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  1. Analyze this:Fluid shock wave (striking principle?)
  2. George W Bush to duel Saddam Hussein? I'm still asleep, aren't I?
  3. sword tassles
  4. What video games create the best fighters?
  5. Chickie poo, I haver conqured prt of your internet kingdom!!!
  6. Morality tales
  7. Is it safe to say that the style is important too?
  8. Would You Work Here??
  9. Chang style
  10. Went shopping for school locations
  11. Well, I'm going to bed now Good night Kiddies!!!
  12. Something for QeySuS
  13. Ghost Recon....
  14. See JACKIE CHANS Training equiptment and weapons. and a personal tour of his home.
  15. Which Groundfighting style you recommend
  16. Lessons in daoism
  17. streetfighting clips
  18. Lessons learned -- passed on...
  19. How 'Bout A tournament Board
  20. OT: Budokan, Ryu, writers on the board
  21. OT/Shooting Spree in Maryland
  22. Just found out why grapplers win all the times!
  23. Washington DC guys...
  24. Multiple opponents in NHB?
  25. Posture..when sitting
  26. F.A.S.T. Defense???
  27. Blocking? What do you think
  28. New Chat Location (one that works)
  29. Functional Muscle
  30. Thanks
  31. Lion Dancing accident
  32. Attn Montreal,canada Peeps
  33. Can we post pictures yet?
  34. Starting your own school
  35. Electronic Muscle Stimulators?
  36. Riddle...
  37. got qi? porn stars
  38. Kung Fu or Tae Kwon Do? Need advice
  39. Anyone from Austin Texas? Looking for school
  40. What in the world happened to my jow?
  41. Braden, try it again, I deleted my box, it should go through
  42. A time to rollback, a time to just kicka$$!
  43. DC thugs have a brand new bag...I mean, hatchet...
  44. Need help with my diet ASAP
  45. kung fu stripers on TV
  46. Kung fu in Sarasota
  47. Y isn't my opponent like my mook jong?!!
  48. Kung fu in NOLA
  49. Opinions please
  50. Shuai Chiao
  51. UFC article
  52. Help please China peeps!!
  53. Death Duels
  54. traditional kung fu stength excercises.
  55. BJJ vs. Kung Fu: an analytical perspective
  56. Who said this quote!
  57. Quitting martial arts.
  58. Signing off!
  59. Baoding Balls
  60. OT - Young-Hae Chang
  61. Are Martial arts for puss.ies??
  62. DC SNIPER watch out...I'm protecting the citizens!
  63. Combination post on mild combat issues
  64. which syle should i select??
  65. A (modern) drummer has a skill useful in Kung Fu
  66. Tim Tackett?
  67. LMAO!!!The things they try to sell to fat,little,and lazy people of America!!!
  68. Nysmac
  69. the day when you became the sh#t
  70. Sparred Coach last nite…
  71. VIET CONG MAN...I'm coming out of retirement!
  72. On to more serious matters...
  73. was lost but now i'm found
  74. Are you curious?
  75. MA related thread!!! Intent.
  76. Hey now!
  77. OT - can you use the open guard to defeat a boxer?
  78. Real SEAL or not?
  79. Extreme disrespect
  80. wear can i buy san shou comp. gear
  81. attn: former castleva
  82. The New England Intl Chinese MA Championships
  83. Fight school.....
  84. attacking iraq...sun tzu and kung fu philosophy
  85. Az. people
  86. Monkey Kung Fu Question (Tai Shing Pekwar)
  87. Funny thread (not all off-topic)
  88. The Shakes
  89. Iron stomach and internal conditioning methods
  90. Help. Why does my computer freeze?
  91. flinching
  92. Bruce Lee Documentary
  93. Tai Chi thread on MMA.tv
  94. If you cannot train for a lifetime, then why bother in the first place?
  95. Sevenstar!
  96. Kung.....
  97. Just joined this school
  98. WARNING!!! Learning Tae Kwon Do will make you steal woman's Undies!!!
  99. To teach or not to teach, that is my question
  100. my plan
  101. CMA blade Theory
  102. Dynamic Strength by Harry Wong
  103. Morrissey/ SMITHS
  104. Li Jing Lin - Li Kim Lam , Wudang Sword Master
  105. my ground game suck…
  106. Western medicine takes a shot on dim mak field.
  107. One more computer question. please help
  108. Kung Fu Movie Traders Forum
  109. Vietnamese Dance at VCU.
  110. Sniper struck again peeps!
  111. What is chi, to you?
  112. Oh man this is a big meal
  113. steve cotter - mike patterson
  114. Fight Club in your E-mail (Well, mine anyway)
  115. Meditation&breathing exercises/patterns on www. (MA&related)
  116. Fight School
  117. Hawaii Lion Kings
  118. Xing Yi Application Pics
  119. Why did you pick your school?
  120. What do you do?
  121. Mouth Boxing - Is this you?
  122. Lau Gar Syllabus
  123. Fighting style for law enforcement?
  124. ATTN: SHOOTER RE: Clubbells and Chi
  125. Fighting Back At 40,000 Feet:Part 3 – Weapons, Shields and Artillery
  126. Pis on all of you!!!!!
  127. Relationship help...Ryu? Prana? Anybody
  128. OT - southeast asian cuisine
  129. ATTEN: Merryprankster
  130. Confucious Say
  131. We/kfo have been recognized (as trolls) !
  132. Need some help pricing a sword
  133. hawaii lion dance competition on poles
  134. ATTN: Austin players...Lunch time again
  135. Hell yes! Fixed one computer problem
  136. Bruce lee closet humosixual?
  137. Hsing Yi Book?
  138. Terminology question
  139. Happy B-day Old Jong!!!!!!!!
  140. Should you ever attack first?
  141. UFC in Reno
  142. Why I really quit martial arts:I've just had it explained to me.
  143. Kung Fu cross-training in some kind of ground art
  144. Dear Stranger
  145. **** stacey.
  146. Yes
  147. The importance of forms and drills and its relationship with sparring
  148. Chinese Darts and Willow leaf throwing daggers
  149. Do you live on planet earth or some ridiculous action movie?
  150. What is your resolution??
  151. Biting IS effective!
  152. TKD is unamerican
  153. not as funny as ninjas flipping out...
  154. Got my ass handed to me by a grappler
  155. Hey Csn, I Found Your Squeeky Toy!!!
  156. No Topics In All Caps
  157. Rare Eagle Claw book for sale
  158. fighterschat.com
  159. Marc MacYoung on Cyberkwoon again...
  160. white eyebrowe kung fu ???????
  161. attn shuai chiao fighters: shuai chiao throws
  162. Neck and back?
  163. Kung Types?
  164. Hsing I confusion
  165. Hey fiercest tiger
  166. has anyone seen Mantis video's by Sifu Raul Ortiz??
  167. Thought about Viet cong man
  168. Silliest Injury!
  169. Southern Shaolin - Hainan Island Lineage
  170. kung fu instructional videos exchange
  171. LOL at Tiger Schulman!
  172. What to do for lunch
  173. Tai Chi Fighting Tournament
  174. OT: pumpkin seed recipe
  175. Ultimate Top Ten Martial Arts
  176. Sifu Abel
  177. Question for the computer people
  178. Kung Lek, check you PM
  179. Evil doers beware! I practice BLACK MEDICINE!!!
  180. wing gar kung fu?
  181. So..Who would you say is winning??
  182. Who says size doesn't matter?
  183. Shameless self promotion
  184. Did the internet crash?
  185. Need help buying a wooden dummy?
  186. ATTN Alvar
  187. What are the best CMA's for Standup & for Grappling???
  188. DC Sniper working for Jesus?
  189. Attn: SevenStar
  190. Chinese Ideogram Sayings (quotes) on KQ Covers
  191. Tred adventures....
  192. Hey kids, what's new?
  193. Tradition, flowery language, qi etc.
  194. This is very cool...
  195. What about loyalty???
  196. Philosophy Differences
  197. Sniper caught?
  198. How are forms taught in your school?
  199. Went to get an energy reading
  200. Self Defense For Women Magazine!!!
  201. Buying good Jian in Beijing?
  202. newbie looking for a good school
  203. Discussion on weight lifting
  204. CMA and the Streets?
  205. Does size matter?
  206. Weapons in Melbourne
  207. Have you seen your Sifu fight?
  208. Lol!!!!
  209. Bob Sapp Highlight flick--proper use of Guard Position
  210. Making it up to a good site.
  211. Going to class with a cold
  212. Boston Kung Fu Tournament Sunday October 27
  213. Raise your hand if you're drunk!
  214. 6 years of kung fu and wants to open up a school
  215. coward!
  216. 1925 Lion Dance Movie
  217. OT : Is Hotmail screwed up?
  218. How much time per week is needed?
  219. Sanshou vs the world
  220. 18 golden classics kung fu.....?
  221. friendgreetings.com warning
  222. No pictures of wong fei hung?!?!?!
  223. Why do you study Kung Fu(martial arts)
  224. Second Hand Smoke
  225. Has Kung Fu made you a better person?
  226. Am I the Only one...
  227. Trip to Chicago
  228. Very un-PC, offensive, and probably rude topic...
  229. Looking for Good Source for Sparring Info
  230. Anyone read Wing Lam's Iron Palm Book?
  231. Kung Fu Scooters
  232. HELP....need website help!!
  233. Happy Birthday Pjo!!!
  234. Grappling with training knives....almost blinded!
  235. One of our guys won a fight in Denmark Saturday night
  236. 5 Ancestors
  237. An Easy Kung Fu style?
  238. Fight School (UK)
  239. Tai Chi over the Internet
  240. I guess even Shaolin Do has to diversify
  241. Would you pay $10 per technique?
  242. Anyone ever break ice?
  243. Another weird situation........and an honest question
  244. Been looking at kung fu mpegs
  245. OT:Need help on what to wear for halloween party
  246. "easy MA" and "intent"
  247. systema aint bad
  248. Ignore lists?
  249. ATTN rubthebuddha
  250. Master Tsai ???