I do not make dates to fight women. And unlike your other buddy John Springer, I don't assault women either. Sorry to disappoint you.

So the waiver has been mailed? I want to be sure I have all the facts straight. ;)

You and Springer seem to have a fascination with man-sex and *****es.... :eek:
I will let you go up against a male..I will just watch like your friends did. I promise the BB's will not hurt you to much. It will be my husband.

08-09-2007, 02:54 PM
Wait just a minute bud..you told Rudy to come and say things to you face at your Gym..sounds like a challenge to me. You also told me you would be quiet right? I Invited you to a MMA match and you DUCKED, You siad you are not a fighter right?

Yes, I told him that. I told you I would be quiet about the WAIVER when Rudy mailed it and Anthony accepted it. Obviously that has not happened yet, so I asked again. Notice he won't answer either.

Not to go off on a tangent, but Fung, what's your deal? You have had civil conversations with me, at times I've admitted you make valid points. Yet on this thread NOT ONCE have you attacked/challenged/quieted Rudy. Why is this? He talks WAY more **** than anyone. And lets put it all out now: Rudy is a KNOWN fight ducker, he is friends with a RACIST who assaulted a woman 100lbs lighter than him, and he has threatened to report me to law enforcement as a drug dealer when he knows it's not true. Why in the world would you take his side over me? I'm real curious here.

08-09-2007, 03:00 PM
Yes, I told him that. I told you I would be quiet about the WAIVER when Rudy mailed it and Anthony accepted it. Obviously that has not happened yet, so I asked again. Notice he won't answer either.

Not to go off on a tangent, but Fung, what's your deal? You have had civil conversations with me, at times I've admitted you make valid points. Yet on this thread NOT ONCE have you attacked/challenged/quieted Rudy. Why is this? He talks WAY more **** than anyone. And lets put it all out now: Rudy is a KNOWN fight ducker, he is friends with a RACIST who assaulted a woman 100lbs lighter than him, and he has threatened to report me to law enforcement as a drug dealer when he knows it's not true. Why in the world would you take his side over me? I'm real curious here.

Well lets just say you told my husband you have no respect for him, Wake up and smell the Roses.

08-09-2007, 03:10 PM
Again I'll ask: Rudy, what is the status of the waiver?

And you have named several venues already, every time Anthony accepts, you suddenly need to find a different venue :rolleyes:

And you can call me names, I don't care, but just answer the question :)

08-09-2007, 03:12 PM
I expect him to go back to BS and tell everyone who I am related to now that I told him. No worries..My husband does not post there anymore.

08-09-2007, 03:17 PM
I expect him to go back to BS and tell everyone who I am related to now that I told him. No worries..My husband does not post there anymore.

I don't post stuff sent to me via PM in public areas. I have honor and class, unlike Rudy/Omar/JFS.

08-09-2007, 03:20 PM
I don't post stuff sent to me via PM in public areas. I have honor and class, unlike Rudy/Omar/JFS.
No worries..my offer still stands as to the invite.:rolleyes:

golden arhat
08-09-2007, 03:36 PM
i wish u would all stop f@cking talking

and just get all ur friends together split up in to 2 teams based on what side u conssider yourselves to be on

all sign a waiver

go to a field somewhere on private property

and have a battle royale

and film it
then youtube it

deal ?

other wise


08-09-2007, 03:44 PM
i wish u would all stop f@cking talking

and just get all ur friends together split up in to 2 teams based on what side u conssider yourselves to be on

all sign a waiver

go to a field somewhere on private property

and have a battle royale

and film it
then youtube it

deal ?

other wise


sounds like a deal to me, I have 10 acres we can roll in. I doubt anyone would show other then myself and husband

08-09-2007, 03:45 PM
sounds like a deal to me, I have 10 acres we can roll in. I doubt anyone would show other then myself and husband

Ill come if its close and i get free food. But im starting my own team.

we will call ourselves the ****HEADS

08-09-2007, 04:01 PM
Ill come if its close and i get free food. But im starting my own team.

we will call ourselves the ****HEADS

Well it might be alittle far for you. it is in Oklahoma, but we can join forces,I can be a ****head just like you. You will get free food though,:D

golden arhat
08-09-2007, 04:15 PM
i wanna come, i'm on my own but i want a gun

08-09-2007, 04:18 PM
Hmmm....well maybe everyone should just drop it.

I mean who cares if he doesnt show. If he has a past of it, no one should be suprised.

No one NEEDS this fight anyway.

In spite of the grim curiosity that has me anticipating this playing out into the same type of train wreck that was the JFS/Osiris/AnnaTrocity/Omar challenge match ménage ŕ quatre, the little guy sitting on my other shoulder is inclined to agree with you Lucas.

This isn't just a contest between two sporting gentlemen wanting to determine who's skills are more effective. This sounds like it has gotten pretty personal, and I get the feeling neither side cares what happens to the other. Maybe I'm wrong. I just don't want to hear about this ending badly. Which of course it will. What ever happens, try to keep a clear head about this.

08-09-2007, 04:27 PM
Again I'll ask: Am I an attention *****?

yes, you are.

08-09-2007, 04:31 PM
I have odor and gas, unlike Rudy/Omar/JFS.


08-09-2007, 04:39 PM
Keep calling names and ducking questions. It will go hand-in-hand with your ducking on Sept 29th.

What's the waiver status again? :D

08-09-2007, 04:40 PM
I doubt anyone would show other then myself and husband

Rudy sure as Hell wouldn't!!!

08-09-2007, 04:52 PM
Well it might be alittle far for you. it is in Oklahoma, but we can join forces,I can be a ****head just like you. You will get free food though,:D

Oklahoma is a bit far, but this particular ****head loves free food!

08-09-2007, 04:54 PM
Rudy sure as Hell wouldn't!!!
I have said this before this is between Anthony and Rudy. You and I need to stay out of it. If you had not said anything to begin with Rudy would not have called you names. NOW lets just wait untill it is over and see what happens. You aree still more then welcome to come up here. I am trying my best to be civil to you.

08-09-2007, 06:22 PM
I sure as Hell wouldn't!!!


08-09-2007, 08:25 PM
The more **** you talk, the more fun Sept 30th will be for me.

If you are really planning on fighting him, why won't you answer the waiver question? Any idiot knows it does not take a lawyer over 5 1/2 weeks to draw up a standard waiver. Hell, one guy here offered to do it for you.

08-09-2007, 10:37 PM
The more **** you talk, the more fun Sept 30th will be for me.

If you are really planning on fighting him, why won't you answer the waiver question? Any idiot knows it does not take a lawyer over 5 1/2 weeks to draw up a standard waiver. Hell, one guy here offered to do it for you.

He said is waiting to hear about the location (presumably from the owner of the location).

We are not waiting for the waiver. I am waiting to get confirmation of the venue.

Aaargh! Can't....take...my....eyes....off.....impending... .trainwreck...
Why am I letting myself get drawn into this?

RD'S Alias - 1A
08-10-2007, 12:07 AM
Personally, if it were me i wouldn't fight.Too much raw anger, and both seem to have no compunture to make it a safe fight. This is a grudge match, and someone is going to get hurt if there is even a small difference in skill levels.

Both parties are better of dropping this and just fighting in local MMA or sanda tournies. They can then just point to thier records and end this thing honorably.

08-10-2007, 06:55 AM
Personally, if it were me i wouldn't fight.Too much raw anger, and both seem to have no compunture to make it a safe fight. This is a grudge match, and someone is going to get hurt if there is even a small difference in skill levels.

Both parties are better of dropping this and just fighting in local MMA or sanda tournies. They can then just point to thier records and end this thing honorably.

While it's nice of you to try and help Rudy duck, he has that covered himself. As for the anger issue, when you call people ****sexual slurs, insult their mother, tease them about losing an ACTUAL fight, threaten to report them to law enforcement as a drug dealer, etc; you tend to anger people. Wonder why ;) As for fighting in an MMA show, ShaolinTiger00 (Bill Easlick) offered Rudy that option. Rudy of course ducked him.

He said is waiting to hear about the location (presumably from the owner of the location).

Aaargh! Can't....take...my....eyes....off.....impending... .trainwreck...
Why am I letting myself get drawn into this?

On or around 6/6/07 Rudy and Anthony agreed to fight. Rudy had to take care of only TWO things; the waiver and the venue. He has made ZERO progress on the waiver. As for the venue; he has proposed a few different places to have it. As soon as Anthony would accept said venue, Rudy would suddenly need to find another venue instead. Go figure.

As for the impending trainwreck, don't worry. Like EVERY OTHER Rudy Abel challenge it will sadly be a letdown as Rudy will find some excuse to duck.

08-10-2007, 08:11 AM
While it's nice of you to try and help Rudy duck, he has that covered himself. As for the anger issue, when you call people ****sexual slurs, insult their mother, tease them about losing an ACTUAL fight, threaten to report them to law enforcement as a drug dealer, etc; you tend to anger people. Wonder why ;) As for fighting in an MMA show, ShaolinTiger00 (Bill Easlick) offered Rudy that option. Rudy of course ducked him.

On or around 6/6/07 Rudy and Anthony agreed to fight. Rudy had to take care of only TWO things; the waiver and the venue. He has made ZERO progress on the waiver. As for the venue; he has proposed a few different places to have it. As soon as Anthony would accept said venue, Rudy would suddenly need to find another venue instead. Go figure.

As for the impending trainwreck, don't worry. Like EVERY OTHER Rudy Abel challenge it will sadly be a letdown as Rudy will find some excuse to duck.
I offered you advice and a venue as well. Seems like you have declined both. No matter what is said by whom, STAT OUT OF IT !!!

08-10-2007, 08:45 AM
I offered you advice and a venue as well. Seems like you have declined both. No matter what is said by whom, STAT OUT OF IT !!!

I told you A THOUSAND TIMES; when he gets the waiver done I'll pipe down. Get your little buddy Rudy to honor his word and do what he says and I go away.

Until Rudy mans up or stops e-challenging people left-and-right I won't stay out of it. I plan on letting anyone and everyone see Rudy for what he is. You don't like it, too bad. I won't lose any sleep over it. Also, he has made specific threats to me, including saying he is going to notify APD that I am a drug dealer and he has said he will be down to my gym to fight me. So I think I'm involved.

As for you dropping challenges; considering the fact that you and your husband can't even rid your own town of a fat, 20-year old poseur named Coda Scott, I am really not shaking in my shoes over either of you wanting to fight me.

RD'S Alias - 1A
08-10-2007, 08:50 AM
I plan on letting anyone and everyone see Rudy for what he is.

Uhm, we all have known Rudy a lot longer than you have. in response you your crusade, who cares?

You are like the idiot that time forgot running around all excited screaming "The British are comming, the British are comming", and everyone else is like "Uhm yeah dude, that was like, over 200 years ago"

08-10-2007, 09:27 AM
I told you A THOUSAND TIMES; when he gets the waiver done I'll pipe down. Get your little buddy Rudy to honor his word and do what he says and I go away.

Until Rudy mans up or stops e-challenging people left-and-right I won't stay out of it. I plan on letting anyone and everyone see Rudy for what he is. You don't like it, too bad. I won't lose any sleep over it. Also, he has made specific threats to me, including saying he is going to notify APD that I am a drug dealer and he has said he will be down to my gym to fight me. So I think I'm involved.

As for you dropping challenges; considering the fact that you and your husband can't even rid your own town of a fat, 20-year old poseur named Coda Scott, I am really not shaking in my shoes over either of you wanting to fight me.

Consider this..that fat guy has 1 student left and the place he teaches has offered Tom the time to rent that space. I really do not think you want to go up against Tom. Duck that offer

08-10-2007, 09:30 AM
I plan on letting anyone and everyone see Rudy for what he is.

Uhm, we all have known Rudy a lot longer than you have. in response you your crusade, who cares?

You are like the idiot that time forgot running around all excited screaming "The British are comming, the British are comming", and everyone else is like "Uhm yeah dude, that was like, over 200 years ago"

Yeah, guys like Unkokusai and Knifefighter have known him awhile now. They have him pegged for what he is. For some reason you don't. I guess Sept 29th will be a wake-up call for you. :D

As for your analagy; are you saying Rudy has ALREADY ducked the fight? :confused:

08-10-2007, 09:35 AM
I knew that I recognized 'RD'S Alias - 1A'. He actually helped Rudy 'duck by proxy' in the ST00 ducking! Some things never change...

Ah Sifu Abel...I don't mean to interupt when you are on a roll, but didn't you just have knee surgery?

With recovery time and all, before you can really even begin to train again, how are you going to pull this off?

RD'S Alias - 1A
08-10-2007, 09:42 AM
I don't think I had this account way back then, it would have been a quote under my Royal Dragon account. Why don't you edit and fix you error?

08-10-2007, 09:45 AM
I don't think I had this account way back then, it would have been a quote under my Royal Dragon account. Why don't you edit and fix you error?

I remember that. That was your RD account.

08-10-2007, 10:09 AM
While it's nice of you to try and help Rudy duck, he has that covered himself. As for the anger issue, when you call people ****sexual slurs, insult their mother, tease them about losing an ACTUAL fight, threaten to report them to law enforcement as a drug dealer, etc; you tend to anger people. Wonder why ;) As for fighting in an MMA show, ShaolinTiger00 (Bill Easlick) offered Rudy that option. Rudy of course ducked him.

On or around 6/6/07 Rudy and Anthony agreed to fight. Rudy had to take care of only TWO things; the waiver and the venue. He has made ZERO progress on the waiver. As for the venue; he has proposed a few different places to have it. As soon as Anthony would accept said venue, Rudy would suddenly need to find another venue instead. Go figure.

As for the impending trainwreck, don't worry. Like EVERY OTHER Rudy Abel challenge it will sadly be a letdown as Rudy will find some excuse to duck.

I agree that Rudy's behavior has been bad, and this is at least half his fault (I don't actually know the guy personally, I'm just going by his postings on various forums). I am not defending his behavior, or anyone elses. But if he's going to make an ass of himself, just let him. Everyone can see with their own eyes who he is. Just follow the links in his signature if you want to see postings by him that reflect badly on his character. It's his own doing. But let's drop this fight. RD is right, someone's going to get seriously hurt over some stupid grudge. It's not worth it.

08-10-2007, 10:19 AM
I agree that Rudy's behavior has been bad, and this is at least half his fault (I don't actually know the guy personally, I'm just going by his postings on various forums). I am not defending his behavior, or anyone elses. But if he's going to make an ass of himself, just let him. Everyone can see with their own eyes who he is. Just follow the links in his signature if you want to see postings by him that reflect badly on his character. It's his own doing. But let's drop this fight. RD is right, someone's going to get seriously hurt over some stupid grudge. It's not worth it.,

I agree with some of what you say, but 1bad is in this for his BS crew. I am in this for 1bad saing he has lost respest for my husband. beside the fact I know he will not fight anyone. I also told him to stay out of it as I will as well, he just will not do it. I am wiling and and able to do this. I think this is more e-drama by all paries.

08-10-2007, 10:33 AM
I challenge all of you, simultaneously.

You may accept my challenge here. (http://www.cs.ualberta.ca/~chinook/play/index.html)

May God have mercy on your souls.

08-10-2007, 10:39 AM

I agree with some of what you say, but 1bad is in this for his BS crew. I am in this for 1bad saing he has lost respest for my husband. beside the fact I know he will not fight anyone. I also told him to stay out of it as I will as well, he just will not do it. I am wiling and and able to do this. I think this is more e-drama by all paries.

To address Boshea first: I'm just holding Rudy to HIS word. I, along with Unkokusai, have offered him the out of just saying it went too far and there will be no fight. He persists in saying he will fight on Sept 29th.

As to Fung: I am NOT in this for BS. Notice I am NOT a mod over there, or even a 'supporting member'. I got into it when Rudy threw personal insults at me for saying he had no business calling Osiris a fight ducker when he had ducked MULTIPLE fights himself. I've actually said this before, not to be a jerk, but your reading comprehension skills are not very good.

I've also said I have NO mma fight record. I have competed in BJJ tournaments though. I'm honest about my experience. I have invited Rudy down to my gym to back up his threats, we all know I won't ever see him, just like Anthony won't either. As to the e-drama; Rudy has now, by my count, ducked 3 fights: 2 with Knifefighter and one with ShaolinTiger00. He is due for his 4th duck on Sept 29th. Rudy actually declined a fight the week of May 12th '07 with Anthony too! I won't even count me or Taylor :) You want to stamp out e-drama, start with Rudy.

08-10-2007, 10:42 AM
I challenge all of you, simultaneously.

You may accept my challenge here. (http://www.cs.ualberta.ca/~chinook/play/index.html)

May God have mercy on your souls.
I am better at spades, but I might give it a go :p

08-10-2007, 10:52 AM
To address Boshea first: I'm just holding Rudy to HIS word. I, along with Unkokusai, have offered him the out of just saying it went too far and there will be no fight. He persists in saying he will fight on Sept 29th.

As to Fung: I am NOT in this for BS. Notice I am NOT a mod over there, or even a 'supporting member'. I got into it when Rudy threw personal insults at me for saying he had no business calling Osiris a fight ducker when he had ducked MULTIPLE fights himself. I've actually said this before, not to be a jerk, but your reading comprehension skills are not very good.

I've also said I have NO mma fight record. I have competed in BJJ tournaments though. I'm honest about my experience. I have invited Rudy down to my gym to back up his threats, we all know I won't ever see him, just like Anthony won't either. As to the e-drama; Rudy has now, by my count, ducked 3 fights: 2 with Knifefighter and one with ShaolinTiger00. He is due for his 4th duck on Sept 29th. Rudy actually declined a fight the week of May 12th '07 with Anthony too! I won't even count me or Taylor :) You want to stamp out e-drama, start with Rudy.

I am not a supporting member either..just read your pm's and decide what you want to to about it.

08-10-2007, 11:07 AM
To address Boshea first: I'm just holding Rudy to HIS word. I, along with Unkokusai, have offered him the out of just saying it went too far and there will be no fight. He persists in saying he will fight on Sept 29th.

As to Fung: I am NOT in this for BS. Notice I am NOT a mod over there, or even a 'supporting member'. I got into it when Rudy threw personal insults at me for saying he had no business calling Osiris a fight ducker when he had ducked MULTIPLE fights himself. I've actually said this before, not to be a jerk, but your reading comprehension skills are not very good.

I've also said I have NO mma fight record. I have competed in BJJ tournaments though. I'm honest about my experience. I have invited Rudy down to my gym to back up his threats, we all know I won't ever see him, just like Anthony won't either. As to the e-drama; Rudy has now, by my count, ducked 3 fights: 2 with Knifefighter and one with ShaolinTiger00. He is due for his 4th duck on Sept 29th. Rudy actually declined a fight the week of May 12th '07 with Anthony too! I won't even count me or Taylor :) You want to stamp out e-drama, start with Rudy.

What is your name on BS by the way?
Not sure why you made it your personal mission to go after Rudy, especially since their are actual frauds on BS, like kungfools for example.

08-10-2007, 11:11 AM
[QUOTE=sanjuro_ronin;785853]What is your name on BS by the way?
Not sure why you made it your personal mission to go after Rudy, especially since their are actual frauds on BS, like kungfools for example.[/QUOTE
His name is the same as here. Mine is Kung-Fu Kitty and my husband is Fox:D

08-10-2007, 11:18 AM
You know....I would give the biggest props to the first person that says

"lets drop this childish crap"

who cares if they get labeled as a ducker. doesnt really mean anything.

you see, at the end of the day, when you lie in your bed and think those personal thoughts no one ever knows....we all know the truth about ourselves.

if you "duck" a fight, you will know inside if it was a duck, or if you are just Man enough to let piddly bull**** drop because its ****ing retarded.

actually, (though i dont know who rudy is suppose to fight) i would give bigger props to who ever he is if he says "its all good rudy, lets just drop it man."

now i doubt i see anyone here truly being a bigger man though and stopping all this crapola....i guess if that were possible it probably never would have started in the first place.

08-10-2007, 11:26 AM
You know....I would give the biggest props to the first person that says

"lets drop this childish crap"

who cares if they get labeled as a ducker. doesnt really mean anything.

you see, at the end of the day, when you lie in your bed and think those personal thoughts no one ever knows....we all know the truth about ourselves.

if you "duck" a fight, you will know inside if it was a duck, or if you are just Man enough to let piddly bull**** drop because its ****ing retarded.

actually, (though i dont know who rudy is suppose to fight) i would give bigger props to who ever he is if he says "its all good rudy, lets just drop it man."

now i doubt i see anyone here truly being a bigger man though and stopping all this crapola....i guess if that were possible it probably never would have started in the first place.

OK..Then I will be the first woman to say , I will baxck oot of this whole challenge thing.

The Willow Sword
08-10-2007, 11:31 AM
OK..Then I will be the first woman to say I will say, I will baxk oot of this whole challenge thing.

You know, there IS an EDIT function in these forum replies. They are real handy when one is trying to make a witty reply and winds up tripping on the sentence and looking like a total doofus;)


08-10-2007, 11:57 AM
OK..Then I will be the first woman to say I will say, I will baxk oot of this whole challenge thing.

You know, there IS an EDIT function in these forum replies. They are real handy when one is trying to make a witty reply and winds up tripping on the sentence and looking like a total doofus;)


I hear there is a quoting function too... ;)

08-10-2007, 12:13 PM
What is your name on BS by the way?
Not sure why you made it your personal mission to go after Rudy, especially since their are actual frauds on BS, like kungfools for example.

Fung is correct, it's the same as here. Post #832(on this thread) is where I explain how I got involved with Rudy and my reasons for being persistant about his upcoming ducking of Anthony.

Kungfools is at least entertaining. :D He also does not throw down and accept e-challenges all the time as Rudy does. He also does not threaten to report people he does not like to the local police as drug dealers.

08-10-2007, 12:20 PM
Fung is correct, it's the same as here. Post #832(on this thread) is where I explain how I got involved with Rudy and my reasons for being persistant about his upcoming ducking of Anthony.

Kungfools is at least entertaining. :D He also does not throw down and accept e-challenges all the time as Rudy does. He also does not threaten to report people he does not like to the local police as drug dealers.

Kungfools is an idiot and a fraud, for a site "devoted" to fighting fraud...

08-10-2007, 12:52 PM
It's pretty well obvious as to Kungfools role there and what most think of him.

What's your opinion of Rudy?

08-10-2007, 01:00 PM
It's pretty well obvious as to Kungfools role there and what most think of him.

What's your opinion of Rudy?

Rudy gets off on pushing people's buttons.

08-10-2007, 01:31 PM
Rudy gets off on pushing people's buttons.

You are probably right, to an extent.

Do you honestly think he is going to fight Anthony on Sept 29th?

FYI, my take is that he NEVER had any intention too. Nor did he for ANY of his other e-challenges.

08-10-2007, 01:50 PM
Rudy gets off on pushing people's buttons.

Like a little kid ringing the doorbell and running away as fast as he can.

08-10-2007, 01:51 PM
You're not good at basic logic, are you?

Its nice that you are trying your hardest to prop up your bullshido buddies.

BUT, you can't seem to bridge the gap mentally that all the so called challenges were made to come to me. How can I duck from the places I taught every day?

ST00 was panning his fight for 6 months or more into the future. Your hold on the argument was that I decided that needed one month more for recovery. So what? Are you saying my knee surgery was lie?

Here, let me put a few facts out there to make things perfectly clear.

1. I am in no way whatsoever under any medical duress. I am quite fit and ready to meet whomever wishes it.

2. Anthony, if he shows up, will meet me, face to face, whether its in a ring or in one or the other's school. Period. I am only waiting for the outcome of this venue choice.

3. Anybody in my vicinity that wants a piece of me can do so right now. That includes anybody from bullshido.

4. What do you look like?

08-10-2007, 01:53 PM
Like a little kid ringing the doorbell and running away as fast as he can.

You make me laugh. Talk about the KING of ducking. :rolleyes:

Talk about the absolute monarch of throwing stones and running away.

The ULTIMATE anonymous bull**** poster.

Heres a challenge for you, whats your name?

08-10-2007, 02:04 PM
BUT, you can't seem to bridge the gap mentally that all the so called challenges were made to come to me. How can I duck from the places I taught every day?

Like this:

Anthony on 2/12/07: "I'm fighting heavyweight, coming in around 235lbs, I"m currently 245lbs. It is being held in Santa Barabara, by Omega.

Will you be available before? My fight is May 12th, I'll be in SoCal the whole week before."

Your reply: "perhaps. You going to bring Your' "boys with guns" too. LOL!!!"

Anthony on 2/12/07: "No need too, I doubt you'll have ninjas attacking me.

I'll probably have my coach with me, maybe Omega.

Let me know, we have unfinished business. We can go UFC or Pride rules, or none at all if you want."

Your reply AND THIS IS GOLDEN!!! : "LOL, you seemed to be convinced of that last time.

Nah, I'll catch the video. I'm not stupid. You are quite a bit larger than me. Anthying less than something really nasty won't stop you. That I'll give you. Then again, thats something you may want.

Plus SB is ****ing far away. However, if you want to come here........................"

08-10-2007, 02:07 PM
What's the status on that waiver and the venue Rudy? We were promised an update this week, it's Friday afternoon now.

I am only waiting for the outcome of this venue choice.

So that would mean the waiver has been sent?

Less than 7 weeks to go!!! I'm awaiting Sept 30th like a kid waiting for Santa Claus at Christmas!!!

08-10-2007, 02:17 PM
i have a question.

if people want to fight rudy so much why dont they take the time and go to HIM. i mean ya you all are planning on some guy you say is a fight ducker to travel to come fight you?

good luck with that.

if anyone REALLY, and i mean REALLY wanted to fight this guy, they would travel for it.

Hell if i really wanted to fight someone, i would fly to the otherside of the world to beat his ass...

im not on any side here. its just....i mean...cmon....i think people just need to buy a ticket, fly to where he is, show up, and fight.

its really actually quite simple. a few hundie for a round trip ticket. and you get your fight.

i get the feeling NO ONE really wants to fight. and someone is waiting for the other guy to duck first so they can puff up their chest and declair the other guy a fight ducker...

when in reality no one really wants to fight, everyone wants to duck the fights....

if you believe someone is a fight ducker, then you should know trying to badger and temp him isnt going to work, you have to go to him, face to face, and...well....fight like men?

08-10-2007, 02:55 PM
Lucas, Rudy had said he will come TO MY GYM to fight me and a training partner/instructor named Taylor.

All this venue junk is just a method of ducking Rudy has used before. Bottom line, Rudy has agreed to fight Knifefighter TWICE and ShaolinTiger00 once IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, and as I showed above he 'declined' a shot at Anthony IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. In all of the above examples what is the common denominator? :rolleyes:

08-10-2007, 02:57 PM
when in reality no one really wants to fight, everyone wants to duck the fights....

Oh, both ShaolinTiger00 and Anthony have fought in pro MMA events. FYI

08-10-2007, 03:00 PM
Like this:

Anthony on 2/12/07: "I'm fighting heavyweight, coming in around 235lbs, I"m currently 245lbs. It is being held in Santa Barabara, by Omega.

Will you be available before? My fight is May 12th, I'll be in SoCal the whole week before."

Yes this one is cool. I basically opt not to fight him. I made no claim of challenge. I didn't really want to go to SB anyways.

Three months go by. I'm not thinking anything of this at all.

He was there the whole week before. Then, out of the blue, he choses to let the whole week go by and contacts me nearly at the end of his stay to fight on his last day. He could have contacted me on the first day. Why didn't is a mystery. Notice the total twinkle toes routine, Polite and non abrasive. :rolleyes:


I ask for the day before. Since its the only day left. He doesn't want that day because he must be fresh to get the royal beatdown he received from his opponent. So i suggest that i'm going to florida in a couple of months anyways.
he says:

Posted: May 9 2007, 02:19 PM
Group: Members
Posts: 3
Member No.: 79
Joined: 9-May 07

Okay, that pretty much settles it.
Let me know when you come down, we'll bang, get it out of our system, then go have dinner and drinks.
I have a fight in the beginning of August as an fyi.

What part of this then translates to what follows?

I'll leave you with this to ponder. I'm getting tired of addressing his cheerleader girlfriend, 1bad69.

08-10-2007, 03:00 PM
Thats exactly what I am getting at.

If you know or believe he's not comming. just state it as fact. and leave the dead dog where it lies.

As I see it there are 3 courses of action to take by those opposing Rudy.

1. Drop it as I just suggested.

2. Go to Rudy.

3. Let it run its course and stop talking about it. Either way Sept. 29 will come around no matter how much **** anyone talks to anyone. At which point one party can gloat and the other can eat crow.

and YES, those are your ONLY options. ;)

08-10-2007, 03:01 PM
Lucas, Rudy had said he will come TO MY GYM to fight me and a training partner/instructor named Taylor.

Where have I said I'll come to your gym? Taylor is coming to florida, right?

08-10-2007, 03:03 PM
All this venue junk is just a method of ducking Rudy has used before. Bottom line, Rudy has agreed to fight Knifefighter TWICE and ShaolinTiger00 once IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, and as I showed above he 'declined' a shot at Anthony IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. In all of the above examples what is the common denominator? :rolleyes:

And just WHERE were these fights supposed to happen? hmmmmmmmm?

08-10-2007, 03:07 PM

it just looks like no one is on the same page....maybe reading different books even :p

you guys should hold a KFM video conferance, set a date and we can record all the drama, then we can post countless threads about it and take everyone out of context, state the obvious and then lie about it, repeat our lies as fact, then ignore video evidence, make up our own truths about who said what, and then realize in the process of everyone gettin butt hurt, no one rememberd to fight.....

as it is now we are missing some video footage of several grown men arguing like school kids....we only have text but we need the video otherwise i dont believe any of you are real....

08-10-2007, 03:08 PM
Oh, BTW....its really slow at work today. and KFM is not supplying me with enough entertainment at the moment.

step it up a notch guys. im bored

08-10-2007, 03:56 PM
step it up a notch guys. im bored

You just wait until Sept 30th!

08-10-2007, 04:06 PM
Where have I said I'll come to your gym? Taylor is coming to florida, right?

Right here tough guy:

Then I found your school name and rank on a BS search. Which you had posted a month before.

Your name I found on your profile window because you are so STUPID you tried to link a pic off of your hard drive directly(doesn't work) and it left nothing but a pathname to the pic WITH YOUR NAME ON IT.

Since your vagaries seem to come from your ovaries. I'll say that I'm coming..........

..............Sometime in the future. get ready.

So, when will you be at my gym? And what's up with the waiver and venue? You seem to be avoiding that question. :rolleyes:

08-10-2007, 04:15 PM
Yes this one is cool. I basically opt not to fight him. I made no claim of challenge. I didn't really want to go to SB anyways.

I also never used the word 'challenge' in relation to this. I used the word 'declined'. Your reading skills appear to not be up to par with your ducking skills. :)

You will also 'opt not to fight him' on Sept 29th too! Again, the more of an ass you are, the more fun Sept 30th will be for me, Knifefighter, Unkokusai, and anyone else who had you pegged for what you are. :D

08-10-2007, 05:22 PM
OK..Then I will be the first woman to say I will say, I will baxk oot of this whole challenge thing.

You know, there IS an EDIT function in these forum replies. They are real handy when one is trying to make a witty reply and winds up tripping on the sentence and looking like a total doofus;)

sorry I am sick at this time, so if my typing is off then so be it!! .Call tomorrow 1bad and we can sort this mess out. I want my props dang it LOL

08-10-2007, 05:49 PM
sorry I am sick at this time, so if my typing is off then so be it!! .Cal tomorrow 1bad and we can sort this mess out. I want my props dang it LOL

You're probably one of the few due any props from this whole fandango fiasco

08-10-2007, 05:53 PM
You're probably one of the few due any props from this whole fandango fiasco
Thank You BTW

08-10-2007, 05:58 PM
Right here tough guy:

So, when will you be at my gym? And what's up with the waiver and venue? You seem to be avoiding that question. :rolleyes:

Like I said, sometime in the future. I'm not going to tell you when.

As far as the venue. :rolleyes: I can only repeat myself so much. I'm still waiting for confirmation. Take that to your E2L teacher and have him translate.

08-10-2007, 07:39 PM
Like I said, sometime in the future. I'm not going to tell you when.

As far as the venue. :rolleyes: I can only repeat myself so much. I'm still waiting for confirmation. Take that to your E2L teacher and have him translate.

So now you are going to come by? :rolleyes:

Ok, ok, you have bought time on the venue. Care to address the waiver question?

Fung, I explained to you I will not be calling and why.

08-11-2007, 12:17 AM
You make me laugh. Talk about the KING of ducking.

No you've got that wrong, chubby. I've never ducked a fight I've challenged or agreed to, but you have never actually had a fight you shot your fat mouth off about.

Kind of different.

The date of this fight you have (again) openly agitated for and shot your fat mouth off about comes and goes and it doesn't happen, for any reason (no bull**** excuses about 'the other guy' miss) and you will have flushed yourself into JFS's septic tank where the two of you can practice your empty dialog together for all eternity.

Everyone knows what's not going to happen, saru.

08-11-2007, 12:34 AM
Like I said, sometime in the future. I'm not going to tell you when. .

Oh fer cryin' out loud...:rolleyes:

08-11-2007, 12:50 AM
Dude, you haven't ducked anything because you are too afraid to even show your face much less accept a challenge. I am just going to love ****ing on your parade.

08-11-2007, 01:09 AM
No you've got that wrong, chubby. I've never ducked a fight I've challenged or agreed to, but you have never actually had a fight you shot your fat mouth off about.

Kind of different.

The date of this fight you have (again) openly agitated for and shot your fat mouth off about comes and goes and it doesn't happen, for any reason (no bull**** excuses about 'the other guy' miss) and you will have flushed yourself into JFS's septic tank where the two of you can practice your empty dialog together for all eternity.

Everyone knows what's not going to happen, saru.

You need to stay out of this as well, This is between Rudy and Anthony :cool:

08-11-2007, 07:50 AM
With all due respect Fung, just STFU. You don't like us calling a KNOWN ducker a ducker, then quit reading the thread.

I won't post any of your PMs to me without your permission, but based on the last few you are so far up Rudy's ass it's downright pathetic. The fact that you can defend him even after he ADMITTED he threatened to tell APD I was drug dealer shows your true colors. Call me a ducker all you want, but like Unkokusai I have never agreed to a fight and then ducked out. And yes, your threats to me make me laugh just like Rudy's do. Your husband wants to come down, fine, all my info is right here. Does he know his wife is dropping challenges for him? :rolleyes: Since we all Rudy won't be showing up, maybe he will. Remember, I'm no Coda Scott, you won't need a return ticket. And again I say, unlike Omar I don't make dates to fight women, and unlike Springer I don't assault them. So, no offense, in the off chance you show, I don't fight women.

And, no, I don't travel. I never claimed to. Nor do I threaten others with me coming over. That's for morons like you and Rudy. I'm 35, married, and have a real 40-hr a week job. I don't travel around the country for 'net bs. However, if an ******* comes to my gym and wants me, fine.

08-11-2007, 07:53 AM
The date of this fight you have (again) openly agitated for and shot your fat mouth off about comes and goes and it doesn't happen, for any reason (no bull**** excuses about 'the other guy' miss) and you will have flushed yourself into JFS's septic tank where the two of you can practice your empty dialog together for all eternity.

Everyone knows what's not going to happen, saru.

Everyone needs to remember this post on Sept 29th too.

John Takeshi
08-11-2007, 08:00 AM
Where are you guys located? I need to know, in case we have a venue conflict. I have a match set up with Lokhopkuen in my September Kumite, which is on September 29th. We're in LA, and we have the Shrine Auditorium on our list, but we're furiously pursuing the Staples Center (although that's probably a little to expensive for our tastes). We tried to schedule it for a halftime show during a major sporting event, but they won't let us have three uninterrupted hours for the kumite, which I find ridiculous.

Good luck with your kumite, and wish us luck in ours. Pls don't forget to include details, if you're located in LA.

08-11-2007, 08:40 AM
With all due respect Fung, just STFU. You don't like us calling a KNOWN ducker a ducker, then quit reading the thread.

I won't post any of your PMs to me without your permission, but based on the last few you are so far up Rudy's ass it's downright pathetic. The fact that you can defend him even after he ADMITTED he threatened to tell APD I was drug dealer shows your true colors. Call me a ducker all you want, but like Unkokusai I have never agreed to a fight and then ducked out. And yes, your threats to me make me laugh just like Rudy's do. Your husband wants to come down, fine, all my info is right here. Does he know his wife is dropping challenges for him? :rolleyes: Since we all Rudy won't be showing up, maybe he will. Remember, I'm no Coda Scott, you won't need a return ticket. And again I say, unlike Omar I don't make dates to fight women, and unlike Springer I don't assault them. So, no offense, in the off chance you show, I don't fight women.

And, no, I don't travel. I never claimed to. Nor do I threaten others with me coming over. That's for morons like you and Rudy. I'm 35, married, and have a real 40-hr a week job. I don't travel around the country for 'net bs. However, if an ******* comes to my gym and wants me, fine.
Yes my husband knows everything, and he is more the willing to let you in his tournament, even if it is to just watch. He has a 40+ hr week job as you well know ( postal worker ) Plus he has a Martial Arts School.So what if I am a friend of Springers girlfriend. You take thing way to far, you could be the poster child for Anthony. I also like Rudy, he has a way with words.:p If you post my pm.s then they will include my number and you might just get banned for that. So if you post them Post the whole pm including the number. I am expecting that call BTW

08-11-2007, 09:45 AM
Yes my husband knows everything, and he is more the willing to let you in his tournament, even if it is to just watch. He has a 40+ hr week job as you well know ( postal worker ) Plus he has a Martial Arts School.So what if I am a friend of Springers girlfriend. You take thing way to far, you could be the poster child for Anthony. I also like Rudy, he has a way with words.:p If you post my pm.s then they will include my number and you might just get banned for that. So if you post them Post the whole pm including the number. I am expecting that call BTW

What part of "I don't travel around the country for 'net bs" do you not understand??? He is welcome to show up at my gym anytime, as is Rudy :rolleyes:

I also said I have no reason to call you and I won't post PMs without permission. The part I want to post is not your phone numbers, but your reason for saying Rudy is better than Anthony. That says ALOT about you. :eek:

I know your a friend of Springer's gf. She should be real proud to be dating a racist, woman assaulting, piece of **** like JFS. Bet she was proud when he got WHOOPED by a 150lb man with like 2 years of BJJ under his belt! Like they always say, 'Birds of a feather flock together.'

Your gonna look real dumb when Sept 29th rolls around. I'm giving you a chance to stop embarrassing yourself. Ask yourself these 2 questions: How many 'net challenges has Rudy actually fought in? AND Why is he totally refusing to address the WAIVER issue?

08-11-2007, 10:14 AM
Here is the PM that set me off:

"And you are defending a FAT ASS and ducking TOM...call me tomorrow, and run you mouth. BTW you are ducking as well."

I was mad that you defended Rudy for threating to make FALSE accusations to police, yet felt I should not defend Anthony bacause of his weight?????? :eek:

I know Rudy/JFS/his gf etc are your friiends. But you defending them despite their RACISM, assualting a woman, threats to lie to police, and constant ducking is ridiculous. And you justify it because Anthony is in your words a 'fat ass'???? Get real!!! I have friends too, and when they make asses out of themselves I tell them so. I don't try and find ANY excuse to justify their ridiculous behavior.

And I won't post your number. Sorry. I don't do that. You can if you want to. And I won't call you guys either. If you two have issues with me calling a spade a spade, sorry. I do find it odd that when you and Tom called Coda Scott out for being what he was(and on BS no less), I was defending you two, but when I pointed out RUDY's own words and actions, you guys get bent out of shape???

Me and you may well disagree, but I really am warning you that the more you back Rudy, the more egg on your face when Sept 29th comes around. Again, ask yourself the 2 questions I posted in my last reply.....

08-11-2007, 10:57 AM
Dude, you haven't ducked anything because.

Because I have never made or accepted any stupid internet challenge, unlike you who lives for playing JFS Jr. but never has and never will follow through on your empty bluster.

08-11-2007, 10:58 AM

You need to stay out of this as well, This is between Rudy and Anthony :cool:

Yeah, we've heard enough of that from you already, ref. Give it a rest.

08-11-2007, 11:04 AM
.So what if I am a friend of Springers girlfriend. I also like Rudy

Oh, there we go. The picture is complete now...:rolleyes:

08-11-2007, 06:51 PM
Springer has admitted he was wrong and so has everyone on Rudy's board. IMO it makes him a bigger man for doing do. A quote from Tom " Anyone that has nothing to do with the Rudy/Anthony fight needs to STFU" I am from D.C. I am not afraid to walk the streets unlike Os, who has admitted it. I will defend my husband when 1bad65 trash talks him. I do not associate with durg users, since I am a fosterparent. I have two children that am from drug users. I have also asked 1bad to call to get this thing overwith in a civil way. I gave him my cell number. I am part black as well. I am pretty sure everyone is of mixed race. He will not give ne his number so I can call him. I am willing to call him as is Tom, so it will not cost him anything. If anyone disagrees then say so.

08-11-2007, 07:45 PM

I love how you say you are not on anyone side here Fung

post 834 pg 56

I am not on anyone's side here. I get tired of all this back and forth crap. It will be legit.

A quote from Tom " Anyone that has nothing to do with the Rudy/Anthony fight needs to STFU"

Who is Tom and why should we care what he says?

Also, Who are you to tell anyone on a public board to stay out of a public discussion?
At first I thought you could not get any stranger but then you post this!

I do not associate with durg users, since I am a fosterparent.

I am glad that you do not associate with drug users but what does this have to do with a E-challenege? Unless someone is calling Springer or Abel drug addicts

I have two children that am from drug users.
Umm ok, this has no relevance to an e-challenege.

WTF is this about ?

I am part black as well
What the hell does this have to do with anything? Are you trying to imply since you are half black and friends with Springer that he can't be racist?

You can be half black and be as white as snow or black as night but that still does not negate the behavior of Springer. Plus, no amount of apology or acceptance makes him a bigger man for his action. He did what he did and according to human behavior is prone to a repeat that same behavior.

I am sorry WTF does half of this nonsense has to do with Abel and Bad's people fighting?

He will not give ne his number so I can call him. I am willing to call him as is Tom, so it will not cost him anything. If anyone disagrees then say so.

You are telling everyone here to stay out of it yet you are involving yourself, your husband Tom, and whom ever else on the behalf of Rudy. Yet if anyone sticks up for Bad, they are to STFU and mind their buisness or get an E-threat from you with a LOOMING threat about Tom.

Lady, I see you sticking Tom out there as back up for the things you are saying as if he is someone of great importance. Most of us here don't care who Tom is and could care less about any quote he puts out.

Bad is not going to stop dogging Abel until he ducks or fights and I am pretty sure you are goign to give us more entertainment with your antics. Please understand this, this is a forum board and typing in CAPS, making veiled threats and actting like you can rectify the situation with one phone call is not gonna cut it.

Abel is abel. Some people take his words with a grain of salt. Some comment on his words and behavior. While others may shake their heads and laugh at his antics. His repeat behavior is the source of his reputation. There is no amount of words or discussion that can change that. Only he can do that by his own actions.

oh wait that ending was to blah........

I am gonna track you down using the internet police and I am gonna eat all your babies!!!!!!!!!

08-11-2007, 07:58 PM
Springer has admitted he was wrong and so has everyone on Rudy's board. IMO it makes him a bigger man for doing do.
oh please - when you spend the entire trial denying your guilt and only after you get convicted you read your apology at the sentance hearing, nobody is buying it; by the time someone reaches JFS's age, the fact that they were there in the first place acting the way the acted (like a belligerant child), means that this is who he is at heart, and no amount of apologizing will change that; the only revelation that he possibly could have had was that he got his head handed to him, and as it's on tape he can't deny it, so NOW he takes the "humble pie" road and admits his error? too little, too late

08-11-2007, 08:13 PM

I love how you say you are not on anyone side here Fung

post 834 pg 56

A quote from Tom " Anyone that has nothing to do with the Rudy/Anthony fight needs to STFU"

Who is Tom and why should we care what he says?

Also, Who are you to tell anyone on a public board to stay out of a public discussion?
At first I thought you could not get any stranger but then you post this!

I am glad that you do not associate with drug users but what does this have to do with a E-challenege? Unless someone is calling Springer or Abel drug addicts

Umm ok, this has no relevance to an e-challenege.

WTF is this about ?

What the hell does this have to do with anything? Are you trying to imply since you are half black and friends with Springer that he can't be racist?

You can be half black and be as white as snow or black as night but that still does not negate the behavior of Springer. Plus, no amount of apology or acceptance makes him a bigger man for his action. He did what he did and according to human behavior is prone to a repeat that same behavior.

I am sorry WTF does half of this nonsense has to do with Abel and Bad's people fighting?

You are telling everyone here to stay out of it yet you are involving yourself, your husband Tom, and whom ever else on the behalf of Rudy. Yet if anyone sticks up for Bad, they are to STFU and mind their buisness or get an E-threat from you with a LOOMING threat about Tom.

Lady, I see you sticking Tom out there as back up for the things you are saying as if he is someone of great importance. Most of us here don't care who Tom is and could care less about any quote he puts out.

Bad is not going to stop dogging Abel until he ducks or fights and I am pretty sure you are goign to give us more entertainment with your antics. Please understand this, this is a forum board and typing in CAPS, making veiled threats and actting like you can rectify the situation with one phone call is not gonna cut it.

Abel is abel. Some people take his words with a grain of salt. Some comment on his words and behavior. While others may shake their heads and laugh at his antics. His repeat behavior is the source of his reputation. There is no amount of words or discussion that can change that. Only he can do that by his own actions.

oh wait that ending was to blah........

I am gonna track you down using the internet police and I am gonna eat all your babies!!!!!!!!!..as for Tom he is My husband, and !bad talks smak about him. Tom would address this issue himself, but his account has not been activated as of yet. As far as eating my babies..lol !bad only tells half the story. I am not on anyones side but Rudy is not fat as I have seen pics of him. Where have I made any threats? !bad associates himself with druggies. I am defending my husband Tom.Would you not defend your husband/wife if they were being talked about?
One phone call is all it will take. !bad chose not to. so I am just trying to get him to get his facts straight. I have even offered to be nice to him.as Tom will also.

08-11-2007, 08:27 PM
mantis7 and cjurakpt, thanks for the posts. You both sound like guys who looked at this in an OBJECTIVE way and made your decision.

Now I'll address this garbage:

..as for Tom he is My husband, and !bad talks smak about him.

Site exmples.

!bad only tells half the story. I am not on anyones side but Rudy is not fat as I have seen pics of him. !bad associates himself with druggies.

Half the story? Most of my posts are quotes from Rudy! Associates with druggies? You and Rudy both slander alike, huh. You associate with a racist moron who attacked a woman 100lbs lighter than him. And then got whooped :D:):p

..One phone call is all it will take. !bad chose not to. so I am justtrying to get him to get his facts straight.

Do you ever listen? Seriously. I have stated here and on PMs there is NO REASON to call you two. What facts do I have wrong? Are you saying Rudy has EVER fought an e-challenge?! :) Has Rudy mailed the waiver?! :) Did JFS beat up Osiris?! :)Again, site examples.

08-11-2007, 08:44 PM
mantis7 and cjurakpt, thanks for the posts. You both sound like guys who looked at this in an OBJECTIVE way and made your decision.

Now I'll address this garbage:

Site exmples.

Half the story? Most of my posts are quotes from Rudy! Associates with druggies? You and Rudy both slander alike, huh. You associate with a racist moron who attacked a woman 100lbs lighter than him. And then got whooped :D:):p

Do you ever listen? Seriously. I have stated here and on PMs there is NO REASON to call you two. What facts do I have wrong? Are you saying Rudy has EVER fought an e-challenge?! :) Has Rudy mailed the waiver?! :) Did JFS beat up Osiris?! :)Again, site examples.
You very well now who tom is and you said he only need a one way ticket to fly to you..What does that mean? BSD has ducked Rudy and admits it.. The women does drugs and Os never saw what happend between them. show me the slander?
The women in question even said Springer had his hand in her throat for an instant, If he wanted to hurt he he very well could have. I have even said you could come to the tournament Tom is hosting with another person. I have taken back that challenge if you remember. I personally like you, when you are not talking bad about my husband.

08-11-2007, 08:58 PM
You said I 'associate with druggies', then cite Osiris,Kat and her gf. I have NEVER met them! FYI, grabbing someone by the throat, even for an instant, is an assault.
Saying the one-way ticket thing is not talking ****. It's just me saying I take threats seriously and I have confidence in my abilities. And me saying it about Tom was IN RESPONSE to you saying he wants to fight me.

08-11-2007, 09:11 PM
Where have I made any threats? !bad associates himself with druggies. I am defending my husband Tom.Would you not defend your husband/wife if they were being talked about?

What has Bad said that might force you to protect your husband? If someone does not respect your husband that is their choice. If the same person starts spewing filth and lies about him then yes protect your husband. As far as I can see you are protecting Abel and using your husband as a implied "if you don't listen to me Tom is gonna getcha"

One phone call is all it will take. !bad chose not to. so I am just trying to get him to get his facts straight. I have even offered to be nice to him.as Tom will also.

How is one phone call going to change all this stuff that has been posted? It really does not matter if Tom, you or bad are nice to each other. There is a so called impending E-challenge. Bad has a beef with Rudy and Rudy has a beef with Anthony (correct). His beef is with Rudy and there is really nothing a phone call convesation with you is going to fix that.

Your action are equal to me requesting Abel to call me because I am a friend of Bads (not that I am) It just does not make sense. Also it wouldn't make sense for me to tell others to stay out of this because my big brother Stanley said so...

now let me try and make some sense of this next post

You very well now who tom is and you said he only need a one way ticket to fly to you..What does that mean?

With Bad saying "he only need a one way ticket to fly to you" is just ignorant bravado plain and simple.....

The women does drugs Who cares if she smokes pot....if everyone there did some before this BS happened then maybe it wouldn't have gotten that far.

The women in question even said Springer had his hand in her throat for an instant, If he wanted to hurt he he very well could have. The sheer fact that Springer did act and actually place his hands on her in the manner in which he did shows his character. Quite honestly, I would have done the same thing in Os place, well except the flying kick. Reguardless if he let go after a second or 2 seconds, He placed his hands on a female that was not their to fight him. If she was there to fight him then she made her own bed. I understand he is your friend but that does not make him any less of a douche. I could judge you as a racist because you hang out with a closeted racist but then that would be wrong of me.

I have even said you could come to the tournament Tom is hosting with another person. I have taken back that challenge if you remember. I personally like you, when you are not talking bad about my husband.

What has he said about your Husband????

!bad only tells half the story. I am not on anyones side but Rudy is not fat as I have seen pics of him. !bad associates himself with druggies.

This honestly has nothing to do with a challenege. If Rudy is fat or not is only relevant to his condition to fight and since this is not a sanctioned match then it has no bearing what so ever. Hell for all we know Rudy could be a dam Butterbean. (meaning that he is heavy but has good knock out power or he could be a Fat Ass and get winded after 2 mins of fighting) Either which way Fung, your position has been all over the place and very erradict.

08-11-2007, 09:14 PM
..as for Tom he is My husband, and !bad talks smak about him. Tom would address this issue himself, but his account has not been activated as of yet.

Maybe you should just let the people involved work this out between themselves.

Getting your husband involved may just end up with him getting his ass handed to him the same way Springer got his handed to him.

08-11-2007, 09:23 PM
Maybe you should just let the people involved work this out between themselves.

Getting your husband involved may just end up with him getting his ass handed to him the same way Springer got his handed to him.

I will do just that.you make more sense then anyone so far.

08-11-2007, 09:27 PM
Tom would address this issue himself, but his account has not been activated as of yet.
right, because that takes, oh I don't know, 3 or 4 weeks on average, right?:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: