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07-09-2003, 07:25 AM
haha.. ok he's cool too. But DR is more modern. But I havn't read kalle in a loooong time.

Former castleva
07-09-2003, 07:25 AM
After having stood trough the night,I actually tried to draw a bit at morning.
Tried to draw a pteranodon,I put a lot of effort to it and it failed miserably.*******!! :( :mad:

07-09-2003, 07:29 AM

I wanna see it. Scan n post? :)

Former castleva
07-09-2003, 07:34 AM
Sorry.There´s no way I can. :)

People used to brag how I should draw this and draw that,and I´d be like "Ha,ha.OK,yeah.I see...blah (will you quit already?) ".
Used to draw a lot of comics and obviously some ppl thought they´re awesome.
Well,not that I can say a thing about such.I´d like to be able to draw realistic pictures.

chen zhen
07-09-2003, 07:35 AM
Just to clear things up...

A Pteranodon (http://www.childrensmuseum.org/kinetosaur/images/pteranodon.gif)

Don Rosa version Donald Duck.. he's nr. 2 (http://www.duckburg.dk/languageindex/translation.jpg)

Carl Barks version Donald Duck... genious.. classical... (http://www.fmi.uni-passau.de/~zimmerth/comics/barks/barks2.gif)


CB died here last year, i think, nearly 100 years old.

07-09-2003, 07:36 AM
****** I could draw once too.. But I never wanna put that much effort in to it again. It's not worth it (for me)

Nice pics chen :D

07-09-2003, 07:38 AM
But I like Don Rosa's better coz if you'd actually reda it you would notice the extreme amount of detail that goes in to his work. He's like the cartoonist's George Perez. Barks is more simplistic me thinks

Former castleva
07-09-2003, 07:40 AM
I have a problem with that pteranodon illustration but it brings the point home.

Barks was very old,at least far over 90.

I remember that as a young kid,I did win a large geography book from some drawing competition I participated in. :D

Former castleva
07-09-2003, 07:43 AM
Rosa was pretty detailed but I think that to a degree,his modern illustrations were somewhat dark.
Then there used to be plenty of mediocre stuff,I do not know where that came from.

chen zhen
07-09-2003, 07:56 AM
I think Rosa's details also is his weakness. And Barks is of course also the inventer of all the classical characters.. the three ducklings, Daisy, Gearloose, Scrooge, that gang with all the members with similar clothing, that duck that always is lucky.. CB's the originator!

And he also did those oil-paintings:

CB drawings:
pretty detailed money-tank, me thinks:

OK, now let's forget this..:rolleyes:

chen zhen
07-09-2003, 08:03 AM
U made it, FC! nr. 8. (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/memberlist.php?what=topposters&perpage=10)

Soon I'll join you on the list;)

Former castleva
07-09-2003, 08:07 AM
I find it hard to believe Dezh and Prankster are actually above me on the list.
Join us soon,we´ll be legends. ;)

chen zhen
07-09-2003, 08:31 AM
I want to be the nr. 1 poster of the forums. Some day..;)

I found a site with sum interestng Bruce Lee pics.. check it out:

07-09-2003, 08:47 AM
Your almost there. You might be there with posts per day.

chen zhen
07-09-2003, 08:49 AM

It can't be much long till it happens.

07-09-2003, 08:55 AM
You have .21 posts per day~!

chen zhen
07-09-2003, 09:49 AM


I'll see you b!tches at the midnight babble.

Former castleva
07-09-2003, 10:00 AM
Come *****ing back at us at midnight. ;)

Former castleva
07-09-2003, 01:37 PM
Hur mor du? :cool:

07-09-2003, 01:45 PM
Im super thanx for asking

07-09-2003, 01:46 PM
(Big gay Al impression)

07-09-2003, 01:49 PM

Former castleva
07-09-2003, 01:49 PM
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. :D

chen zhen
07-09-2003, 02:35 PM
Hur mor du?


I've been out with da homies, and been watching a documentary about the secret WMD's Israel posesses. Scary stuff.

And now I'm finally back for the midnight babble, and now you're all player-hating me on the KFO forum, what's the shizzle, with u bizzatches?!:rolleyes: :D

Former castleva
07-09-2003, 02:39 PM
You´re just in time for pre-midnight babble (in your time?)

What do you mean by hating? :confused:

Hey,you called us bizzatches! :mad:

:eek: :confused: :) :cool: :eek: :cool:

chen zhen
07-09-2003, 02:44 PM
You're hating da playah (me) by going behind my back on the general forum. understizzle?:D

Former castleva
07-09-2003, 02:55 PM
Are you trying to get a "whaaaa" out of me?
Please explain,this is getting odd by now. :confused:

Former castleva
07-09-2003, 03:00 PM
Are you trying to get a "whaaaa" out of me?
Please explain,this is getting odd by now. :confused:


That could be danish. ;)

chen zhen
07-09-2003, 03:01 PM
No. i just took "understand" and then snooped it up.:cool:

Former castleva
07-09-2003, 03:05 PM
You still have not shown why I´m,according to you,hating you.

chen zhen
07-09-2003, 03:14 PM
Not hating in that sense, just playah-hating.

Ah, ferget it. *Ignorant Suomi f*ck*
:cool: :p

Former castleva
07-09-2003, 03:18 PM
"Not hating in that sense, just playah-hating."

I´m still clueless.

"Ah, ferget it. *Ignorant Suomi f*ck*"

Are you referring to me?

chen zhen
07-09-2003, 03:23 PM
Are you referring to me?

uhh no.. that other finnish guy who hangs around here.. :rolleyes:

:D just foolin

chen zhen
07-09-2003, 03:28 PM
Good night & drive safely.

Former castleva
07-09-2003, 03:32 PM
Same to you.

This was an odd post-midnight babble.

07-09-2003, 03:34 PM
LOL @ you 2

What the hell r u up to? :D

Former castleva
07-09-2003, 03:44 PM
I don´t know.Ask him! :D
I tried already.

chen zhen
07-10-2003, 04:27 AM
u won't understand anyway.

Here's a cool Kung Fu video. It's a master doing a Bak Mei/White Eyebrow style-form, and it looks pretty crazy! lol (http://homepage.mac.com/stevefarrell/images/SifuLee.mov)

07-10-2003, 05:04 AM
Nice form. But i'd round kick his head off.

Did u see those Chang Shuai Chiao vids on the main board b4? I missed them. When I tried it said the links are broken etc. They were from www.emptyflower.com
Dun understand why they won't work. Pretty frustrating

chen zhen
07-10-2003, 05:08 AM
Why would u kick his head? It's just an old man, for crying out loud.:p

i saw some. the second video has some applications, looks pretty good. i don't know why they did'nt work for u.:confused:

chen zhen
07-10-2003, 05:09 AM
btw, does your KF school have a website? i'd like to check it out.:)

My old school is here: www.kungfu.dk

07-10-2003, 05:13 AM
hey all first day as a non smoker and doing pretty good. Chen, If it comes down to wanking or smoking, I'll wank. The scientific term isn't wanking though, its roughing up the suspect!

chen zhen
07-10-2003, 05:16 AM
Good u came to your senses. Wanking IS more natural you know, and it's right at your hand, if u know what I mean..;):p
And it's cheaper.:o

lol, I just noticed that Bruce Lee in my current avatar would look like me, if he had more brownish hair. It looks like me at a distance. Weird!:eek::o:cool:

07-10-2003, 05:16 AM
Sure, here u go

I see you have Yoga aswell? That's cool. You do it?

chen zhen
07-10-2003, 05:18 AM
They started the Yoga after I left. I never did any.
btw, one of the instructors have been bodyguard for Dalai Lama when he's in Denmark. Pretty cool:cool:

chen zhen
07-10-2003, 05:25 AM
I see your school offers many disciplines. Very cool. But why do they call Tai Chi a "modern style"?

More schools I've been affiliated with:

my current:
Trained here for a month:
My old Tai Chi school (stopped 2 years ago. Don't know what they've been up to since) www.taichichuan.dk/
I tried this place a few times:
I will start at this place:


07-10-2003, 05:25 AM
could I ask you a favor buddy, come over to tcm and leave some words of encouragement on 'again' thread. I know the link I put there doesnt work

07-10-2003, 05:28 AM
nevermind, the link does work!

chen zhen
07-10-2003, 05:31 AM
I can go there anyway.

07-10-2003, 05:35 AM
Did you ever smoke?

07-10-2003, 05:36 AM
"Tai Chi a "modern style"?"

Oh I think they meant the modern 42 movements form. It's the national competition form or something like that, ie the modern version. It's a seperate course that I don't do. Have only tried it a little. It's a little fun actually but not really my thang. The main style is based upon my sifu's family style and Shuai Chiao.

Ok here goes
I liked the simplistic site of your xingy school. I like the San Ti drawing.

"Ikke bruge BaGuaZhang på en måde som går imod den Danske lovgivning"
:rolleyes: I hate schools like these
http://www.taichichuan.dk/ looked very good. Seems like a good place at glance. It's really hard to judge any kwoon just by it's website :D So it doesn't really matter. That JKD place I would guess is really good. But then again, I'm a sucker for sticks and knifes

chen zhen
07-10-2003, 05:46 AM
The TJ teacher is VERY good (24 years experience, trained with descendants of yang cheng-fu in China, is called the most competent TJ teacher in northern Europe!), and he can mop the floor with you, literally. but the students are'nt that serious, and not very good.

I think I may take (after a while) the FMA/Silat-only classes at JKD, while taking XY and sumthin else at the side. But after a while, as I said.

Yeah, the Wushu school used to be very good, but now there's only wusses going there, and there's only jump-kick/useless stuff taught there. so=sucks. The Chinese teacher is good, though, but he have softened up.

There's more at the XY site, but you would need a member-password to see it.;)

chen zhen
07-10-2003, 05:49 AM
Booty: never ever. Only passively.:D

never smoked the Haashiissshh either, contra what u else would believe:D

07-10-2003, 05:49 AM
FMA are very good to study, I thinksome of the best weapons training there is!

chen zhen
07-10-2003, 05:52 AM
Yeah, I'd like to study this (http://www.jkd.dk/index.asp?sid=450) at the JKD school.

chen zhen
07-10-2003, 05:54 AM
Here's a good MA-related article site. Good stuff, it's mostly based on WC/jun Fan JKD theories, but I think it can be translated into anything.

07-10-2003, 05:55 AM
Stick fighting helps sword, staff, daggar, ect.

chen zhen
07-10-2003, 05:59 AM
I noticed your sig..;) it's spelled "habit"

It's shocking how much BL looks like me in that avatar!:eek:

07-10-2003, 06:42 AM
= muy coolio

07-10-2003, 07:03 AM
I meant Hobbit.;)

chen zhen
07-10-2003, 08:18 AM
Is it like midget-throwing, or sumthin?
Dropping the hobbit..:p;)

07-10-2003, 09:48 AM
Midget tossing makes me feel like a real man!:rolleyes:

chen zhen
07-10-2003, 10:04 AM
I guess..:rolleyes:

Former castleva
07-10-2003, 02:30 PM
Post-midnight babble.

Good early evening.

chen zhen
07-10-2003, 02:38 PM
Where've your Suomi-ass been all day? It's been f*cking slow!!


i've had a heated discussion about politics on the main board. and quite frankly, i'm exhausted.:o

Former castleva
07-10-2003, 02:44 PM
I guess I have been a bit naughtaahayy to not post.
I´ve visited the board a few times but I´ve been feeling a bit angry due to some drawbacks of mine.
Point me to your politics if you mind.

chen zhen
07-10-2003, 02:53 PM
Go to "Bush shoulda known"-thread, and read my posts. I'm all alone sorrounded by yankee-pr!cks.

chen zhen
07-10-2003, 02:59 PM
good night, and drive safely. I'm exhausted mentally, Angry to the brink of going hulky, and depressed.

I need to sleep.

Former castleva
07-10-2003, 03:14 PM
Why is that so?

Well,I feel like I´m having a ministroke. :mad:

Good night,drive slowly.

07-10-2003, 03:23 PM
Crap, no midnite babble? Just decided not to sleep but to fire up the cp.

I must say that politic threads in KFO are totally stupid. Mostly bcoz there's mostly americans around and it thend's to be a small discussion.
Im to sleepy to think so I dunno wtf I just wrote. Didn't come out as I thought it so fc it.

I'll just do some babble alone goodnite

Former castleva
07-10-2003, 03:55 PM
Babble with me,being up late and all.

07-10-2003, 04:54 PM
Still around?

07-10-2003, 05:56 PM

07-10-2003, 05:57 PM
Im victorious

07-10-2003, 05:57 PM

07-10-2003, 05:59 PM
vaktfitta bäst du kollar din rygg, bär skottsäker väst så du kan hålla dej trygg

07-10-2003, 06:00 PM
babble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babble

07-10-2003, 06:08 PM
babble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble babblebabble babble

Former castleva
07-10-2003, 07:33 PM
I´m the last man standing...
5:30 AM..!

I thought you left earlier.

chen zhen
07-11-2003, 02:48 AM

Now they (at the political thread) used the argument of not getting Turkey into the EU, as an argument against my spearthrusts into their yankee-beerbellies. What a low blow, and calling it racist, what does that have to do with anything?! Who's the bigger racist, europe or mr. KKK over there? Mind your own f*cking business, fatass.

AAAAHHHRRGGRGRGRYHGWE:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

I think i'm becoming the Hulk or sumthin

07-11-2003, 05:19 AM
Morning, **** yiu FC :D I didn't see u online so I 'passed out'.

Hey chen wanna gimme a run through of that thread Im kinda lazy. What thread izzit?

chen zhen
07-11-2003, 05:26 AM
"Bush shoulda known" is the name of the thread.

FC have not been here all day.

07-11-2003, 05:31 AM
ok, I'll check it out. Dun have much time coz Im on my way out soon.

Jänkare är bögar allihopa

chen zhen
07-11-2003, 05:33 AM
Cut the Pippi-talk already....:rolleyes:


Former castleva
07-11-2003, 06:49 AM
"Morning, **** yiu FC I didn't see u online so I 'passed out'."
:D Oh yeah? I told you to babble and then you leave.Then I leave KFO for a while...

I´ll be checking out from time to time.
Hey,chen.I have only checked a part of your never ending politics babble thread(s) but in order to help you out a bit;
It´s good to get the basics of scientific debating down,you may benefit from this site- http://www.nizkor.org/features/fallacies/

chen zhen
07-11-2003, 07:55 AM
Thanks doody, but I'm pretty good at discussing already,(mostly in real life, not always computer), in fact i may be better in discussing than in MA..:p

just kidding. It might proove helpful.

Former castleva
07-11-2003, 08:30 AM
Now I just want to break something,this really sucks.
(My issues)

chen zhen
07-11-2003, 08:34 AM
What's the matter?

Former castleva
07-11-2003, 08:38 AM
It has to do with mail,literature,waiting too long,literature,mail deliveries,big differences that a few minutes make...

chen zhen
07-11-2003, 08:41 AM
Mine would be a stupid nerve getting stuck in my elbow-joint while doing push-ups.



Former castleva
07-11-2003, 09:35 AM
How can you even do that?

I saw a Danish guy eating living insects today (on TV)

I did some screaming to relieve all the pain,I need time...two days...gotta hang on for those.

chen zhen
07-11-2003, 09:49 AM
"I saw a Danish guy eating living insects today (on TV)"

They would do anything for money..:p

Former castleva
07-11-2003, 10:13 AM
He was doing it for the zoo animals.

chen zhen
07-11-2003, 10:34 AM
Oh. But that explains everything..:rolleyes:

Look out for a new me-quote on K's sig.

i got an idea for a new subject: if you had the opportunity to study 5 MA styles throughout your lifetime, which ones would it be? Then describe why you have chosen these certain styles.
Good idea?
I'll come back & give my choices afterwards.

Former castleva
07-11-2003, 10:39 AM
That´s a tough question.
I´ll try handle it later when I´m not this tired.

chen zhen
07-11-2003, 10:42 AM
Fair enough.

Former castleva
07-11-2003, 11:27 AM
This is odd but chen,if you could dig up some paleobook titles for me,it would be nice.

chen zhen
07-11-2003, 11:27 AM
My choices:
(not numerically placed as a preference, just to have order in things;))

1:Southern Praying Mantis. I have a deep fascintation with the Southern short-hand systems, in their simplicity & powergeneration. Über-coolness. If not this, then Bak Mei, Yau Kung Mun, Wing Chun, or similar systems.

2: Kali. The ultimately most efficient and effective weapons-system in the world, will give you the ability to slice up your opponent in seconds, or whack him with your sticks. Hard.;)

3: San Shou: the most dynamic full-contact kickboxing style ever, IMO, as they incorporate Shuai Chiao throwing, seemlessly flowing into powerful boxing/kicking-skills. killing 2 birds with one stone.

4: Brazilian Jiu Jitsu: I have to learn sum ground-grappling at some point, so why not learn the most effective way of doing it?

5: Chen style Tai Chi Chuan: Is the most combat-effective style of Tai Chi, and generates tremendous power through unique training-methods. it also promotes relaxation, a peaceful mind, and good health. Fantastic!

That was my choices.:cool:

edit: uhh, ok FC? :confused:

Former castleva
07-11-2003, 11:30 AM
Yeah,I´m fairly OK. :p

Yeah.Like,anything,I´d appreciate some opinion here.

Former castleva
07-11-2003, 11:46 AM
1.Hapkido-Because they do it well,and in diverse ways."Scientifical" MA.
2.Daito-Ryu aikijujutsu-Roots of the above.
3.American kenpo-Downright logical,another "scientific" art.

I might get back to this later.

chen zhen
07-11-2003, 12:13 PM
I did'nt ask if u where ok, I asked "uhh.. ok..?" because u said sumthin weird. That is: finding Paleontological books. I can't!!:eek:

I could understand Aikijujutsu(very cool), but not American Kenpo & hapkido? coild u elaborate?

btw: 4 posts more, and ORA will have 8888 posts.:cool:

Former castleva
07-11-2003, 12:21 PM
"I could understand Aikijujutsu(very cool), but not American Kenpo & hapkido? coild u elaborate?"

I cannot exactly say much about them,but as far as this goes,they are relatively long time interests.
Technique fascinates.

chen zhen
07-11-2003, 12:29 PM
From what I know, they are'nt that efficient, Hapkido is like TKD with jointlocks, and Kenpo is just Karate.
But suit yourself.

Former castleva
07-11-2003, 12:34 PM
"Hapkido is like TKD with jointlocks, "

Not at all.

chen zhen
07-11-2003, 12:47 PM
ok, my bad.:(

woo-hoo! 8888!:p

Former castleva
07-11-2003, 12:50 PM
Woo-Woo!!! ;)

Any good tips on how to get over the weekend (other than constant sleep medication) ?

chen zhen
07-11-2003, 01:03 PM
hang out with buddies, train MA, do strength-training, get a gf.

many options are available.;)

(just not for me. HWAAAAAAA (crying loudly))

norther practitioner
07-11-2003, 01:06 PM
Chen style Tai Chi Chuan: Is the most combat-effective style of Tai Chi, and generates tremendous power through unique training-methods. it also promotes relaxation, a peaceful mind, and good health. Fantastic!
As always, depends on the teacher... I personaly thing I'd do Yang (I do study Yang, but in this case I'd stick with it)...

chen zhen
07-11-2003, 01:09 PM
Yes, of course. I've studied Yang too, but from what I've seen of Chen style (performed by good Masters), I prefer that. Mostly from a SD-viewpoint, but of course health too.

Former castleva
07-11-2003, 01:12 PM
"many options are available"

None of them are available...

Hey,I figured it out already.I will just imagine that I´m a fish swimming in devonian sea (quote material)

chen zhen
07-11-2003, 01:25 PM
wtf? That's too weird to be quoted!:D

who talked about the options?

Former castleva
07-11-2003, 02:43 PM
Quotes have to be weird.

chen zhen
07-11-2003, 02:59 PM
YEs, but they have to be funny too.;)

chen zhen
07-11-2003, 03:28 PM
F, u ain't sh!t on the chat!!:mad:

07-11-2003, 03:33 PM
Sup snow niggas
Just spent some time trying to burn a cd but after one hour of tinkering it all went to hell so I threw the cd out the window. :mad: Stupid cd..

Did some rollercosters today, felt like Neo in matrix. Pretty funny.

Former castleva you quoted me
:D lol

chen zhen
07-11-2003, 03:35 PM
U seen my new subject on the last page? please follow it.:cool: ;)

What cd was it?

07-11-2003, 03:41 PM
..the 5 martial arts in my life time thing?

I were gonna burn a mp3 cd with about 200 tracks. So I picked out (PICKED OUT!) all off them for an hour. Only to realise that the 'burner' is missing a cable. I went nuts, aaah to hell with it. (I'm going to the archipilago tomorrow so I gotta go to bed early t-nite)

chen zhen
07-11-2003, 03:43 PM
Computers can make one go nuts.. sheesh..:rolleyes:
Know all about it.

07-11-2003, 03:45 PM
(not included the styles I already do I guess)

1. KALI - hard training with my fav weapons

2. BJJ - I love wrestling. And rumour goes this is as good as it's get's

3. Hsing-I - internal. Jaay I'll live long

4. Muay Thai - ring fighting baby

5. Capoeira - just for the fun of it. + it looks cool

Former castleva
07-11-2003, 03:51 PM
Kristoffer quote´s time came. :D

"Hsing-I - internal. Jaay I'll live long "

Blah. :D

chen zhen
07-11-2003, 03:52 PM
Capoeira is sh!iit, and looks awful. I don't like purty-purty dancing MA- I like my Kung Fu like my meat, easy to chew, and bloody..;)

chen zhen
07-11-2003, 03:53 PM
FC: blaah blah, bad quote.;)

Former castleva
07-11-2003, 03:58 PM

chen zhen
07-11-2003, 04:03 PM
That was quote-material alright, too bad if you no-no understand..;):p

I'm going to hit the sack, I may not drive as safely as I use too (because of tired/confusedness), but I will still advise you others to do so.


Former castleva
07-11-2003, 04:11 PM
Stay on the side of the road.

Good night.

07-12-2003, 01:15 AM
Actually, I have made it in to a few ppl's (quoted) before. I'm an old-timer you know ;) :D

I'm so friggin tired now... Gotta catch a boat at 12. Hope I remember all stuff to bring

What the hell am I doin here? NO TIME

chen zhen
07-12-2003, 03:30 AM
U have boats in sweden..?

Have a good one.:cool:.

btw,your caption should be "Natural born ghetto-child.:cool:;)

Former castleva
07-12-2003, 05:17 AM
Don´t get drunk now,while you´re on water. :D

chen zhen
07-12-2003, 05:30 AM
Being on the water is a typical place where u get drunk.:D

chen zhen
07-12-2003, 05:32 AM
Boat trip/Road trip.:cool:

Former castleva
07-12-2003, 07:52 AM
Dive safely.

chen zhen
07-12-2003, 07:58 AM
Good flight, and hide safely.:cool:

chen zhen
07-12-2003, 11:28 AM
what u been up to, former?

Former castleva
07-12-2003, 12:47 PM
Still swapping trough literature.
Have had a slow,hot day.

I think I broke my finger just a moment ago,I cannot type with my right hand... :(

New Randi rant involves Denmark;

chen zhen
07-12-2003, 01:45 PM
What was that article about? I did'nt bother to read through it all.

What happened to your finger?

chen zhen
07-12-2003, 01:48 PM
Look what this b@stard tnwingtsun wrote:

>chen zhen


Good thing all Dans didn't go bad,they might had taught me how to goose step in boot camp.<

What the hell does he mean? stupid pr!ck!!

Former castleva
07-12-2003, 01:49 PM
They consist of random bits from here and there.

Smashed it to a wall.

Former castleva
07-12-2003, 01:54 PM
I do not get it (either?)

Some nazi stuff?

I´m not familiar with Danish history...

chen zhen
07-12-2003, 01:59 PM
Smashed it to a wall

Use heavy-bag gloves for that, stupid..;)

>I do not get it (either?)

Some nazi stuff?

I´m not familiar with Danish history...<

I gave him a scolding. Then we'll see what he meant in the end.

Former castleva
07-12-2003, 02:08 PM

This was an accident,and not very funny.

chen zhen
07-12-2003, 02:10 PM
Accident's are only funny for those who are watching.

07-12-2003, 02:12 PM
gloves are for puszsies, real man hit the wall with their heads!!

Check out this rhyme i wrote today:

Im one of Xebbys ho"

its pretty cool, ill make it graphical later

chen zhen
07-12-2003, 02:14 PM
yah,, good rhyme..;):rolleyes:

I'm not at the stage in Xingyi where I can punch a concrete-wall with my bare hands..or head;) I only practice the Beng this way.

Former castleva
07-12-2003, 02:19 PM
Do not...you may get hurt.

chen zhen
07-12-2003, 02:28 PM
I'm not


07-12-2003, 02:28 PM
i was working those bare hand punches to the wall, going up with the power as you get better conditioned
wasnt hitting at full yet of course

then i stopped, might do it again now that i got time

i can throw full forearm/elbow/shoulder strikes to the wall though, and kicks too obviously

chen zhen
07-12-2003, 02:30 PM
I'm bulding up to forearm strikes as well. I'm doing the bamboo-rolling exercise too. Just begun, and helps tremendously!:)

I don't believe u throw shin-kicks..;)
I love kicking trees.

07-12-2003, 02:38 PM
oh not the shin ones, the foot ones :D

my shin has little to none conditioning (SLACKER XEBBY SLACKER GO TRAIN BOY)

chen zhen
07-12-2003, 02:43 PM
Shins should be conditioned for doing those low shin kicks. They are a good tool.

U could buy some shin guards, and start doing Thai-style round kicks in different hights on either a tree(very good), or on door-frames. U will be kicking like a mule in no time.;)

oh wait.. mules don't kick thai-style..

07-12-2003, 02:48 PM
yeah i know those shin conditioning, just havent done any ina long time

hey! mules are still great kickers, even if its not thai style! :mad:

chen zhen
07-12-2003, 02:55 PM
yes, they truly are..:eek::D
They kick more in the style of xingyi, simple, direct, and powerful, with bodyweight behind.
Thai is more like swinging a baseball-bat. I don't know which method is most natural, body-mechanically.

Former castleva
07-12-2003, 03:01 PM
Sorry.I had stuff to do,did not notice you left.

This night will be hellish...

chen zhen
07-12-2003, 03:05 PM
Hey! we nearing 2000 posts here, and a ORA total of 9000!

Just want u to know, if you did'nt notice.:cool:

Former castleva
07-12-2003, 03:08 PM
Got-chi will wet itself.

Ostriches kick well too.

chen zhen
07-12-2003, 03:11 PM
i know Giraffes have killed lions with their kicks, for a fact.

Former castleva
07-12-2003, 03:14 PM
Would you use miraculous woo-woo healing on me?
I won´t get to hospital til dawn.

Former castleva
07-12-2003, 03:24 PM

Came in handy back in the days.

chen zhen
07-12-2003, 03:25 PM
Is it that bad?:(

I'll send my mystical woowoo-Karmic tantra-Qi-prana energies away to heal your finger.


Former castleva
07-12-2003, 03:28 PM
Yeah.It´s bad,and I´m about to burst.
The whole hand is practically immobolized.

If that works,I´m going to become a quack.

Former castleva
07-12-2003, 03:29 PM
Thanks btw.

chen zhen
07-12-2003, 03:42 PM
Don't say thanks if it does'nt work.;)

Check the "Franklin"-sumthin thread here on ORA, and watch this guy's remarks, who I'm arguing with. I mean, he has'nt presented any reasonable argument, and just hangs in perry details. AARGGARAGAHG!!!

Former castleva
07-12-2003, 03:53 PM
It does not work.*********!

Yeah.Chris.M likes to argue.I cannot comment on that very much since I don´t know what you´re talking about.I guess he should elaborate on his position.

Former castleva
07-12-2003, 03:58 PM
I´ll play EB,maybe you should too...

I keep hanging on.

chen zhen
07-12-2003, 04:01 PM
Yeah, but he won't, no matter what I say. he just wants to drive me mad with his silly word-games.

I don't have EB, so I can't. ;)

I'll drive safely to bed now. Good luck with your gaming.

Former castleva
07-12-2003, 04:03 PM
OK.Don´t leave the lights on then...


Drive safely,sleep dangerously.

chen zhen
07-12-2003, 04:06 PM
Say whaaa..?:D

U should drive axtra safely in fact, with that finger of yours.

Former castleva
07-12-2003, 04:09 PM
Whaaa...no reason to-.

Yeah,I should.
I´m really afraid due to it,I don´t want a wood arm for months...!

chen zhen
07-13-2003, 04:01 AM
U dun sumthin 'bout dat finga o' yours, mate?
(just training my british accent..;))

Former castleva
07-13-2003, 04:08 AM
It´s still immobile and swollen.Don´t know if it´s broken...did not go to hospital today yet cause it would take the entire day (Weeeekeeeends) :mad:

Hey,you´re mixing british and chen accent. :D
Aren´t thou sir? :D

chen zhen
07-13-2003, 04:18 AM
What is a chen accent?!:D

I don't think it's broken, because you would really know, without a split of doubt, if it was. but it is injured, no doubt. Put it in some icewater, and/or put it in hot water as well. It might help with the pain, and make the muscles/tendons relax.

remember: what good is weekends, if you have to suffer from a broken finger;)

Former castleva
07-13-2003, 04:30 AM
"I don't think it's broken, because you would really know, without a split of doubt, if it was. but it is injured, no doubt. Put it in some icewater, and/or put it in hot water as well. It might help with the pain, and make the muscles/tendons relax."

They´re tricky bastages,you cannot say for sure without an X-ray.

"remember: what good is weekends, if you have to suffer from a broken finger"

Exactly. :D ;)

It is as miserable as-it goes like this;

chen zhen
07-13-2003, 04:51 AM
"They´re tricky bastages,you cannot say for sure without an X-ray."


link no work.

Former castleva
07-13-2003, 04:54 AM
It works.
"Click here to listen to/download the requested file. "

chen zhen
07-13-2003, 04:56 AM
yeah,and then it sez:

"404 File Not Found


Is today not your lucky day?

The file you requested, http://www.vgmusic.com/music/consol...d_beautiful.mid, was not found.

That file does not exist on our system and your browser did not report back a HTTP referrer. You may have luck finding it by browsing our site, starting from the Main page."

Former castleva
07-13-2003, 05:04 AM
I think KFO twists it up.

chen zhen
07-13-2003, 05:05 AM
maybe it's more you who're twisted..;)

Former castleva
07-13-2003, 05:09 AM
Very frigging hilarious.

Well,I´ll be having a break.Drive on place. :cool:

chen zhen
07-13-2003, 05:22 AM
Very frigging hilarious.


I'll be postin' sum muzzika while u're gone:cool:

You'll love this one, lol (http://www.ffonline.com/media/music/ff5/ff5-I%27m_A_Dancer.mid)
"good night & drive safely"-theme (http://www.ffonline.com/media/music/ff7/ff7-Goodnight_Until_Tomorrow.mid)
Weird but cool potential KFO theme (http://www.ffonline.com/media/music/ff6/ff6-New_Continent.mid)
ORA theme (medieval version) (http://www.ffonline.com/media/music/ff9/ff9_-_The_place_I%27ll_return_to_someday.mid)

Former castleva
07-13-2003, 06:07 AM


chen zhen
07-13-2003, 06:15 AM

:D Quackery when it's worst.

Former castleva
07-13-2003, 06:18 AM

See how "scientific" they sound.

chen zhen
07-13-2003, 06:23 AM
Not really;)

chen zhen
07-13-2003, 09:24 AM
lol, I just found sumthin hilarious, check it out; scroll down to video nr. 10, called "bear kung fu", and download it. f*cking hilarious!:D:p

Former castleva
07-13-2003, 10:10 AM
Is it the video where made-up bears get beaten.

chen zhen
07-13-2003, 10:29 AM
It's only one.:cool:

Former castleva
07-13-2003, 12:38 PM
What are we up to?

chen zhen
07-13-2003, 12:46 PM
Right now? nothing, I think.:cool:

I've been continuing my endless political discussions, with Christopher M. He's a tough nut to crack..:cool:;)

FC, let me ask you something: would you call fascism/nazism extreme left-wing ideologies? this is what he implies.

Former castleva
07-13-2003, 12:53 PM
I know.Maybe cause he is a nut. ;) (kidd.)

Ahhhh,don´t you ask such things from me,not my field at all.Sorry.

chen zhen
07-13-2003, 12:59 PM
sorry, then. but just give me your thoughts in THIS one question. I need a 3rd viewpoint on this case.

Former castleva
07-13-2003, 01:05 PM
I´ll go with left.

chen zhen
07-13-2003, 01:10 PM
NO, don't just "go", say your honest opinion.. do you think fascism has anything to do with left-ism?

Former castleva
07-13-2003, 01:21 PM
Guy-dog was out.


chen zhen
07-13-2003, 01:34 PM
what, it ran away?;)

can't u post a pic of this species of guy-poodle u have? I'd like to see it.:)

Former castleva
07-13-2003, 01:45 PM
No,it did not.

Just a moment.

I´m STILL swapping trough these darn books...

chen zhen
07-13-2003, 01:48 PM
what books is it?
u always talk about the books, but I 'm still not to know what your're reading.

Former castleva
07-13-2003, 01:51 PM
Resembles guy-dog ( a mutt he is)
Not all similar,but as close as you get.

Poodle (miniature)

Not mine,but I repeat,genes match.

chen zhen
07-13-2003, 01:51 PM
I guess that pm was'nt for me..;)

but it was worth a shot. i tried to live the bush-doctrine of "first strike"


chen zhen
07-13-2003, 01:53 PM
Those are sum good-looking dogs!:) they look cool. And that poodle-breed is the one I can actually stand the most.

Former castleva
07-13-2003, 01:54 PM
What? I don´t get it...

The same bio/paleoscience books.I always end up nearly ripping my hair and eating fingernails when I try to make choises.

Former castleva
07-13-2003, 01:56 PM
Bush knows attack is the best defense,even if you´re not under immediate danger.

Yeah,they´re cool.

chen zhen
07-13-2003, 01:59 PM
Is it self-chosen books, or studying-material from your educational.. uh.. institution..
What do you do, really? what education are u taking?

Former castleva
07-13-2003, 02:01 PM
It´s all for personal interest this far.

Former castleva
07-13-2003, 02:32 PM
Full PM box.

chen zhen
07-13-2003, 02:40 PM
mine? sorry.

chen zhen
07-13-2003, 02:54 PM
Here's an article describing a really cool KF style. Read it, if anyone's interested.

Former castleva
07-13-2003, 02:59 PM
Great style.

chen zhen
07-13-2003, 03:02 PM
Sure is. I'll post some more about it tomorrow.
Good night, and.. uh I guess I don't have to, since i already.. never mind..;)

chen zhen
07-14-2003, 03:38 AM
Yo, kiddo..(;):p)

i have another great article on southern mantis here, the history-part may be skipped and go directly to the theory-part.:
Here ya go.. (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?threadid=1370)

edit:woo-hoo!! (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/memberlist.php?what=topposters&perpage=10)
now it can't be long, till..;)

07-14-2003, 05:20 AM
How was your weekend gentlemen?

07-14-2003, 06:34 AM
Where is everyone?:(

chen zhen
07-14-2003, 07:01 AM
It was boring..:(

I'm here now.

07-14-2003, 07:46 AM
our paths keep criss crossing today. Its like playing phone tag with someone. hope you had a good weekend.

chen zhen
07-14-2003, 07:49 AM
as i said, it was boring. luckily, i'm going to my Xingyi class tonight. It's really the only MA I'm training formally at the moment.:( and it's only one clas a week.

we should get a chat room.

07-14-2003, 07:53 AM
Sometimes only one is good enough. I attent two different schools, but I only get to attend each 1 time a week usually. Do you get to your Xingyi class often. I've never seen Xing Yi, I've read about it, I guess theres just no one around my locality that practices it.

chen zhen
07-14-2003, 07:59 AM
XY is one of the coolest styles there is.:cool:
I highly recommend it. My school teaches (in a large part of a typical class) very much theories of sensitivity and body-mind connection in movement, which can help you if you already attend another system. I'm hoping to begin JKD concepts in august, and then I will have a total of 3 nights a week of training. Which will be nice.:)

btw, u seen this guy Christopher M? I have a hard time dealing with him in political discussions. read through the Bush-threads on the main board as well, I hope u agree with my viewpoints..:)

07-14-2003, 08:03 AM
Did you read my last post in 'Lies' His chart and logic are totally irrational! Its the kind of stuff FC should be calling Woo woo ism;)

chen zhen
07-14-2003, 08:10 AM
He claims that fascism=extreme leftism!:eek:

And that Hitler+Mussolini was socialists, because socialism and fascism has similar points, and then tries to equal fascism=leftism from that POV. :mad:

He's highly irrational!

07-14-2003, 08:13 AM
Thats just plain stupid! I didn't read everything that in depth, wow, how can a human be that stupid. I think most of the "Commies" may have started out w/ good ideals but most were currupt by power. I dont think they are even good examples of the left. Maybe there ideals were. Wow, what an a$$hole.

07-14-2003, 08:18 AM
He also wrote lefties were racist. Remember Hitler went down(or killed himself but German propaganda minister said he went down) "fighting Bulshivism". I don't beleive you can compare the two. People are uneducated though. They beleive a secular leader like Sadam Husein is supporting Terrorists. Osama Bin Laden and Al Queida think of leaders like him in the same light they view westerners, he's an infidel. And Sadam was an authoritarian leader who didn't like people in his country gathering in any name but state. However stupid people who dont know how to open their eyes dont see these things.

chen zhen
07-14-2003, 08:20 AM
He says that Wolfowitz + neo-conservatism is left-wing too. He tries to back me up in a corner with his reasonong, but I won't give up!:mad:

When I try to say that fascism=extreme right wing and that communism=extreme left wing, he just sez it's a matter of semantics, because in reality things as such can't be divided into categories, but that is what he does himself by stating fascism=leftism. He does'nt wanna go with the flow, and wanna sound special, by negating what everyone knows to be true.

07-14-2003, 08:22 AM
He obviously has some kind of mental disability, dont let him get you mad! Hey talk to you tomarrow, have a good one!:D

chen zhen
07-14-2003, 08:23 AM
When I say that racism is typical of extreme right-movements, he just sez: oh, so then everyone who's right-wing is racist? then goes on to imply that most racist movements where left-wing (not true).
conservatism(right-wing) can lead to nationalism (because of "following traditions of "the nation"), which can lead racism. This is a known fact.

chen zhen
07-14-2003, 08:24 AM
seeya, booty.;)

07-14-2003, 09:00 AM
A lot of uneducated people think that. A buddy of mine was trying to convince me that Timmothy McVeigh was "left wing". He was obviously Right wing, white suppremisist. The Right in America is against Affirmitive Action, and against any idea that helps people who's opinions differ from theirs(same sex marrige, drug laws, ect). I need to move over their to the EU!

07-14-2003, 09:14 AM
Originally posted by bodhitree
I need to move over their to the EU!

Yes, you do.

(pssst--- over "there")

chen zhen
07-14-2003, 09:33 AM
Extreme right wing-ism is usually of a very reactionary nature, which breeds racism. Left + right in their normal versions are not of a racist nature. But when we talk about the extreme wings, then the right wing version is usually of a racist nature. (but not always)

Yes, you do.

This would mean that you think " you and your libbie-ideas are not welcome here. please leave."

I need to move over their to the EU!

Don't bother. If you think that politics in the US are complicated, then you won't dream of what is going on over here. Politics are a heated subject, + there's much more parties in a usual european country, than in the us (it's basically 1 party, really). It's highly complicated.

chen zhen
07-14-2003, 09:50 AM
But other than politics, it would be a good idea. If u move to a country like France, Germany, Britain or Sweden, then you will encounter free health-care, free educational systems, lower poverty-rates, easy and rational voting.. i could go on and on and on. Of course there is big social problems as well, but they are not nearly as big as in the US.
Europe may be free-er than the land of the free.:rolleyes:

07-14-2003, 10:01 AM
Originally posted by chen zhen
But other than politics, it would be a good idea. If u move to a country like France, Germany, Britain or Sweden, then you will encounter free health-care, free educational systems, lower poverty-rates, easy and rational voting.. i could go on and on and on. Of course there is big social problems as well, but they are not nearly as big as in the US.
Europe may be free-er than the land of the free.:rolleyes:

How wonderful. Fortunately, we have a very generous "stay the **** out if you don't like it" policy that should suit people with such views quite well. Everyone wins.

chen zhen
07-14-2003, 10:05 AM
with what views?

Fortunately, we have a very generous "stay the **** out if you don't like it" policy that should suit people with such views quite well.

how typical.

07-14-2003, 10:21 AM
Originally posted by chen zhen

This would mean that you think " you and your libbie-ideas are not welcome here. please leave."

I'm hoping that you regret this bit of illogic.

07-14-2003, 10:31 AM
Originally posted by chen zhen

how typical.

You know what to do.

Former castleva
07-14-2003, 11:00 AM
Thanks for asking buddha,pretty hot that is.
How´s yours?

See you at midnight babble.

Former castleva
07-14-2003, 12:51 PM
Hey,just wanted to inform that it is unlikely that I´ll be able to arrive for the midnight babble tonight,been changing habits.
Rock this thread on.

Good night.

chen zhen
07-14-2003, 01:56 PM
Man. A whole day without talking to FC. That is untypical.:(
but drive safely. I'm sorry that the politics sneaked in here. This thread will from now on be politics-free zone. And I intend to keep it that way.:cool:

Former castleva
07-15-2003, 12:53 AM
That´s pretty unlikely for me too (xcept that I talk to myself so much ;) ) Withdrawal symptoms! :p
Yeah,there´s more politics at the general public forum than you can read.
Later on.

chen zhen
07-15-2003, 05:11 AM
We'd better start moving this thread a little faster, in a few weeks my next semester will begin, so I will only have time to be here in weekends..:(

hurry, hurry!:eek::D

07-15-2003, 05:19 AM
Yeah FC, where were you yesterday?

chen zhen
07-15-2003, 05:20 AM
I think he was reading his science-books, and went into a trance.:cool:

07-15-2003, 05:44 AM
Wouldn't going into a trance be considered woo woo by him?

07-15-2003, 05:48 AM
Whats up with this dude Chen? If you dont like it you can leave (no $hit I'm going to after I use government $ to get an education) Whats w/ your attitude? Get that sand out of your v@gina!:eek:

chen zhen
07-15-2003, 05:49 AM
Where would you move, then?
Any ideas?

Former castleva
07-15-2003, 07:51 AM
"Yeah FC, where were you yesterday?"

I got this feeling that I´m spending too much time online and was thus feeling a bit limp,additionally the weather was great...stuff like that.

"Wouldn't going into a trance be considered woo woo by him?

I think he was reading his science-books, and went into a trance. "

Ha,ha lol.
I get a kick out of these,keep them coming.
As for woo-woo,it depends on the context.

Former castleva
07-15-2003, 07:52 AM
"Yeah FC, where were you yesterday?"

I got this feeling that I´m spending too much time online and was thus feeling a bit limp,additionally the weather was great...stuff like that.

"Wouldn't going into a trance be considered woo woo by him?

I think he was reading his science-books, and went into a trance. "

Ha,ha lol.
I get a kick out of these,keep them coming.
As for woo-woo,it depends on the context.

See if that chat works for you already,chen.

chen zhen
07-15-2003, 08:34 AM
U should quote them.:cool:

I'll check the chat.

07-15-2003, 10:11 AM
Originally posted by bodhitree
If you dont like it you can leave (no $hit I'm going to after I use government $ to get an education)

So, your greed outweighs your principles? of course.

chen zhen
07-15-2003, 10:22 AM
I hate these bastages that are sending me e-mails all the time..:mad:

Sumthin with "excepts from mestre Deputada's textbook", and they send these big-ass text-attachments. I don't know who the hell is sending them!!:mad::mad:

Former castleva
07-15-2003, 12:33 PM


Former castleva
07-15-2003, 12:35 PM
I hate these www bookstores...
They NEVER send you e-mail when they should,that is when they screw up! And man,do they do that...
No shame,I´m telling you.

chen zhen
07-15-2003, 12:37 PM
It's not a www bookstore..:eek:


chen zhen
07-15-2003, 12:42 PM